164 research outputs found

    Assessment of cockpit interface concepts for data link retrofit

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    The problem is examined of retrofitting older generation aircraft with data link capability. The approach taken analyzes requirements for the cockpit interface, based on review of prior research and opinions obtained from subject matter experts. With this background, essential functions and constraints for a retrofit installation are defined. After an assessment of the technology available to meet the functions and constraints, candidate design concepts are developed. The most promising design concept is described in detail. Finally, needs for further research and development are identified

    The relationship between prevalence and duration of weight loss strategies and weight loss among overweight managed care organization members enrolled in a weight loss trial

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    BACKGROUND: Many adults in the United States report engaging in weight loss behaviors. The current study examined weight loss strategies among managed care organization members, to determine the prevalence and impact of weight loss behaviors in this population. We hypothesized that greater engagement in weight loss strategies would be associated with greater weight loss success. METHODS: Data were taken from Weigh-to-Be (WTB), a two-year weight loss trial (N = 1801, 72% female, mean age = 50.7 years, mean weight = 95.9 kg, mean BMI = 34.2 kg/m(2)). Every six months, participants completed a questionnaire assessing frequency and duration of weight loss strategies (calorie reduction, fat reduction, increased fruit/vegetable intake, increased exercise, elimination of sweets, consumption of less food). General linear models and structural equation methods were used to examine associations between weight loss strategy use and weight change over time. RESULTS: Weight loss strategy prevalence rates ranged from 68% to 76% over two years. For all dietary strategies, any use of the strategy between baseline and 24 months was associated with weight loss at 24 months; those who did not engage in the strategy showed weight gains during that period. Results of general linear models and structural equation models indicated that increased use of weight loss strategies was significantly associated with greater 24-month weight loss. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of weight loss strategies in this obese adult managed care population was quite high, and use of these strategies was associated in dose-response fashion with better weight loss. Future interventions may benefit from emphasis on persistence of similar strategies to achieve more successful outcomes

    The Imaging X-Ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) Mission System Using a Small Satellite

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    The goal of the Imaging X-Ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) Mission is to expand understanding of high-energy astrophysical processes and sources. IXPE will add two new dimensions to on-orbit x-ray science: polarization measurements and detailed imaging. Polarization uniquely probes physical anisotropies that are not otherwise measurable—ordered magnetic fields, aspheric matter distributions, or general relativistic coupling to black-hole spin. Detailed imaging enables the specific properties of extended X-ray sources to be differentiated. The IXPE Observatory consists of spacecraft and payload modules built up in parallel to form the Observatory during system integration and test. The payload includes three polarization-sensitive, x-ray detector arrays paired with three x-ray mirror module assemblies (MMA). A deployable boom provides the correct separation (focal length) between the detector units and MMAs. MSFC provides the X-ray optics and Science Operations Center (SOC) along with mission management and systems engineering. Ball is responsible for the spacecraft, payload mechanical elements and flight metrology system and payload, spacecraft and system I&T along with launch and operations. The MOC is located at CU/LASP. IAPS/INAF and INFN provide the polarization-sensitive detector units (DU) and detectors service unit (DSU) via the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The Observatory communicates with the ASI-contributed Malindi ground station via S-band link. The science team generates and archives IXPE data products at the HEASARC. The IXPE “mission system” is made up of the flight segment, ground segment and launch segment – this paper briefly summarizes the IXPE mission science objectives, overviews the flight segment (the payload, spacecraft, and Observatory implementation concepts), and summarizes the expected operations concept. A SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle was selected in June 2019 to launch the IXPE Observatory. Mission CDR occurred in June 2019 and the IXPE Project is now firmly in the build phase

    An exploration of function analysis and function allocation in the commercial flight domain

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    The applicability is explored of functional analysis methods to support cockpit design. Specifically, alternative techniques are studied for ensuring an effective division of responsibility between the flight crew and automation. A functional decomposition is performed of the commercial flight domain to provide the information necessary to support allocation decisions and demonstrate methodology for allocating functions to flight crew or to automation. The function analysis employed 'bottom up' and 'top down' analyses and demonstrated the comparability of identified functions, using the 'lift off' segment of the 'take off' phase as a test case. The normal flight mission and selected contingencies were addressed. Two alternative methods for using the functional description in the allocation of functions between man and machine were investigated. The two methods were compared in order to ascertain their relative strengths and weaknesses. Finally, conclusions were drawn regarding the practical utility of function analysis methods

    Implications of the Precise Anatomical Location of Lumbar Stenosis for Minimally Invasive Decompressive Lumbar Surgery

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    Objective The purpose of this study was to characterize an observation that the most severe lumbar stenosis is often displaced from the disc. Methods A retrospective magnetic resonance (MRI) review of displacement and causes of lumbar canal stenosis, was undertaken. Lumbar MRIs (n=3000) were reviewed for stenosis defined as a canal diameter of ≤8 mm. Displacement of maximal stenosis from the disc was measured; measurements inferior to the disc were assigned negative values. Defined causes were; ligamentous hypertrophy, facet hypertrophy, lipomatosis, spondylolisthesis, synovial cyst, or adjacent segment disease. Results Lumbar stenosis levels (n=1,042) identified in 749 patients were; L1-2 (3.8%), L2-3(20.1%), L3-4 (35.3%), L4-5 (37.7%), and L5-S1 (3.2%). Of these levels 20.8% were attributed to facet hypertrophy, 29.8% ligamentous hypertrophy, 31.1% epidural lipomatosis, 11.2% spondylolisthesis, 5.6% adjacent segment disease, and 1.5% synovial cyst. Mean displacement stenosis (mm) was; synovial cyst (-0.3; range 7 to -5), epidural lipomatosis, (-1.1; 5 to -13), ligamentous hypertrophy (-3.5; 5 to -13); facet hypertrophy (-3.9; 7 to -11), adjacent segment disease (-4.7; 7 to -11), and spondylolisthesis (-4.9; 11 to -12). Sub-group analysis revealed a predominantly negative displacement for spondylolisthesis, adjacent segment disease, facet hypertrophy, and ligamentous hypertrophy. Conclusion The site of maximal lumbar stenosis is at or near the center of the disc with lipomatosis or synovial cyst, but significantly inferiorly displaced when ligamentous or facet hypertrophy, spondylolisthesis, or adjacent segment disease is the major cause. Lipomatosis as a cause of stenosis is more common than previously reported

    Oceans without history? Marine Cultural Heritage and the sustainable development agenda

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    This paper aims to set out the role Marine Cultural Heritage (MCH) can play in informing responses to global challenges and enhancing the sustainable development of coastal zones. This requires recognition of the importance of MCH as a knowledge base amongst marine ocean scientists, policy makers and marine stakeholders on the one hand and a greater effort by marine heritage specialists to engage with the 2030 Agenda on the other. The forthcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030) provides an opportunity to engage with the sea more widely but it is argued that the cultural element provided by considering past human action is currently lacking. The importance of understanding human interaction with the sea in terms of gaining a more complete picture of human history is briefly presented and a definition of MCH as all past action in the human zone is given. The article then sets out how MCH can enhance sustainable development in the marine zone with particular reference to SDG14 considering heritage tourism, coastal development and infrastructure, development aid policy, climate change, coastal management, fisheries and the offshore industry. The article highlights that the knowledge and data from MCH should be seen as crucial in evidence-based decision making across the coastal and marine sectors. The paper concludes that the inclusion of MCH approaches in initiatives aiming at coastal and ocean sustainability is not just advisable—it is essentia

    Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and the microbiome

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The review aims to update the reader on current developments in our understanding of how the gut microbiota impact on inflammatory bowel disease and the irritable bowel syndrome. It will also consider current efforts to modulate the microbiota for therapeutic effect. RECENT FINDINGS: Gene polymorphisms associated with inflammatory bowel disease increasingly suggest that interaction with the microbiota drives pathogenesis. This may be through modulation of the immune response, mucosal permeability or the products of microbial metabolism. Similar findings in irritable bowel syndrome have reinforced the role of gut-specific factors in this ‘functional’ disorder. Metagenomic analysis has identified alterations in pathways and interactions with the ecosystem of the microbiome that may not be recognized by taxonomic description alone, particularly in carbohydrate metabolism. Treatments targeted at the microbial stimulus with antibiotics, probiotics or prebiotics have all progressed in the past year. Studies on the long-term effects of treatment on the microbiome suggest that dietary intervention may be needed for prolonged efficacy. SUMMARY: The microbiome represents ‘the other genome’, and to appreciate its role in health and disease will be as challenging as with our own genome. Intestinal diseases occur at the front line of our interaction with the microbiome and their future treatment will be shaped as we unravel our relationship with it

    An Artificial Light Source Influences Mating and Oviposition of Black Soldier Flies, Hermetia illucens

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    Current methods for mass-rearing black soldier flies, Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), in the laboratory are dependent on sunlight. Quartz-iodine lamps and rare earth lamps were examined as artificial light sources for stimulating H. illucens to mate and lay eggs. Sunlight was used as the control. Adults in the quartz-iodine lamp treatment had a mating rate of 61% of those in the sunlight control. No mating occurred when the rare earth lamp was used as a substitute. Egg hatch for the quartz-iodine lamp and sunlight treatments occurred in approximately 4 days, and the hatch rate was similar between these two treatments. Larval and pupal development under these treatments required approximately 18 and 15 days at 28°° C, respectively. Development of methods for mass rearing of H. illucens using artificial light will enable production of this fly throughout the year without investing in greenhouse space or requiring sunlight

    A Novel Role for the TIR Domain in Association with Pathogen-Derived Elicitors

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    Plant innate immunity is mediated by Resistance (R) proteins, which bear a striking resemblance to animal molecules of similar function. Tobacco N is a TIR-NB-LRR R gene that confers resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus, specifically the p50 helicase domain. An intriguing question is how plant R proteins recognize the presence of pathogen-derived Avirulence (Avr) elicitor proteins. We have used biochemical cell fraction and immunoprecipitation in addition to confocal fluorescence microscopy of living tissue to examine the association between N and p50. Surprisingly, both N and p50 are cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins, and N's nuclear localization is required for its function. We also demonstrate an in planta association between N and p50. Further, we show that N's TIR domain is critical for this association, and indeed, it alone can associate with p50. Our results differ from current models for plant innate immunity that propose detection is mediated solely through the LRR domains of these molecules. The data we present support an intricate process of pathogen elicitor recognition by R proteins involving multiple subcellular compartments and the formation of multiple protein complexes

    The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): Technical Overview

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    The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) will expand the information space for study of cosmic sources, by adding linear polarization to the properties (time, energy, and position) observed in x-ray astronomy. Selected in 2017 January as a NASA Astrophysics Small Explorer (SMEX) mission, IXPE will be launched into an equatorial orbit in 2021. The IXPE mission will provide scientifically meaningful measurements of the x-ray polarization of a few dozen sources in the 2-8 keV band, including polarization maps of several x-ray-bright extended sources and phase-resolved polarimetry of many bright pulsating x-ray sources