668 research outputs found

    GENDER TRANSITION AS SELF-REALISATION IN LATER LIFE: Interview with a 72 year old Trans woman in Wales

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    Trans experiences of ageing have, so far, been minimally explored in academic literature; however, older Trans people who have transitioned in later life have much to offer the fields of both Trans Studies and Cultural Gerontology. By drawing on an interview with Jenny-Anne Bishop, a 72-year-old Trans woman, this study suggests that Trans ageing experiences are not adequately accounted for by dominant cultural narratives of ageing, notably decline and age-defying narratives, and instead proposes Laceulle and Baars’ (2014) framework of self-realisation as a suitable alternative. Concurrently, this study serves as an empirical illustration of how self-realisation as a framework for meaning attribution in later life can be applied

    Determinación de la escala de las firmas de gestión de activos más prominentes mediante el análisis de datos

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    Peter Phillips y otros autores destacados iluminan la existencia de superpotencias ocultas que ejercen influencia sobre las corporaciones más importantes del mundo, este poder también abarca a importantes entidades de comunicaciones a nivel global. Phillips resalta que 17 de los llamados ‘Gigantes’ gestionan portafolios de inversión con al menos 1 trillón en activos. De la misma manera, existe un grupo pequeño de gestores de activos denominado los ‘Tres Grandes’ (‘Big Three’), gigantes reconocidos a nivel mundial en la gestión de activos que incluyen a BlackRock, Vanguard Group y State Street Corporation. El discurso en torno a estos ‘Gigantes’ y los ‘Tres Grandes’ motivó la aplicación de técnicas de análisis de datos para examinar y validar las afirmaciones realizadas sobre ellos. Los datos, recopilados de diversas fuentes como Yahoo Finance y StockAnalysis.com, fueron sometidos a una limpieza meticulosa para mitigar errores y abordar la falta de información. Posteriormente, tres hipótesis fueron sometidas a una evaluación rigurosa mediante pruebas de hipótesis (hypothesis testing). Como resultado de este proceso, solo una de las tres hipótesis planteadas fue rechazada, lo cual nos llega a concluir que los ’Tres Grandes’ efectivamente poseen una posición muy fuerte en las empresas que pertenecen a los índices más importantes (S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, DJIA) de los mercados financieros norteamericanos.Peter Phillips and other prominent authors shed light on the existence of hidden superpowers that exert influence over the world’s most important corporations. This power also extends to major global communications entities. Phillips highlights that 17 of the so-called ‘Giants’ manage portfolios with a staggering 1 trillion or more in assets. Additionally, there is a small group of institutions called the ‘Big Three,’ globally recognized asset management giants comprising BlackRock, Vanguard Group, and State Street Corporation. The discourse surrounding these ‘Giants’ and the ‘Big Three’ prompted the application of data analytics techniques to scrutinize and validate these assertions. Data, drawn from diverse sources such as Yahoo Finance and StockAnalysis.com, underwent meticulous cleaning to mitigate errors and address missing information. Subsequently, three hypotheses were subjected to rigorous evaluation through hypothesis testing. As a result of this process, only one of the three hypotheses proposed was rejected, leading us to conclude that the ‘Big Three’ indeed hold a very strong position among companies that belong to the most important indices (S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, DJIA) of the American financial markets

    Coupling channel effects on K−p correlation function using a cut off regularization

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2024, Tutor: Volodymyr MagasStudying the interaction between K− and protons in the S = −1 sector must be done considering all possible contributions coming from other channels. In this sense, this work studies the effects each of these channels have on the K−p correlation function. We also try to extract information about the contributions of the interaction potential which was obtained from a Chiral Unitary Approach. Theoretical results will be compared with available data from Alice Collaboration at CER

    Strategies for Improving Efficiency and Emissions in Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines

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    This study presents an experimental investigation of the novel combination of a “wave" bowl piston with thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) and Miller cycle intake valve strategies. All experiments were carried out with a single cylinder research engine with fully-flexible valve timing capabilities. The results indicate the wave bowl geometry enables this combination to improve fuel consumption, steady-state engine-out NOₓ emissions, and particulate matter (PM) emissions, improving the NOₓ-PM tradeoff that compromises diesel engine efficiency. These benefits were achieved at the expense of elevated turbocharger efficiency requirements. Three TBCs of varying composition and thickness were tested at seven operating conditions of varying speed and load. TBC performance was highly dependent on volumetric efficiency (VE), as cases with reduced VE increased the heat transfer gradient between the combustion gasses and the combustion chamber. The insulative properties of each TBC determined the impact of the aforementioned change in the heat transfer gradient, with the most pronounced effects on fuel conversion efficiency, up to a 0.6% increase, observed at medium and high load operation. The soot oxidation impacts of the wave piston were diminished at higher engine speeds, with the lowest PM emission increases for the TBC cases with reduced VE observed at the low speed conditions. Early Intake Valve Closing (EIVC) and Late Intake Valve Closing (LIVC) Miller cycle strategies were compared to a conventional intake valve profile at a low speed-medium load condition under constant engine-out NOₓ emissions. The reduction in effective compression ratio from using Miller cycle was symmetric around bottom dead center, while EIVC profiles were more effective at reducing VE than LIVC profiles. The implementation of an overall turbocharger efficiency metric clarified the source of discrepancies found in the current body of work on Miller cycle, as studies reporting fuel consumption penalties were typically underutilizing boost capabilities and those reporting significant efficiency improvements were exceeding boost capabilities. Miller cycle profiles yielded 0.5% BSFC and 30% PM emission increases at the baseline turbocharger efficiency. Those penalties were nullified with an 8% relative increase in turbocharger efficiency. The combined TBC-Miller cycle study compared extreme Miller cycle strategies to a conventional intake valve profile at a low speed-medium load operating point under high boost conditions. Comparisons were made under fixed cylinder composition, engine-out NOx emissions, and turbocharger efficiency constraints. Miller cycle at fixed cylinder composition demonstrated that LIVC strategies effectively reduced heat transfer losses, elevated exhaust losses, and reduced engine-out NOₓ emissions by up to 35%. Extreme LIVC timings increased fuel consumption by 3% because increased exhaust losses exceeded the reduced heat transfer losses. Miller cycle strategies enabled increased charge dilution at the fixed NOₓ constraint, improving fuel consumption by 1.3% over the baseline without compromising exhaust temperatures. This study produced the novel insight that varying EGR rates for NOₓ control suppresses the benefits of the inherent low NOₓ operation of Miller cycle applications. At an equivalent turbocharger efficiency representative of high boost operation, Miller cycle reduced NOₓ emissions by 31% and elevated exhaust temperatures relative to the conventional IVC case without compromising fuel consumption. The TBC piston's insulative properties shifted the inflection point of the heat transfer and exhaust loss tradeoff such that the optimum IVC timing is more extreme than with the uncoated piston for the fixed NOₓ emissions and turbocharger efficiency cases.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169856/1/garerick_1.pd


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    ResumenEste trabajo se centra en las transmisiones inalámbricas de datos por medio de radio frecuencias (2.4 GHz) con las antenas nRF24l01 y las tarjetas SPI a I2C.El uso de estos dispositivos deja atrás el cableado para la recepción y transmisión de datos, una velocidad de transmisión de 100 milisegundos a una distancia de 1100 metros a espacio abierto. Su cableado es muy simple gracias al protocolo de comunicación ya que solo cuenta con cuatro líneas SCL, SDA, VCC y GND, una instalación sencilla, además de su respectiva programación. Como innovación se plantea el uso de este dispositivo en invernaderos para la transmisión de datos inalámbricamente a una estación de control.Palabra(s) Clave:   Estación de control, Protocolo I2C, radio frecuencias, datos. WIRELESS DATA TRANSMISSIONS BY RADIO FREQUENCY IN THE 2.4 GHZ BAND WITH THE I2C COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLAbstractThis work focuses on wireless data transmissions through radio frequencies (2.4 GHz) with nRF24l01 antennas and SPI to I2C cards. The use of these devices allowed the wiring for the reception and transmission of data, a transmission speed of 100 milliseconds at 1100 meters to open space. Its wiring is very simple thanks to the communication protocol that only has four lines SCL, SDA, VCC and GND, a simple installation, in addition to its respective programming. As an innovation, the use of this device in greenhouses is proposed for wirelessly transmitting data to a control station.Keywords: Control device, I2C, radio communications.


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    ResumenEste trabajo se centra en el control del clima del invernadero por medio de la ventilación forzada a través de las cenitales y la segunda ley de la termodinámica.El uso de este sistema deja atrás las costosos máquinas de refrigeración del marcado extranjero y es capaz de mantener en horas pico de calor (14:00-15:00 horas) una temperatura por debajo de los 38 °C en una hectárea de invernadero con planta de tomate en suelo. Su funcionamiento se cimienta en la segunda ley de la termodinámica que dice: “la cantidad de entropía de cualquier sistema aislado termodinámicamente tiende incrementarse con el tiempo, hasta alcanzar un valor máximo. Pero sensiblemente, cuando una parte de un sistema cerrado interactúa con otra parte, la energía tiende a dividirse por igual, hasta que el sistema alcance un equilibrio térmico”, por esta razón la ventilación forzada es tan efectiva.  Palabra(s) Clave: Clima, control, invernadero, protocolo I2C, datos.AbstractThis work focuses on controlling the climate of the greenhouse by means of forced ventilation through the zeniths and the second law of thermodynamics.The use of this system leaves behind the expensive cooling machines of the foreign marking and is able to maintain a hot temperature (14: 00-15: 00 hours) at a temperature below 38 °C in a hectare of greenhouse tomato plant in soil. Its operation is based on the second law of thermodynamics that says: "the amount of entropy of any thermodynamically isolated system tends to increase with time, until reaching a maximum value. But sensibly, when one part of a closed system interacts with another part, the energy tends to divide equally, until the system reaches a thermal equilibrium, "for this reason forced ventilation is so effective.Keywords: Climate, control, greenhouse, I2C protocol, data

    Non-archimedean stratifications in T-convex fields.

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    We prove that whenever T is a power-bounded o-minimal theory, t-stratifications exist for definable maps and sets in T-convex fields. To this effect, a thorough analysis of definability in T-convex fields is carried out. One of the conditions required for the result above is the Jacobian property, whose proof in this work is a long and technical argument based on an earlier proof of this property for valued fields with analytic structure. An example is given to illustrate that t-stratifications do not exist in general when T is not power-bounded. We also show that if T is power-bounded, the theory of all T-convex fields is b-minimal with centres. We also address several applications of tstratifications. For this we exclusively work with a power-bounded T. The first application establishes that a t-stratification of a definable set X in a T-convex field induces t stratifications on the tangent cones of X. This is a contribution to local geometry and singularity theory. Regarding R as a model of T, the remaining applications are derived by considering the stratifications induced on R by t-stratifications in non-standard models. We prove that each such induced stratification is a C1-Whitney stratification; this in turn leads to a new proof of the existence of Whitney stratifications for definable sets in R. We also deal with interactions between tangent cones of definable sets in R and stratifications

    Simulation of attitude and orbital disturbances acting on ASPECT satellite in the vicinity of the binary asteroid Didymos

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    Asteroid missions are gaining interest from the scientific community and many new missions are planned. The Didymos binary asteroid is a Near-Earth Object and the target of the Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA). This joint mission, developed by NASA and ESA, brings the possibility to build one of the first CubeSats for deep space missions: the ASPECT satellite. Navigation systems of a deep space satellite di er greatly from the common planetary missions. Orbital environment close to an asteroid requires a case-by-case analysis. In order to develop the Attitude Determination Control System (ADCS) for the mission, one needs detailed information about orbital disturbances in the vicinity of the asteroid. This work focuses on the development of a simulator that characterizes the orbital disturbances a ecting the ASPECT satellite in the space environment near the Didymos asteroid. In this work, a model of orbital conditions and disturbances near the Didymos system was defined. The model integrates several classical and modern models of spacecraft motion and disturbance. An existing Low Earth Orbit (LEO) simulator was modified and updated accordingly to the ASPECT mission scenario. The developed simulator can be used to analyze the disturbances to be counteracted by the ADCS of the ASPECT satellite. The objective of the study was to quantify the e ect of both non-gravitational and gravitational disturbances. The simulator was used to analyze di erent orbit scenarios related to the period of the mission and to the relative distance between the spacecraft and the asteroid system. In every scenario, the solar radiation pressure was found to be the strongest of the disturbance forces. With the developed simulator, suitable spacecraft configurations and control systems can be chosen to mitigate the e ect of the disturbances on the attitude and orbit of the ASPECT satellite