122 research outputs found

    Beam-induced backgrounds in the CLIC 3 TeV CM energy interaction region

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    Luminosity spectrum and accelerator background levels strongly influence the experimental conditions and have an important impact on detector design. The expected rates of the main beam-beam products at CLIC 3 TeV CM energy, taking into account for machine imperfections, are computed. Among the other machine-induced background the photon fans from the Incoherent Synchrotron Radiation (ISR) photons emitted in the final doublet are evaluated.Comment: Proceedings of LCWS1

    Experimental investigation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in low-Z targets

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    In the CERN NA63 collaboration we have addressed the question of the potential inadequacy of the commonly used Migdal formulation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect by measuring the photon emission by 20 and 178 GeV electrons in the range 100 MeV - 4 GeV, in targets of LowDensityPolyEthylene (LDPE), C, Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Mo and, as a reference target, Ta. For each target and energy, a comparison between simulated values based on the LPM suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung is shown, taking multi-photon effects into account. For these targets and energies, we find that Migdal's theoretical formulation is adequate to a precision of better than about 5%, irrespective of the target substance.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Heritability of Oral Microbiota and Immune Responses to Oral Bacteria

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    Maintaining a symbiotic oral microbiota is essential for oral and dental health, and host genetic factors may affect the composition or function of the oral microbiota through a range of possible mechanisms, including immune pathways. The study included 836 Swedish twins divided into separate groups of adolescents (n= 418) and unrelated adults (n= 418). Oral microbiota composition and functions of non-enzymatically lysed oral bacteria samples were evaluated using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and functional bioinformatics tools in the adolescents. Adaptive immune responses were assessed by testing for serum IgG antibodies against a panel of common oral bacteria in adults. In the adolescents, host genetic factors were associated with both the detection and abundance of microbial species, but with considerable variation between species. Host genetic factors were associated with predicted microbiota functions, including several functions related to bacterial sucrose, fructose, and carbohydrate metabolism. In adults, genetic factors were associated with serum antibodies against oral bacteria. In conclusion, host genetic factors affect the composition of the oral microbiota at a species level, and host-governed adaptive immune responses, and also affect the concerted functions of the oral microbiota as a whole. This may help explain why some people are genetically predisposed to the major dental diseases of caries and periodontitis

    Experimental investigations of synchrotron radiation at the onset of the quantum regime

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    The classical description of synchrotron radiation fails at large Lorentz factors, γ\gamma, for relativistic electrons crossing strong transverse magnetic fields BB. In the rest frame of the electron this field is comparable to the so-called critical field B0=4.414109B_0 = 4.414\cdot10^9 T. For χ=γB/B01\chi = \gamma B/B_0 \simeq 1 quantum corrections are essential for the description of synchrotron radiation to conserve energy. With electrons of energies 10-150 GeV penetrating a germanium single crystal along the axis, we have experimentally investigated the transition from the regime where classical synchrotron radiation is an adequate description, to the regime where the emission drastically changes character; not only in magnitude, but also in spectral shape. The spectrum can only be described by quantum synchrotron radiation formulas. Apart from being a test of strong-field quantum electrodynamics, the experimental results are also relevant for the design of future linear colliders where beamstrahlung - a closely related process - may limit the achievable luminosity.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR

    Subtypes of early childhood caries predict future caries experience

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    Objectives: To test whether postulated subtypes of early childhood caries (ECC) are predictive of subsequent caries experience in a population-based cohort of Swedish children. Methods: The study included children aged between 3 and 5 years at study entry with dental records available for at least 5 years of follow-up. Dental record data were retrieved from the Swedish Quality Registry for Caries and Periodontal disease (SKaPa) for the initial and follow-up visits. Participants who had ECC at study entry were assigned to one of five ECC subtypes (termed classes 1-5) using latent class modelling of tooth surface-level caries experience. Subsequent experience of caries was assessed using the decayed, missing and filled surfaces indices (dmfs/DMFS) at follow-up visits, and compared between ECC subtypes using logistic and negative binomial regression modelling. Results: The study included 128 355 children who had 3 or more dental visits spanning at least 5 years post-baseline. Of these children, 31 919 had caries at the initial visit. Baseline ECC subtype was associated with differences in subsequent disease experience. As an example, 83% of children who had a severe form of ECC at age 5 went on to have caries in the permanent dentition by the end of the study, compared to 51% of children who were caries-free at age 5 (adjusted odds ratio of 4.9 for new disease at their third follow-up). Conclusion: ECC subtypes assigned at a baseline visit are associated with differences in subsequent caries experience in both primary and permanent teeth. This suggests that the development and future validation of an ECC classification can be used in addition to current prediction tools to help identify children at high risk of developing new caries lesions throughout childhood and adolescence


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    Abstract The Drive Beam complex of the Compact Linear Collider must use short bunches with a large charge making beam transport susceptible to unwanted effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation emitted in the dipole magnets. We present the effects of transporting the beam within a limited aperture which decreases the magnitude of the CSR wake. The effect, known as CSR shielding, eases the design of key components of the facility

    Experimental investigation of strong field trident production

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    We show by experiment that an electron impinging on an electric field that is of critical magnitude in its rest frame, may produce an electron-positron pair. Our measurements address higher-order QED, using the strong electric fields obtainable along particular crystallographic directions in single crystals. For the amorphous material our data are in good agreement with theory, whereas a discrepancy with theory on the magnitude of the trident enhancement is found in the precisely aligned case where the strong electric field acts

    Electromagnetic processes in strong crystalline fields

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    As an addendum to the NA63 proposal cite{Ande05}, we propose to measure 1) the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect in low-ZZ targets, 2) Magnetic suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung resulting from exposure to an external field during the emission event, and 3) the bremsstrahlung emission from relativistic (gamma=170gamma=170), fully stripped Pb nuclei penetrating various amorphous targets. Concerning the LPM effect, both the 'traditional' Migdal approach and the modern treatment by Baier and Katkov display inaccuracies, i.e. a possible lack of applicability in low-ZZ targets. Moreover, the LPM effect has been shown to have a significant impact on giant air showers for energies in the EeV range - evidently processes in a low-ZZ material. A measurement of magnetic suppression is demanding in terms of necessary accuracy (an expected lesssimlesssim15% effect), but would prove the existence of a basic interplay between coherent and incoherent processes, also believed to be significant in beamstrahlung emission. For bremsstrahlung from Pb82+^{82+}: In contrast to earlier expectations, recent investigations have shown that the bremsstrahlung emission from heavy, relativistic particles does not appear with constant power for all photon energies up to the end-point given by the energy of the incident ion, but instead the spectrum has a peaked shape, due to the finite size of the nucleus. Beyond an energy of about 2gammahbaromega12gammahbaromega_1, wher e hbaromega1hbaromega_1 corresponds to the energy transfer above which the ZZ protons in the nucleus can be considered quasi-free, the power-spectrum falls off quite steeply, eventually leaving pair production as the dominant energy loss mechanism for sufficiently high values of the Lorentz-factor

    Roles of Trm9- and ALKBH8-like proteins in the formation of modified wobble uridines in Arabidopsis tRNA

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    Uridine at the wobble position of tRNA is usually modified, and modification is required for accurate and efficient protein translation. In eukaryotes, wobble uridines are modified into 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (mcm5U), 5-carbamoylmethyluridine (ncm5U) or derivatives thereof. Here, we demonstrate, both by in vitro and in vivo studies, that the Arabidopsis thaliana methyltransferase AT1G31600, denoted by us AtTRM9, is responsible for the final step in mcm5U formation, thus representing a functional homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Trm9 protein. We also show that the enzymatic activity of AtTRM9 depends on either one of two closely related proteins, AtTRM112a and AtTRM112b. Moreover, we demonstrate that AT1G36310, denoted AtALKBH8, is required for hydroxylation of mcm5U to (S)-mchm5U in tRNAGlyUCC, and has a function similar to the mammalian dioxygenase ALKBH8. Interestingly, atalkbh8 mutant plants displayed strongly increased levels of mcm5U, and also of mcm5Um, its 2′-O-ribose methylated derivative. This suggests that accumulated mcm5U is prone to further ribose methylation by a non-specialized mechanism, and may challenge the notion that the existence of mcm5U- and mcm5Um-containing forms of the selenocysteine-specific tRNASec in mammals reflects an important regulatory process. The present study reveals a role in for several hitherto uncharacterized Arabidopsis proteins in the formation of modified wobble uridines