15 research outputs found

    APOE3, but Not APOE4, Bone Marrow Transplantation Mitigates Behavioral and Pathological Changes in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease

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    Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) genotype is the strongest genetic risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer disease and confers a proinflammatory, neurotoxic phenotype to microglia. Here, we tested the hypothesis that bone marrow cell APOE genotype modulates pathological progression in experimental Alzheimer disease. We performed bone marrow transplants (BMT) from green fluorescent protein–expressing human APOE3/3 or APOE4/4 donor mice into lethally irradiated 5-month-old APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice. Eight months later, APOE4/4 BMT–recipient APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice had significantly impaired spatial working memory and increased detergent-soluble and plaque Aβ compared with APOE3/3 BMT–recipient APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice. BMT-derived microglia engraftment was significantly reduced in APOE4/4 recipients, who also had correspondingly less cerebral apoE. Gene expression analysis in cerebral cortex of APOE3/3 BMT recipients showed reduced expression of tumor necrosis factor-α and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (both neurotoxic cytokines) and elevated immunomodulatory IL-10 expression in APOE3/3 recipients compared with those that received APOE4/4 bone marrow. This was not due to detectable APOE-specific differences in expression of microglial major histocompatibility complex class II, C-C chemokine receptor (CCR) type 1, CCR2, CX3C chemokine receptor 1 (CX3CR1), or C5a anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor (C5aR). Together, these findings suggest that BMT-derived APOE3-expressing cells are superior to those that express APOE4 in their ability to mitigate the behavioral and neuropathological changes in experimental Alzheimer disease

    Mu opioid receptor stimulation activates c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2 by distinct arrestin-dependent and independent mechanisms

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    G protein-coupled receptor desensitization is typically mediated by receptor phosphorylation by G proteincoupled receptor kinase (GRK) and subsequent arrestin binding; morphine, however, was previously found to activate a c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-dependent, GRK/arrestin-independent pathway to produce mu opioid receptor (MOR) inactivation in spinally-mediated, acute anti-nociceptive responses [Melief et al.] [1]. In the current study, we determined that JNK2 was also required for centrally-mediated analgesic tolerance to morphine using the hotplate assay. We compared JNK activation by morphine and fentanyl in JNK1−/−, JNK2−/−, JNK3−/−, and GRK3−/−mice and found that both compounds specifically activate JNK2 in vivo; however, fentanyl activation of JNK2 was GRK3-dependent, whereasmorphine activation of JNK2 was GRK3-independent. InMOR-GFP expressing HEK293 cells, treatment with either arrestin siRNA, the Src family kinase inhibitor PP2, or the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor Gö6976 indicated that morphine activated JNK2 through an arrestin-independent Src- and PKCdependent mechanism, whereas fentanyl activated JNK2 through a Src-GRK3/arrestin-2-dependent and PKCindependent mechanism. This study resolves distinct ligand-directed mechanisms of JNK activation by mu opioid agonists and understanding ligand-directed signaling at MOR may improve opioid therapeutic

    Morphoelectric and transcriptomic divergence of the layer 1 interneuron repertoire in human versus mouse neocortex

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    Neocortical layer 1 (L1) is a site of convergence between pyramidal-neuron dendrites and feedback axons where local inhibitory signaling can profoundly shape cortical processing. Evolutionary expansion of human neocortex is marked by distinctive pyramidal neurons with extensive L1 branching, but whether L1 interneurons are similarly diverse is underexplored. Using Patch-seq recordings from human neurosurgical tissue, we identified four transcriptomic subclasses with mouse L1 homologs, along with distinct subtypes and types unmatched in mouse L1. Subclass and subtype comparisons showed stronger transcriptomic differences in human L1 and were correlated with strong morphoelectric variability along dimensions distinct from mouse L1 variability. Accompanied by greater layer thickness and other cytoarchitecture changes, these findings suggest that L1 has diverged in evolution, reflecting the demands of regulating the expanded human neocortical circuit.</p

    Signature morphoelectric properties of diverse GABAergic interneurons in the human neocortex

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    Human cortex transcriptomic studies have revealed a hierarchical organization of γ-aminobutyric acid-producing (GABAergic) neurons from subclasses to a high diversity of more granular types. Rapid GABAergic neuron viral genetic labeling plus Patch-seq (patch-clamp electrophysiology plus single-cell RNA sequencing) sampling in human brain slices was used to reliably target and analyze GABAergic neuron subclasses and individual transcriptomic types. This characterization elucidated transitions between PVALB and SST subclasses, revealed morphological heterogeneity within an abundant transcriptomic type, identified multiple spatially distinct types of the primate-specialized double bouquet cells (DBCs), and shed light on cellular differences between homologous mouse and human neocortical GABAergic neuron types. These results highlight the importance of multimodal phenotypic characterization for refinement of emerging transcriptomic cell type taxonomies and for understanding conserved and specialized cellular properties of human brain cell types.</p