76 research outputs found

    European Expert Opinion on ANT-DBS therapy for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (a Delphi consensus)

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    Introduction: Although deep brain stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus (ANT-DBS) represents an established third-line therapy for patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, guiding reports on practical treatment principles remain scarce. Methods: An Expert Panel (EP) of 10 European neurologists and 4 neurosurgeons was assembled to share their experience with ANT-DBS therapy. The process included a review of the current literature, which served as a basis for an online survey completed by the EP prior to and following a face-to-face meeting (Delphi method). An agreement level of >= 71 % was considered as consensus. Results: Out of 86 reviewed studies, 46 (53 %) were selected to extract information on the most reported criteria for patient selection, management, and outcome. The Delphi process yielded EP consensus on 4 parameters for selection of good candidates and patient management as well as 7 reasons of concern for this therapy. Since it was not possible to give strict device programming advice due to low levels of evidence, the experts shared their clinical practice: all of them start with monopolar stimulation, 79 % using the cycling mode. Most (93 %) EP members set the initial stimulation frequency and pulse width according to the SANTE parameters, while there is more variability in the amplitudes used. Further agreement was achieved on a list of 7 patient outcome parameters to be monitored during the follow-up. Conclusions: Although current evidence is too low for definite practical guidelines, this EP report could support the selection and management of patients with ANT-DBS

    Evidence for diagnosis of early chronic pancreatitis after three episodes of acute pancreatitis : a cross-sectional multicentre international study with experimental animal model

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    Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an end-stage disease with no specific therapy; therefore, an early diagnosis is of crucial importance. In this study, data from 1315 and 318 patients were analysed from acute pancreatitis (AP) and CP registries, respectively. The population from the AP registry was divided into AP (n=983), recurrent AP (RAP, n=270) and CP (n=62) groups. The prevalence of CP in combination with AP, RAP2, RAP3, RAP4 and RAP5+was 0%, 1%, 16%, 50% and 47%, respectively, suggesting that three or more episodes of AP is a strong risk factor for CP. Laboratory, imaging and clinical biomarkers highlighted that patients with RAP3+do not show a significant difference between RAPs and CP. Data from CP registries showed 98% of patients had at least one AP and the average number of episodes was four. We mimicked the human RAPs in a mouse model and found that three or more episodes of AP cause early chronic-like morphological changes in the pancreas. We concluded that three or more attacks of AP with no morphological changes to the pancreas could be considered as early CP (ECP).The new diagnostic criteria for ECP allow the majority of CP patients to be diagnosed earlier. They can be used in hospitals with no additional costs in healthcare.Peer reviewe

    Chronic migraine plus medication overuse headache: two entities or not?

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    Chronic migraine (CM) represents migraine natural evolution from its episodic form. It is realized through a chronicization phase that may require months or years and varies from patient to patient. The transition to more frequent attacks pattern is influenced by lifestyle, life events, comorbid conditions and personal genetic terrain, and it often leads to acute drugs overuse. Medication overuse headache (MOH) may complicate every type of headache and all the drugs employed for headache treatment can cause MOH. The first step in the management of CM complicated by medication overuse must be the withdrawal of the overused drugs and a detoxification treatment. The goal is not only to detoxify the patient and stop the chronic headache but also to improve responsiveness to acute or prophylactic drugs. Different methods have been suggested: gradual or abrupt withdrawal; home treatment, hospitalization, or a day-hospital setting; re-prophylaxes performed immediately or at the end of the wash-out period. Up to now, only topiramate and local injection of onabotulinumtoxinA have shown efficacy as therapeutic agents for re-prophylaxis after detoxification in patients with CM with and without medication overuse. Although the two treatments showed similar efficacy, onabotulinumtoxinA is associated with a better adverse events profile. Recently, the Phase III Research Evaluating Migraine Prophylaxis Therapy (PREEMPT) clinical program proved that patients with CM, even those with MOH, are the ones most likely to benefit from onabotulinumtoxinA treatment. Furthermore, it provided an injection paradigm that can be used as a guide for a correct administration of onabotulinumtoxinA

    HbA1c measurements from dried blood spots: validation and patient satisfaction

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    Background: This study evaluates HbA1c measurements from dried blood spots collected on filter paper and compares HbA1c from filter paper (capillary blood) with HbA1c measured in venous blood. Methods: Patient satisfaction was evaluated using a questionnaire. The performance with the filter paper method was assessed by comparing HbA1c results from EDTA-blood samples obtained via dried blood spots with HbA1c results obtained with freshly hemolyzed blood (routine HbA1c). Adult patients visiting the outpatient clinic for HbA1c analyses were recruited for the evaluation of dried blood spot sampling at home. Laboratory personnel collected a capillary blood sample on filter paper as well as a venous EDTA-blood sample. The participants collected another capillary blood sample at home and sent the dried filter paper back to the laboratory. Samples were analyzed with an immunoturbidimetric assay. Results: Between-filter coefficient of variation was 1.8%. Filter paper HbA1c increased slightly during storage, particularly during the first 5 days. Filter paper HbA1c highly correlated with routine HbA1c (r=0.987). The evaluation of samples collected at home showed comparable HbA1c values by filter paper and routine sampling methods (n=93). Eighty-three percent of participants said they would like the filter method to be brought into practice. Conclusions: Home HbA1c sampling on filter paper is an acceptable sampling alternative for analysis of HbA1c. Clin Chem Lab Med 2009;47:1259-64

    An Otolaryngology, Neurology, Allergy, and Primary Care Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Sinus Headache

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    While sinus headache is a widely accepted clinical diagnosis, many medical specialists consider it to be an uncommon cause of recurrent headaches. Unnecessary diagnostic studies, surgical interventions, and medical treatments are often the result of the inappropriate diagnosis of sinus headache. Both the International Headache Society and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery have attempted to characterize conditions leading to headaches of rhinogenic origin. However, they have done so from different perspectives and in isolation from the other specialty groups. An interdisciplinary ad hoc committee recently convened to discuss the role of sinus disease and the nose in the etiology of headache and to review recent epidemiologic studies suggesting that sinus headache (headache of rhinogenic origin) and migraine are frequently confused with one another. Clinical trial data are presented which clearly indicate that the majority of sinus headaches can actually be classified as migraines. This committee reviewed scientific evidence available from multiple disciplines and concludes that considerable research and clinical study are needed to further understand and explain the role of nasal pathology and autonomic activation in migraine and headaches of rhinogenic origin. However, there was a consensus from this group that greater diagnostic and therapeutic attention needs to be given to patients complaining of sinus headache that may indeed be due to the nose