10 research outputs found

    Comparing the maximal aerobic speed assessed with laboratory and field tests in soccer players

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    Investigating the differences between field tests used in practice and laboratory tests is important for accurate performance assessment in soccer players. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the maximal aerobic speed (MAS) obtained from the VAM-EVAL and Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (YYIR1), with an incremental (1km.h-1 per min) treadmill test in soccer players. Eighteen amateur male soccer players, were evaluated with the following tests: a) a treadmill test to directly determine values of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and MAS (Treadmill); b) an indirect VAM-EVAL Test; c) an indirect YYIR1. The results demonstrated that the last speed, distance, and test duration values are significantly different among the tests . (p<0.05)]. The highest MAS value was recorded during the treadmill test (17.10 ± 1.38 km.h-1) which was significantly different from YYIR1 and VAM-EVAL tests (15.82 ± 0.66 and 14.33 ± 0.69 km.h-1, respectively; p<0.001). The analysis also showed that treadmill MAS value was significantly correlated with YYIR1 MAS (r = 0.656) and VAM-EVAL MAS values (r = 0.625), also YYIR1 MAS value was significantly correlated with VAM-EVAL MAS value (r = 0.662). It was concluded that the MAS and the VO2max values are significantly different among YYIR1, VAM-EVAL and selected treadmill protocol, and support the idea that they should not be used interchangeably. From a practical perspective, MAS seems to be more important for coaches than VO2max. Both laboratory and field tests can be useful for assessing MAS; however, field tests should be preferred for training purposes

    The effect of isolated or combined small-sided games and speed endurance training on physical performance parameters in young soccer players

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of six weeks of small-sided games (SSG), speed endurance (SER) and combined SSG and SER (CT) training programs on sprint, repeated sprint, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) and level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2) performance in young soccer players. Forty-one elite young soccer players (body height: 174.0 ± 7.5 cm, body weight: 59.7 ± 9.5 kg, age: 14.6 ± 0.5 years, training age: 7.4 ± 0.6 years) underwent anthropometric measurements before performing 10m and 30m sprint tests, repeated sprint tests, and Yo-Yo IR1 and Yo-Yo IR2. The players were then divided into four groups: the SSG group (SSG; n=11), the SER group (SER; n=10), the CT group (CT; n=11), and the control group (CG; n=9). All groups performed training for six weeks on two days out of the five training days the participants were undertaking. There was a statistically significant increase in the Yo-Yo IR1 and Yo-Yo IR2 test performances of players in SSG, SER and CT groups (p&lt;.05). In addition, players in these groups showed significantly higher percentage increases in Yo-Yo IR2 test performance compared to the CG. The CT group also had a statistically significant increase in Yo-Yo IR1 test performance compared to the CG (p&lt;.05). In conclusion, while this study shows that SSG and SER training can be used for physical performance development in isolation or in combination, coaches and sports scientists are advised to choose combined training to use training time more efficiently

    The effect of maximal aerobic speed training combined with small-sided games on performance parameters in soccer

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    The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of maximal aerobic speed (MAS) training, small-sided games (SSG) training, and combined training (CT) on sprint, agility, lactate accumulation, repeated sprint, aerobic, and anaerobic endurance performances. Thirty under-16 male players participated in a 6-week randomized training study. Pre- and post-training all players completed a test battery involving body composition (body height and Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry-DEXA), sprint tests (10 m, 20 m, and 30 m), Yo-Yo 1 test, Arrowhead agility test, blood lactate test, and Yo-Yo 2 test. A global positioning system (GPS) was used for monitoring. After the pre-tests, the players were randomly assigned to three groups as MAS, SSG, and CT. Mixed two-way ANOVA was used to compare the pre-test and post-test performance of the three groups. While the CT group had higher changes in body composition, repeated sprint, aerobic, and anaerobic endurance parameters compared to the MAS training group (p.05). In conclusion, coaches and sports scientists are advised to choose CT for more efficient training, considering the differences between the MAS training and CT methods

    Взаємозв'язок між складом тіла та анаеробними показниками продуктивності у жінок-гандболісток

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    Background and Study Aim. The purpose of this study was to investigate of the relationships between total/segmental body composition and anaerobic performance parameters in female handball players. Material and Methods. Voluntary 16 women handball players (age= 19.6±2.6years, body height= 168.0±5.5cm, body weight= 64.7±10.7kg), trained last 3 years, were participated to the study. Twelve of them were students from Faculty of Sports Sciences. All measurement and tests were completed in the week right after Turkish Women Handball 1th League. Total and segmental body composition parameters (body fat percentage, body fat mass, lean body mass, leg fat percentage, leg fat mass, lean leg mass, torso fat percentage, torso fat mass, and lean torso mass) of each player were evaluated with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry method. Squat jump test for explosive power, countermovement jump test for elastic (reactive) power, and Wingate test for anaerobic power (WAnT AP) and anaerobic capacity (WAnT AC) were used. Relationships of total/segmental body composition parameters with jump and anaerobic power-capacity parameters were analysed with Pearson correlation and the probability level was set to p£0.05. Results. As a result of statistical analyses, there were negative relationships (p&lt;0.05) between anaerobic performance parameters (countermovement jump and anaerobic power-capacity) and total/segmental body composition parameters except for lean body mass, lean leg mass, and lean torso mass. Conclusions. Total/segmental body composition parameters based on endomorphy had negative effects on explosive power, elastic power, WAnT AP and WAnT AC. It is suggested that coaches should not allow female handball players to rise in ectomorphy for the anaerobic performance loss in the season finale.Предпосылки и цель исследования. Целью этого исследования было изучение взаимосвязи между общим / сегментарным составом тела и параметрами анаэробной производительности у гандболисток.Материал и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 16 добровольцев гандболисток (возраст 19,6 ± 2,6 года, рост 168,0 ± 5,5 см, масса тела 64,7 ± 10,7 кг), тренировавшихся последние 3 года. Двенадцать из них были студентами факультета спортивных наук. Все измерения и тесты были завершены на неделе сразу после 1-й лиги турецкого женского гандбола. Общие и сегментные параметры состава тела (процентное содержание жира в организме, масса жира в организме, безжировая масса тела, процентное содержание жира в ногах, масса жира в ногах, безжировая масса ног, процентное содержание жира в туловище, масса жира в туловище и безжировая масса тела) каждого игрока оценивались с метод двухэнергетической рентгеновской абсорбциометрии. Используются тест прыжка с приседанием на взрывную мощность, тест прыжка с противодвижением на упругую (реактивную) мощность и тест Вингейта на анаэробную мощность (WAnT AP) и анаэробную способность (WAnT AC). Взаимосвязь параметров общего / сегментарного состава тела с параметрами прыжка и анаэробной мощности анализировалась с помощью корреляции Пирсона, и уровень вероятности был установлен на p &lt;0,05.Результаты. В результате статистического анализа была выявлена ​​отрицательная взаимосвязь (p &lt;0,05) между параметрами анаэробной производительности (прыжок с обратным движением и анаэробная силовая емкость) и параметрами общего / сегментарного состава тела, за исключением безжировой массы тела, безжировой массы ног и безжировой массы туловища. ,Выводы. Параметры общего / сегментарного состава тела, основанные на эндоморфии, отрицательно влияли на силу взрыва, силу упругости, WAnT AP и WAnT AC. Предлагается, чтобы тренеры не позволяли гандболисткам увеличивать эктоморфию из-за анаэробной потери результатов в финале сезона.Передумови та мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження було вивчення взаємозв'язку між загальним / сегментарним складом тіла і параметрами анаеробної продуктивності у гандболісток.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 16 добровольців гандболісток (вік 19,6 ± 2,6 року, зрост 168,0 ± 5,5 см, маса тіла 64,7 ± 10,7 кг), що тренувалися останні 3 роки. Дванадцять з них були студентами факультету спортивних наук. Всі вимірювання і тести були завершені на тижні відразу після 1-ї ліги турецького жіночого гандболу. Загальні і сегментні параметри складу тіла (процентний вміст жиру в організмі, маса жиру в організмі, безжирова маса тіла, процентний вміст жиру в ногах, маса жиру в ногах, безжирова маса ніг, процентний вміст жиру в тулуб, маса жиру в тулуб і безжирова маса тіла) кожного гравця оцінювалися за методом двуенергетичної рентгенівської абсорбциометрії. Використовуються тест стрибка з присіданням на вибухову потужність, тест стрибка з протирухом на пружну (реактивну) потужність і тест Вінгейта на анаеробну потужність (WAnT AP) і анаеробну здатність (WAnT AC). Взаємозв'язок параметрів загального / сегментарного складу тіла з параметрами стрибка і анаеробної потужності аналізувалася за допомогою кореляції Пірсона, і рівень ймовірності було встановлено на p &lt;0,05.Результати. В результаті статистичного аналізу було виявлено негативний взаємозв'язок (p &lt;0,05) між параметрами анаеробної продуктивності (стрибок зі зворотним рухом і анаеробна силова ємність) і параметрами загального / сегментарного складу тіла, за винятком безжировой маси тіла, безжировой маси ніг і безжировой маси тулуба. ,Висновки. Параметри загального / сегментарного складу тіла, засновані на ендоморфії, негативно впливали на силу вибуху, силу пружності, WAnT AP і WAnT AC. Пропонується, щоб тренери не дозволяли гандболісткам збільшувати ектоморфію через анаеробної втрати результатів в фіналі сезону

    Relationships between body composition and anaerobic performance parameters in female handball players

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    Background and Study Aim. The purpose of this study was to investigate of the relationships between total/segmental body composition and anaerobic performance parameters in female handball players. Material and Methods. Voluntary 16 women handball players (age= 19.6±2.6years, body height= 168.0±5.5cm, body weight= 64.7±10.7kg), trained last 3 years, were participated to the study. Twelve of them were students from Faculty of Sports Sciences. All measurement and tests were completed in the week right after Turkish Women Handball 1th League. Total and segmental body composition parameters (body fat percentage, body fat mass, lean body mass, leg fat percentage, leg fat mass, lean leg mass, torso fat percentage, torso fat mass, and lean torso mass) of each player were evaluated with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry method. Squat jump test for explosive power, countermovement jump test for elastic (reactive) power, and Wingate test for anaerobic power (WAnT AP) and anaerobic capacity (WAnT AC) were used. Relationships of total/segmental body composition parameters with jump and anaerobic power-capacity parameters were analysed with Pearson correlation and the probability level was set to p£0.05. Results. As a result of statistical analyses, there were negative relationships (p<0.05) between anaerobic performance parameters (countermovement jump and anaerobic power-capacity) and total/segmental body composition parameters except for lean body mass, lean leg mass, and lean torso mass. Conclusions. Total/segmental body composition parameters based on endomorphy had negative effects on explosive power, elastic power, WAnT AP and WAnT AC. It is suggested that coaches should not allow female handball players to rise in ectomorphy for the anaerobic performance loss in the season finale

    Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A in Rize Province and Different Adult Age Groups

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada Rize ilinde yaş grupları için Hepatit A (HAV) seroprevalansını araştırmayı amaçladık. Bunun yanısıra, “Genişletilmiş Ulusal Bağışıklama Programı’nın” hepatit A aşısı eklenerek başlatıldığı sürecin öncesinde son bir yıldaki HAV prevelansı için bazal verileri belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012 yılları arasında farklı şikayetlerle enfeksiyon hastalıkları ve dahiliye polikliniklerine kabul edilen 17-70 yaş arası yetişkinlerde yapıldı. Tüm hastaların Anti-HAV IgG seviyesi retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Bizim polikiniğimize hepatit semptomları benzeri şikayetlerle 236 hasta kabul edildi. Bu hastalarda Anti-HAV IgM seroprevalans değeri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: 626 erkek ve 486 kadın (toplam 1112 hasta) bu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 33,5±13,5 yıldı. Sırasıyla Anti-HAV IgG ve Anti-HAV IgM pozitifliği %75,0 ve %1,2 idi. 834 hastada (482 erkek, 352 kadın) Anti-HAV IgG seropozitifliği saptandı. HAV seropozitiflik prevalansı keza yaşlanmayla artmaktadır. Sonuç: Türkiye orta endemisite grubu içinde yer almaktadır. Türkiye’de sosyoekonomik statü ve hijyenik şartlar geliştiği için, hastalığı geçirme geçmiş yıllardan ziyade günümüzde genç yaşlardan ileri yaşlara kaymıştır. Rize’de yaş grupları için HAV seropozitifliği çocuklarda %29,5 ve yetişkinlerde %75 saptandı. Bu hastalık ilerlemiş yaşlarda gençlerden daha komplike olmaktadır. Adölesanlar ve risk grubundaki kişilerin HAV enfeksiyonu için değerlendirilmesini ve duyarlı bireylerin HAV infeksiyonuna karşı aşılanmasını öneriyoruz.Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection for age groups in Rize province. In addition, we aimed to determine the baseline data regarding the prevalence of HAV within the last year before including hepatitis A vaccine to the Extended National Immunization Program. Materials and Methods: The study was performed between 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012 on adults aged between 17-70 years old who had admitted to infection disease and internal medicine outpatient clinics in our hospital with different complaints. Anti-HAV IgG levels of all patients were analyzed retrospectively. A total of 236 patients with hepatitis like symptoms were admitted to our outpatient clinic. Anti-HAV IgM seroprevalence values of them were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Six hundred and twenty-six male and 486 female (a total of 1112 patients) were included in the study. The mean age of all patients was 33.5±13.5 years. Anti- HAV IgG and Anti-HAV IgM seropositivity were 75.0% and 1.2% respectively. Anti- HAV IgG was positive in 834 patients (482 male, 352 female). The prevalence of HAV seropositivity was increasing with age. Conclusion: Turkey is located in a group of moderate endemicity. Since socioeconomic status and hygienic conditions have been improved in Turkey, unlike past years today developing the disease has been shifted to older ages than younger age. In this province HAV seropositivity prevalence has been found to be 29.5% in children and 75% in the adult. The disease is more complicated in advanced age than younger people. We suggest that adolescents and persons within the risk group to be evaluated for HAV infection and subjects who are susceptible to be vaccinated against HAV infection

    The phanerozoic palaeotectonics of Turkey. Part I: an inventory

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