279 research outputs found

    Fast ions and turbulent particle transport in tokamaks

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    The presence of highly energetic (fast) ions, be it fusion born alpha particles or ions accelerated by auxiliary heating schemes, can affect the heating and transport of all particles in the plasma through two main mechanisms. First, fast ions may excite fast ion driven instabilities. One such example is the toroidal Alfv\ue9n eigenmode (TAE) that can be excited by super Alfv\ue9nic ions as they slow down due to friction-like collisions with the background plasma and eventually hit the wave-particle resonances. In addition, the fast ions may influence the turbulent transport, driven by temperature and density gradients in the background plasma. The turbulent particle transport, together with particle sources, determines the peaking of the density profile in fusion devices which in turn affect the fusion power generated.In this thesis we employ a simple one-dimensional electrostatic ``bump-on-tail\u27\u27 model to qualitatively describe fast ion driven TAEs whose signals exhibit frequency sweeping. The frequency sweeping is tied to the formation and evolution of phase space structures known as holes and clumps in the non-thermal fast particle distribution. We have also made realistic simulations of particle transport driven by Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) modes in JET plasmas heated by neutral beam injection (NBI). We study the turbulent transport using fluid, gyro-fluid and gyrokinetic simulations. Focus is on particle transport and the effect of the NBI generated fast ions on the density peaking and, finally, the influence of the NBI particle source on the density peaking

    Regional Growth in China -A Study on Convergence across the Chinese Regions

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    This study investigates whether the income is equalising across the Chinese regions. This is done by answering the research question do the Chinese regions show any signs of convergence in gross regional product (GRP). Regressions have been done using the OLS-method to find correlation between initial GRP and the growth rate in GRP. This has been done for four time periods: 1952-2007, 1952-78, 1978-99 and 1999-2007. Three geographic areas have been investigated: China, western China and eastern China. The time distinctions are based on political reforms and policies that have had different regional impact. The policies have benefitted different geographical areas, hence the geographic distinctions. The results show weak signs of convergence. But the lack of convergence can be interpreted as China being a transitional economy. The calculations indicate that all the Chinese regions are moving towards a higher income level and that all regions are getting richer. Nonetheless, the eastern regions that have experienced preferential treatment have started growing at an earlier stage, and thus is growing faster than the western

    Nonlinear dynamics of frequency sweeping energetic particle modes in tokamaks

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    In a burning plasma, such as the next generation tokamak experiment ITER, significant numbers of highly energetic particles will be produced via nuclear reactions. The presence of energetic particles, be it fusion born alpha particles or ions accelerated by auxiliary heating schemes, may excite kinetic instabilities and thereby affect the heating and transport of all particles in the plasma. Of particular interest is the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE), a cavity mode that can be excited by super Alfvénic ions as they slow down due to friction-like collisions with the background plasma and eventually hit the wave-particle resonances. Such modes have attracted much attention during almost 30 years, since their detection provides diagnostic opportunities to probe the plasma core. However, their presence and long-term behavior are still far from understood. They may have detrimental effects on the plasma confinement and heating, but can potentially also be utilized as a collisionless way to channel power from the fast ions to the bulk plasma. In this thesis we employ linear and nonlinear analysis to study fast particle driven TAEs whose signals exhibit frequency sweeping. Their existence is tied to the formation and evolution of phase space structures known as holes and clumps in the non-thermal fast particle distribution. A one-dimensional ``bump-on-tail'' model is employed and used to investigate the stability of a phase space plateau that emerges early in the mode evolution cycle. Fast particle collisions and sources are included in the analysis in order to substantiate the role of the plateau as a hole/clump breeding ground from which the frequency sweeping initiates. Furthermore, the ideas of phase-locking of fast ions orbits in the wave-particle resonances is used to calculate the radial motion of already established hole/clump modes during the frequency sweeping for the ideal cases of deeply trapped and well passing particles, and it is proposed that the intensity of the sweeping signals correlates with the fast ion environment through which the hole/clump moves

    Case-based learning in collaboration across universities to enhance students' understanding of sustainability

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    Focus on sustainability is increasing in engineering and management education, businesses, and the larger society. In order to cope with sustainability challenges, more holistic pedagogies and practices that foster interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary ways of thinking are needed. Thus, this exploratory paper aims to provide insights into developing a master’s-level course module on sustainability in business networks by using active learning through case-based teaching together with collaboration among three Nordic universities (NTNU, Vaasa, and Chalmers). The paper illustrates the multiple facets of designing, implementing, and evaluating three-party collaborative case-based learning based on an active learning approach that enhances students’ learning and performance. We conclude that the students are actively involved and learn better with case-based learning and can further empathize and associate with the case contexts. This can be achieved through engagement in cross-border collaboration, a mix of student backgrounds, flexibility in choosing cases, and clarity in case materials. Additionally, we encourage teachers to use a combination of innovative active learning methods to promote students’ in-depth understanding of complex sustainability-related challenges.© 2023 Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.9. International License.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    En jÀmförelse mellan tvÄ standardmetoder för sÄllning av brÀnsleflis

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    I Sverige har en ny lag om virkesmĂ€tning trĂ€tt i kraft dĂ€r sortimentet trĂ€dbrĂ€nsle numera ingĂ„r. VĂ€rmeverken som Ă€r stora förbrukare av trĂ€dbrĂ€nsle stĂ€ller olika krav pĂ„ trĂ€dbrĂ€nslets kvalitet. Kvaliteten styrs av vilken förbrĂ€nningsteknik som vĂ€rmeverket anvĂ€nder. Generellt brukar kvalitetskraven för brĂ€nsleflis indelas i vĂ€rmevĂ€rde, askhalt, homogenitet, fukthalt samt fraktionsfördelning. Fraktionsfördelningen har pĂ„ senare tid visat sig vara av allt större betydelse för vĂ€rmeverken men trots detta utgör den idag inte nĂ„gon betalningsgrund. För att erhĂ„lla fraktionsfördelningen av trĂ€dbrĂ€nsle krĂ€vs att provmaterial sĂ„llas. Enligt SDCs (Skogsbrukets datacentral) instruktion finns tvĂ„ godkĂ€nda standardmetoder för att utföra sĂ„llning, SCAN-CM 40:01samt SS-EN 15149-1:2010. Det som frĂ€mst skiljer standardmetoderna Ă„t Ă€r deras skakmönster samt hĂ„lstorlekar pĂ„ sĂ„ll. I den hĂ€r studien har en jĂ€mförelse mellan dessa standardmetoder gjorts dĂ€r samma hĂ„lstorlekar anvĂ€ndes. Provmaterial av stamvedsflis, fĂ€rsk grot, lagrad grot samt bark sĂ„llades. Resultaten visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan standardmetoderna, framför allt för sĂ„lldimensionerna 8- och 16 mm. Detta tros bero pĂ„ att för lĂ„g frekvens stĂ€llts in för standardmetod SS-EN 15149-1:2010 vid försökstillfĂ€llet. LĂ„nga sĂ„llningstider visade sig vidare ha en liten pĂ„verkan pĂ„ mĂ€ngden erhĂ„llen finmaterial (<3,15 mm) varför farhĂ„gan att materialet skulle nötas sönder vid sĂ„llning kunde avskrivas. Tidigare Ă€mnesstudier bekrĂ€ftade dessa teorier samtidigt som fler faktorer visat sig ha kunnat pĂ„verka fraktionsfördelningen: ‱ Andelen partiklar som tar sig igenom för smĂ„ sĂ„llhĂ„l genom en vertikal orientering ‱ Materialets fukthalt vid sĂ„llning men som var konstant lĂ„g i denna studie ‱ Antalet sĂ„ll vid sĂ„llning ‱ ProvmĂ€ngd i förhĂ„llande till sĂ„llarea Slutligen bedöms arbetsmiljön vid sĂ„llning av brĂ€nsleflis vara av vikt att beakta. Detta för att bĂ„da standardmetoderna upplevdes förorsaka höga ljudnivĂ„er vid sĂ„llning samtidigt som mycket damm vid hantering av brĂ€nsleflis uppstod.A new law regarding timber measurement including wood fuel has been introduced in Sweden. The heating plants that use large amounts of wood fuel have varying requirements for the quality of wood fuel. The quality differs depending on what combustion technique the heating plants use. The quality is usually judged based on calorific values, ash contents, moisture content, homogeneity and fraction distribution. Lately fraction distribution has turned out to be of increasing importance for the heating plants but despite this it is currently not used as a base for determining the products value. In order to determine fraction distribution of wood fuels a sample material must be sieved. According to the SDC's instructions there are two approved standard methods for sieving, SCAN-CM 40:01 and SS-EN 15149-1:2010. The main differences between the two methods are the size of the holes on the sieves and the sieving pattern. This study has carried out a comparison between these two standard methods where sample material of stem wood chips, fresh residues from felling, stored residues and bark where sieved using the same sized sieving holes. The results showed a significant difference between the two standard methods especially regarding sieving dimensions 8- and 16 mm. This is believed to be due to setting the frequency to too low a setting for the standard method SS-EN 15149-1:2010 during testing. Long sieving times turned out to have little impact on the obtained amount of fine particles (<3,15 mm) which is likely explained by the low wear propensity of the tested material. Earlier studies confirmed these theories while a number of other factors were found that may have influenced fraction distribution: ‱ The number of particles that pass through too small sieving holes through vertical orientation ‱ The moisture content of the sample material, which was constantly low in this study ‱ The number of sieves in the sieving process ‱ Sample size relative to the sieving area In closing the study suggests that the working environment while sieving wood chips should be considered. Both standard methods cause high levels of noise when sieving and there is a lot of dust occurring during the handling of the wood chips

    En litteraturstudie om hur kreativa aktiviteter som arbetsterapeutisk intervention kan inverka för personer med psykisk ohÀlsa

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    Bakgrund: Att anvÀnda kreativa aktiviteter som arbetsterapeutisk intervention för personer med psykisk ohÀlsa Àr vanligt förekommande bland arbetsterapeuter. Den tekniska utvecklingen som rÄder idag kan dÀremot generera en livsstil dÀr den enskilda individens fÀrdigheter inte anvÀnds i aktivitet, vilket kan spela en inverkande roll för individers hÀlsa och vÀlbefinnande. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att kartlÀgga kunskapslÀget för hur kreativa aktiviteter som arbetsterapeutisk intervention upplevts och observerats kunna inverka för personer med psykisk ohÀlsa. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes med sökningar i olika databaser, vilket slutligen genererade 16 artiklar. Resultat: Genom litteraturstudien uppkom resultatet att kreativa aktiviteter kan inverka pÄ personer med psykisk ohÀlsa inom följande kategorier; psykologiska/emotionella, kognitiva, fysiska/kroppsliga och sociala omrÄden, samt aktivitetsfokuserade resultat och negativa aspekter. FramtrÀdande inverkningar sÄgs inom de psykologiska/emotionella, kognitiva, sociala samt aktivitetsfokuserade kategorierna. Slutsats: Fynden i denna studie belyser vikten av kreativa aktiviteter som arbetsterapeutisk intervention för personer med psykisk ohÀlsa. De kreativa aktiviteterna bör dock anpassas utifrÄn den enskilde individen och ses utifrÄn ett helhetsperspektiv, samt noga planeras och övervÀgas av arbetsterapeuter innan tillÀmpning. Författarna anser ett kvarstÄende behov av framförallt kvalitativ forskning gÀllande sÄvÀl behandlingsresultat som lÀmpliga metoder i arbetet med kreativa aktiviteter för denna mÄlgrupp

    Litteraturstödet- En Extreme Makeover

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    The Swedish Arts Council supports, develops and initiates interaction between the state, the regions, municipalities and representatives for cultural life in Sweden. Since 1975 the Swedish National Council has provided literature grants for book publishers, who applies and are chosen for their newly produced titles. In order to get a grant the title has to meet certain criterias, such as high literary quality, originality, and a novel also has to stimulate diversity thereby counteracting the negative effects of commercialism. In the new report from 2009, the Swedish National Arts Council, has changed its motivations to instead of dealing with the quality of a title, they should also look into the economical situation of the publishing company. To ensure specialist knowledge in the distribution of grants in various branches of the arts, the board has appointed working and reference groups comprising qualified subject experts. The working groups make independent decisions on grant-related issues. This thesis aim to explore the backgrounds of cultural politics with its main focus on the literature grant. The grant has often been criticized in media to be beneficial to large corporate publishing houses, who often receives a larger sum in comparison to the smaller ones. Our main task is to research if the new economic criterias proposed would lead to a broad and diverse literature and benefit the publishing industry in an improved way in comparison to the previous criterias

    Fysioterapeutiska interventioner för individer med HIV/AIDS: En litteraturstudie

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    ApoLĂ€nk decreases patient medication discrepancies at discharge: initial experience from a Swedish bedside pharmacy service

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    Objective: To develop a working model so that dispensing pharmacists, patients and medical staff can work together to identify, solve and prevent problems associated with discharge prescriptions. Method: A routine was developed for communication between pharmacists, patients and medical staff and for dispensing drugs at the bedside. Hospital medication lists and prescriptions from the pharmacy and healthcare databases were simultaneously assessed. The study was carried out in two neurological wards in a Swedish university hospital. Results: Major shortcomings were identified in the coordination of pharmacy and healthcare records and in patients’ ability to take responsibility for their medication at discharge. Discussion between patients and staff allowed discrepancies in communication and documentation to be corrected. Cooperation between pharmacists and nurses was perceived as being very positive and important. Conclusions: The ApolĂ€nk service was appreciated by nurses, is almost cost neutral and reduces discrepancies that have the potential to cause patient harm

    Exploring power shifts as an enabler for a strengthened patient role in quality improvements: A Swedish survey study

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    Objectives This study examined the relationship between professionals\u27 perceptions of a strengthened role for the patient and of patient involvement in quality improvement (QI) and whether professionals\u27 experiences in improvement science were a moderator on such a relationship. Design From a predominantly close-ended, 44-item questionnaire, 4 questions specifically concerning professionalsâ€Č perception on patient involvement in QI were analysed. Setting Three Swedish regions. Participants 155 healthcare professionals who had previously participated in courses in improvement science. Results The covariate patient involvement was significantly related to a perceived strengthened patient role. There was also a significant interaction effect between degree of patient involvement and professionals\u27 experience in the area of improvement science on a strengthened patient role. The result shows that there is a relationship between the perceived level of patient involvement in improvements and professionals\u27 perceptions of a strengthened patient role. In this study, the covariate, perceived patient involvement, was significantly related to experiences of more equal relationships between patients and healthcare professionals. There was also a significant interaction effect between the degree of patient involvement and professionals\u27 experience in the area of improvement science, for a more equal relationship between patients and healthcare professionals. Conclusion Increased patient involvement in QI is a means of strengthening the patient role and supporting a more equal relation between patients and healthcare professionals. Furthermore, empirical evidence shows that the healthcare professionals\u27 experiences in the area of improvement science support a strengthened patient role and a more equal power relationship, but for this to happen, the mindset of professionals is key. Future research is needed to capture and investigate the experiences from patients and relatives about being involved in QI in healthcare, and to study the effects on quality in care processes
