9 research outputs found


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    Cardiovascular diseases, one of the important health problems of our day, seriously threaten human health. For this reason, it is very important to raise awareness about cardiovascular health from childhood and to develop behaviors accordingly. The aim of this study is to find out cardiovascular health awareness in students between the ages of 7 and 16 during the pandemic. 216 students continuing their education in the city centre of Sivas, Turkey participated in the study. A survey form on socio-demographic characteristics of the students and Children’s Cardiovascular Health Promotion Attitude Scale (CCHPAS) were used in the study. Demographic characteristics were collected online with a 9-question form. KMO value (0.741) was found to be moderate. Bartlett Sphericity test (p=0.00) was found to be significant. The fact that these two values are significant shows that the survey is suitable for factor analysis. 4 factors were determined as a result of factor analysis. These 4 factors explain 60% of the variance. No statistically significant difference was found in both total scale and 4 factors in terms of gender (p>0.05). While no statistically significant difference was found for the first factor in terms of the state of having social media account (p>0.05), significant difference was found for the other factors and total scale score (p0.05), difference was found in terms of Factor 3 and total scale scores (

    Examination of Cognitive Functions and Hippocampal Synaptophysin Levels in an Experimental Schizophrenia Model

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    Şizofreni pozitif, negatif ve bilişsel belirtiler ile seyreden kronik bir beyin hastalığıdır. Bilişsel belirtiler hastalığın prodromal döneminden itibaren gözlenebilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı irkilme refleksininin ön uyaran aracılı inhibisyonu (ÖUAİ) ile oluşturulan deneysel şizofreni modelinde sıçanların bilişsel fonksiyonlarını ve hipokampal presinaptik proteinlerden sinaptofizin düzeylerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada 30 adet erkek Wistar türü sıçanlar bazal ÖUAİ ölçümüne tabi tutulmuş ve bu değerlere göre düşükten yükseğe sıralanmıştır. İlk 10 sıçan “düşük” ve son 10 sıçan “yüksek” inhibisyonlu grup olarak ayrıldıktan sonra 5 gün boyunca Morris Su Tankı (MST) testine tabi tutulmuştur. Testin bitiminde sıçanlar sakrifiye edilerek hipokampus bölgeleri eksize edilmiş ve hipokampal presinaptik proteinlerden sinaptofizin Western Blot yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre her iki grubun öğrenme düzeyleri arasında fark bulunmaz iken ve hafıza fonksiyonlarının platform alanından geçme sıklığı (p<0,05) ve platform alanında geçirilen süre parametreleri (p<0,05) düşük ÖUAİ gruptaki sıçanlarda anlamlı olarak daha düşük bulunmuştur. Sinaptofizin düzeyleri de benzer şekilde düşük ÖUAİ grubundaki sıçanlarda anlamlı olarak (p<0,01) düşük tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmamızın sonuçları yüksek ÖUAİ değerine sahip sıçanlarla kıyaslandığında ÖUAİ değerleri düşük olan sıçanların bazı bilişsel fonksiyonlarının ve hipokampal presinaptik proteinlerden sinaptofizin düzeylerinin anlamlı olarak daha düşük olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu sonuçlar aynı zamanda uzun zamandır şizofreni çalışmalarında güvenilir bir yöntem olarak kullanılan ÖUAİ testinin insan ve hayvan çalışmalarındaki benzer sonuçlarına vurgu yaparak şizofreni araştırmalarındaki önemini desteklemiştir.Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disease and is clinically characterized by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. Cognitive symptoms can be observed starting from the prodromal period of the disease. The aim of this study is to investigate the cognitive functions of rats and hippocampal levels of the presynaptic protein synaptophysin in an experimental schizophrenia model created by prepulse-mediated inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex. In the study, 30 male Wistar type rats were subjected to basal PPI measurements and were ranked from low to high according to these values. After the first 10 rats were divided into the "low" and the last 10 rats into the "high" inhibition group, they were subjected to the Morris Water Maze (MWM) test for 5 days. At the end of the test, the rats were sacrificed, hippocampus regions were excised, and the presynaptic synaptophysin protein was analyzed by Western Blot method. According to the results, while there was no difference between the learning levels of both groups, the frequency of memory functions frequency to cross the platform area (p <0.05) and time spent in the platform area (p <0.05) parameters were found to be significantly lower in rats in the low PPI group. Synaptophysin levels were similarly found to be significantly (p<0.01) lower in rats in the low PPI group. The results of our study show that some cognitive functions and presynaptic protein synaptophysin levels are significantly lower in rats with low PPI values compared to those with high PPI values. These results also supported the importance of the PPI test, which has been used as a reliable method in schizophrenia research for a long time, by emphasizing its comparable outcomes in human and animal studies of schizophrenia

    Determination of some agricultural and essential oil quality of different coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Genotype in Aydin conditions

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    Amaç: Bu araştırmada, Aydın koşullarında farklı kişniş (Coriandrum sativum L.) genotiplerinin tarımsal ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışmada, 9 kişniş genotipi (Burdur, Erbaa, Erzurum, Gamze, Hatay, Mardin, Rus, Suriye ve Yusufeli) tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre dört tekrarlamalı olarak Kasım ayında ekilmiştir. Araştırmada; çıkış, çiçeklenme ve vejetasyon süresi, bitki boyu, sap kalınlığı, bitkide dal sayısı, bitki başına şemsiye sayısı, şemsiyede tane sayısı, bin tane ağırlığı, biyolojik verim, tane verimi, uçucu yağ oranı, uçucu yağ verimi ve uçucu yağ bileşenleri incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Araştırmada; çıkış süresi 52-75 gün, çiçeklenme süresi 167-182 gün, vejetasyon süresi 216,3-226,3 gün, bitki boyu 63,4-99,4 cm, sap kalınlığı 2,83-4,17 mm, dal sayısı 3,20-5,15 adet, bitki başına şemsiye sayısı 8,4-15,6 adet, şemsiyede tane sayısı 53,3-135,7 adet, bin tane ağırlığı 4,75-12,08 g, biyolojik verim 147,3-248,9 kg/da, tane verimi 18,2- 75,0 kg/da, uçucu yağ oranı %0,53-1,18 ve uçucu yağ verimi 0,10-0,77 l/da arasında değişmiştir. Uçucu yağın en önemli bileşeni linalool (%74,33-90,79) olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Aydın koşullarında, morfolojik özellikler açısından Yusufeli ve Burdur, tane veriminde Erbaa, uçucu yağ oranı, verimi ve bileşenine göre ise Yusufeli ve Rus genotipi öne çıkmıştırObjective: This study was carried out to determine some agricultural and quality characteristics of different coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) genotypes in Aydın conditions. Materials and Methods: In the study, 9 coriander genotypes (Burdur, Erbaa, Erzurum, Gamze, Hatay, Mardin, Rus, Syria and Yusufeli) were sown according to Rrandomized Complete Block Design with four replications in November. In the experiment; emergence, flowering and vegetation period, plant height, stem thickness, number of branches per plant, number of umbel per plant, number of seeds per umbel, thousand seed weight, biological yield, grain yield, essential oil ratio, essential oil yield and essential oil components were investigated. Results: In the research; emergence time 52-75 days, flowering period 167-182 days, vegetation period 216,3-226,3 days, plant height 63,4-99,4 cm, stem thickness 2,83-4,17 mm, number of branches 3,20-5,15 pieces, the number of umbrellas per plant 8,4-15,6 pieces, the number of seeds in the umbrella 53,3-135,7 pieces, thousand seed weight 4,75- 12,08 g, the biological yield 1473 -2489 kg ha-1 , seed yield 182-750 kg ha-1 , essential oil rate 0,53-1,18%, essential oil yield 0,10-0,77 l/da were found. The most important component of the essential oil was determined as linalool (74.33-90.79%). Conclusion: In Aydın conditions, Yusufeli and Burdur were prominent in terms of morphological characteristics, Erbaa in seed yield, Yusufeli and Russian genotypes in terms of essential oil ratio, yield and component.İÇİNDEKİLER KABUL VE ONAY .................................................................................................. i TEŞEKKÜR .............................................................................................................. ii İÇİNDEKİLER......................................................................................................... iii SİMGELER VE KISALTMALAR DİZİNİ ............................................................. v ÇİZELGELER DİZİNİ............................................................................................. vi ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ................................................................................................... viii RESİMLER DİZİNİ …............................................................................................... ix ÖZET ......................................................................................................................... x ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. xi 1. GİRİŞ ………………............................................................................................. 1 2. KAYNAK ÖZETLERİ ........................................................................................... 7 3.MATERYAL VE YÖNTEM................................................................................ 12 3.1. Materyal.............................................................................................................. 12 3.1.1.Deneme Yeri...................................................................................................... 12 3.1.2. Deneme Yerinin İklim Özellikleri..................................................................... 12 3.1.3. Deneme Yerinin Toprak Özellikleri.................................................................. 13 3.1.4. Deneme Materyali............................................................................................. 15 3.2. Yöntem................................................................................................................ 16 3.2.1. Deneme Deseni………………………………………………………….…… 16 3.2.2. Toprak Hazırlığı …………………………………...……………………….. 16 3.2.3. Gübreleme…….……………………………………………………………. 16 3.2.4. Ekim ve Bakım …….……………………………...………………………… 17 3.2.5. Hasat………………..…….……………………...…………………………… 18 iv 3.2.6.İncelenen Özellikler……...……………………………………………………. 19 3.2.7. Verilerin Değerlendirilmesi……………………………………..…………… 23 4.BULGULAR ......................................................................................................... 24 5. TARTIŞMA .......................................................................................................... 48 6. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER ..................................................................................... 55 KAYNAKLAR ......................................................................................................... 57 BİLİMSEL ETİK BEYANI ...................................................................................... 65 ÖZ GEÇMİŞ ............................................................................................................... 6


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    Covid-19 virus, which entered our lives in the last period of 2019, has caused radical changes in our lives. After the pandemic was declared, the threat of the epidemic that affected the whole world caused us to change a large number of our habits. In particular, the periods when people were closed at home, which led to a decrease in physical activity levels. In our study, an international physical activity form was given to 278 students between the ages of 7 and 16. Physical activity levels of the students in the past week and what activities they did were found. 162 male students and 116 female students participated in the study. 28 of these students were in primary education, 154 were in secondary education and 96 were in high school. While 7 of the students who participated in the study had barriers to doing sports, it was found that 271 students did not have any. As a result of the analyses conducted about the prevalence of physical activity, it was found that the students were moderately active. It was found that 8.8% of the students were highly active, 23.8% were very active, 30.74% were moderately active, 19.11% were slightly active and 17.57% were inactive (sedentary). In terms of the ways of doing activity in general, it can be seen that during the pandemic, individuals preferred activities which were easy to do at home and on the street and also which were less risky. It can be said that sports branches performed as a team are generally avoided. Activities that are easy to do and less risky, such as running and walking for exercise, have come to the fore during the pandemic process. Article visualizations

    Recurrent Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

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    Stress-induced cardiomyopathy or takotsubo syndrome is a transient cardiac dysfunction which is precipitated by intense emotional or physical stress. It mimics acute coronary syndrome clinically (chest pain and dyspnea) and has specific echocardiographic findings in the absence of significant coronary stenosis. The underlying pathophysiologic mechanism is mostly due to stress-induced catecholamine release. This syndrome is more commonly seen in females especially in the postmenopausal period. The prognosis of stress-induced cardiomyopathy is usually favorable with a prevalence of in-hospital mortality of less than 2%. Reports of a single episode of stress-induced cardiomyopathy are common in the literature, but recurrence of stress-induced cardiomyopathy is rare. Herein, we present an uncommon case of recurrent stress-induced cardiomyopathy in order to provide an explanation of the pathophysiology of this unique syndrome

    Osteoblastic metastasis from signet ring cell gastric cancer in a young male

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    WOS: 000353553700074PubMed: 25910343Bone metastasis is common in patients with lung, prostate, and breast cancers but it isn't common in stomach cancer. Gastric carcinoma infrequently metastasizes to the bone and rarely in an osteoblastic form. Herein we presented a rare case of signet ring cell gastric adenocarcinoma in early stage with osteoblastic metastasis. To our knowledge our case was the youngest signet cell gastric cancer patient with osteoblastic bone metastasis reported in literature

    Multi-DSP and -FPGA-Based Fully Digital Control System for Cascaded Multilevel Converters Used in FACTS Applications

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    In this paper, a fully digital controller based on multiple digital signal processor (DSP) and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) boards has been proposed for parallel-operated cascaded multilevel converters (CMC) used in flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) applications. The proposed system is composed of a DSP-based master controller in combination with a multiple number of slave DSP boards, FPGA boards, microcontrollers, a programmable logic controller (PLC), an industrial computer, and their peripherals in interaction. Inter-communication of these digital controllers is achieved mainly through fiber-optic links, via synchronous serial data link wherever a high-speed, full duplex communication is needed, and via asynchronous serial communication interface wherever relatively slow communication speed is required. The proposed fully-digital control system has been implemented on a sample 11-level CMC-based 154-kV, +/-50-MVAr transmission type static synchronous compensator (T-STATCOM). Field test results have shown that the proposed fully digital control system provides good transient response and steady-state characteristics for the oveall system including protection and monitoring functions

    The Frequency of Fabry Disease in Patients with Cardiac Hypertrophy of Various Phenotypes Including Prominent Papillary Muscle: The TUCARFAB Study in Turkey

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    BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to identify the frequency of Fabry disease in patients with cardiac hypertrophy of unknown etiology and to evaluate demographic and clinical characteristics, enzyme activity levels, and genetic mutations at the time of diagnosis. METHODS: This national, multicenter, cross-sectional, single-arm, observational registry study was conducted in adult patients with a clinical echocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy and/or the presence of prominent papillary muscle. In both genders, genetic analysis was performed by DNA Sanger sequence analysis. RESULTS: A total of 406 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy of unknown origin were included. Of the patients, 19.5% had decreased enzyme activity (≤2.5 nmol/mL/h). Although genetic analysis revealed GLA (galactosidase alpha) gene mutation in only 2 patients (0.5%), these patients were considered to have probable but not 'definite Fabry disease' due to normal lyso Gb3 levels and gene mutations categorized as variants of unknown significance. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of Fabry disease varies according to the characteristics of the population screened and the definition of the disease used in these trials. From cardiology perspective, left ventricular hypertrophy is the major reason to consider screening for Fabry disease. Enzyme testing, genetic analysis, substrate analysis, histopathological examination, and family screening should be performed, when necessary, for a definite diagnosis of Fabry disease. The results of this study underline the importance of the comprehensive use of these diagnostic tools to reach a definite diagnosis. The diagnosis and management of Fabry disease should not be based solely on the results of the screening tests

    Design and Implementation of a 154-kV +/- 50-Mvar Transmission STATCOM Based on 21-Level Cascaded Multilevel Converter

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    In this research work, the design and implementation of a 154-kV +/- 50-Mvar transmission static synchronous compensator (T-STATCOM) have been carried out primarily for the purposes of reactive power compensation and terminal voltage regulation and secondarily for power system stability. The implemented T-STATCOM consists of five 10.5-kV +/- 12-Mvar cascaded multilevel converter (CMC) modules operating in parallel. The power stage of each CMC is composed of five series-connected H-bridges (HBs) in each phase, thus resulting in 21-level line-to-line voltages. Due to modularity and flexibility of implemented HBs, each CMC module has reached a power density of 250 kvar/m(3), thus making the mobility of the system implementable. DC-link capacitor voltages of HBs are perfectly balanced by means of the modified selective swapping algorithm proposed. The field tests carried out at full load in the 154-kV transformer substation where T-STATCOM is installed have shown that the steady-state and transient responses of the system are quite satisfactory