1,908 research outputs found

    Videoconferencing via satellite. Opening Congress to the people: Technical report

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    The feasibility of using satellite videoconferencing as a mechanism for informed dialogue between Congressmen and constituents to strengthen the legislative process was evaluated. Satellite videoconferencing was defined as a two-way interactive television with the TV signals transmitted by satellite. With videoconferencing, one or more Congressmen in Washington, D. C. can see, hear and talk with groups of citizens at distant locations around the country. Simultaneously, the citizens can see, hear and talk with the Congressmen

    NASA rotor system research aircraft flight-test data report: Helicopter and compound configuration

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    The flight test activities of the Rotor System Research Aircraft (RSRA), NASA 740, from June 30, 1981 to August 5, 1982 are reported. Tests were conducted in both the helicopter and compound configurations. Compound tests reconfirmed the Sikorsky flight envelope except that main rotor blade bending loads reached endurance at a speed about 10 knots lower than previously. Wing incidence changes were made from 0 to 10 deg

    Determination of the pion-nucleon coupling constant and scattering lengths

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    We critically evaluate the isovector GMO sum rule for forward pion-nucleon scattering using the recent precision measurements of negatively charged pion-proton and pion-deuteron scattering lengths from pionic atoms. We deduce the charged-pion-nucleon coupling constant, with careful attention to systematic and statistical uncertainties. This determination gives, directly from data a pseudoscalar coupling constant of 14.11+-0.05(statistical)+-0.19(systematic) or a pseudovector one of 0.0783(11). This value is intermediate between that of indirect methods and the direct determination from backward neutron-proton differential scattering cross sections. We also use the pionic atom data to deduce the coherent symmetric and antisymmetric sums of the negatively charged pion-proton and pion-neutron scattering lengths with high precision. The symmetric sum gives 0.0012+-0.0002(statistical)+-0.0008 (systematic) and the antisymmetric one 0.0895+-0.0003(statistical)+-0.0013(systematic), both in units of inverse charged pion-mass. For the need of the present analysis, we improve the theoretical description of the pion-deuteron scattering length.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, few modifications and clarifications, no change in substance of the pape

    DNA adducts in fish following an oil spill exposure

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    On 12 December 1999, one third of the load of the Erika tanker, amounting to about 10,000 t crude oil flowed into sea waters close to the French Atlantic Coast. This oil contained polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) that are known to be genotoxic. Genotoxic effects induce DNA adducts formation, which can thus be used as pollution biomarkers. Here, we assessed the genotoxic impact of the “Erika” oil spill by DNA adducts detection in the liver of immature fishes (Solea solea) from four locations of the French Brittany coasts. Two months after the spill, a high amount of DNA adducts was found in samples from all locations, amounting to 92–290 DNA adduct per 109 nucleotides. Then total DNA adduct levels decreased to reach about 50 adducts per 109 nucleotides nine months after the spill. In vitro experiments using human cell cultures and fish liver microsomes evidence the genotoxicity of the Erika fuel. They also prove the formation of reactive species able to create DNA adducts. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo DNA adducts fingerprints are similar, thus confirming that DNA adducts are a result of the oil spill

    Three-body decay of the d* dibaryon

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    Under certain circumstances, a three-body decay width can be approximated by an integral involving a product of two off-shell two-body decay widths. This ``angle-average'' approximation is used to calculate the πNN\pi NN decay width of the d(Jπ=3+,T=0)d^*(J^\pi=3^+, T=0) dibaryon in a simple Δ2\Delta^2 model for the most important Feynman diagrams describing pion emissions with baryon-baryon recoil and meson retardation. The decay width is found to be about 0.006 (0.07, 0.5) MeV at the dd^* mass of 2065 (2100, 2150) MeV for input dynamics derived from the Full Bonn potential. The smallness of this width is qualitatively understood as the result of the three-body decay being ``third forbidden''. The concept of \ell forbiddenness and the threshold behavior of a three-body decay are further studied in connection with the πNN\pi NN decay of the dibaryon d(Jπ=0,T=0or2)d'(J^\pi=0^-, T=0 or 2) where the idea of unfavorness has to be introduced. The implications of these results are briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX, two-column journal style, six figure

    On Deusons or Deuteronlike Meson-Meson Bound States

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    The systematics of deuteronlike two-meson bound states, {\it deusons}, is discussed. Previous arguments that many of the present non-qqˉq\bar q states are such states are elaborated including, in particular, the tensor potential. For pseudoscalar states the important observation is made that the centrifugal barrier from the P-wave can be overcome by the 1/r21/r^2 and 1/r31/r^3 terms of the tensor potential. In the heavy meson sector one-pion exchange alone is strong enough to form at least deuteron-like BBˉB\bar B^* and BBˉB^*\bar B^* composites bound by approximately 50 MeV, while DDˉD\bar D^* and DDˉD^*\bar D^* states are expected near the threshold.Comment: Invited talk at the Hadron93 International Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy, Como, Italy 22.-25.6. 1993. 5 pages in LATEX HU-SEFT R 1993-13

    Pion Excess, Nuclear Correlations, and the Interpretation of (p,n\vec p, \vec n) Spin Transfer Experiments

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    Conventional theories of nuclear interactions predict a net increase in the distribution of virtual pions in nuclei relative to free nucleons. Analysis of data from several nuclear experiments has led to claims of evidence against such a pion excess. These conclusions are usually based on a collective theory (RPA) of the pions, which may be inadequate. The issue is the energy dependence of the nuclear response, which differs for theories with strong NN correlations from the RPA predictions. In the present paper, information about the energy dependence is extracted from sum rules, which are calculated for such a correlated, noncollective nuclear theory. The results lead to much reduced sensitivity of nuclear reactions to the correlations that are responsible for the pion excess. The primary example is (p,n)(\vec p,\vec n) spin transfer, for which the expected effects are found to be smaller than the experimental uncertainties. The analysis has consequences for Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) experiments as well.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Light Front Treatment of the Nucleus-Implications for Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    A light front treatment of the nuclear wave function is developed and applied, using the mean field approximation, to infinite nuclear matter. The nuclear mesons are shown to carry about a third of the nuclear plus momentum, p+; but their momentum distribution has support only at p+ =0, and the mesons do not contribute to nuclear deep inelastic scattering. This zero mode effect occurs because the meson fields are independent of space-time position.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, 1 figur

    Pion Cloud Contribution to K+ Nucleus Scattering

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    A careful reanalysis is done of the contribution to K+K^{+} nucleus scattering from the interaction of the kaon with the virtual pion cloud. The usual approximations made in the evaluation of the related kaon selfenergy are shown to fail badly. We also find new interaction mechanisms which provide appreciable corrections to the kaon selfenergy. Some of these contribute to the imaginary part below pion creation threshold. The inclusion of these new mechanisms in the inelastic part of the optical potential produces a significant improvement in the differential and total K+K^{+} nuclear cross sections. Uncertainties remain in the dispersive part of the optical potential.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures (not all of them included, please request them), report UG-DFM-2/9