358 research outputs found

    Cambio emocionales a causa del diagnóstico de diabetes en mujeres de 40 a 60 años en la Asociación Misioneros de Caridad en Salud Integral.

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    Analiza la influencia del factor de apoyo social y familiar en los cambios emocionales a causa del diagnóstico de diabetes. Identifica los estados emocionales negativos en las pacientes. Establece el tipo de información que posee cada una sobre la enfermedad. Determina la incidencia que tiene el apoyo de la familia en la paciente con diabetes. La investigación fue de modelo mixto. Se realizó en a la Asociación Misioneros de Caridad en Salud Integral, ubicada en la zona 6 de Mixco, durante los meses de febrero a abril del año 2016. Se trabajó con una muestra de 20 pacientes, mujeres diagnosticadas con diabetes, comprendidas en edades de 40 a 60 años, que asistían, los días miércoles en horario de 8:00 a 11:00 horas y un sábado al mes en horario de 8:00 a 12:00 horas. La recopilación de datos se realizó por medio de las técnicas siguientes: observación, encuesta, cuestionario y talleres participativos. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron: listas de cotejo, guía de cuestionario, guía de encuesta y planificación de talleres participativos. Analiza e interpreta resultados y concluye que, se identifica en las pacientes la presencia de estados emocionales negativos como por ejemplo: estrés, ansiedad, tristeza, miedo y baja autoestima, evidenciados a través del semblante, actitudes y postura, ya que la mayoría de ellas que no tuvieron la oportunidad de compartir los sentimientos con otras personas en la infancia, como consecuencia de la disfunción familiar, por lo tanto al ser diagnosticadas con diabetes les ha sido difícil exponer el sentir y el pensar

    Retos en la protección y resiliencia de comunidades susceptibles a desastres por deslizamiento de laderas

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    Se presentan las causas, tipos y medidas de mitigación para deslizamiento de laderas

    New Method to Disaggregate and Analyze Single Isolated Helminthes Cells Using Flow Cytometry: Proof of Concept

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    In parasitology, particularly in helminthes studies, several methods have been used to look for the expression of specific molecules, such as RT-PCR, western blot, 2D-electrophoresis, and microscopy, among others. However, these methods require homogenization of the whole helminth parasite, preventing evaluation of individual cells or specific cell types in a given parasite tissue or organ. Also, the extremely high interaction between helminthes and host cells (particularly immune cells) is an important point to be considered. It is really hard to obtain fresh parasites without host cell contamination. Then, it becomes crucial to determine that the analyzed proteins are exclusively from parasitic origin, and not a consequence of host cell contamination. Flow cytometry is a fluorescence-based technique used to evaluate the expression of extra-and intracellular proteins in different type cells, including protozoan parasites. It also allows the isolation and recovery of single-cell populations. Here, we describe a method to isolate and obtain purified helminthes cells

    A bibliometric study of international scientific productivity in giardiasis covering the period 1971–2010

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    Despite years of relative neglect, interest in Giardia infection seems to be recently growing, perhaps in part due to its inclusion into the World Health Organization’s Neglected Diseases Initiative since 2004. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of Giardia and giardiasis research over time, as represented by the quantity of published papers

    A bibliometric study of international scientific productivity in giardiasis covering the period 1971–2010

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    Despite years of relative neglect, interest in Giardia infection seems to be recently growing, perhaps in part due to its inclusion into the World Health Organization’s Neglected Diseases Initiative since 2004. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of Giardia and giardiasis research over time, as represented by the quantity of published papers

    A gene-tree test of the traditional taxonomy of American deer: the importance of voucher specimens, geographic data, and dense sampling

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    The taxonomy of American deer has been established almost entirely on the basis of morphological data and without the use of explicit phylogenetic methods; hence, phylogenetic analyses including data for all of the currently recognized species, even if based on a single gene, might improve current understanding of their taxonomy. We tested the monophyly of the morphology-defined genera and species of New World deer (Odocoileini) with phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences. This is the first such test conducted using extensive geographic and taxonomic sampling. Our results do not support the monophyly of Mazama, Odocoileus, Pudu, M. americana, M. nemorivaga, Od. hemionus, and Od. virginianus. Mazama contains species that belong to other genera. We found a novel sister-taxon relationship between “Mazama” pandora and a clade formed by Od. hemionus columbianus and Od. h. sitkensis, and transfer pandora to Odocoileus. The clade formed by Od. h. columbianus and Od. h. sitkensis may represent a valid species, whereas the remaining subspecies of Od. hemionus appear closer to Od. virginianus. Pudu (Pudu) puda was not found sister to Pudu (Pudella) mephistophiles. If confirmed, this result will prompt the recognition of the monotypic Pudella as a distinct genus. We provide evidence for the existence of an undescribed species now confused with Mazama americana, and identify other instances of cryptic, taxonomically unrecognized species-level diversity among populations here regarded as Mazama temama, “Mazama” nemorivaga, and Hippocamelus antisensis. Noteworthy records that substantially extend the known distributions of M. temama and “M.” gouazoubira are provided, and we unveil a surprising ambiguity regarding the distribution of “M.” nemorivaga, as it is described in the literature. The study of deer of the tribe Odocoileini has been hampered by the paucity of information regarding voucher specimens and the provenance of sequences deposited in GenBank. We pinpoint priorities for future systematic research on the tribe Odocoileini.Eliécer E. Gutiérrez, Kristofer M. Helgen, Molly M. McDonough, Franziska Bauer, Melissa T.R. Hawkins, Luis A. Escobedo-Morales, Bruce D. Patterson, Jesus E. Maldonad

    Impacto del marketing digital en la demanda de postulantes a la Escuela Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego distrito de Trujillo semestre 2017-10

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    El presente estudio se ha realizado con el propósito, de “Determinar el impacto del marketing digital en la demanda de postulantes a la Escuela Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, distrito de Trujillo, semestre 2017-10”. Con base en los antecedentes, marco teórico y estudio de la realidad problemática, se planteó la siguiente hipótesis: El marketing digital impacta de forma positiva en la demanda de postulantes a la Escuela Profesional de Administración. Las dimensiones que conforman la variable independiente: marketing digital, son las 4F del marketing digital (flujo, funcionalidad, fidelización y feedback); y las dimensiones de la variable dependiente: demanda, son: precio, renta, servicios relacionados, gustos, y expectativas. Esta investigación, de tipo aplicada ex post facto, utilizó el diseño correlacional, empleando las técnicas de encuesta y entrevista. Para la encuesta, se hizo uso de un cuestionario compuesto por 21 items; y para la entrevista, se realizaron 4 preguntas al encargado del área de marketing digital y redes sociales. La población estuvo compuesta por 200 jóvenes, postulantes a la carrera de administración de la UPAO, de los cuales, se obtuvo una muestra estadística de 132 jóvenes, mediante el tipo de muestreo aleatorio simple. La hipótesis fue contrastada mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado. Finalmente, se concluyó que el marketing digital presenta un impacto positivo en la demanda de postulantes, en la medida que el marketing digital es bueno, la demanda también lo es, lo cual queda demostrado a través de la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado.The present research had the purpose of determinate the impact of digital marketing on the demand of applicants to the Antenor Orrego Private University Administration School, Trujillo, semester 2017-10. Based on the background, theoretical framework and the study of the problematic reality, the hypothesis set out was: Digital marketing impacts positively on the Administration School’s demand. The independent variable (digital marketing) dimensions were: the 4F of digital marketing: flow, functionality, fidelity and feedback; the dependent variable (demand) dimensions were: price, income, related services, tastes, and expectations. This ex post facto applied research used the correlational design, and the following techniques: survey and interview. The survey was formed by 21 items; and interview was formed by 4 questions asked by the digital marketing and social networks manager. The population was composed of 200 Administration School postulants, and the statistical sample was composed of 132 young people, chosen by simple random sampling. The hypothesis was tested using the chi-square test. Finally, it has been concluded that digital marketing had a positive impact on the demand of applicants, to the extent that digital marketing and demand are both good, which is demonstrated through the chi-square statistical test.Tesi