960 research outputs found

    Changes in Driftwood Delivery to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: The Hypothesis of Postglacial Oscillations of the Transpolar Drift

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    Driftwood appears to be absent in the Beaufort Gyre but abundant in parts of the Transpolar Drift (TPD), which crosses the Arctic Ocean from the Chukchi Sea to the vicinity of northeastern Greenland. Nearly 300 radiocarbon dates on Holocene driftwood from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago reveal two regions with contrasting histories of driftwood incursion: the region accessible to wood brought into Baffin Bay by the West Greenland Current and the rest of the archipelago, which receives wood from the Arctic Ocean. We hypothesize that when the TPD was deflected westward along northern Greenland, wood was delivered widely to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago; when the TPD exited entirely through Fram Strait via the East Greenland Current, little or no wood was delivered to most of the archipelago, but some continued into Baffin Bay via the West Greenland Current. A split TPD delivered wood to both regions. The regional driftwood incursion histories exhibit multiple maxima and minima that can be explained through this hypothesis. The Larix to Picea ratio of wood arriving in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago has also changed through time. This may indicate varying contributions from Russian versus North American sources, which in turn may indicate variable mixing of wood en route. The inferred discharge paths of the TPD were apparently stable for intervals ranging from several millennia to centuries or perhaps only decades. The last major switch broadly correlates with the onset of Neoglaciation. Variations in the path and strength of the TPD may have important oceanographic and climatic consequences downstream in the North Atlantic Ocean.Il semble qu'il n'y ait pas de bois flotté dans la circulation de Beaufort mais qu'on en trouve en abondance dans certaines parties du courant d'impulsion transpolaire, qui traverse l'océan Atlantique depuis la mer des Tchouktches jusqu'au voisinage du nord-est du Groenland. Près de 300 datations au carbone 14 effectuées sur du bois flotté datant de l'holocène et provenant de l'archipel Arctique canadien mettent en évidence deux régions qui possèdent un passé divergent quant à l'incursion de bois flotté: la région que peut atteindre le bois transporté dans la baie de Baffin par le courant groenlandais oriental, et le reste de l'archipel, qui reçoit le bois en provenance de l'océan Arctique. Nous avançons l'hypothèse que, quand le courant transpolaire était défléchi vers l'ouest le long de la partie septentrionale du Groenland, il y avait un fort apport de bois dans l'archipel Arctique canadien; quand le courant transpolaire passait en sa totalité par le détroit de Fram pour rejoindre le courant groenlandais oriental, peu de bois, sinon aucun, atteignait la plupart de l'archipel, un peu étant cependant acheminé dans la baie de Baffin via le courant groenlandais occidental. Un courant transpolaire divisé amenait du bois aux deux régions. L'historique des incursions régionales de bois flotté révèle l'existence de nombreux maxima et minima que peut expliquer cette hypothèse. Le rapport du bois provenant de Larix à celui provenant de Picea transporté dans l'archipel Arctique canadien a aussi évolué au cours du temps. Cela peut indiquer une variation dans la contribution provenant de Russie par rapport à celle provenant d'Amérique du Nord, ce qui, à son tour, peut révéler un mélange variable de bois durant le parcours. Les trajets inférés de la décharge du courant transpolaire ont été apparemment stables durant des périodes allant de plusieurs millénaires à des siècles, voire des décennies. Le dernier grand changement est, dans l'ensemble, corrélé à l'arrivée de la néoglaciation. Les variations dans le trajet et la puissance du courant transpolaire pourraient avoir d'importantes conséquences océanographiques et climatiques en aval dans l'océan Atlantique Nord

    The shape of erosional arctic shoreface profiles

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    Conspicuous Smooth and White Egg-Shaped Sulfur Structures on a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Formed by Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria

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    Conspicuous egg-shaped, white, and smooth structures were observed at a hydrothermal vent site in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. The gelatinous structures decomposed within hours after sampling. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy showed that the structure consisted of filaments of less than 0.1 mm thickness, similar to those observed for "Candidatus Arcobacter sulfidicus." SEM-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) showed that the filaments were sulfur rich. According to 16S rRNA gene amplicon and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses, Arcobacter, a sulfide oxidizer that is known to produce filamentous elemental sulfur, was among the dominant species in the structure and was likely responsible for its formation. Arcobacter normally produces woolly snowflake like structures in opposed gradients of sulfide and oxygen. In the laboratory, we observed sulfide consumption in the anoxic zone of the structure, suggesting an anaerobic conversion. The sulfide oxidation and decomposition of the structure in the laboratory may be explained by dissolution of the sulfur filaments by reaction with sulfide under formation of polysulfides. IMPORTANCE At the deep-sea Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent system, sulfide-rich hydrothermal fluids mix with oxygenated seawater, thereby providing a habitat for microbial sulfur oxidation. Microbial sulfur oxidation in the deep sea involves a variety of organisms and processes and can result in the excretion of elemental sulfur. Here, we report on conspicuous white and smooth gelatinous structures found on hot vents. These strange egg-shaped structures were often observed on previous occasions in the Guaymas Basin, but their composition and formation process were unknown. Our data suggest that the notable and highly ephemeral structure was likely formed by the well-known sulfide-oxidizing Arcobacter. While normally Arcobacter produces loose flocs or woolly layers, here smooth gel-like structures were found

    Photophysics of indole upon x-ray absorption

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    A photofragmentation study of gas-phase indole (C8_8H7_7N) upon single-photon ionization at a photon energy of 420 eV is presented. Indole was primarily inner-shell ionized at its nitrogen and carbon 1s1s orbitals. Electrons and ions were measured in coincidence by means of velocity map imaging. The angular relationship between ionic fragments is discussed along with the possibility to use the angle-resolved coincidence detection to perform experiments on molecules that are strongly oriented in their recoil-frame. The coincident measurement of electrons and ions revealed fragmentation-pathway-dependent electron spectra, linking the structural fragmentation dynamics to different electronic excitations. Evidence for photoelectron-impact self-ionization was observed.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Mode-resolved reciprocal space mapping of electron-phonon interaction in the Weyl semimetal candidate Td-WTe2_2

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    The selective excitation of coherent phonons provides unique capabilities to control fundamental properties of quantum materials on ultrafast time scales. For instance, in the presence of strong electron-phonon coupling, the electronic band structure can become substantially modulated. Recently, it was predicted that by this means even topologically protected states of matter can be manipulated and, ultimately, be destroyed: For the layered transition metal dichalcogenide Td-WTe2_2, pairs of Weyl points are expected to annihilate as an interlayer shear mode drives the crystalline structure towards a centrosymmetric phase. By monitoring the changes in the electronic structure of Td-WTe2_2 with femtosecond resolution, we provide here direct experimental evidence that the coherent excitation of the shear mode acts on the electronic states near the Weyl points. Band structure data in comparison with our results imply, furthermore, the periodic reduction in the spin splitting of bands near the Fermi energy, a distinct electronic signature of the non-centrosymmetric Td ground state of WTe2_2. The comparison with higher-frequency coherent phonon modes finally proves the shear mode-selectivity of the observed changes in the electronic structure. Our real-time observations reveal direct experimental insights into electronic processes that are of vital importance for a coherent phonon-induced topological phase transition in Td-WTe2_2.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Ultralong Copper Phthalocyanine Nanowires with New Crystal Structure and Broad Optical Absorption

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    The development of molecular nanostructures plays a major role in emerging organic electronic applications, as it leads to improved performance and is compatible with our increasing need for miniaturisation. In particular, nanowires have been obtained from solution or vapour phase and have displayed high conductivity, or large interfacial areas in solar cells. In all cases however, the crystal structure remains as in films or bulk, and the exploitation of wires requires extensive post-growth manipulation as their orientations are random. Here we report copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) nanowires with diameters of 10-100 nm, high directionality and unprecedented aspect ratios. We demonstrate that they adopt a new crystal phase, designated eta-CuPc, where the molecules stack along the long axis. The resulting high electronic overlap along the centimetre length stacks achieved in our wires mediates antiferromagnetic couplings and broadens the optical absorption spectrum. The ability to fabricate ultralong, flexible metal phthalocyanine nanowires opens new possibilities for applications of these simple molecules

    Functional neuroimaging effects of recently discovered genetic risk loci for schizophrenia and polygenic risk profile in five RDoC subdomains

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    Recently, 125 loci with genome-wide support for association with schizophrenia were identified. We investigated the impact of these variants and their accumulated genetic risk on brain activation in five neurocognitive domains of the Research Domain Criteria (working memory, reward processing, episodic memory, social cognition and emotion processing). In 578 healthy subjects we tested for association (i) of a polygenic risk profile score (RPS) including all single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reaching genome-wide significance in the recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) meta-analysis and (ii) of all independent genome-wide significant loci separately that showed sufficient distribution of all allelic groups in our sample (105 SNPs). The RPS was nominally associated with perigenual anterior cingulate and posterior cingulate/precuneus activation during episodic memory (PFWE(ROI)=0.047) and social cognition (PFWE(ROI)=0.025), respectively. Single SNP analyses revealed that rs9607782, located near EP300, was significantly associated with amygdala recruitment during emotion processing (PFWE(ROI)=1.63 × 10−4, surpassing Bonferroni correction for the number of SNPs). Importantly, this association was replicable in an independent sample (N=150; PFWE(ROI)<0.025). Other SNP effects previously associated with imaging phenotypes were nominally significant, but did not withstand correction for the number of SNPs tested. To assess whether there was true signal within our data, we repeated single SNP analyses with 105 randomly chosen non-schizophrenia-associated variants, observing fewer significant results and lower association probabilities. Applying stringent methodological procedures, we found preliminary evidence for the notion that genetic risk for schizophrenia conferred by rs9607782 may be mediated by amygdala function. We critically evaluate the potential caveats of the methodological approaches employed and offer suggestions for future studies

    Applicability of the Long Chain Diol Index (LDI) as a Sea Surface Temperature Proxy in the Arabian Sea

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    The long-chain diol index (LDI) is a relatively new proxy for sea surface temperature (SST) which has been rarely applied in upwelling regions. Here, we evaluated its application by comparison with other SST records obtained by commonly used proxies, that is, the Mg/Ca ratio of the planktonic foraminifera species Globigerinoides ruber and the alkenone paleothermometer U-37(K '). We focused on the last glacial-interglacial transition of four different sedimentary archives from the western and northern Arabian Sea, which are currently under the influence of monsoon-induced upwelling and the associated development of an oxygen minimum zone. The UK ' 37 UK37{{\mathrm{U}}{\mathrm{K}\prime }}_{37} and Mg/Ca-G.ruber SST records revealed an increase of 0.6-3.4 degrees C from the Last Glacial Maximum to the late Holocene with somewhat higher amplitude in the northern part of the Arabian Sea than compared to the western part. In contrast, the LDI SSTs did not reveal major changes during the last glacial-interglacial transition which was followed by a decreasing trend during the Holocene. The LGM versus the Holocene LDI SSTs ranged between -0.2 and -2.7 degrees C. Particularly at one record, offshore Oman, the SST decrease during the Holocene was high in amplitude, suggesting a potential cold bias, possibly related to changes in upwelling intensity. This indicates that care has to be taken when applying the LDI for annual mean SST reconstruction in upwelling regions