6 research outputs found
Bekämpning av slamsvällning med ozonteknologi
Slamsvällning orsakar stora problem i avloppsreningsverk med biologisk rening i aktivt slamprocesser. Slamsvällning orsakas av filamentösa (trådformiga) bakterier, som inverkar negativt på slammets sedimenteringsegenskaper. Himmerfjärdens vattenreningsverk har drabbats av detta problem som leder till ett stabilt lager av slam på ytan av sedimenteringsbassängen som inte sedimenterar. För att lösa detta problem behandlades returslammet från sedimenteringsbassängen med ozon för att minska mängden filamentösa bakterier i returslamflödet. Ozon är en starkt oxiderande gas, som är väl användbar för icke-specifik bekämpning av slamsvällning. När ozon kommer i kontakt med den filamentösa bakteriens cellvägg penetreras det in i cellen, varvid cellen lyserar. Ozonbehandlingen resulterade i en förminskning av antalet filamentösa bakterier. Ozonbehandling av returslam förbättrade sedimenteringsegenskaperna hos svällande slam utan att påverka andra viktiga mikrobiologiska processer t.ex. nitrifikation.Bulking sludge causes major problems in wastewater treatment plants that deal with biological nutrient removal in activated sludge processes. Bulking sludge is caused by filamentous bacteria, which have a negative impact on the sludge settling properties. Himmerfjärden wastewater treatment plant suffers from this type of problem with bulking sludge which creates a stable layer at the surface that does not settle in the clarifier. In order to solve this problem, on site generated ozone was used to decrease the amount of filamentous bacteria in the return activated sludge flow. Ozone is a strong oxidant is suitable for non-specific bulking control. It stresses the filamentous bacteria causing inactivation through cell wall disintegration. The ozone treatment resulted in decreased abundance of filamentous bacteria. Ozone treatment of the recycled activated sludge improves the settling properties of bulking sludge, without interfering with other important microbiological processes e.g. nitrification
Bekämpning av slamsvällning med ozonteknologi
Slamsvällning orsakar stora problem i avloppsreningsverk med biologisk rening i aktivt slamprocesser. Slamsvällning orsakas av filamentösa (trådformiga) bakterier, som inverkar negativt på slammets sedimenteringsegenskaper. Himmerfjärdens vattenreningsverk har drabbats av detta problem som leder till ett stabilt lager av slam på ytan av sedimenteringsbassängen som inte sedimenterar. För att lösa detta problem behandlades returslammet från sedimenteringsbassängen med ozon för att minska mängden filamentösa bakterier i returslamflödet. Ozon är en starkt oxiderande gas, som är väl användbar för icke-specifik bekämpning av slamsvällning. När ozon kommer i kontakt med den filamentösa bakteriens cellvägg penetreras det in i cellen, varvid cellen lyserar. Ozonbehandlingen resulterade i en förminskning av antalet filamentösa bakterier. Ozonbehandling av returslam förbättrade sedimenteringsegenskaperna hos svällande slam utan att påverka andra viktiga mikrobiologiska processer t.ex. nitrifikation.Bulking sludge causes major problems in wastewater treatment plants that deal with biological nutrient removal in activated sludge processes. Bulking sludge is caused by filamentous bacteria, which have a negative impact on the sludge settling properties. Himmerfjärden wastewater treatment plant suffers from this type of problem with bulking sludge which creates a stable layer at the surface that does not settle in the clarifier. In order to solve this problem, on site generated ozone was used to decrease the amount of filamentous bacteria in the return activated sludge flow. Ozone is a strong oxidant is suitable for non-specific bulking control. It stresses the filamentous bacteria causing inactivation through cell wall disintegration. The ozone treatment resulted in decreased abundance of filamentous bacteria. Ozone treatment of the recycled activated sludge improves the settling properties of bulking sludge, without interfering with other important microbiological processes e.g. nitrification
Control of Microthrix parvicella and sludge bulking by ozone in a full-scale WWTP
Bulking and rising sludge are common problems in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and are primarily caused by increased growth of filamentous bacteria such as Microthrix parvicella. It has a negative impact on sludge settling properties in activated sludge (AS) process, in addition to being responsible for foam formation. Different methods can be used to control sludge bulking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dosage of on-site generated ozone in the recycled AS flow in a full-scale WWTP having problems caused by M. parvicella. The evaluation of the experiment was assessed by process data, microscopic analysis and microbial screening on the experimental and control line before, during and after the period of ozone dosage. The ozone treatment resulted in decreased abundance of M. parvicella and improved the settling properties, without impairing the overall process performance. Both chemical oxygen demand (COD)- and N-removal were unaffected and the dominant populations involved in nitrification, as analysed by fluorescent in situ hybridization, remained during the experimental period. When the ozone treatment was terminated, the problems with sludge bulking reappeared, indicating the importance of continuous evaluation of the process.</jats:p