7 research outputs found

    A Task-Based Instruction in EFL Classroom

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    Analisis wacana bahasa, baik lisan maupun tulisan, terbukti sangat membantu dan menginspirasi dalam pengajaran linguistik dan bahasa Inggris. Analisis ini idealnya dapat diterapkan pada berbagai instruksi pengajaran bahasa; salah satunya adalah instruksi berbasis tugas. Instruksi berbasis tugas diyakini sebagai pendekatan komunikatif untuk pengajaran bahasa, menggunakan keberhasilan penyelesaian "tugas" komunikatif sebagai prinsip pengorganisasian utamanya. Studi ini secara umum mengkaji instruksi berbasis tugas melalui analisis wacana, peran guru sekolah kejuruan kelas X, tujuan pengajaran, dan kemampuan siswa. Melalui observasi kelas, analisis wacana, dan wawancara guru, penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya pembicaraan guru dalam melibatkan siswa dalam belajar bahasa dan tugas, tujuan menyeluruh dari instruksi berbasis tugas. Beberapa implikasi untuk pengajaran dalam program pengajaran berbasis tugas dan pengembangan profesional guru muncul dari penelitian ini


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    In the digital era, the rapid development of technology and freedom of expression encourage individuals to create new sensations such as 'creating humor' . The content presented in the media is not much different from the topics discussed in public . Media can develop linguistically in the manifestation of humor . This research aims to determine the characteristics of humor, namely the principles of humor and satire through the use of Javanese language used by Kadir Bachmid in monologue videos uploaded to his Instagram account , "D_kadoor" . This research is a qualitative research . The data for this research is the uploaded video "D_kadoor" which contains a conversational monologue created by Kadir Bachmid. The data source was taken from the Instagram account "D_kadoor" . The research results obtained are as follows. First, the author finds humor characteristics which include fun with words, mixing styles, language in context and clever connections. Second, the element of satire as part of humor is realized through humor in the Javanese language, namely Kadoor following the social context of today's life. Therefore, this research shows that the existence of humor is a reflection of human social life. Apart from that, Javanese language still exists and is packaged creatively. So, Kadoor's post can have a positive impact on social media users, especially Instagram

    Final Report A Job Training Report as an Information Officer Staff at Surabaya Tourism Information Centre

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    As one of the important places in Surabaya. Tourism Information Centre is the place which has a great role for promoting Surabaya tourism by providing complete information about Surabya. Tourism Information Centre is also the place which gives the best service to the visitors and gives the best advice to the visitors for visiting Surabaya by giving brochures, map, magazines and leaflet. The visitors can get the information that still related with Surabya in this place

    The Influence of Duolingo Application to EFL Classroom Students’ Motivation in Learning English

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    The advancement of technology have triggered the development of English language learning application. The massive use of smartphones is one of the factors in the emergence of the ELL application. This study aims to investigate the influence of Duolingo application to EFL students. This research is using quantitative method even though the data that had been collected from questionnaire, which used Likert Scale, were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative style. The results show that most of the students have positive sentiment towards the use of Duolingo as it is shown by the dominant prevalence of "Agree" and "Strongly agree" answers. However, in terms of competitiveness, Duolingo might not that convincing in making students have the desire to compete and get better score than their peers. Overall, students are aware with the motivational value that Duolingo potentially offers


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    Di SDN Kedungrejo, Kecamatan Megaluh, Kabupaten Jombang, diadakan pelatihan yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam membuat materi ajar digital dengan H5pro. Ini adalah upaya untuk memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi dan meningkatkan keinginan siswa untuk belajar di kelas. Didasarkan pada masalah yang dihadapi guru, yaitu kesulitan dalam mengolah bahan ajar digital dan mencari bahan ajar digital, jelas bahwa pengabdian ini sangat penting untuk membantu guru mengembangkan bahan ajar digital yang berbasis teknologi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru untuk membuat materi ajar digital dengan menggunakan H5pro sebagai media pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efektif. PKM ini ditujukan kepada guru yang bekerja di SDN Kedungrejo Megaluh Jombang, yang memiliki 12 guru. Kegiatan pengabdian ini melibatkan presentasi, praktek workshop, diskusi interaktif, dan kerja kelompok. Pembicaraan dan diskusi interaktif digunakan untuk memberikan materi. Dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan pengembangan materi ajar digital dengan aplikasi H5pro. Pelatihan ini sangat bermanfaat bagi bapak ibu guru di SDN Kedungrejo, Kecamatan Megaluh, Kabupaten Jombang, karena mereka memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang lebih baik dalam membuat materi ajar digital yang interaktif melalui penggunaan aplikasi H5pr


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    The goal of this study was to identify the different kinds of errors that were made by English Education Department students at KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University of Jombang when they were writing their thesis abstracts. It also sought to understand why these errors could happen. This study concentrated on the thesis abstracts written by English education department undergrads. This study employed a descriptive qualitative methodology. Thirty undergraduate thesis abstract texts released in 2022 served as the research's source of data. Collection, identification, description, explanation, and evaluation of errors were the steps in the error analysis process. The method of data analysis was developed based on Corder's work, which was cited in (Nurdin & Sri Hartati, 2019). According to the results, undergrad students' mistakes included adding words, using the wrong terms, capitalizing, omitting words, spelling, punctuating, using the wrong tenses, and misusing word forms. These errors can be made in a variety of ways depending on their kind, and they can also result from carelessness, inadequate grasp of English grammar and vocabulary, and inter- and intra-lingual interference

    Women Language Features Used By Female Judges And Female Contestants In Australian The Next Top Model Episode Session 10: Corpus Driven Approach

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    This study was intended to describe women linguistic features used linguistic features used by female in different role, in this case is between judges and contestants in a television show, In Australian The Next Top Model, which show power and solidarity. The aims of this study are to find out what linguistic features of women used by female judges and female contestants in a competition show and to determine which role is more powerful and show more solidarity. It is shown that the female judges and the female contestants In Australian the Next Top Model Session 10 from episode 1 to 10 are on the two first features which are put on the most rank of used. Those features are lexical hedges and Intensifiers which have the highest frequency used of the female judges and the female contestants. And the other result that the elements of women’s language features influence the context found In Australian the Next Top Model Session 10 are Lexical Hedges or Filler, Empty Adjectives, Intensifiers, Avoidance of Strong Swear Word, Softening Remark and Acceptable Reason, Tag Question, and Super Polite For. The use of these language features depend on the context that is influenced by power and solidarity, dominant and inequality of the status uttered by the speaker of the female judges and the contestants. And then, total Women’s language features used by the female judges 162 while total Women’s language features used by Female contestants 327