386 research outputs found

    Residual Dispersion in a Combiner Ring

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    In this paper we present a proof to show that there exists no system of linear or nonlinear optics which can simultaneously close multiple local orbit bumps and dispersion through a single beam transport region. The second combiner ring in the CLIC drive beam recombination system, CR2, is used as an example of where such conditions are necessary. We determine the properties of a lattice which is capable of closing the local orbit bumps and dispersion and show that all resulting solutions are either unphysical or trivial.Comment: Submitted to PRST-AB on 04/18/201

    Iranista Suomeen muuttaneiden naisten sosiaaliset suhteet ja niiden merkitys yhteiskuntaan kiinnittymisessä

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    Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan, millaisia sosiaalisia suhteita ja millaisia sosiaalisten suhteiden solmimiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on Iranista Suomeen muuttaneilla naisilla, millaista tukea iranilaiset naiset sosiaalisten suhteiden kautta saavat ja millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat iranilaisten naisten integroitumiseen sosiaalisten suhteiden kautta. Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan moninaisuuden lisääntyessä maahanmuuttajanaisten onnistuneesta integroitumisesta on tullut yhä ajankohtaisempi kysymys. Erityisesti islamintaustaisten maahanmuuttajanaisten yhteiskunnan ulkopuolelle jäämisen ja sosiaalisen syrjäytymisen riski näyttää olevan suuri. Tämä on tärkeä lähtökohta tälle tutkimukselle. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan iranilaisten naisten sosiaalisia suhteita ja niiden tärkeyttä yhteiskuntaan kiinnittymisessä naisten omista näkemyksistä ja kokemuksista käsin. Väitöskirja on toteutettu laadullisella tutkimusotteella. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto on kerätty vuosina 2008–2009 puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelumenetelmää käyttäen ja koostuu kahdentoista iranilaisen naisen haastattelusta. Haastattelu-aineiston analyysimenetelmänä on teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi. Aineiston analyysin taustalla vaikuttaa integraatiota käsittelevä kirjallisuus, joka on analyysille suun-taa antavaa. Aineiston analysointiin on saattanut vaikuttaa läsnäoloni iranilaisten naisten arjessa aineiston tuottamisen prosessin aikana sekä havainnoinnin ja muistiinpanojen kautta syntynyt ymmärtämys. Tutkimuksessa nousevat esille yhteiskuntien, ihmisten ja kulttuurien erilaisuus, kulttuurin konkretisoituminen elämän eri alueilla, torjuvat asenteet, yksinäisyys, etäiset ja läheiset sosiaaliset suhteet sekä niiden kautta saatava sosiaalinen tuki. Iranilaisilla naisilla sosiaalisten suhteiden solmimiseen olivat vaikuttaneet heidän edellytyksensä, mahdollisuutensa ja halukkuutensa luoda sosiaalisia suhteita. Eniten sosiaalisia suhteita oli luotu oman etnisen ryhmän naisiin sekä kulttuurisesti ja uskonnollisesti itsensä kaltaisiin maahanmuuttajanaisiin. Iranilaisten naisten kulttuurisesti orientoituneet ja naisvaltaiset sosiaaliset suhteet kertovat arvoperustoista ja kulttuurisista merkityksistä sosiaalisten suhteiden solmimisessa. Suomessa asuessa iranilaisille naisille oli muodostunut kaksi erilaista sosiaalisen verkoston mallia, joista toinen oli perinteisen iranilaisen naisen sosiaalinen verkosto ja toinen modernin iranilaisen naisen sosiaalinen verkosto. Sosiaalisten suhteiden kautta iranilaiset naiset olivat saaneet monenlaista sosiaalista tukea, kuten käytännön apua arkeen sekä taloudellista, informatiivista ja emotionaalista tukea. Eniten sosiaalista tukea oli saatu omalta etniseltä ryhmältä. Oman ryhmän tarjoama tuki perustui yhteiseen kulttuuriin ja kieleen, samaan etniseen taustaan ja yhteisesti jaettuihin arvoihin. Iranilaisten naisten integroitumiseen sosiaalisten suhteiden kautta olivat vaikuttaneet kulttuuri, uskonto, suomenkielentaito, naisten halukkuus, mahdollisuudet ja edellytykset integroitua sekä suomalaisen yhteiskunnan integroitumiselle luomat puitteet. Kaikki iranilaiset naiset eivät kokeneet integroitumista mahdollisuudeksi, vaan pakon sanelemaksi. Iranilaisten naisten integroituminen näyttäytyy kulttuuriin sidottuna monitahoisena prosessina, jonka eteneminen ja vaiheet eivät ole ennustettavissa. Iranilaiset maahanmuuttajanaiset tarvitsevat paljon neuvoja ja tukea integroituakseen suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan. Naisten integroitumisen onnistumiseksi tarvitaan monia pitkäjänteisiä kotouttamistyön tukitoimia. Niiden toteutuksen painopis-teiden pitäisi olla naisten elämänhallinnan ja omatoimisuuden tukemisessa sekä yhteiskunnallisen osallisuuden lisäämisessä. Sosiaalityön keinoin voitaisiin lisätä naisten voimavaroja, parantaa heidän osallistumismahdollisuuksiaan ja ehkäistä siten heidän yhteiskunnasta syrjäytymistä. Eniten pitäisi tukea iranilaisten naisten mukaan pääsemistä valtaväestön sosiaalisiin verkostoihin. Entistä enemmän olisi luotava paikkoja ja tilaisuuksia monikulttuuriselle toiminnalle, jotta naisten arjen kohtaamiset valtaväestön kanssa mahdollistuisivat. Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää islamintaustaisille naisille suunnattujen kotoutumista edistävien palvelujen suunnittelussa, nykyisten palvelujen toimivuuden arvioinnissa sekä monikulttuurisen asiakastyön kehittämisessä. Jatkotutkimuksessa voitaisiin tarkastella, minkälaisia sosiaalisia suhteita iranilaisille naisille on muodostunut työyhteisössä, koska tässä tutkimuksessa aihetta sivuttiin.The significance of social relations on the integration of women who have moved from Iran to Finland This dissertation examines the kinds of social relations Iranian women living in Fin-land have, the kinds of factors that influence social relations of Iranian women in Finland, the kinds of support Iranian women receive through social relations and the effect that social relations have on the integration Iranian women. With the increasing diversity in Finland, the successful integration of immigrants has become an ever more important issue. Women with Islamic background especially seem to be at a high risk of social and societal exclusion. This is an important basis for this study. The aim of this study is to investigate the social relations of Iranian women and the significance of these relations for integration from the women’s point of view. This dissertation has been made with a qualitative research approach. The empirical data of the study was collected between 2008–2009 using a semi-structured inter-view method and consists of an interview of twelve Iranian women. The method of analysis is theory-guided content analysis. The background of this analysis is influenced by other integration literature, which provides guidance for this analysis. My presence in the womens daily lives during the data collection, via observation and notes may add understanding and deeper knowledge of topic and may also influence the analysis of the data. This research deals with topics such as: differences between societies, people and their culture, rejecting attitudes, perceived loneliness, the concretization of culture in different areas of life, distant and close social relations and also the social support these women receive from the close and distant relations. The things that may influence the establishment of new social relations are the circumstances of the women, their opportunities and their overall willingness to try and establish new social relations. Most social relationships had been established with women of their own ethnic group as well as culturally and religiously similar women. The culturally oriented and female-dominated social relations of Iranian women tells us their values and the cultural significance they have to creating social relations. According to the research results, there were two different social network models developed for Iranian women living in Finland. One was the traditional Iranian woman's social net-work and the other was the modern Iranian woman's social network. Through social relations these women can obtain many different benefits, for example: domestic help, economic assistance, informative advice and emotional support. Social support for women had mostly been generated through their own ethnic group. The support provided came from people who share a similar culture and language, the same ethnic background and shared values. The integration of Iranian women was influenced by cultural difference, religion, women's willingness for integration and the requirements created for integration by Finnish society and government. One of the key findings of the study is that Iranian women did not see integration as an opportunity, but as an obligation. The integration of Iranian women is a culturally complex process, of which the progress and its stages are unpredictable. Iranian immigrant women need a lot of advice, help and support to integrate into Finnish society. To integrate women successfully into Finnish society, requires many long-term support programs. Its priorities are to support life management, self-reliance and to increase social inclusion. Social work can help increase women's chances and resources, improve their chances of participation into societal life and prevent their exclusion from society. The biggest support should be given to Iranian women’s access to mainstream social networks. More locations and opportunities for multi-cultural activities should be created to enable women's everyday encounter with the majority population. The information provided by the study can be used to create integration services designed for women with an Islamic background, evaluating the functionality of existing services and developing multicultural client work. Further research could be done about the social relations that Iranian women have in workplace, because in my own research the topic had little representation

    The Forum: Winter 2001

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    Winter 2001 journal of the Honors Program at the University of North Dakota. The issue includes stories, poems, essays and art by undergraduate students.https://commons.und.edu/und-books/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Kluyveromyces lactis γ-toxin, a ribonuclease that recognizes the anticodon stem loop of tRNA

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    Kluyveromyces lactis γ-toxin is a tRNA endonuclease that cleaves Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNAmcm5s2UUCGlu3, tRNAmcm5s2UUULys and tRNAmcm5s2UUGGln between position 34 and position 35. All three substrate tRNAs carry a 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U) residue at position 34 (wobble position) of which the mcm5 group is required for efficient cleavage. However, the different cleavage efficiencies of mcm5s2U34-containing tRNAs suggest that additional features of these tRNAs affect cleavage. In the present study, we show that a stable anticodon stem and the anticodon loop are the minimal requirements for cleavage by γ-toxin. A synthetic minihelix RNA corresponding to the anticodon stem loop (ASL) of the natural substrate tRNAmcm5s2UUCGlu3 is cleaved at the same position as the natural substrate. In ASLUUCGlu3, the nucleotides U34U35C36A37C38 are required for optimal γ-toxin cleavage, whereas a purine at position 32 or a G in position 33 dramatically reduces the cleavage of the ASL. Comparing modified and partially modified forms of E. coli and yeast tRNAUUCGlu reinforced the strong stimulatory effects of the mcm5 group, revealed a weak positive effect of the s2 group and a negative effect of the bacterial 5-methylaminomethyl (mnm5) group. The data underscore the high specificity of this yeast tRNA toxin

    Heritability of Oral Microbiota and Immune Responses to Oral Bacteria

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    Maintaining a symbiotic oral microbiota is essential for oral and dental health, and host genetic factors may affect the composition or function of the oral microbiota through a range of possible mechanisms, including immune pathways. The study included 836 Swedish twins divided into separate groups of adolescents (n= 418) and unrelated adults (n= 418). Oral microbiota composition and functions of non-enzymatically lysed oral bacteria samples were evaluated using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and functional bioinformatics tools in the adolescents. Adaptive immune responses were assessed by testing for serum IgG antibodies against a panel of common oral bacteria in adults. In the adolescents, host genetic factors were associated with both the detection and abundance of microbial species, but with considerable variation between species. Host genetic factors were associated with predicted microbiota functions, including several functions related to bacterial sucrose, fructose, and carbohydrate metabolism. In adults, genetic factors were associated with serum antibodies against oral bacteria. In conclusion, host genetic factors affect the composition of the oral microbiota at a species level, and host-governed adaptive immune responses, and also affect the concerted functions of the oral microbiota as a whole. This may help explain why some people are genetically predisposed to the major dental diseases of caries and periodontitis

    Subtypes of early childhood caries predict future caries experience

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    Objectives: To test whether postulated subtypes of early childhood caries (ECC) are predictive of subsequent caries experience in a population-based cohort of Swedish children. Methods: The study included children aged between 3 and 5 years at study entry with dental records available for at least 5 years of follow-up. Dental record data were retrieved from the Swedish Quality Registry for Caries and Periodontal disease (SKaPa) for the initial and follow-up visits. Participants who had ECC at study entry were assigned to one of five ECC subtypes (termed classes 1-5) using latent class modelling of tooth surface-level caries experience. Subsequent experience of caries was assessed using the decayed, missing and filled surfaces indices (dmfs/DMFS) at follow-up visits, and compared between ECC subtypes using logistic and negative binomial regression modelling. Results: The study included 128 355 children who had 3 or more dental visits spanning at least 5 years post-baseline. Of these children, 31 919 had caries at the initial visit. Baseline ECC subtype was associated with differences in subsequent disease experience. As an example, 83% of children who had a severe form of ECC at age 5 went on to have caries in the permanent dentition by the end of the study, compared to 51% of children who were caries-free at age 5 (adjusted odds ratio of 4.9 for new disease at their third follow-up). Conclusion: ECC subtypes assigned at a baseline visit are associated with differences in subsequent caries experience in both primary and permanent teeth. This suggests that the development and future validation of an ECC classification can be used in addition to current prediction tools to help identify children at high risk of developing new caries lesions throughout childhood and adolescence