273 research outputs found

    The Complexity of the List Partition Problem for Graphs

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    The k-partition problem is as follows: Given a graph G and a positive integer k, partition the vertices of G into at most k parts A1, A2, . . . , Ak, where it may be specified that Ai induces a stable set, a clique, or an arbitrary subgraph, and pairs Ai, Aj (i≠j) be completely nonadjacent, completely adjacent, or arbitrarily adjacent. The list k-partition problem generalizes the k-partition problem by specifying for each vertex x, a list L(x) of parts in which it is allowed to be placed. Many well-known graph problems can be formulated as list k-partition problems: e.g., 3-colorability, clique cutset, stable cutset, homogeneous set, skew partition, and 2-clique cutset. We classify, with the exception of two polynomially equivalent problems, each list 4-partition problem as either solvable in polynomial time or NP-complete. In doing so, we provide polynomial-time algorithms for many problems whose polynomial-time solvability was open, including the list 2-clique cutset problem. This also allows us to classify each list generalized 2-clique cutset problem and list generalized skew partition problem as solvable in polynomial time or NP-complete

    Entwicklung und Validierung des Bedürfnisinventars bei Gedächtnisstörungen (BIG-65): Krankheitskorrelierte Bedürfnisse bei Menschen mit Hirnleistungsstörungen und Demenz

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Der Bedarf an einer systematischen Erfassung krankheitskorrelierter Patientenbedürfnisse bei Hirnleistungsstörungen und Demenz zur Auswahl optimaler Behandlungsoptionen steigt zunehmend. Es fehlt jedoch an validen Messinstrumenten, die zur Erfassung krankheitskorrelierter Bedürfnisse auch bei Menschen mit Demenz eingesetzt werden können. Methode: Die Studie umfasst die Konstruktion und Validierung des Bedürfnisinventars bei Gedächtnisstörungen (BIG-65) zur Erfassung krankheitskorrelierter Bedürfnisse. Der BIG-65 wurde theoriegeleitet entwickelt und basiert auf einer systematischen Literaturrecherche. Er wurde in einer Abklärungsstation, nach umfassender Untersuchung und Diagnosestellung, hinsichtlich seiner psychometrischen Eigenschaften an einer Gelegenheitsstichprobe (n = 83) validiert. Ergebnisse: Der BIG-65 hat 66Items und bietet neben einer breiten Auswahl an biopsychosozialen und umweltbezogenen Bedürfnissen eine geeignete Struktur zur Erfassung krankheitskorrelierter Bedürfnisse bei Menschen mit Hirnleistungsstörungen. Er verfügt über eine besonders hohe Augenscheinvalidität und eine sehr hohe Test-Retest-Reliabilität (rtt = 0,916). Im Mittel wurden 3,5 (SD = 3,7) unabgedeckte Bedürfnisse angegeben. Am häufigsten genannt wurden: "weniger vergessen" (50%), "bessere Konzentration" (23,2%), "Informationen zur Krankheit" (20,7%), "Informationen über Behandlungen" (17,1%) sowie "sich weniger Sorgen machen", "weniger gereizt sein", "Verbesserung der Stimmung", "Verbesserung der Orientierung" (alle 13,4%). Bedürfnisprofile unterscheiden sich zwischen verschiedenen Patientengruppen mit präklinischen (subjektive und milde kognitive Beeinträchtigung) und klinischen (Demenz) Hirnleistungsstörungen. Schlussfolgerungen: Krankheitskorrelierte Bedürfnisse können mit dem BIG-65 bis zu einer mittelschweren Demenz reliabel erfasst werden. Mit zunehmendem Demenzschweregrad oder einem Mini-Mental-Status <20Punkten sollte die Erfassung, z.B. mit zusätzlichen Beobachtungsmethoden des emotionalen Ausdrucks, ergänzt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Menschen mit Hirnleistungsstörungen individuelle Strategien zur Stabilisierung von Lebensqualität verfolgen. Neben einem objektiven Assessment von Krankheitssymptomen kann die Priorisierung optimaler Behandlungsmaßnahmen von der systematischen Erfassung krankheitskorrelierter Patientenbedürfnisse profitiere

    Two methods of assessing the mortality factors affecting the larvae and pupae of Cameraria ohridella in the leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum in Switzerland and Bulgaria

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    The horse-chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is an invasive alien species defoliating horse-chestnut, a popular ornamental tree in Europe. This paper presents quantitative data on mortality factors affecting larvae and pupae of the leaf miner in Switzerland and Bulgaria, both in urban and forest environments. Two sampling methods were used and compared: a cohort method, consisting of the surveying of pre-selected mines throughout their development, and a grab sampling method, consisting of single sets of leaves collected and dissected at regular intervals. The total mortality per generation varied between 14 and 99%. Mortality was caused by a variety of factors, including parasitism, host feeding, predation by birds and arthropods, plant defence reaction, leaf senescence, intra-specific competition and inter-specific competition with a fungal disease. Significant interactions were found between mortality factors and sampling methods, countries, environments and generation. No mortality factor was dominant throughout the sites, generations and methods tested. Plant defence reactions constituted the main mortality factor for the first two larval stages, whereas predation by birds and arthropods and parasitism were more important in older larvae and pupae. Mortality caused by leaf senescence was often the dominant mortality factor in the last annual generation. The cohort method detected higher mortality rates than the grab sampling method. In particular, mortality by plant defence reaction and leaf senescence were better assessed using the cohort method, which is, therefore, recommended for life table studies on leaf miner

    Recognition of some perfectly orderable graph classes

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    AbstractThis paper presents new algorithms for recognizing several classes of perfectly orderable graphs. Bipolarizable and P4-simplicial graphs are recognized in O(n3.376) time, improving the previous bounds of O(n4) and O(n5), respectively. Brittle and semi-simplicial graphs are recognized in O(n3) time using a randomized algorithm, and O(n3log2n) time if a deterministic algorithm is required. The best previous time bound for recognizing these classes of graphs is O(m2). Welsh–Powell opposition graphs are recognized in O(n3) time, improving the previous bound of O(n4). HHP-free graphs and maxibrittle graphs are recognized in O(mn) and O(n3.376) time, respectively

    Transfer after process-based object-location memory training in healthy older adults

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    A substantial part of age-related episodic memory decline has been attributed to the decreasing ability of older adults to encode and retrieve associations among simultaneously processed information units from long-term memory. In addition, this ability seems to share unique variance with reasoning. In this study, we therefore examined whether process-based training of the ability to learn and remember associations has the potential to induce transfer effects to untrained episodic memory and reasoning tasks in healthy older adults (60-75 years). For this purpose, the experimental group (n = 36) completed 30 sessions of process-based objectlocation memory training, while the active control group (n = 31) practiced visual perception on the same material. Near (spatial episodic memory), intermediate (verbal episodic memory), and far transfer effects (reasoning) were each assessed with multiple tasks at four measurements (before, midway through, immediately after, and 4 months after training). Linear mixed-effects models revealed transfer effects on spatial episodic memory and reasoning that were still observed 4 months after training. These results provide first empirical evidence that process-based training can enhance healthy older adults' associative memory performance and positively affect untrained episodic memory and reasoning abilities