143 research outputs found

    Static meta-object protocols : towards efficient reflective object-oriented languages

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    Reflection and extensibility in object-oriented programming languages can be supported by meta-object protocols (MOP) that define class-based interfaces over data representation and execution features. MOPs are typically dynamic in the sense that type-based dispatching is used to select between feature implementations at run time leading to a significant difference in execution speed compared to non-MOP-based languages. Defining a corresponding static-MOP would seem to be a solution whereby type-dispatching can occur at compile time. Such an approach requires the integration of a static type system with a MOP. This paper introduces a new reflective and extensible language called JMF written in Java that aims to generate efficient code through the use of a static-MOP. The contribution of this paper is to characterise a static-MOP and to show how it integrates with a type system for JMF

    Attainability of Accurate Age Frequencies for Ocean Quahogs (Arctica islandica) Using Large Datasets: Protocol, Reader Precision, and Error Assessment

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    Ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) are the longest lived bivalve on Earth. Individuals on the deep continental shelf off Georges Bank can survive for centuries, and in the colder, boreal waters of Iceland, ages over 500 y can be reached. Ocean quahog landings in the United States represent a $24 million industry, yet assessment models operate with no age data because of the substantial sample size required to develop adequate population age distributions for such a long-lived species, the unknown error associated with age estimates, and the extensive time and financial investment required to create production-scale age datasets. Inclusion of age data for this species requires precision metrics to evaluate aging uncertainty such as percent agreement, percent error, coefficient of variation, and tests of bias. To move forward using error-validated age-composition data, a 3-fold error protocol was developed using a large dual-reader dataset (n = 610) from Georges Bank. First, a proxy age-validation study was performed to corroborate an aging method, followed by error evaluation in the context of age-reader bias, precision, and error frequency. Error thresholds were established for each of the three error methods. Georges Bank samples ranged from 33 to 261 y of age and met the predetermined error thresholds for bias (conditionally because of significant and nonsignificant results), precision (average coefficient of variation less than 7%), and error frequency (less than 10%). Consequently, age estimates were deemed acceptable to support age frequency analyses. Precision and bias error were greatest for the youngest animals and, in the context of age-reader bias, error rates were higher for young male ocean quahogs than for young females. Improved age validation of young, sex-differentiated A. islandica will constrain aging error and guide refinement of both aging and age-error protocols

    Light Rare Earth Element Depletion During Deepwater Horizon Blowout Methanotrophy

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    Rare earth elements have generally not been thought to have a biological role. However, recent work has demonstrated that the light REEs (LREEs: La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) are essential for at least some methanotrophs, being co-factors in the XoxF type of methanol dehydrogenase (MDH). We show here that dissolved LREEs were significantly removed in a submerged plume of methane-rich water during the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) well blowout. Furthermore, incubation experiments conducted with naturally methane-enriched waters from hydrocarbon seeps in the vicinity of the DWH wellhead also showed LREE removal concurrent with methane consumption. Metagenomic sequencing of incubation samples revealed that LREE-containing MDHs were present. Our field and laboratory observations provide further insight into the biochemical pathways of methanotrophy during the DWH blowout. Additionally, our results are the first observations of direct biological alteration of REE distributions in oceanic systems. In view of the ubiquity of LREE-containing MDHs in oceanic systems, our results suggest that biological uptake of LREEs is an overlooked aspect of the oceanic geochemistry of this group of elements previously thought to be biologically inactive and an unresolved factor in the flux of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from the ocean

    Light Rare Earth Element Depletion During Deepwater Horizon Blowout Methanotrophy

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    Rare earth elements have generally not been thought to have a biological role. However, recent work has demonstrated that the light REEs (LREEs: La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) are essential for at least some methanotrophs, being co-factors in the XoxF type of methanol dehydrogenase (MDH). We show here that dissolved LREEs were significantly removed in a submerged plume of methane-rich water during the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) well blowout. Furthermore, incubation experiments conducted with naturally methane-enriched waters from hydrocarbon seeps in the vicinity of the DWH wellhead also showed LREE removal concurrent with methane consumption. Metagenomic sequencing of incubation samples revealed that LREE-containing MDHs were present. Our field and laboratory observations provide further insight into the biochemical pathways of methanotrophy during the DWH blowout. Additionally, our results are the first observations of direct biological alteration of REE distributions in oceanic systems. In view of the ubiquity of LREE-containing MDHs in oceanic systems, our results suggest that biological uptake of LREEs is an overlooked aspect of the oceanic geochemistry of this group of elements previously thought to be biologically inactive and an unresolved factor in the flux of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from the ocean

    Northern Bobwhite Response to Control of Red Imported Fire Ants in the Gulf Coast Prairie of Texas

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    The population decline of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter, bobwhite) on the Texas Gulf Coast Prairie, USA is largely attributed to habitat loss. However, red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) occur throughout the region and are considered a possible contributing factor to the bobwhite decline. The objectives of our study were to determine the influence of red imported fire ants on bobwhites by comparing bobwhite nest success, survival, and density between sites treated with fire ant bait (treatment) and reference (control) sites. Our study was conducted on 3 private ranches in Goliad and Refugio counties, Texas. Each ranch contained 2 paired experimental units that consisted of a treatment and control site (500 ha each). The treatment sites received an aerial application of fire ant bait (Extinguish® Plus) during April 2018, whereas the control sites were not treated. We estimated mound density by counting fire ant mounds using distance sampling. We used radio-telemetry to monitor bobwhite nest success and survival, and we estimated bobwhite densities using distance sampling via helicopter surveys. Fire ant mound density decreased through time on both treatment and control sites. However, fire ant mound density was lower on treatment sites than control sites, indicating the insecticide was effective at decreasing fire ant mound density. Bobwhite survival, nest success, and density did not statistically differ between control and treated sites either pre-treatment (2017) or post-treatment (2018), but survival and nest success metrics were numerically higher in treated units. Bobwhite survival remained relatively stable in the treatment units 4 weeks after application but decreased in the control units. Following treatment, apparent nest success in the treated units increased by 37.4% while nest success in the control units decreased by 35.2%. Bobwhite populations were low in this ecoregion, which influenced our ability to trap and monitor many bobwhites or monitor many nests. In addition, it may be possible that repeated, annual treatments for fire ants are necessary for a benefit to accrue and be observed in bobwhites. Our results indicate that there may be potential benefits to bobwhites from fire ant reduction that deserve further research attention

    Post Aerobic Digestion (PAD) is a Solids Sidestream Nutrient Removal Process that Utilizes Native Carbon: Performance and Key Operational Parameters from Two Full-Scale PAD Reactors

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    Nutrient management is a critical issue for Water Resource Recovery Facilities, and sidestream treatment technologies to reduce nutrient loads often focus on liquid sidestreams and require external carbon sources. Post aerobic digestion (PAD), whereby an aerobic digester follows an anaerobic digester, treats a solids stream (i.e., anaerobic digester effluent) to reduce nitrogen loads. Volatile solids reduction occurs in this process with residual organic compounds serving as a native carbon source for denitrification. While this process has been evaluated at the lab-scale, information on operational parameters that affect full-scale performance is limited. We evaluated two separate full-scale PAD reactors to determine process performance and key operational parameters. During healthy operation, ammonia removal was greater than 90%, total inorganic nitrogen removal was greater than 80%, and volatile solids reduction was approximately 10%. Low SRT values of 7–10 days, pH ranges of 6.0–7.5, temperatures from 29–38 °C (85–100 °F), and negative ORP values resulted in good performance

    Investigations of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Two Marine Seep Environments: Part 1—Chemical Kinetics

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    Microbial aerobic oxidation is known to be a significant sink of marine methane (CH4), contributing to the relatively minor atmospheric release of this greenhouse gas over vast stretches of the ocean. However, the chemical kinetics of aerobic CH4 oxidation are not well established, making it difficult to predict and assess the extent that CH4 is oxidized in seawater following seafloor release. Here we investigate the kinetics of aerobic CH4 oxidation using mesocosm incubations of fresh seawater samples collected from seep fields in Hudson Canyon, U.S. Atlantic Margin and MC118, Gulf of Mexico to gain a fundamental chemical understanding of this CH4 sink. The goals of this investigation were to determine the response or lag time following CH4 release until more rapid oxidation begins, the reaction order, and the stoichiometry of reactants utilized (i.e., CH4, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, trace metals) during CH4 oxidation. The results for both Hudson Canyon and MC118 environments show that CH4 oxidation rates sharply increased within less than one month following the CH4 inoculation of seawater. However, the exact temporal characteristics of this more rapid CH4 oxidation varied based on location, possibly dependent on the local circulation and biogeochemical conditions at the point of seawater collection. The data further suggest that methane oxidation behaves as a first‐order kinetic process and that the reaction rate constant remains constant once rapid CH4 oxidation begins

    Investigations of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Two Marine Seep Environments: Part 2—Isotopic Kinetics

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    During aerobic oxidation of methane (CH4) in seawater, a process which mitigates atmospheric emissions, the 12C‐isotopologue reacts with a slightly greater rate constant than the 13C‐isotopologue, leaving the residual CH4 isotopically fractionated. Prior studies have attempted to exploit this systematic isotopic fractionation from methane oxidation to quantify the extent that a CH4 pool has been oxidized in seawater. However, cultivation‐based studies have suggested that isotopic fractionation fundamentally changes as a microbial population blooms in response to an influx of reactive substrates. Using a systematic mesocosm incubation study with recently collected seawater, here we investigate the fundamental isotopic kinetics of aerobic CH4 oxidation during a microbial bloom. As detailed in a companion paper, seawater samples were collected from seep fields in Hudson Canyon, U.S. Atlantic Margin, and atop Woolsey Mound (also known as Sleeping Dragon) which is part of lease block MC118 in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and used in these investigations. The results from both Hudson Canyon and MC118 show that in these natural environments isotopic fraction for CH4 oxidation follows a first‐order kinetic process. The results also show that the isotopic fractionation factor remains constant during this methanotrophic bloom once rapid CH4 oxidation begins and that the magnitude of the fractionation factor appears correlated with the first‐order reaction rate constant. These findings greatly simplify the use of natural stable isotope changes in CH4 to assess the extent that CH4 is oxidized in seawater following seafloor release

    A Longitudinal Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Development of Metabolic Syndrome: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study

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    Despite variability in the burden of elevated depressive symptoms by sex and race and differences in the incidence of metabolic syndrome, few prior studies describe the longitudinal association of depressive symptoms with metabolic syndrome in a diverse cohort. We tested whether baseline and time-varying depressive symptoms were associated with metabolic syndrome incidence in black and white men and women from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study

    The Association between Parental Educational Expectations and School Functioning among Young People with Disabilities:A Longitudinal Investigation

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    Past research has established clear educational inequities between young people with disabilities and their peers. In part, some of these inequities may be attributed to expectations. In this study, we examined whether parental expectations were related to school functioning at high school, with school functioning broadly defined as ease and frequency of engagement in school-based activities. Using the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children ( N = 3,956; 48.9% female; 5.01% with disability), we examined parental expectations and school functioning measured at three time-points, biennially from the ages of 12 and 13 through to 16 and 17. A multigroup, parallel latent growth curve analysis revealed that high parental expectations at the first timepoint predicted steeper increases in the trajectory of school functioning over time, but only among young people with disability. Parental expectations did not significantly predict school functioning trajectories for the remainder of the sample. Subsequent multigroup analyses that compared disability characteristics revealed that learning difficulties and speech problems, in particular, were associated with lower parental expectations. These results suggest that the perceptions of parents in the lives of young people with disability are important and efforts to shape them may have long-term benefits