115 research outputs found

    The Right to Work as a Fundemantal Human Right

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    The right to work is a fundamental human right ensuring that every individual shall be able to continue their lives with a desired job and an income allowing the protection of human dignity. The right to work is directly related with the right to live of the working class that tries to live on their labor. Therefore, the right to work is the quest for a right based on life under a social order allowing every individual to have a job and income for continuing their lives in addition to protecting their dignity while allowing personal development and individual freedom. In this view, this study is based on the right to work which is a fundamental human right has been taken into consideration from the international human rights law perspective. Because of that firstly the concept of human rights and its historical development have been underlined. After then, it wants to take attention to emphasize of work right in concept of human rights. In this context, demand right to be employed, working right at a job which freely gained, the right to protection against the termination of labour contract and the right to use of freedom of association and union rights have been discussed

    Energy measurements and LCA of remanufactured automotive steel sheets

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    New paradigms based on Circular Economy (CE) principles are needed for boosting the ecological transition and improving the energy and material efficiency. In this paper, a novel remanufacturing process chain for End-of-Life (EoL) automotive panels is first presented. The core of the recycling strategy is the reshaping of curved EoL automotive sheets through flattening by means of a hydraulic press. Flattening experiments together with press power consumption measurements have been performed on thin steel parts. While the experimental procedure demonstrated the technical feasibility of flattening “small-scale” steel parts, a more complete analysis on environmental sustainability was required. For this purpose, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the remanufacturing process chain proposed was set up. The results of the study demonstrated that flattening is a viable solution for reshaping EoL automotive panels, and that, for one kg of reshaped steel, approximately 2.2 kg CO2 and 24 MJ could be saved

    Reshaping of thin steel parts by cold and warm flattening

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    Approximately half of global steel production is dedicated for manufacturing sheets. Due to global warming, geopolitical instabilities and rising raw material costs, recycling sheet metal is increasingly important. Conventional recycling has inefficiencies, therefore improving material efficiency and adopting circular economy strategies is necessary to halve CO2 emissions by 2050. This paper presents a review of sheet metal reuse techniques and introduces an innovative remanufacturing framework of curved steel sheet, with a special focus on the automotive sector and car-body panels. To support the framework presented, an experimental procedure on small-scale samples was carried out. The material tested was DC 0.4 steel parts (0.8 mm thick) characterized by different curvature radii. The material was reshaped and flattened under different conditions to understand the effect of the process variables onto the final quality of the remanufactured parts. The experiments showed that even parts with small curvatures can be flattened and reshaped with success. Lastly, to support the general remanufacturing framework presented, some flattening simulations of a large car-body are presented, revealing the importance of implementing a dwelling stage in the process and the advantage of performing such process with heated tools

    Primjena irizina u pretilih štakora modificira broj mastocita u jajniku, ovarijsku angiogenezu i razine oksitocina

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    Exercise hormone irisin, a thermogenic adipo-myokine, promotes energy expenditure by white adipose tissue browning. Considering that irisin improves the white adipose tissue metabolic profile and increases whole-body energy expenditure, it is thought that irisin may be a potential new therapeutic target for the treatment of the growing epidemic of obesity. The roles of mast cells and angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of obesity are known, and the importance of loss of mast cell function and antiangiogenic agents in the treatment of obesity has gained prominence in recent years. In addition, the therapeutic efficacy of oxytocin for obesity, by inducing browning and stimulating thermogenesis, is also noteworthy. To understand better the mechanisms involved in the therapeutic effect of irisin on obesity, the present study evaluated the effects of irisin treatment on high-fat diet-induced, obese female rats, focusing on the number of ovary mast cells, and ovarian angiogenesis and serum oxytocin levels. Our findings showed that ovary mast cell numbers, corpus luteum angiogenesis, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) immunoreactivity in ovarian tissues increased with obesity and then significantly decreased with irisin administration. Also, it was determined that the increased serum oxytocin levels with obesity, increased markedly depending on irisin administration in obese female rats. Taken together, our findings revealed that irisin can well be considered as a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of obesity by reducing mast cells and angiogenesis, and promoting oxytocin secretion.Hormon vježbanja irizin, termogeni adipomiokin, potiče potrošnju energije posmeđivanjem bijelog masnog tkiva. S obzirom na to da irizin poboljšava metabolički profil bijelog masnog tkiva i povećava potrošnju energije cijelog organizma, smatra se da bi on mogao biti potencijalni novi terapijski cilj u liječenju rastuće epidemije pretilosti. Poznate su uloge mastocita i angiogeneze u patogenezi pretilosti, a posljednjih je godina naglašena i važnost gubitka funkcije mastocita i antiangiogenih lijekova u liječenju pretilosti. Osim toga važna je i terapijska učinkovitost oksitocina kod pretilosti, poticanjem tamnjenja i termogeneze. Kako bi se bolje razumjeli mehanizmi uključeni u terapijski učinak irizina kod pretilosti, u ovom je istraživanju procijenjen učinak liječenja irizinom na pretile ženke štakora koje su hranjene obrocima s visokim udjelom masnoća, pri čemu je naglasak bio na broju mastocita, ovarijskoj angiogenezi i razinama serumskog oksitocina. Naši su rezultati pokazali da se broj mastocita jajnika, angiogeneza žutog tijela i imunoreaktivnost vaskularnog endotelnog faktora rasta (VEGF) u tkivu jajnika povećala s pretilošću i zatim znakovito smanjila primjenom irizina. Ustanovljeno je također da su se serumske razine oksitocina s pretilošću znatno povećale, ovisno o primjeni irizina u pretilih ženki štakora. Sveukupni rezultati pokazuju da irizin doprinosi smanjenju broja mastocita i angiogeneze te potiče lučenje oksitocina. Navedeno ovaj hormon čini potencijalnim terapijskim sredstvom u liječenju pretilosti

    Broadband, Stable, and Non-Iterative Dielectric Constant Measurement of Low-Loss Dielectric Slabs Using a Frequency-Domain Free-Space Method

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    A broadband, stable, and non-iterative free-space method is proposed for dielectric constant ε′r determination of low-loss dielectric slabs from reflection-only measurements through simple calibration standards (reflect and air). It is applicable for dispersive samples and does not require thickness information. Simulations of non-disperive and dispersive samples are performed to validate our method. Dielectric constant measurements of polyethylene and Polyoxymethylene samples (9–11 GHz) are carried out to examine the accuracy of our method. IEE

    Arteries get confused: an arch variation

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    We present a case of an arch anomaly in a 54-year-old female who was admitted to our hospital for magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to evaluate her right-sided numbness. MRA revealed a truncus bicaroticus, right common carotid artery (CCA) originating right vertebral artery, right subclavian artery arising as the final branch of the descending aortic arch and arch originating left vertebral artery. The possible embryologic mechanism and clinical importance of this previously unreported variant are reviewed

    Chemical, Electrochemical, and Surface Morphological Studies of the Corrosion Behavior of the AZ31 Alloy in Simulated Body Fluid: Effect of NaOH and H2O2Surface Pretreatments on the Corrosion Resistance Property

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    Magnesium and its alloys have attracted attention for biomedical implant materials in dental and orthopedic applications because of their biodegradability and similar properties to human bones. The very high rate of degradation in the physiological systems is, however, a major setback to their utilization. Chemical modification is one of the approaches adopted to enhance the corrosion resistance property of Mg and its alloys. In this work, NaOH and H2O2were used as a pretreatment procedure to improve the corrosion resistance of the AZ31 Mg alloy in simulated body fluid (SBF). Advanced techniques such as dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (dynamic-EIS), atomic force microscopy, and optical profilometry were used in addition to the classical mass loss, hydrogen evolution, EIS, and polarization techniques to study the corrosion resistance property of the alloy in SBF for 30 h. Results obtained show that the surface treatment significantly enhanced the corrosion resistance property of the alloy. From dynamic-EIS at 30 h, the charge transfer resistance of the untreated AZ31 Mg alloy is 432.6 ω cm2, whereas 822.7 and 2617.3 ω cm2are recorded for NaOH- and H2O2-treated surfaces, respectively. H2O2is a better treatment reagent than NaOH. The mechanism of corrosion of both untreated and treated samples in the studied corrosive medium has been discussed. © 2022 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved