42 research outputs found

    Medindo cidades sustentáveis na Rússia: análise crítica de metodologias-chave

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    The paper provides insights on the critical analysis of the current methodologies of the sustainability cities measurement for the present-day Russia. Based on meta-analysis of more than 90 peer-reviewed papers published in Russian and English, we examined both authoring and corporate methodologies such as the SGM methodology for Russian sustainable cities, the environmental rating of Russian cities, and the rating of the environmental governance of the Russian cities, the environmental efficacy index and several authoring methodologies. The analysis showed that most of the calculation methods are based on quantitative (statistical) data, what is their advantage, on the one hand, making their results as objective as possible, but on the other hand, it is a disadvantage, because in connection with the delay in publication of statistics or even its absence, it does not allow the annual dynamics to observe. In addition, the difficulty in choosing the most suitable methodology lies in the significant differences in the development of large, medium and small cities in Russia, and many rating methods are developed exclusively for one of the types of cities. Authors concluded that in spite of the high level of the existing methodologies development, there was a shortage of comprehensive studies carried out in the qualitative-quantitative paradigm that would, in addition to index assessment and mathematical models generation, explain complex causal relationships and processes within a city.El documento proporciona información sobre el análisis crítico de las metodologías actuales de la medición de ciudades de sostenibilidad para la Rusia actual. Con base en el metanálisis de más de 90 artículos revisados por pares publicados en ruso e inglés, examinamos tanto las metodologías de autoría y corporativas como la metodología SGM para ciudades sostenibles rusas, la calificación ambiental de las ciudades rusas y la calificación de la gobernanza ambiental de las ciudades rusas, el índice de eficacia ambiental y varias metodologías de autoría. El análisis mostró que la mayoría de los métodos de cálculo se basan en datos cuantitativos (estadísticos), lo que es su ventaja, por un lado, hacer que sus resultados sean lo más objetivos posible, pero por otro lado, es una desventaja, porque en conexión con el retraso en la publicación de las estadísticas o incluso su ausencia, no permite observar la dinámica anual. Además, la dificultad de elegir la metodología más adecuada radica en las diferencias significativas en el desarrollo de ciudades grandes, medianas y pequeñas en Rusia, y muchos métodos de calificación se desarrollan exclusivamente para uno de los tipos de ciudades. Los autores concluyeron que, a pesar del alto nivel de desarrollo de las metodologías existentes, había una escasez de estudios exhaustivos llevados a cabo en el paradigma cualitativo-cuantitativo que, además de la evaluación del índice y la generación de modelos matemáticos, explicaran relaciones y procesos causales complejos dentro de una ciudad.O artigo fornece insights sobre a análise crítica das metodologias atuais da medição das cidades de sustentabilidade para a Rússia atual. Com base na meta-análise de mais de 90 artigos revisados por pares publicados em russo e inglês, examinamos metodologias de autoria e corporativas, como a metodologia SGM para cidades russas sustentáveis, a classificação ambiental de cidades russas e a classificação da governança ambiental. das cidades russas, o índice de eficácia ambiental e várias metodologias de autoria. A análise mostrou que a maioria dos métodos de cálculo são baseados em dados quantitativos (estatísticos), o que é sua vantagem, por um lado, tornando seus resultados tão objetivos quanto possível, mas, por outro lado, é uma desvantagem, porque em com o atraso na publicação das estatísticas ou mesmo sua ausência, não permite que a dinâmica anual observe. Além disso, a dificuldade em escolher a metodologia mais adequada reside nas diferenças significativas no desenvolvimento de grandes, médias e pequenas cidades na Rússia, e muitos métodos de classificação são desenvolvidos exclusivamente para um dos tipos de cidades. Os autores concluíram que, apesar do alto nível de desenvolvimento das metodologias existentes, houve escassez de estudos abrangentes realizados no paradigma qualitativo-quantitativo que, além da avaliação de índices e da geração de modelos matemáticos, explicariam relações e processos causais complexos Uma cidade

    Comparative anatomical and physiological characteristics of Ranunculus glacialis and estimation of its adaptive potential in natural habitats and the PABGI nursery (Murmansk region)

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    Ranunculus glacialis (L.) A. Löve & D. Löve is a rare species that is included in the Red Data Book of the Murmansk region. It belongs to a group of northern species that, under climate change conditions, will be exposed to a reduction of range and loss of genetic diversity. The objective of this study was to estimate the adaptive potential of this species in the Khibiny Mountains, which is the edge of the eastern limit of its range. Plants growing in natural conditions of the Khibiny Mountains and in the nurseries of the  Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute (PABGI) were compared in terms of leaf mesostructure and pigment content. Under nursery conditions, at higher temperature than in the field, R. glacialis plants showed quantitative rearrangement of leaf mesostructure. Changes associated with increases in internal leaf volume and disturbance of ontogeny, changes in morphometric indicators of assimilating organs (mass and leaf area), reduced productivity and, consequently, reduced resistance to growing conditions were also found in the PABGI-cultivated plants. In this study, we show that this species has a low level of genetic diversity and a limited adaptive potential in the extreme eastern edge of its range in Russia (Kola Peninsula), as evidenced by numerous experiments on acclimatization of R. glacialis under nursery conditions in the Khibiny Mountains

    The pigment complex and photosynthetic activity in the annual cycle of Polytrichum commune in the forest belt of the Khibiny Mountains on the Kola Peninsula of Russia

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    This paper presents data on the content and ratio of pigments, photosynthesis rate, and assimilation number throughout the annual cycle of Polytrichum commune in the forest belt of the Khibiny Mountains. It is shown that the activity of the pigment complex in the photosynthetic organs of P. commune is preserved and maintained over 2 years. The highest content of plastid pigments in this year’s shoots was recorded in fall, in the past year’s shoots in the summer. In winter, the content of chlorophylls in the photosynthetic organs of this year’s shoots decreased in 1.5 times relative to the summer maximum, and carotenoids - in 1.4 times. In the past year’s shoots, no significant changes in the content of the pigments were noted. During the active vegetation period, the photosynthetic intensity in this year’s shoots is in 1.5 times as high as that in the past year’s shoots. At the end of the growing season in the past year’s shoots the value of LHC (76%) due to their immersion deep into the moss clumps and shading them with this year’s shoots. Chlorophyll’s efficiency (assimilation number) in P. commune shoots of different ages in early spring (April) is in 2 times as high as that in fall (October)

    Environmental issues in Russian cities:towards the understanding of regional and national mass media discourse

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    © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Based on the media discourse analysis of twelve national and six regional Russian online mass media, the study provides critical reflections on the environmental media coverage across two Russian cities following environmental themes including air and water pollution, waste, sustainable transport, energy, environmental civic engagement, and organic food. The findings suggest that the commonalities of the media coverage include the distribution of diagnostic and prognostic framing of motivational, informational articles over analytical, and the domination of discourses of ‘sustainable innovations’, ‘modernisation’, ‘environmental alarmism’ and ‘environmental conflicts’. The differences include the higher coverage of the city of Moscow and pro-governmental journalists in the national media in contrast to coverage in the regional press where the voices of environmental activists and non-governmental organisations are presented equally alongside those of the pro-governmental journalists. Collectively, the results demonstrate that media coverage does not accurately reflect the complex issues of urban stakeholders’ relationship with environmental conflicts which are inevitable in the context of Russia’s continuous reliance on the hydrocarbon sector

    Cтруктурна ідентифікація нелінійної системи «рухомий об'єкт–сервопривод» при стохастичних впливах

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    The article represents an algorithm for dynamics models identification of nonlinear system “moving object and servo drive”, taking into account that the stochastic disturbances presented in the real operating mode are acting on itПропонується алгоритм ідентифікації моделей динаміки нелінійної системи «рухомий об’єкт-сервопривод» при врахуванні впливів на неї стохастичних збурюючих факторів в реальних умовах експлуатації

    Cтруктурна ідентифікація нелінійної системи «рухомий об'єкт–сервопривод» при стохастичних впливах

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    The article represents an algorithm for dynamics models identification of nonlinear system “moving object and servo drive”, taking into account that the stochastic disturbances presented in the real operating mode are acting on it.Предлагается алгоритм идентификации моделей динамики нелинейной системы «подвижный объект-сервопривод» при учете воздействий на нее стохастических возмущающих факторов в реальных условиях эксплуатации.Пропонується алгоритм ідентифікації моделей динаміки нелінійної системи «рухомий об’єкт-сервопривод» при врахуванні впливів на неї стохастичних збурюючих факторів в реальних умовах експлуатації