69 research outputs found

    Etude des caries dentaires en fonction du sexe au sein d'individus adultes de la population médiévale (IXème-XVème siècles) de Vilarnau (Pyrénées-Orientales) et synthèse sur l'usure

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    La première partie de ce travail a traité de l'étude des caries dentaires en général et médiévales en particulier. Nous avons étudié d'une part, la prévalence et la distribution carieuse sur des restes d'individus masculins et féminins adultes, et d'autre part, l'environnement carieux des pertes dentaires antemortem. Nous avons comparé notre échantillon de 272 individus avec deux échantillons plus petits (58 et 54 individus), issus de précédents travaux: Notre échantillon de 272 individus a montré une prévalence carieuse de 14.5%, sans différence significative entre les hommes et les femmes. En revanche, dans l'échantillon de 58 individus, la fréquence carieuse était de 17.2%, et la prévalence carieuse était significativement supérieure chez les hommes. Notre étude a également montré de manière significative que les dents bordant directement l'édentement antemortem des dents étaient atteintes par les caries, aussi bien dans notre échantillon (272 individus) que dans l'échantillon plus petit (54 individus). La deuxième partie est une synthèse sur l'usure dentaire en général et au moyen-âge en particulier, en relation avec l'alimentation. L'analyse de la littérature montre que cette usure était rapide, intense, généralisée et vraisemblablement liée à l'alimentation, avec une consommation importante de pain et d'aliments abrasifs d'origine végétale. En conclusion, ce travail sur les caries et l'usure a fourni des données exploitables pour la paléoanthropologie et la paléopathologie dentaires médiévales. Ces données pourront être comparées à celles d'autres populations médiévales françaises et européennes, permettant de mieux comprendre l'influence des conditions de vie et de l'alimentation sur l'état bucco-dentaire des populations au Moyen-âge.The aims of this research were to evaluate the carious lesions and tooth wear in a sample of a medieval rural population from Vilarnau d'Amont (Eastern Pyrenees) The first part of the work considers caries in general and during the medieval period in particular. We first studied the prevalence and distribution of caries in male and female skeletons and also the carious environment of antemortem tooth loss. We compared a sample of 272 individuals with smaller samples (58 and 54 individuals) selected from previous works. Our sample of 272 individuals showed a caries prevalence of 14.5%, without significant difference between males and females. On the other hand, in the sample of 58 individuals, the frequency of caries was 17.2% and was significantly higher in males. Our study also reflects the fact that teeth directly next to the teeth lost antemortem were significantly carious, in both the large (272 individuals) and small (54 individuals) samples. The second part is a synthesis about tooth wear in general, and especially in the medieval period, in relation with diet. Litterature analysis showed that tooth wear was intense, fast and generalized. Wear was probably linked to diet, in which large quantities of bread and abrasive food of plant origin were consumed. In conclusion, this work about caries and tooth wear gives interesting data that can be exploited for medieval dental paleopathology and paleoanthropology. These data can be compared to those of other French and European medieval populations, allowing us a better comprehension of the influence of lifestyle and diet on the dental health of populations from the past

    Oral care of a patient with a SAPHO syndrome and a nickel allergy

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    SAPHO is an acronym for Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis and Osteitis. The syndrome is difficult to diagnose because it may present many different manifestations in adults and children. Its origin is still unknown, although some infectious, genetic and immune hypotheses have been put forward. We report the case of a 49‐year‐old woman with SAPHO syndrome, who developed a serious cutaneous allergy following the insertion of a removable partial denture (RPD). The oral care and treatment of this patient are described

    Misdiagnosed Tooth Aspiration in a Young Handicapped Boy: Case Report and Recommendations

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    Tooth inhalation remains a rare incident but it may occur during dental care, especially in children. We report here the case of a four-year-old boy with Down syndrome who came to the hospital after a dental trauma. During the extraction procedure, he aspired his maxillary incisor without presenting any signs of respiratory distress and was discharged by the surgical team, who thought that he had swallowed the tooth. Three weeks later, he was admitted to the emergency service because of a pulmonary infection. Two endoscopy interventions under general anesthesia were necessary to recover the foreign body inside the left lung. Because of the multiple symptoms associated with the trisomy 21 syndrome (general hypotonia, impaired immunity, etc.), practitioners should be very mindful of aspiration risks and complications during dental care. The systematic prescription of lung radiography would prevent the onset of pulmonary infections and enable an earlier intervention

    Histoire évolutive de la maladie carieuse : exemple des populations inuites

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    La maladie carieuse est une pathologie considérée comme le troisième fléau mondial par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, puisqu’elle touche plus de 99 % des adultes. Historiquement, en Europe, la prévalence carieuse augmente progressivement depuis le Néolithique jusqu’à atteindre un pic au XXe siècle et ne commence à diminuer que depuis les 25 dernières années. Cependant, cette maladie n’a pas connu la même histoire évolutive dans toutes les populations humaines. Dans le cadre d’une thèse,..

    A geometric morphometric approach to the study of variation of shovel-shaped incisors

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    Objectives: The scoring and analysis of dental nonmetric traits are predominantly accomplished by using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS), a standard protocol based on strict definitions and three‐dimensional dental plaques. However, visual scoring, even when controlled by strict definitions of features, visual reference, and the experience of the observer, includes an unavoidable part of subjectivity. In this methodological contribution, we propose a new quantitative geometric morphometric approach to quickly and efficiently assess the variation of shoveling in modern human maxillary central incisors (UI1). Materials and methods: We analyzed 87 modern human UI1s by means of virtual imaging and the ASU‐UI1 dental plaque grades using geometric morphometrics by placing semilandmarks on the labial crown aspect. The modern human sample was composed of individuals from Europe, Africa, and Asia and included representatives of all seven grades defined by the ASUDAS method. Results: Our results highlighted some limitations in the use of the current UI1 ASUDAS plaque, indicating that it did not necessarily represent an objective gradient of expression of a nonmetric tooth feature. Rating of shoveling tended to be more prone to intra‐ and interobserver bias for the highest grades. In addition, our analyses suggest that the observers were strongly influenced by the depth of the lingual crown aspect when assessing the shoveling. Discussion: In this context, our results provide a reliable and reproducible framework reinforced by statistical results supporting the fact that open scale numerical measurements can complement the ASUDAS method

    A geometric morphometric approach to the study of variation of shovel‐shaped incisors

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    Objectives : The scoring and analysis of dental nonmetric traits are predominantly accomplished by using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS), a standard protocol based on strict definitions and three‐dimensional dental plaques. However, visual scoring, even when controlled by strict definitions of features, visual reference, and the experience of the observer, includes an unavoidable part of subjectivity. In this methodological contribution, we propose a new quantitative geometric morphometric approach to quickly and efficiently assess the variation of shoveling in modern human maxillary central incisors (UI1).; Materials and methods : We analyzed 87 modern human UI1s by means of virtual imaging and the ASU‐UI1 dental plaque grades using geometric morphometrics by placing semilandmarks on the labial crown aspect. The modern human sample was composed of individuals from Europe, Africa, and Asia and included representatives of all seven grades defined by the ASUDAS method.; Results : Our results highlighted some limitations in the use of the current UI1 ASUDAS plaque, indicating that it did not necessarily represent an objective gradient of expression of a nonmetric tooth feature. Rating of shoveling tended to be more prone to intra‐ and interobserver bias for the highest grades. In addition, our analyses suggest that the observers were strongly influenced by the depth of the lingual crown aspect when assessing the shoveling.; Discussion : In this context, our results provide a reliable and reproducible framework reinforced by statistical results supporting the fact that open scale numerical measurements can complement the ASUDAS method.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Bases fondamentales du choix de la couleur en prothèse composite (applications à des cas cliniques personnels)

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    Nous avons souhaité, dans le cadre de ce travail, faire une mise au point sur les données acquises de la science dans le domaine du choix de la couleur des dents artificielles en prothèse composite. Dans un premier temps, les bases physiques mais aussi les notions théoriques sur la lumière et la couleur sont étudiées. Par la suite, les facteurs qui influencent le choix de la couleur sont détaillés : en effet, l'ambiance mais aussi le praticien ou le patient sont autant d'éléments à prendre en considération. Puis, les méthodes de détermination de la couleur proprement dite (teintiers, spectrocolorimètres) sont évaluées selon les données actuelles de la littérature. Enfin, des cas cliniques de l'auteur permettent de comprendre les difficultés rencontrées lors des réhabilitations prothétiques au cabinet dentaire et la qualité des résultats obtenus en respectant certains critères de choix. Par ailleurs, nous proposons une synthèse en 10 points sur la conduite à tenir afin d'avoir une constance dans les résultats obtenus.TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocTOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Allées (315552109) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Approche théorique et clinique de l'occlusodontie appliquée à la prothèse partielle adjointe

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocTOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Allées (315552109) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sport et santé bucco-dentaire (rôle du chirurgien-dentiste dans la prévention et l'information)

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF