15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh pemberian fosfor di pembibitan terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi pada rendaman cekaman

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    Cekaman rendaman merupakan salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam kegiatan budidaya padi di lahan rawa lebak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian fosfor sebelum tanaman terendam yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman padi terhadap cekaman rendaman. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (Split Plot) dengan varietas padi sebagai petak utama dan waktu pemberian fosfor sebagai anak petak yang masing-masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Varietas padi yang digunakan yaitu IR 42, Inpari 30, dan Ciherang. Waktu pemberian fosfor terdiri dari kontrol (P0), pemberian fosfor 3 hari sebelum perendaman (P1), 7 hari sebelum perendaman (P2), dan 14 hari sebelum perendaman (P3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ciherang merupakan varietas yang paling terhambat pertumbuhannya akibat cekaman rendaman. Selain itu, perlakuan P2 (aplikasi fosfor pada 7 hari sebelum perendaman) menunjukkan hasil terbaik dibandingkan perlakuan lain yang secara signifikan ditunjukkan pada peubah luas daun, berat kering akar dan total berat kering tanaman pada 6 minggu setelah tanam atau 14 hari setelah perendaman. Data yang dihasilkan diharapkan mampu menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam perbaikan teknis budidaya padi di lahan rawa lebak.  One of the major constraints of rice cultivation in the non-tidal swamp area is submergence stress, which is considered could be managed by phosphorus application before submergence in order to increase rice tolerance towards submergence stress condition. Split plot design was used in this research with three replicates. Rice cultivars served as the main plot consisted of IR42, Inpari 30, and Ciherang. While for the sub-plot was phosphorus application consisted of P0 = control, P1 = phosphorus application 3 days before submergence, P2 = phosphorus application 7 days before submergence, and P3 = phosphorus application 14 days before submergence. Results showed that Ciherang was the most affected cultivar due to submergence stress. Furthermore, P2had better performance compared to other P treatments as significantly showed in leaf area, dry root weight, and total dry weight at 6 weeks after sowing or 14 days  after  submergence. The resulted data hopefully can be used as a consideration for swamp rice cultivation improvement effort

    The Application of Compost Extract and Biopesticide in Three Different Varieties of Soybean (Glycine max L.)

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    Soybeans are high in protein and vegetable oil. However, soil fertility, among other factors, has resulted in low production. This study aimed to compare the effects of shrimp shells compost extract (EKKU) and Mushroom Substrate Media Compost Extract (EKMTJ) fertilizers in combination with bio-insecticides with active ingredients from Beauveria bassiana on the growth and production of soybean. This was a factorial randomised design study with two factors.  The first factor was compost extract, with P1: EKKU and P2: EKMTJ. Furthermore, the second factor is a dosage of bioinsecticides with B. bassiana active ingredients of 1 litre/ha (B1) and 2 litres/ha (B2). The results showed that the application of shrimp shell compost extract (EKKU) combined with 2 litres/ha bioinsecticide gave the best results in plant height and shoot weight. On the other hand, the application of mushroom substrate medium compost extract (EKMTJ) gave the best results for wet and dry weight of plant pods and canopy dry weight

    Studi Empiris pada Pola Sumber Dana untuk Pembiayaan Usahatani Padi di Sumatera Selatan

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    Hamzah et al, 2018. Empirical Study on the Pattern of Funding Sources for Rice Farming in South Sumatra. JLSO 7(2):196-203. The objective of the study was to identify the source and size of the financing portion of the rice farming from the loan and the terms and the interest rate charged. The interviews were conducted on 75 samples of rice farmers whose farming costs were partly derived from loans at three different land ecosystems in South Sumatra Province. The three types of ecosystems viz., tidal swamp land, technical irrigation, and swamp land were used in the study.  The results showed that there were seven financing sources that farmers used for fulfill their production cost if they not enough capital. Middlemen was biggest source with a portion of 45.28% and their own costs of 43.52, the rest is relatively small comes from money lenders, families, rice milling units, cooperative and friends. The interest rate charged varies from 3% to 50% per planting season. The lowest interest rate on lending money was to cooperatives and middlemen. However, if farmers borrow from middlemen, they must sell their rice to them. The highest interest rate from money lenders is 50%. All loans were being paid at after harvested time. Only borrow to families and friends were not charged interest and other terms. Farmers were forced to use non-formal lending institutions because banks located far away and they were afraid to come to the bank. It is suggested to reduce the dependence of rice farmers on non-formal lending institutions through developing a more effective agricultural cooperative.      Â

    Serangga yang Ditemukan Pada Beberapa Gulma di Sekitar Pertanaman Jeruk (Citrus sp.) di Kecamatan Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan

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    Irsan C, Anggraini E, Riana N, Mawarni A, Setiawan I.T., Harun, M.U. 2023. Insects found in some weeds around citrus (Citrus sp.) plantations in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatera. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-11 Tahun 2023, Palembang 21 Oktober 2023. (pp. 742-748). Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Citrus plants (Citrus sp.) are horticultural crops, and fruit commodities from the Rutaceae family. The presence of weeds around citrus plants provides an alternative host for other insects and attracts natural enemies of citrus pests. This research was conducted to find out what insects were found in weeds around citrus plants in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. The sampling method used in this research was the purposive sampling method. Observations were carried out from June to October 2023 in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. The results of observations showed that in the weeds around the citrus plants, 4 species of insects were found belonging to 3 families and 3 orders. The 4 species are Monomorium minimum, Oecophylla smaragdina, Dysdercus cingulatus, Oxya sp. The most frequently found species was M. minimum from the Formicidae family with a total of 846 individuals and the fewest are Oxya sp. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with 6 individuals

    Uji Kisaran Inang Penyakit Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) dan Antraknosa (Colletotrichum Sp.) pada Beberapa Tanaman Cucurbitaceae

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    Anggraini et al, 2018. Host-Range Analysis of Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) and Anthracnose (Colletotrichum Sp.) on some Cucurbitaceae Plants. JLSO 7(2):213-224. Inhibiting factors of cucumber cultivation is Downy mildew disease that is caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Anthracnose by Colletotrichum sp. The objective of this research was to observe pathogenicity of activity caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Colletotrichum sp. isolated from cucumber towards Cucurbitaceae plants. The research was conducted at greenhouse and Phytopathology Laboratory, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sriwijaya in September to December 2016. This study used Randomized Block Design (RBD), with four types of plants, 2 treatments and 4 replications. The results showed that the incubation period of the plant inoculation Downy mildew by Pseudoperonospora cubensis range between 4.5-5.0 days. Result of broadest spot area was on melon leaf 2.05 cm2 with the chlorophyll content of 0.4928 mg/g and the lowest result was on cucumber leaf 0.90 cm with the chlorophyll content of 0.7628 mg/g. While the results showed that the incubation period of the applied plant pathogen Colletotrichum sp. ranging from 3.0-4.5 days. Result of broadest spot area was on melon leaf 4.00 cm2 with the chlorophyll content of 0.3932 mg/g and the lowest result was on cucumber leaf 2.42 cm2 with the chlorophyll content of 0.7588 mg/g

    Spesies Semut yang Ditemukan di Sekitar Perkebunan Kelapa di Daerah Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan Indonesia

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    Anggraini, E., Riyanti, T. E., Sinaga, T. M., Simbiring, R. S., Sefrila, M., Kurnianingsih, A., Ikhsan, Z. 2023. Ant species found around coconut plantations in the Banyuasin Region of South Sumatra Indonesia. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-11 Tahun 2023, Palembang 21 Oktober 2023. (pp. 749-755).  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).The coconut plant (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the agricultural commodities that is widely cultivated in almost all regions of Indonesia, especially in the Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Weeds are found around coconut plantations. Ants are known as predators of insect pests and are found in weed habitats. This research aimed to determine the types of ant species that dominate coconut plantations in the Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Data was collected by field observation using the plant survey method. The survey was carried out through direct observation of the farmer coconut plantations covering an area of 4 hectares. Observations were done by observing the ant species found around the coconut plants. Ants species found on coconut plantations in the Banyuasin Regency were Dolichoderus sp., Oecophylla smaragdina, and Polyrhachis bicolor. The most dominant ant found in coconut plantations in the Banyuasin was O. smaragdina with a total of 742 individuals. The fewest ants found was P. bicolor with a total of 578 individuals

    Spesies Parasitoid Lipaphis Erysimi Asal Sumatera Selatan Dan Variasi Parasitisasinya Pada Tumbuhan Inang Yang Berbeda

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    Lipaphis erysimi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is one of the main insect pests on brassicaceous crops. Aphids attack crops by sucking sap from its hosts. Densed population in the initial phase of crop growth could inhibit growing, loss in yield up to 100%. Experiments were aimed to explore and identify species of L. erysimi parasitoid in highland areas of South Sumatra, and to determine potency of the parasitoids to parasitize L. erysimi in laboratory. The highest parasitism level of L. erysimi (72.40%) was found on 200 aphids which reared on B. juncea. While, the second highest parasitism level (65.67%) was found on N. indicum. The number of mummies found on N. indicum was less than on B. juncea. Of all observations, every treatment on every tested plant showed that female D. rapae emerged more than male D. rapae (female bias). The two parasitoids species that parasitized L. erysimi were Diaeretiella rapae and Aphidius sp. Parasitisation at several location in South Sumatera was highly diverse. D. rapae was the most abundant parasitoid species on several high lands at South Sumatera


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    Setothosea asigna poses a significant threat to oil palm plantations, necessitating effective control measures. This survey-based research, utilizing Purposive Sampling, identifies parasitoids and evaluates their effectiveness in Dharmasraya oil palm plantations, a crucial palm oil-producing region in Indonesia. The selected criteria encompass plantations aged 6-15 years with a considerable Setothosea asigna infestation, providing a comprehensive overview of the pest's impact. The study establishes five sample points diagonally, each comprising five randomly chosen plants, totaling 25 samples per site, ensuring diverse representation. The predominant larval parasitoids exhibit noteworthy efficacy, primarily from the Hymenoptera order, Braconidae family, Genus Apanteles, and Spinaria. Among the 110 larvae observed, five were parasitized, resulting in the emergence of 65 parasitoids. The parasitization rate varies from 0 - 9.09%, with prominent contributions from Apanteles sp. and Spinaria sp., belonging to the endoparasitoid type. This research significantly contributes to sustainable agriculture practices and the palm oil industry, offering insights into targeted pest control for Setothosea asigna. Despite its focus on Dharmasraya, the study provides a valuable foundation for broader applications and invites further research for generalization

    Populasi Serangga Hama dan Artropoda Predator pada Padi Rawa Lebak Sumatera Selatan yang Diaplikasikan Bioinsektisida dari Beauveria bassiana dan Insektisida Sintetik

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    Hanif et al, 2019. Population of Pest Insects and Predatory Arthropods Inhabiting Freshwater Swamp Rice of South Sumatra Treated with Bioinsectide of Beauveria bassiana and a Synthetic Insecticide. JLSO (8)1:31-38.Entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, could  kill various species of insect pests, but  their impact on predatory arthropods needs to be studied. The aim of this study was to compare population of pest insects and predatory arthropods inhabiting rice sprayed with bioinsecticide of B. bassiana and conventional rice field using a synthetic insecticides. Bioinsecticide was made from conidia of B. bassiana and sprayed on rice canopy. The plot of conventional farmers was sprayed with synthetic insecticides made from Abamektrin. The results showed that the application of bioinsecticide of B. bassiana was not proven to reduce the pest insect population. The abundance of natural enemies of pest insects, such as  spiders and predatory insects was also more abundant in plots sprayed with  bioinsecticide than conventional plots that used synthetic insecticide. The synthetic insecticides have been shown to reduce the abundance of predatory insects and spiders. Bioinsecticides containing carrier of  liquid compost were proven to increase the growth and development of rice, which was an increase in the number of rice tillers per clump in plots applied by bioinsecticide. Thus, B. bassiana of bioinsecticide with liquid compost carrier material was safer and could maintain the abundance of predatory arthropods and increased rice growth

    Berat Larva Spodoptera litura dan Luas Daun Cabai yang Dimakannya setelah Diaplikasikan Berbagai Isolat Jamur Entomopatogen

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    Gustianingtyas M, Herlinda S, Anggraini E, Arsi A, Suwandi S, Hasbi H, Verawaty M, Setiawan A, Elfita E, Suparman S, Hamidson H, Khodijah K. 2020. Weight of spodoptera litura larvae and chili leaf area eaten after treated with some entomopathogenic fungal isolates. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Spodoptera litura is one of the important insect pests on chili in Indonesia that attacks the vegetative and generative phases. This study aimed to observe the effect of the entomopathogenic fungal isolates explored from the low and highlands on the decrease in feed and weight of S. litura larvae. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block  Design (RBD) with 52 treatments consisted of 29 isolate of Beauveria bassiana and  23 isolate of  Metarhizium spp. applied on  25  second instar of  S. litura  per replicate. The results showed that the body weight of larvae applied to B. bassiana isolates on the first day of observation was significantly different from the control. The body weight of larvae on the first day of observation of BJgTs isolates (0.30 g) and Bby (0.31 g) was significantly different and lower than the other treatments. The body weight of larvae applied isolate Metarhizium spp. significantly different from the controls. The body weight of larvae on the 9 day applied isolates MPdMs2 (4.74) and MKbTp2 (4.63) was significantly different from other treatments, the leaf area eaten was significantly different from the 7 day to the 12 day of observation. From this research, it can be concluded that B. bassiana isolates coded BJgTs and Bby, isolates Metarhizium spp. MPdMs2 and MKbTp2 codes are isolates that have an effect on reducing feed and larvae weight and cause changes in behavior of S. litura larvae