11 research outputs found

    Diffusion-weighted MRI findings of caudate nucleus and putamen in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Objective The purpose of this study was to establish the diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) findings of the caudate nucleus and putamen in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and to obtain new information on the etiopathogenesis of OCD, which is still unclear. Methods The study comprised 20 patients with OCDs and 20 healthy volunteers. In these cases, DW-MRI and diffusion-weighted echo-planar images (DW-EPI) at b600 and b1000 gradient values were taken and the measurements were made using the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps of each group at b600 and b1000 values from the caudate nucleus and putamen. Results When the DW-MRI examination in patients with OCD was compared with the control group, the mean ADC values in the caudate nucleus and putamen were not found to have statistically significantly changed. In addition, there were no significant differences regarding the right and left caudate nuclei and putamen ADC values at the b600 and b1000 in the patients with OCD or the control group. Conclusion There are still many unknowns about the neurobiology of OCD. When the DW-MRI examination of the patients with OCD was compared with the control group in our study, no significant difference was found between the ADC values of the caudate nucleus and putamen. Further studies are required for this present study on DW-MRI in patients with OCD to be meaningful

    Architecture And Transparency

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003Bu çalışma, şeffaflık kavramını ve bu kavramla mimarlığın içinde bulunduğu ilişkiyi gözler önüne sermektedir. Şeffaflık kavramı sosyal, kültürel ve fiziksel etkenlerle beraber ele alınarak kavramın insan yaşantısındaki yeri, kullanım amaç ve araçları incelenmiştir. Görsel algı ve buna etki eden faktörler üzerinde durularak şeffaflığın algılanması anlatılmıştır. Şeffaflık kavramı için farklı alanlarda yapılan tüm tanımlar ele alınarak bu tanımların mimarlıktaki yansımaları ve bunların nedenleri incelenmiş, buna bağlı olarak kavramın mimarlığa etkileri, mimarideki değişimler ve teknolojideki gelişmelerle beraber büründüğü roller gözler önüne serilmiş ve bu farklı kullanımlar mimari örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Bu kapsamda günümüz Türkiyesindeki mimarların şeffaflık anlayışları da incelenmiş ve projeleri, tarifledikleri şeffaflık açısından irdelenmiştir.This study investigates the transparency concept and its relation with architecture. Considering the Transparency concept together with social, cultural and physical effects; the position of this concept in human life, its means and purpose of usage has been investigated. The perception of transparency has been explained by observing visual perception and the factors that effects this perception. By considering all definitions made in different fields for Transparency concept; the reflections and reasons of this definitions in Architecture has been investigated. Effects of the concept, to the architecture; changes in architecture and different variations with technological developments and different usage has been explained with architectural examples. In this regard, current Turkish Architecture’s understanding of Transparency has been investigated and their projects have been investigated relating to transparency that they defined.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Vakalarla Kalp Damar Cerrahisi II

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    İzole persistan sol superior vena kava (PLSVC); sol subklavyen ve internal juguler venlerin bileşkesinden başlayan, mediastenin sol tarafında arkus aorta komşulu-ğundan geçen nadir görülen bir konjenitalvasküler anomalidir. PLSVC çoğun-lukla koroner sinüs(KS) yoluyla sağ atriyuma(RA) drene olur. Genellikle asemp-tomatik seyreder vekalp cerrahisi esnasında tesadüfen fark edilebilir. Farklı bir bölgeye drenajı olan ya da sağ-sol şant görülen hastalarçarpıntı, çabuk yorulma, halsizlik, göğüs ağrısı, senkop, siyanoz gibi bulgular ve semptomlar ile karşımıza çıkabilir(1-4).i bulgular ve semptomlar ile karşımıza çıkabilir(1-4).</p

    Classification of computerized tomography images to diagnose non-small cell lung cancer using a hybrid model

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    Lung cancer arises from the abnormal and uncontrolled reproduction of parenchymal cells. Among all cancer cases, lung cancer is one of the prevailing types. Prevalence and death rates of the cancer increases day by day. From this point of view, early diagnosis and treatment of this cancer increases survival times and rates. The main idea in the development of the method presented in this publication is to increase the rate of early diagnosis. Computerized Tomography (CT) is the major screening method when encountered with suspicious symptoms. The cancer can be determined with CT and besides subtyping can be done. Diagnosing the disease with the human eye can sometimes lead to the emergence of deficiencies. This is one of the problems faced today. In this direction, the study in this paper presents a hybrid method to predict and diagnose the lung cancer from CT images to minimize potential human errors. Using the method, feature maps of the CT images of the dataset are obtained using the previously trained DarkNet-53 and DenseNet-201 deep model architectures. DarkNet-53 and DenseNet-201 architectures were chosen because they gave the best feature extraction results among 7 different architectures. The purpose of using the two architectures is to combine two high-performance models to create a hybrid classification method with high accuracy. Feature concatenation is applied to increase the diagnosis accuracy. To optimize the performance and computation cost of the proposed method, the Neighborhood Component Analysis (NCA) optimization method is used in determining and analysis of the features with more information. Therefore, features with less contribution in the accuracy are eliminated. Next, new feature maps are achieved by grading all features upon their weights and applying an elimination using a threshold value. The new feature maps are classified using Classical Machine Learning (CML) classifiers. Classification accuracies on DarkNet-53 architecture were calculated as 69.11% with SoftMax and 96.25% with Ensemble Classifiers and Nearest Neighbor Classifiers respectively. Similarly, accuracies on DenseNet-201 architecture were calculated as 68.29% with SoftMax and 97.39% with Ensemble Classifiers and Nearest Neighbor Classifiers respectively. With the proposed hybrid model, the Ensemble Classifiers reached the accuracy of 98.69% and the highest accuracy is achieved by using k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier (kNN) with the value of 98.86%. The results are supported with detailed illustrations

    Comparing Physical Therapy Accompanying Exercise with Only Exercise Treatments in Patients with Chronic Mechanical Low Back Pain

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    Objective: Investigating and comparing the effects of exercise and physical therapy accompanying exercise treatments in patients with chronic low back pain. Materials and Methods: Twenty three patients with mechanical type low back existing more than 3 months were included one of the exercise or the physical therapy+exercise groups according to their application sequence. Both of the groups performed lumbar flexion and extension exercises, strengthening of the lumbar and abdominal muscle exercises and iliopsoas, hamstring and quadriceps stretching exercises two times a day for 14 days. The physical therapy group was given hot pack+therapeutic ultrasound+ interferential current for 10 days additionally. Degree of the low back pain was evaluated with visual analog scale (VAS), range of joint motion was evaluated with hand finger floor distance (HFFD) and Modified Schober test, functional status was evaluated with Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Scale and quality of life was evaluated with Short form-36 (SF-36) before and a month after the treatments. Results: In both groups (exercise group: average age 59 years, 21 females, 2 males; physical therapy group: average age 60 years, 20 females, 3 males) pain intensity and HFFD decreased and Modified Schober increased, functionality recovered, pain and physical functions of SF-36 improved after the treatments. SF-36-physical role difficulty also improved in the exercise group. Decrease in pain, increase in HFFD andimproving of the functional status were all significantly more in the physical therapy group. There were no difference between the groups in terms of Modified Schober measurement and changes of the quality of life. Conclusions: Exercises and exercise+physical therapy are both effective in chronic low back pain. Successful results can be taken by addition of the physical therapy in patients who do not benefit sufficiently from exercise therapy. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2015;21: 73-8

    Akut lenfoblastik lösemi hastalarında t(4;11) MLL/AF4 translokasyonunun real time RT-PCR ile 5 yıllık sonuçlarının retrospektif değerlendirilmes

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    Aim: t(4,11) is a chromosomal abnormality formed by the translocation MLL-AF4, which is the result of the fusion of the AF4 gene, localized on 4q21 chromosomal band, to the MLL gene, localized on 11q23 chromosomal band. The aim of this study is to examine the results of the analysis of t (4;11) MLL-AF4 translocation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients retrospectively. Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood or bone marrow samples of 176 children (70 girls, 106 boys) and 144 adults (60 women, 84 men) with a preliminary diagnosis of acute leukemia between 2009-2013 were analyzed in the Medical Biology Department of Ege University Faculty of Medicine. The translocation RNA results of 71 peripheral blood and 473 bone marrow samples of these patients were evaluated quantitatively for t(4;11) with real-time RT- PCR. t(4;11) quantitation was performed by real-time qRT-PCR instrument after the synthesis of complementary DNA with conventional PCR from total RNA or mRNA isolated from blood and bone marrow. Quantitative analysis of the patients was performed by comparing positive and negative controls and samples classified as positive or negative (the ratio of the number of positive copies to the number of reference copies). Results: A total of 320 patients, with 98 having also follow-ups, were evaluated for t(4;11) translocation. Totally 34 patients (24 children and 10 adults) were found positive and the other samples were negative. Conclusion: The assessment of these results supports that, quantitative determination of t(4;11) with RT-PCR method among newly diagnosed ALL patients and ALL patients undergoing treatment, is a valuable method for both confirming the diagnosis and guiding the treatment intended to achieve molecular remission.Amaç: t(4;11), MLL-AF4 translokasyonu sonucu oluşan, 4q21 kromozomal bandına yerleşim gösteren AF4 geninin 11q23 kromozomal bandına yerleşim gösteren MLL genine füzyonu sonucu gelişen kromozomal bir anomalidir. Bu çalışmada, retrospektif olarak 2009-2013 yılları arasındaki akut lenfoblastik lösemi (ALL) hastalarındaki t(4;11) MLL- AF4 translokasyonunun analiz sonuçlarının incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı’na 2009-2013 yılları arasında akut lösemi ön tanısıyla 176 çocuk (70 kız, 106 erkek) ve 144 yetişkin (60 kadın, 84 erkek) olgunun kan veya kemik iliği örnekleri incelendi. Bu olgulara ait 71 kan ve 473 kemik iliği örneğinin t(4;11) translokasyon RNA sonuçları, gerçek zamanlı RT-PCR yöntemi ile kantitatif olarak değerlendirildi. İlk aşamada, kan ve kemik iliği örneklerinden izole edilen total RNA veya mRNA’dan konvansiyonel bir PCR cihazı ile komplementer DNA sentezlendi. İkinci aşamada, gerçek zamanlı PCR cihazı ile t(4;11) kantitasyonu gerçekleştirildi. Olguların kantitatif olarak değerlendirilmesi, pozitif kontrol ve negatif kontrolün karşılaştırılması ile örneklerin negatif yada pozitif (pozitif olgu kopya sayısının referans kopya sayısına oranı) olması şeklinde yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda 98’i takip hastası olmak üzere toplam 320 hasta t(4;11) MLL-AF4 translokasyonu için değerlendirildi. Çalışmaların sonucunda toplam 34 olgu (24 çocuk, 10 yetişkin) pozitif ve diğer örnekler negatif olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Bu değerlendirmenin sonuçları, RT-PCR yöntemi ile ALL hastalarında yeni tanı döneminde ve tedavi sürecinde t(4;11) MLL-AF4 translokasyonunun kantitatif tayini, hem tanının kesinleştirilmesinde hem de moleküler remisyon sağlanmasına yönelik tedaviyi yönlendirmesinde değerli bir yöntem olduğunu desteklemektedir