575 research outputs found
Is there a ‘Stick’ Bonus? A Stated Choice Model for P&R Patronage incorporating Cross-Effects
This paper presents a universal logit model for P&R patronage. This model was estimated from a Stated Choice experiment, in which 805 car drivers chose among car, P&R and public transport alternatives. In addition to main-effects, attribute cross-effects were estimated denoting the utility change of an alternative due to changes in the attribute levels of another alternative. The results indicate that improving the levels of the P&R related attributes has a negligible effect on the utility of the car alternative, whereas worsening the levels of the carrelated attributes increases the utility of the P&R facility. Considering the estimated maineffects as well as the estimated cross-effects suggests that ‘stick’ (push) policy measures are more effective to stimulate P&R patronage than ‘carrot’ (pull) policy measures. The paper further reports that the extension of the model by adding cross-effects to the main-effects resulted in a better model fit and that the resulting model could more accurately predict the choices for new observations
Да ли ће наша озбиљно неуравнотежена цивилизација преживети?
Једини мит који може бити вредно размишљање о нашој блиској будућности јесте да говоримо о планети Земљи, и то не о овом граду, не о овим људима, бећ о планети и свему што се на њој налази.
Можемо јасно да видимо шта се дешава ако пажљиво погледамо у појединца, у заједницу, у нацију и у глобално људско друштво као постојеће системе који су уграђени један у други. Оно што данас зачуђује је гледање у једну цивилизацију која уништава сама себе будући да није у стању да преиспита пуноважност економске идеологије у потпуно новим околностима.
Да ли ће наша озбиљно неуравнотежена цивилизација преживети?
Да разумемо ову ситуацију и да увидимо шта можемо да урадимо да би променили ток догађаја за здраву будућност целог човечанства, треба да погледамо у унутрашње супротности између ових садашњих економских кретања и демократског еколошког и економског система које можемо да развијемо.
Најлакши начин да се разуме ова супротстављеност је да се гледа на човечанство као на целину у његовом природном контексту, што значи наше сопствено препознавање као постојећег система и упоређивање нашег садашњег нездравог економског стања са економским стањима здравих постојећих система.
Проблем са којим се најчешће срећемо при покушајима да говоримо о живим системима са људима је неуспех нашег друштва да разуме живе системе. Зашто наша култура, коју чине од живи људи, толико мало зна о живим системима?
Одговор је коинцидентно повезан са развојем науке и индустријске револуције, чиме су сви научни модели били засновани на механици.
Технологија се труди да постане слична животу. Она је увек била један вид биомимикрије, т.ј. технологија је одувек била инспирисана природом, али ми претпостављамо да је природа, као што је и Декарт рекао, “само један вид сложене механике коју је измислио Велики Инжењер, Господ”.
Тачно је да ми развијамо технологију паралелно са порастом нашег разумевања. Међутим, наше разумевање живота је било ограничено на претпоставку да је природа једна сложена машинерија. Ми смо успели да проучимо живе системе такве какви што они заиста јесу, баш због полазних претпоставки да су они механички системи, све до скоро.
Не би требало да нас изненади то што нас слобода доношења свесних одлука чини неспокојнима. Око нас гледамо и примећујемо да друге врсте (и биљке и животиње) функционишу као целина, онако како функционишу и наша тела, а да се не брину око питања да ли је то што раде исправно или погрешно, добро или лоше. А ми смо заглавили са избором око тога како да правилно доносимо одлуке, осећајући услове глобалне кризе у којој живимо, а при одлуци како да се понашамо у условима глобалне и еколошке кризе
Car drivers’ preferences for ISA policy measures
Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), an in-vehicle system that can either warn the driver or directly limit the vehicle’s speed when the speed limit is reached, is generally believed to have a large potential to increase road safety. However, policy makers hesitate to take policy measures that may increase ISA use. Public acceptance of ISA or policy makers’ perception of it is regarded to play an important role in this. This paper aims to increase this insight by reporting car drivers’ preferences for ISA policy measures based on stated choice experiment conducted in the Netherlands. Respondents made choices between various implementation strategies (mandatory ISA and voluntary ISA with financial incentives) given a chosen policy measure. The policy measure describes which drivers group (speed offenders, professional drivers or all drivers) is targeted and which ISA type (warning or limiting) is stimulated. The results point out that car drivers especially prefer that policy makers would impose ISA on speed offenders and to a lesser extent also on professional drivers, while they prefer a voluntary ISA for themselves. Use of voluntary ISA can be stimulated by offering financial incentives, of which purchase subsidy is preferred above annual tax cuts. Furthermore, car drivers prefer warning ISA for themselves and also for professional drivers, while they prefer limiting ISA for speed offenders. In addition, the results indicate that females and the older age group prefer ISA policy measures more than males and young drivers, but overall car drivers’ preferences seem to be rather homogeneous
The Need for Advanced Public Transport Information Services When Making Transfers
This paper reports on a stated choice experiment examining the determinants of travelers' need and willingness to pay for advanced public transport information services. Specific attention is given to the role of making transfers in the decision to acquire specific types of information. Intercity train travelers are asked to choose among information services that varied in type of information provided by the services, precision of provided dynamic travel time estimates, whether or not the system can provide information unasked for and price. Respondents made these choices conditional on a specified transfer context, denoting whether or not transfers had to be made during the trip, and whether these were transfers to high or low frequency train services. Modeling results indicate that as hypothesized, transferring during the trip, especially towards low frequency connections, induces a larger need for travel information, a higher preference for services that can provide advice relative to other information and a higher willingness to pay for information in general. However, the choice for information services is highly price sensitive, which suggest a low overall willingness to pay
Travel information as an instrument to change cardrivers’ travel choices: a literature review
This paper aims to provide insights that help transport academics and policy makers appreciate the potentials and limitations of information provision as a means to changing car-drivers’ travel choices. The focus is on a modal shift from private car to public transport and changes in car-drivers’ choices for departure times and routes towards a more even distribution of traffic within the available road network. These insights are gained through a review of more than 15 years of literature concerning the use and effects of travel information among car-drivers. Based on the performed review, a number of generic, integrative insights are derived, including the following: it appears that our expectations with respect to the effects of information provision on travel choices in general may be mildly optimistic, particularly for behavioural changes not involving changes in mode-choice. In the longer term, the effects of information provision, when presented to travelers in suitable formats, are likely to be somewhat stronger than the short term effects, due to learning dynamics
Modelling travel time reliability in public transport route choice behaviour
The implementation of travel time reliability (TTR) in route choice behaviour is still not very common in transport models, especially not in a public transport context. The reasons probably are that it is difficult to measure and that there is no agreement how it best can be represented in utility functions. Typically, it is represented by a standard deviation, however, particularly in public transport choices it is more likely that travellers think about the consequences of unreliability in travel times in terms of buffer times. This paper contributes to the literature by comparing five different model specifications of TTR in public transport route choices that are either based on standard deviations or on buffer time indicators. The models are estimated from choices observed in a stated choice experiment. To address heterogeneity, a latent class model is estimated. The results suggest that the reliability buffer time indicator outperforms the standard deviation indicator. Furthermore, the reliability buffer time parameter is only statistically significant in two of the four classes. The other two classes are particularly sensitive to making transfers and to low frequencies of public transport services, suggesting different strategies to deal with TTR
Bicycle parking preferences: costs versus walking time
ABSTRACT Successful bicycle stimulating policies may increase the need for bicycle parking capacity, especially at main railway stations located in city centers. A potential solution for this problem involves combining paid surveyed indoor parking near the platforms and free open-air parking without surveillance at larger distances. In this paper, the preferences of train travelers who use a bicycle as egress or access mode are examined with respect to this solution by reporting the results of a stated choice experiment (n=866). In this experiment respondents chose among paid and free bicycle storage facilities and two base alternatives involving another mode of transport and using another station. Based on the observed choices, a MNL model and a five-class Latent Class Model (LCM) were estimated. The results suggest preference differences among the segments with respect to all attributes, but especially with respect to type of surveillance. An important finding is that under the researched solution, only a small part of the train travelers stop using bicycle as access and egress mode and of this group, only a very small part will switch to car. Based on these results we conclude that the paid bicycle parking is a feasible solution to distribute scarce parking capacity at main railway stations. TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Paper revised from original submittal.
Influencer Marketing - ytlig inspiration eller något djupare?
Title: "Influencer Marketing - Superficial Inspiriation or Something Deeper?" - A qualitative research about the relationship between fashion influencers and their followers from a Consumer Culture Perspective Seminar date: 2018-01-11 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project In Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 Credits Authors: Michelle Da Silva Pereira, Eric Larsson, Oscar Molin Advisor: Jon Bertilsson Key words: Influencer, Follower, Consumer Culture Theory, Brand Relationship, Fashion Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding of followers' view of their relationship to fashion influencers and what kind of motives that underlie their reasons to follow, from a Consumer Culture Perspective. Methodology: A qualitative study has been conducted based on semi-structured interviews. An abductive approach with a hermeneutical view has been used as a foundation throughout the study. The collected empirical material is analysed together with theories from existing literature to generate new knowledge. Theoretical perspectives: The essay takes a starting point in the Consumer Culture Theory perspective focusing on "brand relationship" and elements such as Identity, Group Identity and Symbolism. Empirical foundation: Ten semi-structured in-depth interviews have been conducted with young adults that look upon themselves as followers to fashion influencers. The empirical material that was gathered became a foundation for the research analysis. Conclusion: This study has with help of followers subjective opinions contributed to an understanding of their relationhips with fashion influencers. Prominent discoveries have been a model consisting of four types of relationhips between followers and fashion influencers and has raised the question of whether the power ratio should be revalued.Examensarbetets titel: "Influencer Marketing - ytlig inspiration eller något djupare?" - En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan modeinfluencers och följare ur ett konsumentkulturperspektiv Seminariedatum: 2018-01-11 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 hp Författare: Michelle Da Silva Pereira, Eric Larsson, Oscar Molin Handledare: Jon Bertilsson Fem nyckelord: Influencer, Follower, Consumer Culture Theory, Brand relationship, Fashion Syfte: Studien ämnar att utifrån ett konsumentkulturperspektiv lämna ett kunskapsbidrag som ger en utökad förståelse för följares syn på relationen till modeinfluencers samt vilka motiv som kan tänkas ligga bakom följarskapet. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts som baserats på semistrukturerade intervjuer. I uppsatsen har en abduktiv forskningsansats tillämpats med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Således har insamlad empiri i kombination med befintlig teori genererat ny kunskap. Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsen tar utgångspunkt i CCT-forskning med fokus på "brand relationship" samt beståndsdelar såsom identitet, grupptillhörighet och symbolik. Empiri: Tio semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med unga vuxna som anses vara följare till en eller flera modeinfluencers. Det insamlade empiriska materialet har legat till grund för studiens analys. Resultat: Studien har med hjälp av följares subjektiva åsikter bidragit till en förståelse för relationen mellan modeinfluencers och följare. Framträdande upptäckter är bland annat en modell bestående av fyra olika typer av relationer mellan följare och modeinfluencers samt det faktum att maktförhållandet dem emellan eventuellt kan behöva omvärderas
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