607 research outputs found

    Larval development and adult life with particular reference to ovarian maturation in certain stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the upper part of the river Wear.

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    The study was divided into three main sections dealing with larval life, the adults and the eggs. The growth rates of the larvae were investigated by constructing graphs of mean body length, mean head width and mean pronotum length against time; by construction of histograms of size group frequencies for samples taken on specific dates; and by the determining of the percentage change indices of the move up of larvae from one instar to the next over specified periods of time. These three methods of evaluating the growth rates of the larvae were used to determine the degree of retardation of growth in winter if indeed retardation occurred. They also made possible comparison of growth rates of larvae at high and low stations on the river. Studies on the adults were directed towards investigating the effect of feeding or starving on life expectancy and towards the importance of feeding in relation to maturation of the eggs in the sub-order filipalpia. Mature female larvae of both filipalpian species and setipalpian species were dissected together with adults to determine when maturation of the eggs was completed. Mating behaviour was observed and flight periods determined for the commonest species. Dissections of mature female flies were carried out and egg counts were made with a view to establishing some idea of the fecundity of the commonest species. The eggs were measured and described, some were drawn and others were photographed

    The dynamics of superfluid 4He

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    We present neutron scattering results for the dynamic response by superfluid and normal-fluid 4He and the results of a simple perturbation-theory analysis which allows us to describe all aspects of the observed behavior by considering only density fluctuations. We show that the three key features that are characteristic of the dynamic reponse of superfluid 4He, as well as their dramatic variations with temperature, can be attributed predominantly to the Bose statistics obeyed by all the 4He atoms. It appears that the presence of the Bose condensate exerts at most a minor influence on the dynamic response.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Material closely related to W. Montfrooij and E.C. Svensson, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 121, p. 293-302 (2000

    Implementing a framework for qualitative assessment of new technical solutions: A case study on CLT

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    New technical solutions are introduced at a fast pace in the Swedish construction industry, mainly driven by issues concerning costs and productivity. These new technical solutions can comprise new materials, new goods, new designs but also new processes. The record of accomplishment when introducing new technical solutions in the industry is not unproblematic and serial failures of different new technical solution have occurred. In an earlier interview study exploring introduction of new technical solutions in the Swedish construction industry, a common lack of thorough methods for evaluation of new solutions was identified. To address this issue, a case study was performed, exploring a method of evaluation with respect to building physics while implementing a cross laminated timber frame in a multifamily building. The case study uses a framework of assessment with focus on building physics. This paper presents the findings from the case study focusing on how evaluation of a new technical solution with respect to building physics is performed, together with an evaluation of the method, using the experiences of the participants in the case study

    Relying on reference cases when evaluating new technical solutions? Evaluation of technical documentation in a case study

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    Serial failures have occurred when introducing new technical solutions in the Swedish construction industry. In an earlier interview study exploring introduction of new technical solutions, documentation and reference cases provided by the supplier are given as the main sources for evaluation. This paper aims at addressing the questions: 1. What kind of documentation concerning building physics are provided by suppliers? 2. How well does the suppliers\u27 documentation meet the need for verification? In order to address these questions, the case of hygrothermal performance of cross laminated timber structures in multifamily dwellings was chosen. An inquiry of data was sent out to four suppliers at the Swedish market, asking for documentation and reference cases provided. Based on the documentation given, an assessment was made of to which extend the documentation can support verification of appliance to the relevant requirements of the Swedish building regulations. The case study shows reference cases are scarce and existing documentation is not comprehensive, thus indicating the building industry might have a disproportional high confidence in reference cases. The results will be used to suggest requirements for reference cases to be used for verification

    Risk assessment framework to avoid serial failure for new technical solutions applied to the construction of a clt structure resilient to climate

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    Design-build contractors are challenged with the task of minimizing failure risks when introducing new technical solutions or adapting technical solutions to new conditions, e.g., climate change. They seem to have a disproportional trust in suppliers and their reference cases and might not have adequate resources or methodologies for sufficient evaluation. This creates the potential for serial failures to spread in the construction industry. To mitigate this, it was suggested that a predefined risk assessment framework should be introduced with the aim of providing a prequalification and requirements for the use of the technical solution. The objectives of this paper are to develop a comprehensive risk assessment framework and to explore the framework’s potential to adequately support the design-build contractor’s decisions. The framework uses qualitative assessment, relying on expert workshops and quantitative assessments, with a focus on simulation and probabilities. Tollgates are used to communicate risk assessments to the contractor. The framework is applied to a real-life case study of construction with a CLT-structure for a Swedish design-build contractor, where exposure to precipitation during construction is a key issue. In conclusion, the chosen framework was successful in a design-build contractor context, structuring the process and identifying difficulties in achieving the functional requirements concerning moisture. Three success factors were: documentation and communication, expert involvement, and the use of tollgates. Recommendations to the design-build contractor on construction of CLT structure are to keep construction period short and to use full weather protection on site

    Journal Staff

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    The aluminum–zinc-vacancy (Al Zn −V Zn ) complex is identified as one of the dominant defects in Al-containing n -type ZnO after electron irradiation at room temperature with energies above 0.8 MeV. The complex is energetically favorable over the isolated V Zn , binding more than 90% of the stable V Zn ’s generated by the irradiation. It acts as a deep acceptor with the (0/− ) energy level located at approximately 1 eV above the valence band. Such a complex is concluded to be a defect of crucial and general importance that limits the n -type doping efficiency by complex formation with donors, thereby literally removing the donors, as well as by charge compensation

    Risk assessment of joint sealing tape in joints between precast concrete sandwich panels resilient to climate change

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    Lately, a new technical solution, pre-compressed joint sealing tapes in precast concrete sandwich panel facades, has been introduced in Sweden. Although the consequences of performance failure can go far beyond the component, affecting the building, the introduction has gained little attention in terms of risk assessment in the literature and in industry. Instead, reference cases are used as verification without formal evaluation, potentially leading to serial failure. The aim of this paper was to provide guidance on how a design–build contractor should handle this new technical solution. A risk assessment framework using a design–build contractor’s perspective was applied to the case. The framework addresses new technical solutions or adaption to new conditions (e.g., climate change) with the aim of preventing serial failures. Moisture conditions within the joints were simulated using present and future climates, and probabilities of failure were assessed using the Monte Carlo method. The results of the study included identified risks of failure associated with the solution and factors influencing the probability of failure. A main issue was the exposure of the facade to driving rain but also run-off areas and imperfections in the application of the joint sealing tape. Future climate changes affect performance negatively. In conclusion, the new technical solution might be possible to use if draining potential is ensured in all detailed designs and a set of recommendations, including full-scale testing, is provided for the design–build contractor

    Low Prevalence of Rotavirus and High Prevalence of Norovirus in Hospital and Community Wastewater after Introduction of Rotavirus Vaccine in Nicaragua

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    Rotavirus (RV) and norovirus (NoV) are major causes of pediatric diarrhea and are altogether associated with approximately 800,000 deaths in young children every year. In Nicaragua, national RV vaccination program using the pentavalent RV5 vaccine from Merck was implemented in October 2006. To determine whether RV vaccination decreased the overall number of RV infections, we investigated the occurrence of RV and NoV in wastewater in the city of León from July 2007 to July 2008 and compared these data with pre-vaccination data. The major finding was the low prevalence of RV compared to NoV in all sampling points (11% vs 44%, p<0.05), and that RV concentration was lower as compared to NoV. RV was observed mainly during the rainy season (July–September), and the majority of all RV detected (6/9) belonged to subgroup (SG) I. The partial VP7-gene obtained from one RV positive sample was similar (99% nt identity) to a G6 VP7-gene of bovine origin and similar to the corresponding gene of the vaccine strain (98%). Furthermore RV G-types 2 and 4 were found in the incoming wastewater. NoV strains were detected throughout the year, of which a majority (20/21) were of genotype GII.4. We conclude that the introduction of RV vaccination reduced the transmission of RV in the community in Nicaragua. However, the burden of diarrhea in the country remains high, and the high prevalence of NoVs in hospital and municipal wastewater is noteworthy. This study highlights the need for further assessment of NoV following RV vaccine introduction

    Diagnostic evaluation of three cardiac software packages using a consecutive group of patients

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic performance of the three software packages 4DMSPECT (4DM), Emory Cardiac Toolbox (ECTb), and Cedars Quantitative Perfusion SPECT (QPS) for quantification of myocardial perfusion scintigram (MPS) using a large group of consecutive patients. Methods: We studied 1,052 consecutive patients who underwent 2-day stress/rest 99mTc-sestamibi MPS studies. The reference/gold-standard classifications for the MPS studies were obtained from three physicians, with more than 25 years each of experience in nuclear cardiology, who re-evaluated all MPS images. Automatic processing was carried out using 4DM, ECTb, and QPS software packages. Total stress defect extent (TDE) and summed stress score (SSS) based on a 17-segment model were obtained from the software packages. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed. Results: A total of 734 patients were classified as normal and the remaining 318 were classified as having infarction and/or ischemia. The performance of the software packages calculated as the area under the SSS ROC curve were 0.87 for 4DM, 0.80 for QPS, and 0.76 for ECTb (QPS vs. ECTb p = 0.03; other differences p < 0.0001). The area under the TDE ROC curve were 0.87 for 4DM, 0.82 for QPS, and 0.76 for ECTb (QPS vs. ECTb p = 0.0005; other differences p < 0.0001). Conclusion: There are considerable differences in performance between the three software packages with 4DM showing the best performance and ECTb the worst. These differences in performance should be taken in consideration when software packages are used in clinical routine or in clinical studies

    Assessment of Platelet Function in Traumatic Brain Injury-A Retrospective Observational Study in the Neuro-Critical Care Setting.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite seemingly functional coagulation, hemorrhagic lesion progression is a common and devastating condition following traumatic brain injury (TBI), stressing the need for new diagnostic techniques. Multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA) measures platelet function and could aid in coagulopathy assessment following TBI. The aims of this study were to evaluate MEA temporal dynamics, influence of concomitant therapy, and its capabilities to predict lesion progression and clinical outcome in a TBI cohort. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Adult TBI patients in a neurointensive care unit that underwent MEA sampling were retrospectively included. MEA was sampled if the patient was treated with antiplatelet therapy, bled heavily during surgery, or had abnormal baseline coagulation values. We assessed platelet activation pathways involving the arachidonic acid receptor (ASPI), P2Y12 receptor, and thrombin receptor (TRAP). ASPI was the primary focus of analysis. If several samples were obtained, they were included. Retrospective data were extracted from hospital charts. Outcome variables were radiologic hemorrhagic progression and Glasgow Outcome Scale assessed prospectively at 12 months posttrauma. MEA levels were compared between patients on antiplatelet therapy. Linear mixed effect models and uni-/multivariable regression models were used to study longitudinal dynamics, hemorrhagic progression and outcome, respectively. RESULTS: In total, 178 patients were included (48% unfavorable outcome). ASPI levels increased from initially low values in a time-dependent fashion (p < 0.001). Patients on cyclooxygenase inhibitors demonstrated low ASPI levels (p < 0.001), while platelet transfusion increased them (p < 0.001). The first ASPI (p = 0.039) and TRAP (p = 0.009) were significant predictors of outcome, but not lesion progression, in univariate analyses. In multivariable analysis, MEA values were not independently correlated with outcome. CONCLUSION: A general longitudinal trend of MEA is identified in this TBI cohort, even in patients without known antiplatelet therapies. Values appear also affected by platelet inhibitory treatment and by platelet transfusions. While significant in univariate models to predict outcome, MEA values did not independently correlate to outcome or lesion progression in multivariable analyses. Further prospective studies to monitor coagulation in TBI patients are warranted, in particular the interpretation of pathological MEA values in patients without antiplatelet therapies