11,391 research outputs found

    Domino Tatami Covering is NP-complete

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    A covering with dominoes of a rectilinear region is called \emph{tatami} if no four dominoes meet at any point. We describe a reduction from planar 3SAT to Domino Tatami Covering. As a consequence it is NP-complete to decide whether there is a perfect matching of a graph that meets every 4-cycle, even if the graph is restricted to be an induced subgraph of the grid-graph. The gadgets used in the reduction were discovered with the help of a SAT-solver.Comment: 10 pages, accepted at The International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 201

    An Analysis of Putative Roles for the CCR4-NOT Deadenylase-Complex Subunit Regena (NOT2) in microRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in \u3cem\u3eDrosophila Melanogaster\u3c/em\u3e

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are one class of small non-coding ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules essential to development and homeostasis in plants and animals. miRNAs silence gene expression through complementary base pairing with target gene messenger RNAs and association with the miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC). The identification and characterization of cellular factors required for miRNA-mediated gene silencing is incomplete. A forward genetic screen was carried out in Drosophila melanogaster to generate flies defective for gene silencing. Silencing was assayed by expression of a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) reporter fused to the Brd gene 3’ UTR, which is regulated by miRNAs. Genetic analysis revealed that the CCR4-NOT deadenylase-complex subunit Regena (NOT2) is required for miRNA-mediated silencing of the reporter. In addition, perturbation of Regena function altered Drosophila eye development and resulting adult eye morphology. miRNAs are thought to silence target gene expression through a combination of translational repression and target mRNA degradation, though the detailed mechanism of this process is a matter of controversy. Novel genetic reagents to explore miRNA function in vivo have been generated and characterized. Ongoing efforts aim to explore whether Regena is required to silence other miRNA targets in vivo, and whether Regena is required for miRNA-mediated gene silencing at different stages of the Drosophila life cycle. Elucidation of the lesion in the Regena (NOT2) gene and the molecular nature of GFP reporter silencing will contribute to an understanding of the mechanism of miRNA-mediated gene silencing in vivo

    Two-Loop Bethe Logarithms

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    We calculate the two-loop Bethe logarithm correction to atomic energy levels in hydrogen-like systems. The two-loop Bethe logarithm is a low-energy quantum electrodynamic (QED) effect involving multiple summations over virtual excited atomic states. Although much smaller in absolute magnitude than the well-known one-loop Bethe logarithm, the two-loop analog is quite significant when compared to the current experimental accuracy of the 1S-2S transition: it contributes -8.19 and -0.84 kHz for the 1S and the 2S state, respectively. The two-loop Bethe logarithm has been the largest unknown correction to the hydrogen Lamb shift to date. Together with the ongoing measurement of the proton charge radius at the Paul Scherrer Institute its calculation will bring theoretical and experimental accuracy for the Lamb shift in atomic hydrogen to the level of 10^(-7).Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Ladders for Wilson Loops Beyond Leading Order

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    We set up a general scheme to resum ladder diagrams for the quark-anti-quark potential in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, and do explicit calculations at the next-to-leading order. The results perfectly agree with string theory in AdS(5)xS(5) when continued to strong coupling, in spite of a potential order-of-limits problem.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Evidence for nodal superconductivity in LaFePO

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    In several iron-arsenide superconductors there is strong evidence for a fully gapped superconducting state consistent with either a conventional s-wave symmetry or an unusual s±s_\pm state where there the gap changes sign between the electron and hole Fermi surface sheets. Here we report measurements of the penetration depth λ(T)\lambda(T) in very clean samples of the related iron-phosphide superconductor, LaFePO, at temperatures down to ∼\sim 100 mK. We find that λ(T)\lambda(T) varies almost perfectly linearly with TT strongly suggesting the presence of gap nodes in this compound. Taken together with other data, this suggests the gap function may not be generic to all pnictide superconductors

    Constraining the Temperature of Impact Melt from the Mistastin Lake Impact Structure Using Zircon Crystal Structures

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    Impact melt is a product of hyper-velocity impact events formed by the instantaneous melting of near-surface target rocks. Constraining the temperature of impact melt is vital to understanding its prograde heating and cooling history, which can have implications for inferring the environment of early Earth ~4.0 billion years ago when microbial life potentially arose. To date, only one datum on the initial impact melt temperature has been derived by Timms et al. These authors studied zirconia microstructures and crystallographic orientations that revealed the former presence of cubic zirconia, found in a black impact glass at the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Canada. The presence of cubic zirconia indicates a minimum temperature for the impact melt of >2370C from the dissociation temperature of zircon to cubic zirconia and liquid SiO2. With only one temperature datum, it is still difficult to constrain the entire temperature range experienced during the impact melting process; from its instantaneous formation to thermal equilibrium with the cold clasts collected along the crater floor and walls. In addition, obtaining a temperature value from only one type of impactite limits the inferred temperature range, because each impactite experiences a different cooling history. In this study, we present a preliminary investigation of 61 zircon crystals, 14 of which are similar to those studied by Timms et al., from the Mistastin Lake impact structure. To acquire a more accurate temperature profile representative of impact melt, zircon crystals were collected from different types of impactites containing impact melt, including additional samples of the black impact glass studied by Timms et al

    Water facilities in retrospect and prospect: An illuminating tool for vehicle design

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    Water facilities play a fundamental role in the design of air, ground, and marine vehicles by providing a qualitative, and sometimes quantitative, description of complex flow phenomena. Water tunnels, channels, and tow tanks used as flow-diagnostic tools have experienced a renaissance in recent years in response to the increased complexity of designs suitable for advanced technology vehicles. These vehicles are frequently characterized by large regions of steady and unsteady three-dimensional flow separation and ensuing vortical flows. The visualization and interpretation of the complicated fluid motions about isolated vehicle components and complete configurations in a time and cost effective manner in hydrodynamic test facilities is a key element in the development of flow control concepts, and, hence, improved vehicle designs. A historical perspective of the role of water facilities in the vehicle design process is presented. The application of water facilities to specific aerodynamic and hydrodynamic flow problems is discussed, and the strengths and limitations of these important experimental tools are emphasized

    China Near Seas Combat Capabilities

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    The capstone U.S. Defense Department study on the future operational environment declares, China\u27s rise represents the most significant single event on the international horizon since the collapse of the Cold War. Understanding and assessing changes in China\u27s traditionally defensive naval strategy, doctrine, and force structure are of obvious importance to the U.S. Navy (USN) and other Pacific navies concerned with the possible security implications of that rise. This chapter examines the development of the Chinese navy\u27s Houbei (Type 022) fast-attack-craft force and its roles and missions in China\u27s near seas and discusses implications for the U.S. Navy and other navies in the region.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/cmsi-red-books/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Comparing strings in AdS(5)xS(5) to planar diagrams: an example

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    The correlator of a Wilson loop with a local operator in N=4 SYM theory can be represented by a string amplitude in AdS(5)xS(5). This amplitude describes an overlap of the boundary state, which is associated with the loop, with the string mode, which is dual to the local operator. For chiral primary operators with a large R charge, the amplitude can be calculated by semiclassical techniques. We compare the semiclassical string amplitude to the SYM perturbation theory and find an exact agrement to the first two non-vanishing orders.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX; v2: typos corrected; v3: clarification of boundary conditions at infinity adde
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