304 research outputs found

    HÀr gÄr man

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    Det hĂ€r Ă€r en kvalitativ studie, som syftar till att beskriva gĂ„ngtrafikanters situation i nĂ„gra stadsmiljöer. Mer precist gĂ€ller det att fĂ„ kunskap om förutsĂ€ttningarna för att gĂ„ sett i ett brukarperspektiv och knutet till förutsĂ€ttningarna i miljön. De metoder som har anvĂ€nts Ă€r ”deltagandekartering” (participative mapping) och fokusgruppssamtal. FrĂ„gor som belyses Ă€r: varför, var och vart man gĂ„r och hur olika kategorier av fotgĂ€ngare vĂ€ljer att gĂ„, samt vad omgivningen betyder i sammanhanget. Resultatet pekar ut frĂ„gor som utifrĂ„n brukarnas perspektiv framstĂ„r som viktiga, sĂ€rskilt dĂ€r det behövs ytterligare kunskap. Studien har genomförts i LuleĂ„, VĂ€sterĂ„s och Älmhult. Kartering och fokusgrupper genomfördes med olika kategorier deltagare: VĂ€sterĂ„s: ungdomar 22 september 2010 respektive seniorer 23september 2010, Älmhult: seniorer respektive ungdomar: 14 oktober 2010 samt förvĂ€rvsarbetande: 3 maj 2011, LuleĂ„: förvĂ€rvsarbetande: 25 oktober 2010 respektive förĂ€ldralediga: 26 oktober 2010. Alla sĂ€tt att fĂ€rdas till fots ingĂ„r i projektet, Ă€ven löptrĂ€ning, men inga rullstolsburna har deltagit i den hĂ€r studien. Alla möjliga anledningar att gĂ„ utomhus ingĂ„r, och variationen Ă€r stor mellan olika grupper och personer. Ungdomarna som intervjuades gĂ„r framförallt av nyttoskĂ€l – till och frĂ„n skolan, trĂ€ningen, bussen, tĂ„get eller cykeln. Men det hĂ€nder att de gĂ„r nĂ€r de trĂ€ffas för att umgĂ„s eller gĂ„r för att motionera. Fritidsintresse och socialt umgĂ€nge tycks pĂ„verka ungdomarnas gĂ„endevanor mer Ă€n platsen. De intervjuade seniorerna och förvĂ€rvsarbetarna gĂ„r av bĂ„de nyttoskĂ€l och för rekreation. Seniorernas hĂ€lsolĂ€ge har stor betydelse. En anledning till att förvĂ€rvsarbetarna gĂ„r Ă€r att skona miljön, en annan Ă€r att ta sig till jobbet och en tredje Ă€r att fĂ„ motion och dĂ€rmed vĂ€rna sin hĂ€lsa. Livssituationen pĂ„verkar vad som Ă€r sĂ€rskilt viktigt nĂ€r man gĂ„r. För ungdomarna Ă€r det umgĂ€nge och möjligheten att trĂ€ffa andra. För seniorerna Ă€r dĂ€remot jĂ€mna ytor, belĂ€ggning, underhĂ„ll och god vintervĂ€ghĂ„llning samt nĂ€rhet till samhĂ€llsservice sĂ€rskilt viktigt. FörvĂ€rvsarbetarna anger mĂ„nga faktorer som kan variera med gĂ„enderesans syfte. Sammantaget framstĂ„r iden/effektiviteten, nĂ€rheten till hemmet, omgivningens kvalitet, underlaget och tryggheten som viktiga aspekter. Ljus, trygghet och framkomlighet Ă€r sĂ€rskilt viktigt för de förĂ€ldralediga. Vidare föredrar de att gĂ„ rundor istĂ€llet för att gĂ„ samma vĂ€g fram och tillbaka. De förĂ€ldralediga menar att det Ă€r viktigt att det finns gĂ„ng‐och cykelvĂ€gar som Ă€r separerade frĂ„n övrig trafik, inte minst eftersom det Ă€r lĂ€ttare att komma fram med barnvagn dĂ„. PĂ„ GIS‐kartorna redovisar alla grupper (men de unga i mindre grad) mĂ„nga platser och vĂ€gar dĂ€r omgivningens kvaliteter attraherar till att gĂ„. Överlag Ă€r deltagarna nöjda med sin gĂ„endemiljö. Man kommenterar att det finns bra gĂ„ng‐ och cykelvĂ€gar och att miljön Ă€r ”fin”. Samtidigt tas problem upp. Seniorer i VĂ€sterĂ„s och Älmhult samt förvĂ€rvsarbetare i Älmhult menar att vintervĂ€ghĂ„llningen Ă€r dĂ„lig, att markbelĂ€ggningar pĂ„ vissa stĂ€llen Ă€r vĂ€ldigt ojĂ€mna och att höga kantstenar gör det svĂ„rt att ta sig fram. Oupplysta, grusade vĂ€gar uppskattas men det finns ocksĂ„ önskemĂ„l om mer belysning och bĂ€ttre belĂ€ggning pĂ„ till exempel strandpromenader. Möjligheten att trĂ€ffa bekanta bidrar till intresset för att gĂ„ i tĂ€torten. PĂ„ kartorna kan vi se att promenader utan direkta mĂ„l ofta riktar sig utĂ„t mot natur och strĂ€nder Ă€n inĂ„t mot centrum. Olika typer av problem verkar i vissa fall Ă„ldersrelaterade. I Älmhult uppger ungdomarna att de största problemen Ă€r att bilarna kör för fort utanför skolan. För seniorerna i sĂ„vĂ€l Älmhult som VĂ€sterĂ„s Ă€r de största problemen snöröjning vintertid och ojĂ€mna gĂ„ngytor som ger vattensamlingar och risk för att snubbla. I Älmhult saknar seniorerna bra övergĂ„ngstĂ€llen. BĂ„de seniorer och förvĂ€rvsarbetare i Älmhult ser de tre tunnlarna under jĂ€rnvĂ€gen som problem, de vet inte vilka regler som gĂ€ller vid passage och upplever att tunnlarna Ă€r trĂ„nga och mörka. I VĂ€sterĂ„s anser seniorer att det Ă€r otryggt vid BĂ€ckby centrum kvĂ€llstid dĂ„ det samlas mĂ„nga ungdomar dĂ€r. Det rĂ„det dock delade meningar om frĂ„n vilken tid pĂ„ kvĂ€llen det Ă€r otryggt. I LuleĂ„ uppger förvĂ€rvsarbetarna att nedskrĂ€pning Ă€r ett stort problem. De tar Ă€ven upp problem med vintervĂ€ghĂ„llningen de vintrar dĂ„ temperaturen pendlar kring nollstrecket. De största problemen som de förĂ€ldralediga tar upp Ă€r farliga stĂ€llen dĂ€r de korsar vĂ€gar, avsaknad av toaletter, fĂ„ papperskorgar och att det saknas bĂ€nkar. Felplacerade gĂ„ngtunnlar tycks vara Ă€r ett allmĂ€nt problem i bostadsomrĂ„dena i VĂ€sterĂ„s och LuleĂ„. Naturen och att det Ă€r ”fint” anses allmĂ€nt vara det bĂ€sta med gĂ„endemiljöerna pĂ„ alla platser. Ungdomarna i VĂ€sterĂ„s uppger Ă€ndĂ„ att det bĂ€sta med gĂ„endemiljön dĂ€r Ă€r kommunikationen mellan ungdomarna. De tar inte upp nĂ„got om hur det ser ut. I Älmhult dĂ€remot pratar ungdomarna om NĂ€set vid sjön Möckeln. FörvĂ€rvsarbetarna i bĂ„de Älmhult och LuleĂ„ tar upp tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ och gĂ„ng‐ och cykelvĂ€gar som det bĂ€sta i sina respektive orter. I Älmhult Ă€r Ă€ven ”nĂ€rheten till allt” nĂ„got av det bĂ€sta med gĂ„endemiljön. De förĂ€ldralediga liksom de förvĂ€rvsarbetande i LuleĂ„ uppskattar sĂ€rskilt att det finns mĂ„nga vĂ€gar att vĂ€lja pĂ„ och speciellt möjligheten att gĂ„ utmed vatten. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller samspelet med andra trafikanter tycker ungdomarna att det fungerar bra eller Ă„tminstone helt okej mellan cyklister och gĂ„ende. Seniorerna och de förvĂ€rvsarbetande i Älmhult Ă€r av annan uppfattning. HĂ€r Ă€r de enkelriktade cykelbanorna i centrum ett bekymmer. Cyklister cyklar i fel riktning och bilister parkerar pĂ„ cykelbanorna. I VĂ€sterĂ„s menar seniorerna att cyklisterna inte hörs utan plötsligt dyker upp. I LuleĂ„ uppger bĂ„de förvĂ€rvsarbetare och förĂ€ldralediga att mopederna Ă€r ett problem eftersom de kör pĂ„ gĂ„ng‐ och cykelbanorna och vĂ€ldigt fort. NĂ„gra kör utan ljuddĂ€mpare och det skrĂ€mmer barnen. PĂ„ kartorna markeras flera farliga platser med rörig biltrafik (Älmhult), korsningar med tung trafik (LuleĂ„) och tunnlar med kollisionsrisk med cyklister (Älmhult). VĂ„r frĂ„ga om vad som skulle kunna pĂ„verka fokusgruppsdeltagarna att gĂ„ mer visar sig vara ganska svĂ„r att svara pĂ„. I VĂ€sterĂ„s föreslĂ„s bland seniorerna att en vacker park skulle kunna attrahera till att gĂ„ mer. I Älmhult sĂ€ger seniorer att en jĂ€mnare belĂ€ggning i centrum skulle fĂ„ dem att gĂ„ mer. FörvĂ€rvsarbetarna i Älmhult har olika idĂ©er om hur gĂ„endet kan öka rent allmĂ€nt. HĂ€r kommer förslag om att röja bĂ€ttre kring stigar (genvĂ€gar) i naturen och att satsa mer pĂ„ kultur i den offentliga miljön. Bland de intervjuade förvĂ€rvsarbetarna i LuleĂ„ framkommer att tidsbrist, klimat och lĂ€ttja pĂ„verkar dem. NĂ„gon idĂ© om vad som skulle fĂ„ dem att gĂ„ mer kommer inte upp. De förĂ€ldralediga uppger att fler snöröjda vĂ€gar och mer belysning skulle fĂ„ dem att gĂ„ mer vintertid. Utan tvekan Ă€r fĂ€rdsĂ€ttet att gĂ„ viktigt för olika grupper mĂ€nniskor och i mĂ„nga sammanhang. Det Ă€r tydligt att vuxna och Ă€ldre Ă€r positiva till att gĂ„ för rekreation, motion och hĂ€lsa, och att det finns de som tar sig till fots till vardagens nyttomĂ„l för att samtidigt fĂ„ motion. Tidsbrist och intresset för hĂ€lsa kan dĂ€rför ses som nyckelfaktorer i planering för ett ökat gĂ„ende. Effektivitet och framkomlighet Ă€r viktigt ibland men ocksĂ„ möjlighet till möten och att variera vĂ€g. Samspelet med andra trafikanter Ă€r inte sĂ€llan problematiskt, och en alltför komplicerad miljö kan precis som en mörk och ödslig leda till osĂ€kerhet och otrygghet. Omgivningens upplevelsevĂ€rden sĂ„vĂ€l som ett jĂ€mnt underlag att gĂ„ pĂ„ Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga förutsĂ€ttningar för en i vid mening gĂ„ngvĂ€nlig miljö

    Kunskapsprodukter för lĂ€rarprofessionen – Skolforskningsinstitutets projekt 2016 och 2017

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    Syftet med denna artikel Ă€r att beskriva och diskutera vilka, för lĂ€rare, anvĂ€ndbara och relevanta kunskapsprodukter som har genererats i 11 forskningsprojekt, finansierade av Skolforskningsinstitutet och beviljade Ă„r 2016 och 2017. ForskningsfrĂ„gorna Ă€r: Vad i resultaten kan ses som kunskapsprodukter och vilken karaktĂ€r har dessa? PĂ„ vilka sĂ€tt har lĂ€rare medverkat i processen att ta fram dessa kunskapsprodukter? Sammantaget har 55 öppet tillgĂ€ngliga granskade publikationer analyserats. Sex kvalitativt skilda kategorier av kunskapsprodukter har identifierats: 1) Kunnanden och förmĂ„gor, 2) Undervisnings- och lektionsdesign, 3) Didaktiska exempel, 4) Redskap, 5) Processer och metaperspektiv och 6) Generella eller kontextuella förutsĂ€ttningar. Graden av medverkan frĂ„n lĂ€rares sida har varierat avsevĂ€rt; frĂ„n en aktiv medverkan, dĂ€r lĂ€rare och forskare samarbetar pĂ„ likvĂ€rdiga villkor, till en lĂ„g grad, dĂ€r lĂ€rare primĂ€rt fungerar som bollplank eller forskningsobjekt. ENGLISH: Knowledge products for the teaching profession – Projects 2016 and 2017 funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research   This article examines the knowledge products of relevance to the teaching profession from eleven research projects funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research. A total of 55 openly accessible reviewed publications have been analysed. The aim is to describe and discuss which, for teachers, useful and relevant knowledge products that the research projects (granted 2016 and 2017) have yielded. The research questions are: What in the results can be interpreted as knowledge products and what is the characteristic of these? In what ways have teachers participated in the process of producing these knowledge products? Six qualitatively different categories of knowledge products have been identified as descriptions of: 1) Knowings and capabilities, 2) Teaching/lesson design, 3) Didactical examples, 4) Tools, 5) Processes and meta-perspectives, and 6) General or contextual preconditions. The degree of involvement of teachers has varied considerably, ranging from a high degree of active involvement, where teachers and researchers collaborate on equal terms, to a low degree of involvement where teachers primarily act as informants. Keywords: Knowledge products, Swedish Institute for Educational Research, practice-based research, teacher profession, teaching developmen

    Identifying the Value of an eHealth Intervention Aimed at Cognitive Impairments: Observational Study in Different Contexts and Service Models

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    BACKGROUND: Value is one of the central concepts in health care, but it is vague within the field of summative eHealth evaluations. Moreover, the role of context in explaining the value is underexplored, and there is no explicit framework guiding the evaluation of the value of eHealth interventions. Hence, different studies conceptualize and operationalize value in different ways, ranging from measuring outcomes such as clinical efficacy or behavior change of patients or professionals to measuring the perceptions of various stakeholders or in economic terms. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study is to identify contextual factors that determine similarities and differences in the value of an eHealth intervention between two contexts. We also aim to reflect on and contribute to the discussion about the specification, assessment, and relativity of the "value" concept in the evaluation of eHealth interventions. METHODS: The study concerned a 6-month eHealth intervention targeted at elderly patients (n=107) diagnosed with cognitive impairment in Italy and Sweden. The intervention introduced a case manager role and an eHealth platform to provide remote monitoring and coaching services to the patients. A model for evaluating the value of eHealth interventions was designed as monetary and nonmonetary benefits and sacrifices, based on the value conceptualizations in eHealth and marketing literature. The data was collected using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the clock drawing test, and the 5-level EQ-5D (EQ-5D-5L). Semistructured interviews were conducted with patients and health care professionals. Monetary data was collected from the health care and technology providers. RESULTS: The value of an eHealth intervention applied to similar types of populations but differed in different contexts. In Sweden, patients improved cognitive performance (MMSE mean 0.85, SD 1.62, P<.001), reduced anxiety (EQ-5D-5L mean 0.16, SD 0.54, P=.046), perceived their health better (EQ-5D-5L VAS scale mean 2.6, SD 9.7, P=.035), and both patients and health care professionals were satisfied with the care. However, the Swedish service model demonstrated an increased cost, higher workload for health care professionals, and the intervention was not cost-efficient. In Italy, the patients were satisfied with the care received, and the health care professionals felt empowered and had an acceptable workload. Moreover, the intervention was cost-effective. However, clinical efficacy and quality of life improvements have not been observed. We identified 6 factors that influence the value of eHealth intervention in a particular context: (1) service delivery design of the intervention (process of delivery), (2) organizational setup of the intervention (ie, organizational structure and professionals involved), (3) cost of different treatments, (4) hourly rates of staff for delivering the intervention, (5) lifestyle habits of the population (eg, how physically active they were in their daily life and if they were living alone or with family), and (6) local preferences on the quality of patient care. CONCLUSIONS: Value in the assessments of eHealth interventions need to be considered beyond economic terms, perceptions, or behavior changes. To obtain a holistic view of the value created, it needs to be operationalized into monetary and nonmonetary outcomes, categorizing these into benefits and sacrifices

    New Movements in Academic Entrepreneurship

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    "Outroduction”: A Research Agenda on Collegiality in University Settings

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    Collegiality is the modus operandi of universities. Collegiality is central to academic freedom and scientific quality. In this way, collegiality also contributes to the good functioning of universities’ contribution to society and democracy. In this concluding paper of the special issue on collegiality, we summarize the main findings and takeaways from our collective studies. We summarize the main challenges and contestations to collegiality and to universities, but also document lines of resistance, activation, and maintenance. We depict varieties of collegiality and conclude by emphasizing that future research needs to be based on an appreciation of this variation. We argue that it is essential to incorporate such a variation-sensitive perspective into discussions on academic freedom and scientific quality and highlight themes surfaced by the different studies that remain under-explored in extant literature: institutional trust, field-level studies of collegiality, and collegiality and communication. Finally, we offer some remarks on methodological and theoretical implications of this research and conclude by summarizing our research agenda in a list of themes

    Baseline findings and safety of infrequent vs. frequent screening of human papillomavirus vaccinated women

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    Less frequent cervical cancer screening in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinated birth cohorts could produce considerable savings without increasing cervical cancer incidence and loss of life-years. We report here the baseline findings and interim results of safety and accuracy of infrequent screening among HPV16/18 vaccinated females. The entire 1992-1994 birth-cohorts (30,139 females) were invited to a community-randomized HPV16/18-vaccination trial. A total of 9,482 female trial participants received HPV16/18-vaccination in 2007-2009 at age of 13-15. At age 22, 4,273 (45%) of these females consented to attend a randomized trial on frequent (ages 22/25/28; Arm 1: 2,073 females) vs. infrequent screening (age 28; Arm 2: 2,200 females) in 2014-2017. Females (1,329), who had got HPV16/18 vaccination at age 18 comprised the safety Arm 3. Baseline prevalence and incidence of HPV16/18 and other high-risk HPV types were: 0.5% (53/1,000 follow-up years, 10(4)) and 25% (2,530/10(4)) in the frequently screened Arm 1; 0.2% (23/10(4)) and 24% (2,413/10(4)) in the infrequently screened Arm 2; and 3.1% (304/10(4)) and 23% (2,284/10(4)) in the safety Arm 3. Corresponding prevalence of HSIL/ASC-H and of any abnormal cytological findings were: 0.3 and 4.2% (Arm 1), 0.4 and 5.3% (Arm 2) and 0.3 and 4.7% (Arm 3). Equally rare HSIL/CIN3 findings in the infrequently screened safety Arm A3 (0.4%) and in the frequently screened Arm 1 (0.4%) indicate no safety concerns on infrequent screening despite the up to 10 times higher HPV16/18 baseline prevalence and incidence in the former.Peer reviewe

    Long-term tolerability and efficacy after initial PegIFN-alpha addition to dasatinib in CML-CP : Five-year follow-up of the NordCML007 study

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    Objectives Treatment-free remission (TFR) has emerged as a treatment goal in chronic myeloid leukemia in the chronic phase (CML-CP). Attempts to increase proportion of patients achieving TFR include combination of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) and other drugs. Interferon-alpha in addition to TKI has shown promising efficacy but with dose-dependent toxicity and discontinuations. NordCML007 was initiated to study the efficacy and safety of low dose pegylated IFN-alpha (PegIFN-alpha) in combination with dasatinib (DAS) in CML-CP. Methods Forty patients with newly diagnosed CML-CP were given DAS upfront. After month 3 (M3) 15 mu g/wk of PegIFN-alpha was added and increased to 25 mu g/wk from M7 until M15. DAS treatment was continued and adverse events and BCR-ABL1 qRT-PCR values were reported yearly after M24. Results from M1 to M18 have previously been published, and here we present long-term data. Results After 5 years of follow-up, there were no suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions, no increase in serosal effusions, no disease progressions and no CML-related deaths. Rates of MR3.0 (MMR), MR4.0 and MR4.5 were 84.6%, 64.1% and 51.3% respectively at M60, and 95% of patients reached MMR at some point during the study. Conclusion Initial addition of PegIFN-alpha to DAS shows good long-term efficacy without increased toxicity.Peer reviewe

    Human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy against invasive, HPV-positive cancers : population-based follow-up of a cluster-randomised trial

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    Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination protects against HPV, a necessary risk factor for cervical cancer. We now report results from population-based follow-up of randomised cohorts that vaccination provides HPV-type-specific protection against invasive cancer. Methods Individually and/or cluster randomised cohorts of HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated women were enrolled in 2002-2005. HPV vaccine cohorts comprised originally 16-17 year-old HPV 16/18-vaccinated PATRICIA (NCT00122681) and 012 trial (NCT00169494) participants (2465) and HPV6/11/16/18-vaccinated FUTURE II (NCT00092534) participants (866). Altogether, 3341 vaccines were followed by the Finnish Cancer Registry in the same way as 16 526 non-HPV-vaccinated controls. The control cohort stemmed from 15 665 originally 18-19 years-old women enrolled in 2003 (6499) or 2005 (9166) and 861 placebo recipients of the FUTURE II trial. The follow-up started 6 months after the clinical trials in 2007 and 2009 and ended in 2019. It was age aligned for the cohorts. Findings During a follow-up time of up to 11 years, we identified 17 HPV-positive invasive cancer cases (14 cervical cancers, 1 vaginal cancer, 1 vulvar cancer and 1 tongue cancer) in the non-HPV-vaccinated cohorts and no cases in the HPV-vaccinated cohorts. HPV typing of diagnostic tumour blocks found HPV16 in nine cervical cancer cases, HPV18, HPV33 and HPV52 each in two cases and HPV45 in one cervical cancer case. The vaginal, vulvar and tongue cancer cases were, respectively, positive for HPV16, HPV52/66 and HPV213. Intention-to-treat vaccine efficacy against all HPV-positive cancers was 100% (95% CI 2 to 100, p Interpretation Vaccination is effective against invasive HPV-positive cancer.Peer reviewe
