193 research outputs found

    Marketing Audit of a Company

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá provedením marketingového auditu společnosti Tungaloy Rus se zvláštním zaměřením na spokojenost jejích pracovníků. V teoretické části diplomové práce se vymezuje pojem a význam marketingového auditu, a taktéž podstata spokojenosti pracovníků a moderní přístupy k jejímu měření. V analytické části diplomové práce se provádí marketingový audit společnosti Tungaloy Rus a průzkum spokojenosti jejích pracovníků. V návrhové části diplomové práce se na základě zjištěných informací navrhují doporučení ke zlepšení současného stavu marketingové činnosti společnosti.The master‘s thesis deals with marketing auditing of company Tungaloy Rus with a special focus on its employees’ satisfaction. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the meaning and importance of marketing audit, as well as the concept of employees’ satisfaction and modern approaches to its measurement. The analytical part of the thesis focuses on performing the marketing audit of company Tungaloy Rus and surveying the satisfaction of its employees. The proposal part of the thesis aims to making a set of recommendations based on the results of the marketing audit and the satisfaction research, which leads to improving the company's marketing activities.

    Improving the efficiency of the stabilization columns in oil and gas processing

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    Rectification process is widely used in oil and gas processing and petrochemistry. The composition of the bottom product of the rectification column usually differs from the equilibrium composition due to significantly higher content of light components or fractions. This stipulates a necessity to include into the technological schemes of several oil refining processes a stabilization unit that are meant to ensure separation of gases and liquid products. A highly relevant task is to explore new possibilities for improving the stabilization process. The aim of the present work was to improve the stabilization process by changing the operating pressure. It was found that increasing the pressure in the stabilization column enhanced the sharpness of separation of butanes from pentanes, which resulted in improving the quality of the products. The experimental-industrial runs confirmed the possibility of increasing the efficiency of stabilization columns in various processes by increasing the pressure within acceptable limits. © 2019 WIT PressACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006

    When Skanderbeg Meets Clinton: Cultural Landscape and Commemorative Strategies in Postwar Kosovo

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    The paper is devoted to studying current strategies in the transformation of cultural landscape in postwar Kosovo. I regard cultural landscape, i.e. a piece of Earth’s surface deliberately shaped by man, as an extension of the so-called socially constructed reality (Berger and Luckmann, 1966). In some cases this symbolization is a strategic part of a nation-building project, or just a way to declare one’s own presence, identity, or affiliation. The creation of new heroes is one of the initial steps within the strategies of a nation-building process, as it forms an essential prerequisite for the feeling of a common and shared history. This article analyses the spectrum of personalities symbolically welcomed in Kosovo since the 1990s. The Republic of Kosovo is de jure a multiethnic society consisting of Albanian, Serbian, and other communities, and is presented as such to the international community. However, the current strategies of symbolic nation-building deeply contradict the declared aspirations to build a common state and national identity among all of the peoples living in Kosovo. My aim is to negotiate the strategies of memorialization in postwar Kosovo with a focus on this balancing between civic (as desired) and ethnic (as de facto realized) models of nation-building. The data for the study were collected during several fieldwork trips in Kosovo (2010-2014)

    Multiple Voices of the Past: (Hi)stories and Memories from the Ethnically Mixed Neighbourhoods in Pristina

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    Multiple Voices of the Past: (Hi)stories and Memories from the Ethnically Mixed Neighbourhoods in Pristina Using the Bakhtinian term heteroglossia developed by Andrea L. Smith, this article analyses the multiple and sometimes internally contradictory narratives, memories and stereotypes articulated in everyday talk about the common past in Pristina that could be heard nowadays in post-war Kosovo (mostly among Kosovo Albanians) and among the people who used to live in Kosovo prior to 1999 (mostly Kosovo Serbs) and then left the country for Serbia (Belgrade, Niš, etc.) or went abroad. The study explores the existing memories, images and stereotypes shared among the current and former citizens of Pristina (Kosovo) – both Albanians and Serbs – about each other and their city. It relies on the basic tools of cultural memory studies and applies them to the analysis of existing local narratives in the present-day Albanian and Serbian communities that used to be parts of one and the same city of Pristina. The article offers a discussion of the opposition between urban and rural models of mindset in changing Pristina and its importance in understanding some of the factors of ethnic conflict in Kosovo. The basic social unit selected for analysis is ethnically mixed neighbourhood and its memory due to the fact that this social and spatial entity functioned as the primary condition and source of interaction, mutual familiarity and cooperation both during peace and war. The empirical data for the study were collected in 2010–2020 during short visits to Pristina (Kosovo) and Niš (Serbia).   Множественные голоса прошлого: история и память в этнически смешанных районах Приштины Аннотация: Используя термин гетероглоссия, предложенный М. Бахтиным и разработанный А. Смитом, в данной статье я про- анализирую многочисленные и иногда внутренне противоречивые нарративы, воспоминания и стереотипы, сформулированные в повседневных разговорах об общем прошлом в Приштине, которые сегодня можно услышать в послевоенном Косово (в среде косовских албанцев) и среди людей, живших в Косово до 1999 г. (в основном косовские сербы), а затем уехавших из страны в Сербию (Белград, Ниш и т. д.) или за границу. Моя статья направлена на изучение существующих воспоминаний, образов и стереотипов, разделяемых нынешними и бывшими гражданами Приштины – как албанцами, так и сербами – по отношению друг к другу и своему городу. В работе используются основные инструменты исследования культурной памяти, в их применении к анализу существующих местных нарративов в современных албанских и сербских общинах, которые когда-то были частью одного и того же города Приштина. В своей статье я буду обсуждать противостояние между городской и сельской моделями мышления в изменении Приштины и его важность для понимания некоторых предпосылок этнического конфликта в Косово. В качестве базовой социальной единицы для своего анализа я выбрал этнически смешанный район и его память в связи с тем, что эта социальная и пространственная сущность функционировала как основное условие и источник взаимодействия, взаимного знакомства и сотрудничества как в периоды мира, так и во время войны. Эмпирические данные были собраны в 2010-2020 годах во время моих коротких визитов в Приштину и Ниш.   > Różnorodne głosy przeszłości: historia i pamięć w zróżnicowanych etnicznie dzielnicach Prisztiny Odwołując się do terminu polifoniczności, zaproponowanego przez Michaiła Bachtina i opracowanego przez Anthony’ego Smitha, w niniejszym artykule przeanalizuję liczne i czasem wewnętrznie sprzeczne narracje, wspomnienia i stereotypy, sformułowane w codziennych rozmowach o wspólnej przeszłości w Prisztinie, które dziś można usłyszeć w powojennym Kosowie (w środowisku kosowskich Albańczyków) oraz pośród ludzi mieszkających w Kosowie do 1999 roku (przede wszystkim wśród kosowskich Serbów), którzy wyjechali do Serbii (Belgrad, Nisz itd.) lub za granicę. Mój artykuł ma na celu zbadanie wspomnień, obrazów i stereotypów, podzielanych przez obecnych i byłych obywateli Prisztiny, zarówno Albańczyków jak i Serbów, w stosunku do siebie nawzajem oraz do samego miasta. W pracy nad analizą lokalnych narracji we współczesnych wspólnotach albańskich i serbskich, które kiedyś były częścią tego samego miasta – Prisztiny, wykorzystuję podstawowe instrumenty badawcze dla dziedziny pamięci kulturowej. W artykule będę omawiać sprzeczność między miejskim a wiejskim modelem myślenia na temat przemian Prisztiny, akcentując jego istotną rolę w rozumieniu niektórych przesłanek konfliktu etnicznego w Kosowie. Jako podstawową jednostkę społeczną dla mojej analizy przyjąłem etnicznie różnorodną dzielnicę wraz z jej pamięcią, ze względu na to, że ta społeczna i przestrzenna jednostka funkcjonowała jako podstawowe źródło wzajemnych wpływów, znajomości i współpracy, zarówno w czasie pokoju, jak i wojny. Dane empiryczne zostały zebrane w latach 2010-2020 w czasie moich krótkich wizyt w Prisztinie i Niszu


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    The authors put forward a technique of stationarization of the failure flow intended for calculating reliability rates of aging objects of transportation and communication networks. They propose to substitute a stationarization of a real non-stationary failure flow for a stationary one with a parameter ƛc , chosen on the basis of some additional considerations, and study two possible approaches to solve the problem.Предлагается методика стационаризации потока отказов, предназначенная для расчета показателей надежности стареющих объектов транспорта и телекоммуникационных сетей. Рассматриваются два возможных подхода к решению поставленной задачи. Их оценку подкрепляют приближенные к практике частные случаи

    Possibility of Various Types SNF Reprocessing at the PA Mayak exampled with AMB SNF

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    AbstractFor the purpose of reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor named AMB from decomissioned Russian “Atom Peaceful Big”, modernization of the process flow-sheet of the RT-1 plant is being carried out at PA Mayak with participation of FSUE KRI and VNIINM. A particular AMB SNF feature is extremely broad range of fuel compounds with the main ones being the uranium-molybdenum metal, uranium oxide and uranium carbide compositions usually dispersed in magnesium or calcium. Wide range of fuel compositions required to amend SNF dissolution, extraction processing, evaporation of high-level radioactive wastes and vitrification of high-level radioactive wastes. The above set of laboratory research was completed with dynamic tests using samples of AMB from the water-cooled graphite-moderated pressure-tube reactor. Tests have shown the possibility of processing the entire range of AMB SNF at the radiochemical plant RT-1 plant of the PA Mayak. Thus, the ability of the RT-1 plant to process different fuel compositions, including the long-term research reactor fuel have been proved experimentally

    The mask as an element of the culture of everyday life during a pandemic

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    Рассмотрено символическое значение медицинских масок в разные исторические периоды. Особое внимание уделяется периодам эпидемии чумы XIV–XV вв. и пандемии COVID-19. Делается вывод о том, что маска становится важным элементом культуры повседневности.The article discusses the symbolic meaning of medical masks in different historical periods. Particular attention is paid to the periods of the plague epidemic of the XIV–XV centuries and the COVID-19 pandemic. It is concluded that the mask is becoming an important element of the culture of everyday life

    Global occurrence, chemical properties, and ecological impacts of e-wastes (IUPAC technical report)

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    The waste stream of obsolete electronic equipment grows exponentially, creating a worldwide pollution and resource problem. Electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) comprises a heterogeneous mix of glass, plastics (including flame retardants and other additives), metals (including rare earth elements) and metalloids. The e-waste issue is complex and multi-faceted. In examining the different aspects of e-waste, informal recycling in developing countries has been identified as a primary concern due to widespread illegal shipments, weak environmental as well as health and safety regulations, lack of technology and inadequate waste treatment structure. For example, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Pakistan and China have all been identified as hotspots for the disposal of e-waste. This article presents a critical examination on the chemical nature of e-waste and the resulting environmental impacts on, for example, microbial biodiversity, flora and fauna in e-waste recycling sites around the world. It highlights the different types of risk assessment approaches required when evaluating the ecological impact of e-waste. Additionally, it presents examples of chemistry playing a role in potential solutions. The information presented here will be informative to relevant stakeholders to devise integrated management strategies to tackle this global environmental concern