103 research outputs found

    Another short proof of the Joni-Rota-Godsil integral formula for counting bipartite matchings

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    How many perfect matchings are contained in a given bipartite graph? An exercise in Godsil's 1993 \textit{Algebraic Combinatorics} solicits proof that this question's answer is an integral involving a certain rook polynomial. Though not widely known, this result appears implicitly in Riordan's 1958 \textit{An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis}. It was stated more explicitly and proved independently by S.A.~Joni and G.-C.~Rota [\textit{JCTA} \textbf{29} (1980), 59--73] and C.D.~Godsil [\textit{Combinatorica} \textbf{1} (1981), 257--262]. Another generation later, perhaps it's time both to simplify the proof and to broaden the formula's reach

    Introduction: Secularities, Religiosities, and Subjectivities

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    This volume ethnographically explores the relation between secularities and religious subjectivities. As a consequence of the demise of secularization theory, we live in an interesting intellectual moment where the so-called ‘post-secular’ coexists with the secular, which in turn has become pluralized and historicized. This cohabitation of the secular and post-secular is revealed mainly through political dialectical processes that overshadow the subjective and inter-subjective dimensions of secularity, making it difficult to pinpoint concrete sites, agents, and objects of expression. Drawing on cases from South America, Africa, and Europe, contributors apply key insights from religious studies debates on the genealogies and formations of both religion and secularism. They explore the spaces, persons, and places in which these categories emerge and mutually constitute one another.N

    Plan de mejora para la calidad de atención en consulta externa de un Hospital Rural, San Martín

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    La actual indagación presentó como propósito proponer un plan de mejora para la calidad de atención en consulta externa de un Hospital Rural, San Martín; para ello, emplearon un sistema metodológico basado en un enfoque cuantitativo, con alcance propositivo – descriptivo, diseño no experimental y de tipo básica, adicionalmente, como técnica e instrumento de recopilación de datos se manejó la encuesta y cuestionario, respectivamente; para una muestra de 172 pacientes. Todo lo antes mencionado, permitió obtener como hallazgo principal un plan de mejora elaborado, el cual evidenció que la calidad de servicio brindado por el hospital en análisis es en promedio deficiente (60.5%), puesto que, más del del 50% percibe que la capacidad de respuesta, fiabilidad, seguridad, empatía y la tangibilidad está en un nivel bajo a medio, en ese sentido, se concluyó con una propuesta basada en cinco estrategias junto a un despliegue de actividades, indicadores de desempeño y tiempos que aseguran según el juicio de expertos una efectividad adecuada para optimizar el proceso de prestación del servicio de salud

    Applying the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model of HIV- Risk to Youth in Psychiatric Care

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    This study examined the utility of cognitive and behavioral constructs (AIDS in-formation, motivation, and behavioral skills) in explaining sexual risk taking among 172 12–20–year-old ethnically diverse urban youths in outpatient psy-chiatric care. Structural equation modeling revealed only moderate support for the model, explaining low to moderate levels of variance in global sexual risk taking. The amount of explained variance improved when age was included as a predictor in the model. Findings shed light on the contribution of AIDS informa-tion, motivation, and behavioral skills to risky sexual behavior among teens re-ceiving outpatient psychiatric care. Results suggest that cognitive and behavioral factors alone may not explain sexual risk taking among teens whose cognitive and emotional deficits (e.g., impaired judgment, poor reality testing, affect dysregulation) interfere with HIV preventive behavior. The most powerful ex-planatory model will likely include a combination of cognitive, behavioral, developmental, social (e.g., family), and personal (e.g., psychopathology) risk mechanisms

    Patterns of violence exposure and sexual risk in low-income, urban African American girls.

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    This study examined the relationship between violence exposure and sexual risk-taking among low-income, urban African American (AA) adolescent girls, considering overlap among different types and characteristics of violence

    Tracing the Roots of Early Sexual Debut Among Adolescents in Psychiatric Care

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    To identify the most important social and personal characteristics related to early sexual debut among troubled teenagers

    Autonomous Medical Needle Steering In Vivo

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    The use of needles to access sites within organs is fundamental to many interventional medical procedures both for diagnosis and treatment. Safe and accurate navigation of a needle through living tissue to an intra-tissue target is currently often challenging or infeasible due to the presence of anatomical obstacles in the tissue, high levels of uncertainty, and natural tissue motion (e.g., due to breathing). Medical robots capable of automating needle-based procedures in vivo have the potential to overcome these challenges and enable an enhanced level of patient care and safety. In this paper, we show the first medical robot that autonomously navigates a needle inside living tissue around anatomical obstacles to an intra-tissue target. Our system leverages an aiming device and a laser-patterned highly flexible steerable needle, a type of needle capable of maneuvering along curvilinear trajectories to avoid obstacles. The autonomous robot accounts for anatomical obstacles and uncertainty in living tissue/needle interaction with replanning and control and accounts for respiratory motion by defining safe insertion time windows during the breathing cycle. We apply the system to lung biopsy, which is critical in the diagnosis of lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. We demonstrate successful performance of our system in multiple in vivo porcine studies and also demonstrate that our approach leveraging autonomous needle steering outperforms a standard manual clinical technique for lung nodule access.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Global Mental Health and Nutrition: Moving Toward a Convergent Research Agenda.

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    Both malnutrition and poor mental health are leading sources of global mortality, disease, and disability. The fields of global food security and nutrition (FSN) and mental health have historically been seen as separate fields of research. Each have undergone substantial transformation, especially from clinical, primary care orientations to wider, sociopolitical approaches to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. In recent years, the trajectories of research on mental health and FSN are further evolving into an intersection of evidence. FSN impacts mental health through various pathways such as food insecurity and nutrients important for neurotransmission. Mental health drives FSN outcomes, for example through loss of motivation and caregiving capacities. They are also linked through a complex and interrelated set of determinants. However, the heterogeneity of the evidence base limits inferences about these important dynamics. Furthermore, interdisciplinary projects and programmes are gaining ground in methodology and impact, but further guidance in integration is much needed. An evidence-driven conceptual framework should inform hypothesis testing and programme implementation. The intersection of mental health and FSN can be an opportunity to invest holistically in advancing thinking in both fields
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