2,087 research outputs found

    Predictors of Comorbid Eating Disorders and Association with Other Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders in Trichotillomania

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    Trichotillomania (TTM) and eating disorders (ED) share many phenomenological similarities, including ritualized compulsive behaviors. Given this, and that comorbid EDs may represent additional functional burden to hair pullers, we sought to identify factors that predict diagnosis of an ED in a TTM population. Subjects included 555 adult females (age range 18–65) with DSM-IV-TR TTM or chronic hair pullers recruited from multiple sites. 7.2% (N = 40) of our TTM subjects met criteria for an ED in their lifetime. In univariable regression analysis, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) worst-ever compulsion and total scores, certain obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, anxiety disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and substance disorder all met the pre-specified criteria for inclusion in the multivariable analysis. In the final multivariable model, diagnosis of OCD (OR: 5.68, 95% CI: 2.2–15.0) and diagnosis of an additional body-focused repetitive behavior disorder (BFRB) (OR: 2.69, 95% CI: 1.1–6.8) were both associated with increased risk of ED in TTM. Overall, our results provide further support of the relatedness between ED and TTM. This finding highlights the importance of assessing for comorbid OCD and additional BFRBs in those with TTM. Future research is needed to identify additional predictors of comorbid disorders and to better understand the complex relationships between BFRBs, OCD and EDs

    Silbido profundo : an open source package for the use of deep learning to detect odontocete whistles

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    The authors wish to thank Dr. Michael Weise of the Office of Naval Research (N00014-17-1-2867, N00014-17-1-2567) for supporting this project. We also thank Anu Kumar and Mandy Shoemaker of U.S. Navy Living Marine Resources for supporting development of the data management tools used in this work (N3943020C2202).This work presents an open-source matlab software package for exploiting recent advances in extracting tonal signals from large acoustic data sets. A whistle extraction algorithm published by Li, Liu, Palmer, Fleishman, Gillespie, Nosal, Shiu, Klinck, Cholewiak, Helble, and Roch [(2020). Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July 19–24, Glasgow, Scotland, p. 10] is incorporated into silbido, an established software package for extraction of cetacean tonal calls. The precision and recall of the new system were over 96% and nearly 80%, respectively, when applied to a whistle extraction task on a challenging two-species subset of a conference-benchmark data set. A second data set was examined to assess whether the algorithm generalized to data that were collected across different recording devices and locations. These data included 487 h of weakly labeled, towed array data collected in the Pacific Ocean on two National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) cruises. Labels for these data consisted of regions of toothed whale presence for at least 15 species that were based on visual and acoustic observations and not limited to whistles. Although the lack of per whistle-level annotations prevented measurement of precision and recall, there was strong concurrence of automatic detections and the NOAA annotations, suggesting that the algorithm generalizes well to new data.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Improve automatic detection of animal call sequences with temporal context

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    Funding: This work was supported by the US Office of Naval Research (grant no. N00014-17-1-2867).Many animals rely on long-form communication, in the form of songs, for vital functions such as mate attraction and territorial defence. We explored the prospect of improving automatic recognition performance by using the temporal context inherent in song. The ability to accurately detect sequences of calls has implications for conservation and biological studies. We show that the performance of a convolutional neural network (CNN), designed to detect song notes (calls) in short-duration audio segments, can be improved by combining it with a recurrent network designed to process sequences of learned representations from the CNN on a longer time scale. The combined system of independently trained CNN and long short-term memory (LSTM) network models exploits the temporal patterns between song notes. We demonstrate the technique using recordings of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) songs, which comprise patterned sequences of characteristic notes. We evaluated several variants of the CNN + LSTM network. Relative to the baseline CNN model, the CNN + LSTM models reduced performance variance, offering a 9-17% increase in area under the precision-recall curve and a 9-18% increase in peak F1-scores. These results show that the inclusion of temporal information may offer a valuable pathway for improving the automatic recognition and transcription of wildlife recordings.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The K2 & TESS Synergy II: Revisiting 26 systems in the TESS Primary Mission

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    The legacy of NASA's K2 mission has provided hundreds of transiting exoplanets that can be revisited by new and future facilities for further characterization, with a particular focus on studying the atmospheres of these systems. However, the majority of K2-discovered exoplanets have typical uncertainties on future times of transit within the next decade of greater than four hours, making observations less practical for many upcoming facilities. Fortunately, NASA's Transiting exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission is reobserving most of the sky, providing the opportunity to update the ephemerides for \sim300 K2 systems. In the second paper of this series, we reanalyze 26 single-planet, K2-discovered systems that were observed in the TESS primary mission by globally fitting their K2 and TESS lightcurves (including extended mission data where available), along with any archival radial velocity measurements. As a result of the faintness of the K2 sample, 13 systems studied here do not have transits detectable by TESS. In those cases, we re-fit the K2 lightcurve and provide updated system parameters. For the 23 systems with M0.6MM_* \gtrsim 0.6 M_\odot, we determine the host star parameters using a combination of Gaia parallaxes, Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fits, and MESA Isochrones and Stellar Tracks (MIST) stellar evolution models. Given the expectation of future TESS extended missions, efforts like the K2 & TESS Synergy project will ensure the accessibility of transiting planets for future characterization while leading to a self-consistent catalog of stellar and planetary parameters for future population efforts.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 29 pages, 9 figures, 12 table

    MISSE PEACE Polymers: An International Space Station Environmental Exposure Experiment Being Conducted

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    As part of the Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE), 41 different polymers are being exposed for approximately 1 1/2 years to the low-Earth-orbit (LEO) environment on the exterior of the International Space Station. MISSE is a materials flight experiment sponsored by the Air Force Research Lab/Materials Lab and NASA, and is the first external experiment on the space station. A similar set of 41 polymers will be flown as part of the Polymer Erosion and Contamination Experiment (PEACE) a shuttle flight experiment that is being developed at the NASA Glenn Research Center collaboratively with the Hathaway Brown School for girls. Therefore, these 41 polymers are collectively called the MISSE PEACE Polymers. The purpose of the MISSE PEACE Polymers experiment is to determine how durable polymers are in the LEO space environment where spacecraft, such as the space station, orbit. Polymers are commonly used as spacecraft materials because of their desirable properties such as good flexibility, low density, and certain electrical properties or optical properties (such as a low solar absorptance and high thermal emittance). Two examples of the use of polymers on the exterior of spacecraft exposed to the space environment include metalized Teflon FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene, DuPont) thermal control materials on the Hubble Space Telescope, and polyimide Kapton (DuPont) solar array blankets