601 research outputs found

    On the Analytic Structure of a Family of Hyperboloidal Beams of Potential Interest for Advanced LIGO

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    For the baseline design of the advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), use of optical cavities with non-spherical mirrors supporting flat-top ("mesa") beams, potentially capable of mitigating the thermal noise of the mirrors, has recently drawn a considerable attention. To reduce the severe tilt-instability problems affecting the originally conceived nearly-flat, "Mexican-hat-shaped" mirror configuration, K. S. Thorne proposed a nearly-concentric mirror configuration capable of producing the same mesa beam profile on the mirror surfaces. Subsequently, Bondarescu and Thorne introduced a generalized construction that leads to a one-parameter family of "hyperboloidal" beams which allows continuous spanning from the nearly-flat to the nearly-concentric mesa beam configurations. This paper is concerned with a study of the analytic structure of the above family of hyperboloidal beams. Capitalizing on certain results from the applied optics literature on flat-top beams, a physically-insightful and computationally-effective representation is derived in terms of rapidly-converging Gauss-Laguerre expansions. Moreover, the functional relation between two generic hyperboloidal beams is investigated. This leads to a generalization (involving fractional Fourier transform operators of complex order) of some recently discovered duality relations between the nearly-flat and nearly-concentric mesa configurations. Possible implications and perspectives for the advanced LIGO optical cavity design are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, Eqs. (24) and (26) change

    IGF-1 Regulates the extracellular level of active MMP-2 and promotes Müller glial cell motility

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    In ischemic proliferative retinopathies, Müller glial cells (MGCs) acquire migratory abilities. However, the mechanisms that regulate this migration remain poorly understood. In addition, proliferative disorders associated with enhanced activities of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) also involve insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 participation. Therefore, the main interest of this work was to investigate the IGF-1 effect on the extracellular proteolytic activity in MGCs.Methods: Cell culture supernatants and cell lysates of the human MGC line MIO-M1 stimulated with IGF-1 were analyzed for MMP-2 by zymographic and Western blot analysis. The MGCs´ motility was evaluated by scratch wound assay. The MMP-2, β1-integrin, and focal adhesions were detected by confocal microscopy. The localization of active MMPs and actin cytoskeleton were evaluated by in situ zymography.Results: The IGF-1 induced the activation of canonical signaling pathways through the IGF-1R phosphorylation. Culture supernatants showed a relative decrease in the active form of MMP-2, correlating with an increased accumulation of MMP-2 protein in the MGCs´ lysate. The IGF-1 effect on MMP-2 was abolished by an IGF-1R blocking antibody, αIR3, as well as by the PI3-kinase inhibitor, LY294002. The IGF-1 increased the migratory capacity of MGCs, which was blocked by the GM6001 MMP inhibitor, LY294002 and αIR3. Finally, IGF-1 induced the intracellular distribution of MMP-2 toward cellular protrusions and the partial colocalization with β1-integrin and phospo-focal adhesion kinase signals. Gelatinase activity was concentrated along F-actin filaments.Conclusions: Taken together, these data indicate that IGF-1, through its receptor activation, regulates MGCs´ motility by a mechanism that involves the MMP-2 and PI3K signaling pathway.Fil: Lorenc, Valeria Erika. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Jaldín Fincati, Javier Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Luna Pinto, Jose Domingo. Departamento de Vítreo-retina, Centro Privado de Ojos R; ArgentinaFil: Chiabrando, Gustavo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Maria Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; Argentin

    Experiência e capacitação profissional na execução do Programa Saúde na Escola

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    Objective: To analyze the association between experience and professional training in the School Health Program. Method: Descriptive, inferential, quantitative and normative study. The data were collected from May to July 2017 through a questionnaire based in the School Health Program, with the participation of professionals from the Family Health Strategy. Results: 105 professionals participated in the study. The average time working in the Family Health Strategy and in the School Health Program is 12.1 and 7.2 years, respectively. 94.3% of the professionals feel qualified to perform the activities of the School Health Program, although only 30.5% have participated in training. There is statistical association between experience and professional training. Conclusion: The professionals who conduct activities in the School Health Program undergo few training processes, but feel qualified to carry out the activities proposed

    Massive open online course for Brazilian healthcare providers working with substance use disorders : curriculum design

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    Background: Interpersonal and technical skills are required for the care of people living with substance use disorders. Considering the applicability and usability of online courses as continuing professional education initiatives, this study aimed to describe the content design process of an introductory-level healthcare-centered Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Methods: The content of the course was informed through needs assessment, by using three sources: (a) narrative literature review, (b) Delphi health experts panel consensus, and (c) focus groups conducted with people living with substance use disorders. The data from the empirical research phases were analyzed through qualitative Thematic Analysis. Results: The product of this research project is the introductory-level Massive Open Online Course “Healthcare: Developing Relational Skills for the Assistance of People Living with Substance Use Disorders” which approaches health communication and empathetic relational professional skills as a means of reducing stigmatization of people living with substance use disorders. Conclusions: Diverse strategies for designing distance education initiatives have to consider different views on the subject being approached in such courses. The product presented in this paper has the potential to be an educational tool for topics traditionally not addressed in Brazilian continuing education and can be used as a model to the design of online courses directed to the development of work-related skills for the healthcare professions

    Concienciación y prevención del mal uso de las nuevas tecnologías en niños, niñas y adolescentes del grupo de catequesis institución valsálice.

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    Durante la ejecución de la presente propuesta en niños, niñas y adolescentes de 12 a 16 años del grupo de catequesis de la institución Valsálice, se identificaron las principales causas que conllevan al uso inadecuado y en algunos casos adicción, a las Nuevas tecnologías. Mediante la investigación y el análisis, se identificaron motivos como la utilización irresponsable de ordenadores, internet, redes sociales, celulares y videojuegos. Mediante la aplicación de los instrumentos de caracterización, se obtuvieron resultados de acuerdo a los más importantes planteamientos ejemplo, para qué se usa, con qué frecuencia, y se evidenció a la vez las principales consecuencias sobre su uso inadecuado como efecto sobre las relaciones sociales, educación, salud, así como los problemas relativos a los contenidos mediáticos o posibles adicciones. De acuerdo a la metodología utilizada y al enfoque Cognitivo Conductual, se pudo analizar que la posible adicción a los medios tecnológicos pueden incurrir en una variedad de conductas y problemas impulsivos, ansiedades, depresión, sexo, violencia. Además que estos problemas congénitos con referencia a la adicción a las nuevas tecnologías acarrea también una serie de cambios psicológicos negativos como alteraciones, mal humor, ansiedad, impaciencia, fatiga, insomnio, deterioro en la salud. Desde un punto de vista sistemático, los efectos negativos al mal uso se expresan en los ámbitos familiar, social y académico. Como solución a la presente problemática de los NNA del grupo de catequesis Valsálice se desarrollarán talleres participativos de acompañamiento, a estas familias con el propósito de prevenir el mal uso, la afición y adicción a estos medios. Para el desarrollo de esta propuesta se incluye la presencia de psicólogos, líderes salesianos, licenciados, funcionarios del ICBF, y autoridades como policía de infancia y adolescencia y la participación de las políticas públicas. La estrategia principal de estos talleres consiste en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones familiares para encontrar un clima de fraternidad, unidad y confianza en donde los NNA, puedan manifestar en los adultos sus necesidades y sus motivaciones para acceder a estos medios en la adecuada utilización. Otra estrategia consiste en la buena utilización del tiempo libre, mediante establecimiento de horarios dedicados a la investigación, ocio y entretenimiento, etc. En los talleres se enfatiza la utilización del tiempo libre de éstos menores en actividades deportivas, lúdicas, artísticas, musicales, y espirituales. Es importante también, reconocer que el establecimiento de normas, principios, criterios y límites en el hogar por parte de los padres de familia contribuirá al establecimiento, diseño de pautas de control del tiempo libre; ya que todo esto ayudara a prevenir los grandes espacios de ocio y de mal uso de éstas nuevas tecnologías. La buena comunicación, la fraternidad, la confianza dentro de la familia entre sus miembros fortalecerá los vínculos primarios para que el acceso a estos medios se haga de forma responsable. El comprometimiento de las políticas públicas en el presente proyecto es fundamental para el logro de estos objetivos y metas de acuerdo a la inclusión en el diseño de políticas estratégicas en beneficio, bienestar y salud integral de los NNA, en su plan de desarrollo municipal del municipio de Fusagasugá, ya que este contribuirá significativamente en sus ciclos de implementación, ejecución y evaluación.During the execution of the present proposal in children and adolescents aged 12 to 16 years of the catechism group of the Valsalice institution, the main causes that lead to the use and cases of addiction in the new technologies were identified. Through research and analysis, the motives were identified as the irresponsible use of computers, the internet, social networks, cell phones and video games. Through the application of the instruments of characterization, results were obtained according to the most important example, for what is used, how often, and showed at the same time the main consequences on its use as an effect on social relations, Education , Health, as well as problems related to media content or possible addictions. According to the methodology applied and the Cognitive Behavioral approach, it has been possible to analyze that the possible addiction to technological means can incur a variety of behaviors and impulsive problems, anxieties, depression, sex, violence. Besides these congenital problems with reference to the addiction to the new technologies also brings a series of negative psychological changes like alterations, bad mood, anxiety, impatience, fatigue, insomnia, deterioration in health. From the systematic point of view, the negative effects to the use are expressed in the familiar, social and academic areas. As a solution to the problem of the NNA of the Valsalice catechesis group, participatory workshops are developed to accompany these families with the purpose of preventing misuse, hobby and addiction to these means. The development of this idea includes the presence of psychologists, Salesian leaders, graduates, ICBF officials, and authorities such as police for children and adolescents and the participation of public policies. The main strategy of these workshops is to strengthen family relationships to find a climate of fraternity, unity and trust where the children, adults manifest their needs and motivations to access these means in the appropriate use . Another strategy is the good use of free time, by creating schedules dedicated to research, leisure and entertainment, etc. The workshops emphasize the use of children's free time in sports, play, art, music, and spiritual activities. It is also important to recognize that the establishment of norms, principles, criteria and limits in the home by the parents contribute to the design, design of patterns of control of free time; Since everything will help prevent the large spaces of leisure and use of these new technologies. Good communication, fraternity, trust within the family among its members strengthen the primary links so that access to these media is done responsibly. The commitment of the public policies in the present project is fundamental for the achievement of these objectives and goals according to the inclusion in the design of strategic policies in the benefit, the well-being and the integral health of the NNA, in its plan of development Municipal of the municipality of Fusagasugá, since this contributes significantly in its cycles of implementation, execution and evaluation

    Development of a Matlab(R) Toolbox for the Design of Grey-Box Neural Models

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    A Matlab Toolbox is developed for the design, construction and validation of grey-box neural network models. This toolbox, available in www.diinf.usach.cl=gacuna has been tested in simulations with a continuously stirred reactor process. The grey-box model performs well for validation data with 5% additive gaussian noise for one-step-ahead (OSA) and model-predictive-output (MPO) estimations

    Organizational and methodological strategy for the Center for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

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    El desarrollo de habilidades creativas para la cuarta revolución industrial ha sido una de las consignas del Foro Económico Mundial. Estas habilidades están asociadas con la solución creativa de problemas, el fomento de la innovación y el emprendimiento, el desarrollo científico y tecnológico y, en general, todas aquellas actividades que implican una nueva manera de pensar y proponer soluciones a problemas y oportunidades en un mundo donde la constante es el cambio. En respuesta a lo anterior, la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB), creó en febrero de 2017 el Centro para la Creatividad, la Innovación y el Emprendimiento “UNAB Creative” con el fin de generar capacidades para la innovación y el emprendimiento desde el cultivo de la creatividad a todos los niveles de la institución. Esta unidad nace sin una estructura organizacional y metodológica formalmente definida. La presente investigación busca establecer una estrategia que permita, desde el punto de vista organizacional y metodológico, guiar los procesos de intervención de “UNAB Creative” en la UNAB y su área de influencia. Esta problemática implica una intervención en cultura organizacional, procesos de formación y en la comunidad académica para que articuladamente se transforme, desde la creatividad, la acción universitaria hacia la formación de profesionales que aporten disruptivamente al desarrollo económico y social del país. Partiendo de un análisis de organizaciones similares a nivel nacional y mundial, se propone una estructura organizacional y un soporte metodológico que permita al Centro dar respuesta a las necesidades y expectativas generadas de acuerdo con su plan estratégico. Esta propuesta se evalúa a través de una encuesta de percepción con grupos focales definidosInstituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESMIntroducción 11 Capítulo I: Problema 13 Antecedentes del Problema 13 Contexto internacional. 13 Contexto nacional. 15 Contexto UNAB. 16 Problema de Investigación 18 Objetivos de Investigación 21 Objetivo general. 21 Objetivos específicos. 21 Manejo de Supuestos Cualitativos 22 Justificación de la Investigación 22 Limitaciones 24 Delimitaciones 25 Definición de Términos 26 Capítulo II: Marco Teórico 28 Revisión de Literatura 28 La creatividad en las organizaciones. 29 La creatividad y la persona creativa. 30 El aprendizaje creativo. 31 La creatividad en el mundo. 33 La creatividad en América Latina. 34 Centros u organizaciones que promueven la creatividad, la innovación y el emprendimiento a nivel nacional e internacional. 34 Metodologías y herramientas de creatividad e innovación. 42 Capítulo III: Metodología de la Investigación 48 Método de Investigación 48 Población, Participantes y Selección de la Muestra 49 Marco Contextual 51 “UNAB Creative” como dependencia alineada con las políticas institucionales. 51 Instrumentos de Recolección de Datos 52 Procedimiento en la Aplicación de Instrumentos 54 Análisis de Datos 55 Capítulo VI: Resultados 57 Capítulo V: Conclusiones y Recomendaciones 78 Resumen de Hallazgos 78 Formulación de Recomendaciones 81 Bibliografía 83 Anexos 88MaestríaThe development of creative skills for the fourth industrial revolution has been one of the needs expressed by the World Economic Forum. These skills are associated with creative problem solving, the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship, scientific and technological development and, in general, all those activities that involve a new way of thinking and proposing solutions to problems and opportunities in a world where the constant is the change. In response to the above, the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB), created in February 2017 the Center for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship "UNAB Creative" in order to build capacities for innovation and entrepreneurship from the incubation of creativity at all levels of the institution. This unit was born without a formally defined organizational and methodological structure. This research aims to establish a strategy that allows, from the organizational and methodological point of view, to guide the intervention processes of "UNAB Creative" in the UNAB and its area of influence. This problem implies an intervention in organizational culture, training processes and in the academic community so that the university is transformed from creativity towards the formation of professionals that contribute disruptively to the economic and social development of the country. Based on the analysis of similar organizations at a national and global level, an organizational structure and methodological support is proposed to allow the Center to respond to the needs and expectations generated in accordance with its strategic plan. This proposal is evaluated through a perception survey with defined focus groupsModalidad Presencia

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa de producción y comercialización de néctar de pepino dulce en el cantón Pimampiro provincia de Imbabura

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    Elaborar un estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa de producción y comercialización de néctar de pepino dulce en el cantón Pimampiro, Provincia de ImbaburaSiendo el objetivo principal del presente estudio la creación de una microempresa de producción y comercialización de néctar de pepino dulce en el cantón Pimampiro provincia de Imbabura, se ha llevado a cabo el análisis de los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en esta investigación. Luego de conocer la situación actual del sector y tener una visión clara de la actividad micro empresarial, se procedió a desarrollar el estudio de mercado en el que se analiza los niveles y condiciones en que se encuentra la producción y comercialización del néctar de pepino dulce, así como también el comportamiento de la demanda, oferta, precio y las políticas de venta. Es también importante para llevar adelante este estudio, tener claro las conceptualizaciones de los asuntos que abordan este tema, permitiendo formar un criterio sostenido. Una vez conocido los resultados y siendo éstos positivos, se procedió a establecer la macro y micro localización, el tamaño e ingeniería del proyecto; para lo cual se hizo el respectivo presupuesto de las inversiones que se van a requerir. Consecuentemente éstas se evaluaron y compararon con los ingresos mediante un análisis financiero, donde se ha determinado la viabilidad del proyecto. Posteriormente, se procedió a desarrollar la organización administrativa, donde las diferentes áreas están ubicadas acorde a los niveles jerárquicos que se muestran en el organigrama vertical, así mismo se detalla las funciones de cada individuo que conforme esta organización. Finalmente, para determinar qué impactos tiene este proyecto en el medio, se hace un análisis en los aspectos sociales, económicos, empresariales, educativos, socio-económicos y ambientales. Con la estructura antes mencionada y con los pasos aplicados eficientemente en la elaboración de este estudio, se justifica la necesidad de emprender el proyecto presentado y la conveniencia de la inversión


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    As leveduras são fungos unicelulares (Reino Fungi, Domínio Eukarya), não filamentosos, bem sucedidos e funcionalmente essenciais para a manutenção e o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas (KURTZMAN & FEEL, 2011; TORTORA et al., 2017; YURKOV, 2018)

    Sowing wildflower meadows in Mediterranean peri-urban green areas to promote grassland diversity

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    Introduction: The increase of urban areas and their infrastructure network is homogenizing the landscape and threatening biodiversity and ecosystems functions and services. Wildflower meadows have a high biodiversity value and can prosper in degraded areas dominated by nitrophilous species, making them suitable to be used in peri-urban and urban areas to promote local flora, create habitat for pollinators and other small fauna, and increase overall biodiversity. Moreover, the application of wildflowers seed mixes suitable for rehabilitating anthropized environments should be restricted to native species of regional origin, and the results properly monitored. However, thorough monitoring of seed mixes evolution is uncommon. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a seed mix of wild native species developed to promote grassland diversity in Mediterranean peri-urban areas. Methods: The study was divided into two sequential phases. Firstly, a preparatory phase consisted in developing two seed mixes and sowing them (autumn 2016) in ex-situ plots (three plots of 5 × 2 m2 per mix) at an experimental field to choose the one with the best performance. The second phase consisted of the in-situ application (autumn 2018) of the chosen seed mix by sowing 14 plots (10 × 2 m2) in pocket parks distributed along pedestrian trails of South Portugal. All plots were monitored through floristic surveys for two springs (ex-situ trials: 2017 and 2018; in-situ trials: 2019 and 2020). Results: All sowed species germinated in the in-situ plots over the first 2  years. The seed mix application positively contributed to the floristic community, generating a significant increase in the total species richness, diversity, evenness, and vegetation cover. The seed mix establishment did not require watering nor soil fertilizing and the mowing frequency was low (once in late spring), contributing to sustainable and low-cost management of these green areas. Discussion: The tested seed mix promoted native flora diversity rapidly and seems suitable for use in peri-urban context under identical climate conditions. Given the small number of native seed mixes tested in the Mediterranean, this study represents a contribution toward improved management standards of native flora diversity in Mediterranean green urban and peri-urban areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio