142 research outputs found

    A aplicação do princípio da insignificância nos crimes de furto: um estudo empírico sobre os parâmetros do STF e sua relevância nas decisões dos juízes da Comarca de Três Rios/RJ

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    ABSTRACT:This article is the result of a study that combines quantitative and qualitative methods in order to better understand the criteria for the application of the principle of insignificance by the Brazil Federal Supreme Court, as well as whether these criteria are considered by the judges of first instance to decide on crimes of theft in a specific region of Rio de Janeiro.RESUMO:O presente artigo é fruto de um estudo que conjuga métodos quantitativos e qualitativos a fim de melhor compreender os critérios para aplicação do princípio da insignificância pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, bem como se esses critérios são considerados pelos juízes de primeira instância para decidir nos crimes de furto em uma comarca específica

    HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and early antiretroviral treatment among female sex workers in South Africa: Results from a prospective observational demonstration project.

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    BACKGROUND: Operational research is required to design delivery of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and early antiretroviral treatment (ART). This paper presents the primary analysis of programmatic data, as well as demographic, behavioural, and clinical data, from the TAPS Demonstration Project, which offered both interventions to female sex workers (FSWs) at 2 urban clinic sites in South Africa. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The TAPS study was conducted between 30 March 2015 and 30 June 2017, with the enrolment period ending on 31 July 2016. TAPS was a prospective observational cohort study with 2 groups receiving interventions delivered in existing service settings: (1) PrEP as part of combination prevention for HIV-negative FSWs and (2) early ART for HIV-positive FSWs. The main outcome was programme retention at 12 months of follow-up. Of the 947 FSWs initially seen in clinic, 692 were HIV tested. HIV prevalence was 49%. Among those returning to clinic after HIV testing and clinical screening, 93% of the women who were HIV-negative were confirmed as clinically eligible for PrEP (n = 224/241), and 41% (n = 110/270) of the women who were HIV-positive had CD4 counts within National Department of Health ART initiation guidelines at assessment. Of the remaining women who were HIV-positive, 93% were eligible for early ART (n = 148/160). From those eligible, 98% (n = 219/224) and 94% (n = 139/148) took up PrEP and early ART, respectively. At baseline, a substantial fraction of women had a steady partner, worked in brothels, and were born in Zimbabwe. Of those enrolled, 22% on PrEP (n = 49/219) and 60% on early ART (n = 83/139) were seen at 12 months; we observed high rates of loss to follow-up: 71% (n = 156/219) and 30% (n = 42/139) in the PrEP and early ART groups, respectively. Little change over time was reported in consistent condom use or the number of sexual partners in the last 7 days, with high levels of consistent condom use with clients and low use with steady partners in both study groups. There were no seroconversions on PrEP and 7 virological failures on early ART among women remaining in the study. Reported adherence to PrEP varied over time between 70% and 85%, whereas over 90% of participants reported taking pills daily while on early ART. Data on provider-side costs were also collected and analysed. The total cost of service delivery was approximately US126forPrEPandUS126 for PrEP and US406 for early ART per person-year. The main limitations of this study include the lack of a control group, which was not included due to ethical considerations; clinical study requirements imposed when PrEP was not approved through the regulatory system, which could have affected uptake; and the timing of the implementation of a national sex worker HIV programme, which could have also affected uptake and retention. CONCLUSIONS: PrEP and early ART services can be implemented within FSW routine services in high prevalence, urban settings. We observed good uptake for both PrEP and early ART; however, retention rates for PrEP were low. Retention rates for early ART were similar to retention rates for the current standard of care. While the cost of the interventions was higher than previously published, there is potential for cost reduction at scale. The TAPS Demonstration Project results provided the basis for the first government PrEP and early ART guidelines and the rollout of the national sex worker HIV programme in South Africa

    Parameters and genetic divergence to identify resistance to anthracnose and bacteriosis in cassava accessions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os parâmetros genéticos de genótipos de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) cultivados em campo, bem como a divergência genética entre eles, para identificar quais apresentam maior resistência à antracnose e à bacteriose. Foram realizados três experimentos independentes, tendo-se avaliado 133 acessos e nove cultivares comerciais de mandioca distribuídos em cinco blocos, com cinco plantas por parcela, em cada experimento. No primeiro experimento, as plantas foram submetidas à inoculação de Xanthomonas phaseolis pv. manihotis (bacteriose). No segundo, as plantas foram submetidas à inoculação de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. manihotis (antracnose). No terceiro, realizado em delineamento de blocos aumentados e sob ocorrência natural das doenças, foram feitas avaliações visuais das plantas por escala de notas. A herdabilidade foi utilizada como parâmetro genético, e o método de grupos de pares não ponderados com média aritmética foi aplicado para determinação de divergência genética e agrupamento. No terceiro experimento, detectaram-se diferenças genéticas entre os acessos, que foram avaliados quanto à área abaixo da curva de progressão da doença (AUDPC) para antracnose e bacteriose. No primeiro e no terceiro experimentos de bacteriose, as chances de sucesso na seleção de acessos resistentes são maiores, em razão dos altos valores de herdabilidade obtidos. Os acessos BGM-1170 e BGM-1134 mostram as menores médias de AUDPC e são considerados resistentes à antracnose e à bacteriose.The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters of cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes cultivated in the field, as well as the genetic divergence between them, in order to identify which ones show a greater resistance to anthracnose and bacteriosis. Three independent experiments were carried out, evaluating 133 accessions and nine commercial cultivars of cassava distributed in five blocks, with five plants per plot in each experiment. In the first experiment, the plants were subjected to inoculation with Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis (bacteriosis). In the second, the plants were subjected to inoculation with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. manihotis (anthracnose). In the third, carried out in an augmented block design and under naturally occurring diseases, visual evaluations of the plants were performed using a rating scale. Heritability was used as a genetic parameter, and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean was applied to determine genetic divergence and clustering. In the third experiment, genetic variability was detected among accessions, which were evaluated for the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for anthracnose and bacteriosis. In the first and third experiments of bacteriosis, the chances of success in the selection of resistant accessions are higher due to the high heritability values obtained. The BGM-1170 and BGM-1134 accessions show the lowest mean for AUDPC and are considered resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis

    Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy on Neuropathic Pain and Pain Catastrophization in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: Protocol for a Pilot Trial Study.

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    BACKGROUND Neuropathic pain (NP) is one of the most frequent spinal cord injury (SCI) complications. Pain, quality of life, and functionality are associated and can lead to pain catastrophization. Pharmacological management of patients with NP secondary to SCI is widely known and there is increasing evidence in the area. Nevertheless, nonpharmacological management is not fully elucidated since its efficacy is inconclusive. OBJECTIVE We hypothesize that (1) hydrotherapy is effective in reducing NP secondary to SCI. Additionally, our secondary hypotheses are that (2) hydrotherapy decreases the catastrophization of NP, and that (3) hydrotherapy improves life quality and minimizes the degree of disability, when compared to physical therapy. METHODS A sample of approximately 20 participants will be randomly assigned to either the intervention (hydrotherapy) or control group (standard physical therapy). Both interventions will be administered twice a week over a 9-week period (18 sessions in total). Primary outcomes are changes in neuropathic pain perception and pain catastrophization. Secondary outcomes are changes in disability and quality of life scores. They will be assessed at baseline and follow-up at 4 weeks after discharge. Validated Spanish language scales that will be used are the following: Numerical Pain Rating Scale, Pain Catastrophization, Health-related Quality of life, and the World Health Organization's Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0. Generalized mixed linear models will be used for comparing baseline and postintervention means of each group and their differences, together with 95% CIs and P values. A P value of less than .05 will be considered significant. RESULTS Recruitment began in April 2019, and we recruited the last participants by December 2019, with 10 individuals assigned to hydrotherapy and 8 to physical therapy (control). Results from this study will be disseminated via scientific publication, in ClinicalTrials.gov, and in national and international conferences in the latter half of 2022. CONCLUSIONS This trial will explore the effects of hydrotherapy on neuropathic pain, together with functionality and quality of life, in patients with SCI. Furthermore, this study aims to evaluate these therapeutic modalities, including perception variables, and mental processes, which may affect the clinical condition and rehabilitation outcomes in these patients. Hydrotherapy is likely to be a safe, efficient, and cost-effective alternative to the current standard of care for NP secondary to SCI, with comparable results between the two. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04164810; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04164810. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/37255

    Report of the 4th World Climate Research Programme International Conference on Reanalyses

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    The 4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses provided an opportunity for the international community to review and discuss the observational and modelling research, as well as process studies and uncertainties associated with reanalysis of the Earth System and its components. Characterizing the uncertainty and quality of reanalyses is a task that reaches far beyond the international community of producers, and into the interdisciplinary research community, especially those using reanalysis products in their research and applications. Reanalyses have progressed greatly even in the last 5 years, and newer ideas, projects and data are coming forward. While reanalysis has typically been carried out for the individual domains of atmosphere, ocean and land, it is now moving towards coupling using Earth system models. Observations are being reprocessed and they are providing improved quality for use in reanalysis. New applications are being investigated, and the need for climate reanalyses is as strong as ever. At the heart of it all, new investigators are exploring the possibilities for reanalysis, and developing new ideas in research and applications. Given the many centres creating reanalyses products (e.g. ocean, land and cryosphere research centres as well as NWP and atmospheric centers), and the development of new ideas (e.g. families of reanalyses), the total number of reanalyses is increasing greatly, with new and innovative diagnostics and output data. The need for reanalysis data is growing steadily, and likewise, the need for open discussion and comment on the data. The 4th Conference was convened to provide a forum for constructive discussion on the objectives, strengths and weaknesses of reanalyses, indicating potential development paths for the future

    Compartiendo saberes de educación y humanidades

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    Los capítulos referentes a este libro tratan diversos temas tales como: 1) la construcción de los estudiantes de la licenciatura en químico farmacéutico biólogo el juicio valorativo y personaI deI significado en su desarroIIo profesionaI desde eI punto de vista axiológico, 2) se realiza un estudio en el Plantel Cuauhtémoc con Ia finaIidad de orientar a Ia comunidad estudiantiI aI tratamiento deI probIema de los residuos sólidos desde su etapa de diagnóstico hasta una propuesta de solución de la problemática, 3) se analiza como a nivel básico se construye el conocimiento y la participación del género en los estudiantes, en donde se observa que el papel del docente es un promotor importante, 4) es un tema que actualmente está causando mucho interés tanto en la educación como el la población en general, las redes sociales que actuaImente ese consideran un medio de comunicación con mucha influencia dentro de la sociedad, 5) se adentra al campo de la psicología y la tanatología ante los recursos resilientes que presentan las familias ante la muerte de un hijo, 6) es una investigación dedicada a identificar Ias diferentes percepciones que tienen las mujeres y los hombres en relación a la felicidad y la desdicha dentro del matrimonio, 7) es un análisis Transgeneracional para aportar las referencias familiares que permiten la permanencia del abuso sexual infantil en tres generaciones, de las cuales en la última generación se rompe ese secreto avallazador al romper el silencio, 8) es un ensayo acerca del juego terapéutico desde el punto de vista psicoanalítico, en el que se advierte ese juego en el que entra el paciente con el psicoanalista, 9) la metodología de la observación para la integración de la pericial en psicología, en donde se denotan desde la parte jurídica como se fundamente esta pericial y fortalece el logro del dictamen para tener un buen dictamen, 10) es una propuesta de construcción y validez del instrumento BP-22 Bienestar Psicológico en el ámbito de la educación superior, 11) se identifica a Ios procesos eIectoraIes como complicados, de tal manera que abre un panorama al marketing de los partidos políticos para conducir la voluntad ciudadana, y además ayuda al posicionamiento de los partidos, 12) aporta una base sobre Ios procesos identificatorios en eI movimiento estudiantiI de Ia UNAM deI año de I999, pIanteándoIo desde dos ejes de análisis: las identidades universitarias y el apartado del texto, que permiten configurar eI movimiento estudiantiI como un acontecimiento capaz de generar articulaciones nuevas de solidaridad. AI finaI deI Iibro se encuentran Ias síntesis curricuIares de cada uno de los autores, que aportaron sus investigaciones para la integración y generación de nuevos aportes científicos.Como su nombre lo indica COMPARTIENDO SABERES DE EDUCACIÓN Y HUMANIDADES, es un Iibro que denota eI deseo de integrar conocimiento para la comunidad estudiantil, llevarlos al interés de la investigación a través de la participación de los investigadores de diferentes áreas como: la educación, las ciencias sociales y las humanidades. Que les permite tener no solo un espacio en la difusión de los avances de sus estudios, sino que además permite el generar el interés de quién lo lee en diferentes formas de investigación, se encuentran estudios tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos, desde descriptivos hasta un nivel de intervención en la práctica de estas áreas.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de méxic