116 research outputs found

    La Puerta del Olivar de Atocha en el Parque del Retiro

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    Se identifica la hasta ahora desconocida procedencia de una puerta de cantería situada actualmente en el Parque del Retiro de Madrid, evidenciando que se trata de la puerta que comunicaba el parque con el Olivar de Atocha. Se fija su probable construcción en 1824, proponiendo su atribución al arquitecto Isidro Velázquez. Igualmente se acota su primer traslado y segunda posición hacia 1884, refiriendo a su vez su segundo traslado en 1958, hasta alcanzar su actual y tercera posición en el entorno del parque

    Marketing tecnológico aplicado al ocio nocturno

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    Escribano Cuadrado, R. (2010). Marketing tecnológico aplicado al ocio nocturno. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/9133.Archivo delegad

    Multivariate analysis of sensory data of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano during ripening. Correlation with the phenolic composition of the grape skins

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate sensory changes in grape skins during ripening and to obtain a correlation with their phenolic composition. Flavan-3-ols (monomers and dimers), prodelphinidins, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins and flavonols were determined by HPLC-DAD-MS. In addition, skin dilaceration, tannic intensity, astringency, acidity, aroma intensity (AI) and type of aroma were evaluated. Multivariate analysis showed the evolution of these samples during ripening and the relationship among sensory scores and phenolic composition of grapes skins. Skin dilaceration, type of aroma and to a lesser extent AI tend to increase during ripening. The contents in the phenolic compounds in grape skins present a similar pattern to the aforementioned sensory parameters. Nevertheless, tannic intensity, astringency, dryness and acidity present an opposite pattern which indicates a decrease of these sensory scores during ripening.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2008-05569-C02-01Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CSD2007-0006

    Catheter Ablation Outcome Prediction With Advanced Time-Frequency Features of the Fibrillatory Waves From Patients in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

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    [EN] Although catheter ablation (CA) is still the first-line treatment for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) patients, its limited long-term success rate has motivated clinical interest in preoperative prediction on the procedure¿s outcome to provide optimized patient selection, limit repeated procedures, hospitalization rates, and treatment costs. To this respect, dominant frequency (DF) and amplitude of fibrillatory waves (f-waves) reflected on the ECG have provided promising results. Hence this work explores the ability of a novel set of frequency and amplitud f-waves features, such as spectral entropy (SE), spectral flatness measure (SFM), and amplitud spectrum area (AMSA), along with DF and normalized f-wave amplitude (NFWA), to improve CA outcome prediction. Despite all single indices reported statistically significant differences between patients who relapsed to AF and those who maintained sinus rhythm after a follow-up of 9 months for 204 6 s-length ECG intervals extracted from 51 persistent AF patients, they obtained a limited discriminant ability ranging between 55 and 62%, which was overcome by 15¿23% when NFWA, SE and AMSA were combined. Consequently, this combination of frequency and amplitude features of the fwaves seems to provide new insights about the atrial substrate remodeling, which could be helpful in improving preoperative CA outcome prediction.This research has been supported by grants DPI201783952-C3 from MINECO/AEI/FEDER EU, SBPLY/17/180501/000411 from Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-la Mancha and AICO/2019/036 from Generalitat Valenciana. Moreover, Pilar Escribano holds a graduate research scholarship from University of Castilla-La ManchaEscribano, P.; Ródenas, J.; Arias, MA.; Langley, P.; Rieta, JJ.; Alcaraz, R. (2020). Catheter Ablation Outcome Prediction With Advanced Time-Frequency Features of the Fibrillatory Waves From Patients in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. IEEE. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.22489/CinC.2020.396S1

    Evaluation of sensory parameters of grapes using near infrared spectroscopy

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    [EN] Grape seed and skin sensory parameters are important characteristics in making decisions concerning the optimal harvest time and producing high-quality red wines. The potential of near infrared spectroscopy to determine several sensory parameters of seeds and skins was evaluated. Taste (sourness), texture (astringency, tannic intensity, dryness and hardness), visual (colour) and olfactory (intensity and type of aroma) attributes were considered. Calibration models were performed by modified partial least squares regression. The differences between sensory analysis and NIRS analysis in external validation were lower in the case of seeds; they were between 4.5% for hardness and 8.7% for colour. For the skins, differences in external validation were between 9.8% for tannic intensity and 13.7% for astringency. The results obtained show that NIRS technology has considerable potential for predicting the above sensory attributes

    Determination of phenolic compounds of grape skins during ripening by NIR spectroscopy

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    [EN] The potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to determine the content of phenolic compounds in red grapes has been evaluated. The near infrared spectra of intact grapes and grape skins throughout maturity were recorded using a fibre-optic probe and a transport quartz cup, respectively. Reference values of phenolic compounds were obtained by HPLC-DAD-MS. Modified Partial Least Squares (MPLS) regression was used to develop the quantitative models for flavanols, flavonols, phenolic acids, anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds. The procedure reported here seems to have an excellent potential for fast and reasonable cost analysis. The results of this work show that the models developed using NIRS technology together with chemometric tools allow the quantification of total phenolic compounds and the families of main phenolic compounds in grape skins throughout maturation. The validation of these models showed the best results for the determination of flavonols (differences between HPLC and NIRS of 7.8% using grapes and 10.7% using grape skins) in the external validation procedure. Good results in the external validation were also obtained for the determination of total phenolic compounds (differences of 11.7% using grapes and 14.7% using grape skins). The best results were generally obtained recording the spectra directly in intact grapes

    Sensory evaluation of bitterness and astringency sub-qualities of wine phenolic compounds: synergistic effect and modulation by aromas

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    [EN] Mouthfeel characteristics of wine phenolic compounds (catechin, epicatechin, coumaric acid, caffeic acid, protocatechuic acid and gallic acid) were evaluated by sensory analysis using a Labeled Magnitude Scale for rating the intensity of the perceived sensations. Synergisms on bitterness and on astringent sub-qualities were detected when the phenolic compounds were tested as mixtures in comparison to individual compounds, maintaining the total amount of stimulus constant in all tasted samples. Principal component analysis was applied to observe trends in the data and to indicate relationships between phenolic substances and sensory attributes. It allowed us to easily visualize the synergistic effect discussed above. To our knowledge, this is the first time that astringency synergism between phenolic compounds has been described. This research also shows that wine aromas may modulate the perception of the astringency. In this study, the addition of volatile compounds increased the intensity of the astringent perception of the flavanol solutions and also its persistence

    Feasibility study on the use of near infrared spectroscopy to determine flavanols in grape seeds

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    [EN] The potential of near infrared spectroscopy to determine the content of flavanols directly recording the infrared spectra of grape seeds has been evaluated. Moreover, the study shows the potential of this technique to obtain qualitative information related to the samples. In this case, the feasibility to discriminate between possible vineyards of origin has also been evaluated. Modified Partial Least Squares (MPLS) regression was used to develop the quantitative models in order to predict the content of flavanols. These models have been validated showing differences between 3.5% and 14.3% in the external validation. Moreover, Discriminant Partial Least Squares algorithm was used in the qualitative analysis to distinguish between two possible vineyards of origin and showed a high degree of accuracy. Prediction rates of samples correctly classified with a mean of 95% in internal validation and 97% in external validation were obtained. The procedure reported here seems to have an excellent potential for a fast and reasonably inexpensive analysis of these flavanols in grape seeds and could also be a tool to distinguish between possible vineyards of origin

    Influence of climatic conditions on the phenolic composition of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano

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    [EN] The influence of different climatic conditions on the phenolic composition of grape skins and seeds of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano – an autochthonous cultivar from Rioja and Navarra regions (Spain) – was evaluated during ripening in a separate way. Graciano grapes from two different vineyards with different climatic conditions and from two different vintages (2008 and 2009) were analysed. Clear differences between phenolic maturity pattern of grape skins and seeds were observed. In this context, it may be important to evaluate the phenolic maturity of seeds and skins in a separate way in order to decide the optimal harvest time. It was also noticeable that the effect of vintage (mainly due to changes in climatic conditions) may affect the changes in the phenolic composition of both grape skins and seeds. Although in a lesser extent, the effect of the vineyard was also observable, and it was especially relevant in vintages with irregular climatic conditions such as 2008 vintage. In a second strand, results obtained from the phenolic composition of grape seeds and skins at harvest, oenological parameters at harvest and climate conditions during vegetative stage were evaluated and relationships among the aforementioned variables were revealed

    Bacterial fertilizers based on rhizobium laguerreae and bacillus halotolerans enhance cichorium endivia L. phenolic compound and mineral contents and plant development

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    [EN] Today there is an urgent need to find new ways to satisfy the current and growing food demand and to maintain crop protection and food safety. One of the most promising changes is the replacement of chemical fertilizers with biofertilizers, which include plant root-associated beneficial bacteria. This work describes and shows the use of B. halotolerans SCCPVE07 and R. laguerreae PEPV40 strains as efficient biofertilizers for escarole crops, horticultural species that are widely cultivated. An in silico genome study was performed where coding genes related to plant growth promoting (PGP) mechanisms or different enzymes implicated in the metabolism of phenolic compounds were identified. An efficient bacterial root colonization process was also analyzed through fluorescence microscopy. SCCPVE07 and PEPV40 promote plant development under normal conditions and saline stress. Moreover, inoculated escarole plants showed not only an increase in potassium, iron and magnesium content but also a significant improvement in protocatechuic acid, caffeic acid or kaempferol 3-O-glucuronide plant content. Our results show for the first time the beneficial effects in plant development and the food quality of escarole crops and highlight a potential and hopeful change in the current agricultural system even under saline stress, one of the major non-biological stresses.[ES] Hoy en día existe una necesidad urgente de encontrar nuevas formas de satisfacer la actual y creciente demanda de alimentos y mantener la protección de los cultivos y la seguridad alimentaria. Uno de los cambios más prometedores es la de los fertilizantes químicos por biofertilizantes, que incluyen bacterias beneficiosas asociadas a las raíces de las plantas. Este trabajo describe y muestra el uso de las cepas B. halotolerans SCCPVE07 y R. laguerreae PEPV40 como biofertilizantes eficientes para los cultivos de escarola, especies hortícolas ampliamente cultivadas. Se realizó un estudio genómico in silico en el que se codificaron genes relacionados con los mecanismos de promoción del crecimiento vegetal (PGP) o con diferentes enzimas implicadas en el metabolismo de compuestos fenólicos. También se analizó el proceso de colonización bacteriana de las raíces mediante microscopía de fluorescencia. SCCPVE07 y PEPV40 promueven el desarrollo de la planta en condiciones normales y estrés salino. Además, las plantas de escarola inoculadas mostraron no sólo un aumento en el contenido de potasio, hierro y magnesio, sino también una mejora significativa en el contenido de ácido protocatechuico, ácido cafeico o kaempferol 3-O-glucurónido. Nuestros resultados muestran por primera vez los efectos beneficiosos en desarrollo de la planta y la calidad alimentaria de los cultivos de escarola y ponen de manifiesto un cambio potencial y esperanzador en el sistema agrícola actual, incluso bajo estrés salino, uno de los principales estreses no biológicos. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translato