333 research outputs found

    Ahmet Taner Kışlalı neden öldürüldü?

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 161/A-Ahmet Taner KışlalıUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010


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    This dissertation describes the design and implementation of Lyapunov-based control strategies for the maximization of the power captured by renewable energy harnessing technologies such as (i) a variable speed, variable pitch wind turbine, (ii) a variable speed wind turbine coupled to a doubly fed induction generator, and (iii) a solar power generating system charging a constant voltage battery. First, a torque control strategy is presented to maximize wind energy captured in variable speed, variable pitch wind turbines at low to medium wind speeds. The proposed strategy applies control torque to the wind turbine pitch and rotor subsystems to simultaneously control the blade pitch and tip speed ratio, via the rotor angular speed, to an optimum point at which the capture efficiency is maximum. The control method allows for aerodynamic rotor power maximization without exact knowledge of the wind turbine model. A series of numerical results show that the wind turbine can be controlled to achieve maximum energy capture. Next, a control strategy is proposed to maximize the wind energy captured in a variable speed wind turbine, with an internal induction generator, at low to medium wind speeds. The proposed strategy controls the tip speed ratio, via the rotor angular speed, to an optimum point at which the efficiency constant (or power coefficient) is maximal for a particular blade pitch angle and wind speed by using the generator rotor voltage as a control input. This control method allows for aerodynamic rotor power maximization without exact wind turbine model knowledge. Representative numerical results demonstrate that the wind turbine can be controlled to achieve near maximum energy capture. Finally, a power system consisting of a photovoltaic (PV) array panel, dc-to-dc switching converter, charging a battery is considered wherein the environmental conditions are time-varying. A backstepping PWM controller is developed to maximize the power of the solar generating system. The controller tracks a desired array voltage, designed online using an incremental conductance extremum-seeking algorithm, by varying the duty cycle of the switching converter. The stability of the control algorithm is demonstrated by means of Lyapunov analysis. Representative numerical results demonstrate that the grid power system can be controlled to track the maximum power point of the photovoltaic array panel in varying atmospheric conditions. Additionally, the performance of the proposed strategy is compared to the typical maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method of perturb and observe (P&O), where the converter dynamics are ignored, and is shown to yield better results


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    Haptics is the science of applying touch (tactile) sensation and control to interaction with computer applications. The devices used to interact with computer applications are known as haptic interfaces. These devices sense some form of human movement, be it finger, head, hand or body movement and receive feedback from computer applications in form of felt sensations to the limbs or other parts of the human body. Examples of haptic interfaces range from force feedback joysticks/controllers in video game consoles to tele-operative surgery. This thesis deals with haptic interfaces involving hand movements. The first experiment involves using the end effector of a robotic manipulator as an interactive device to aid patients with deficits in the upper extremities in passive resistance therapy using novel path planning. The second experiment involves the application of haptic technology to the human-vehicle interface in a steer-by-wire transportation system using adaptive control

    Minimum power multicasting with delay bound constraints in Ad Hoc wireless networks

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    In this paper, we design a new heuristic for an important extension of the minimum power multicasting problem in ad hoc wireless networks. Assuming that each transmission takes a fixed amount of time, we impose constraints on the number of hops allowed to reach the destination nodes in the multicasting application. This setting would be applicable in time critical or real time applications, and the relative importance of the nodes may be indicated by these delay bounds. We design a filtered beam search procedure for solving this problem. The performance of our algorithm is demonstrated on numerous test cases by benchmarking it against an optimal algorithm in small problem instances, and against a modified version of the well-known Broadcast Incremental Power (BIP) algorithm 20 for relatively large problems

    The Role of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Content Act in the Promotion of Sustainable Economic Development

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    Most Nigerian citizens wallow in poverty despite the fact that Nigeria earns hundreds of trillions of dollars from crude oil exploration.    Environmental terrorism has become the order of the day as pipelines and oil installations are being vandalized, coupled with increase in the kidnapping of oil workers and members of their families. The world is currently in search of sustainable future that will deliver better living standards by accelerating increasing employment.  There are over two million unemployed youths and 40% illiteracy level in Nigeria.  How can the Content Act promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all?  What mechanisms are put in place to ensure compliance with the minimum Nigerian Content?  Considering the level of corruption in Nigeria, is there any hope that compliance with the Nigerian Content Development Act will be enforced? This paper looked at the Nigerian oil and gas industry, the legal/institutional framework for the maximization of earnings from the oil and gas industry, and  the Oil and Gas Content Development Act in particular.  Hindrances to the effective operations of the Act were also deliberated upon and how the petroleum industry can usher in sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper made use of primary and secondary sources of information from the library.  The paper concluded that as plausible as the Nigerian Content Development Act, it cannot deliver sustainable economic development because there are no efficient strategies to ensure implementation of the provisions of the Act. Key Words: Sustainable development, Nigerian Content, Sustainable Economic Developmen

    Pitfalls in the Turkish nuclear programme

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    The origins of nuclear power go back to 1885 when Rontgen discovered the X-ray and one year later Becquerel identified natural radiation. In 1939 Hahn and Strassman achieved the splitting of the uranium atom in Berlin which initiated fission technology. Three years later in the USA Fermi proved that the fission chain reaction in uranium nuclei could be sustained and controlled, making it feasible to harness this energy. Then nuclear technology developed in two different ways; the creation of a nuclear bomb and the development of a nuclear reactor for power generation. On 6 August 1945 a successfully assembled uranium-235 bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and on 12 August a plutonium bomb was dropped on Nagasaki which ended the war in the Pacific

    A Legal Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Practice in Nigeria

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    Almost 1 out of every 9 people on the planet Earth go to bed without food almost on a daily basis. Nigeria ranks 20th on the Global Hunger Index, with about 65% of her population confronted with food insecurity. The country has an estimated 84 million hectares of arable land of which only 40% is cultivated. There is huge potential in forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, food and cash crops. How to harness these potentials into prosperity and food security still remains a challenge. The paper is set out to investigate the challenges militating against sustainable agricultural practices in Nigeria and suggest ways as to how these challenges can be surmounted. The goal of this paper is how to meet the food needs of this nation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.The study found that despite various attempts at addressing food shortage in Nigeria, the nation still remains insecure as far as food is concerned and that Nigeria is yet to attain sustainable agricultural development despite her robust agricultural laws. The paper identified agriculture as an indispensable requirement for life sustenance and the best way to end poverty. The paper concluded that agriculture, which is a major platform for national development as well as one of the major drivers of the economy of any nation, remains a very important engine of economic development. A legal framework for sustainable agricultural practice that is carefully designed and implemented with the necessary political will was postulated.


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    Reproductive health is a lifetime concern for all mankind.  Respect for women’s reproductive rights and provision for reproductive health services provide the basis for the overall well-being of the family.  The health of a society cannot be assured unless women’s right to equality and full participation are assured. The reproductive health and rights of women impact on the overall socio-economic development of any nation. The world is currently in search of a development agenda of ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.  There is therefore an urgent need to build knowledge and evidence based jurisprudence that will generate commitments in ensuring that women gain the right to health and life.  This calls for a redefinition and a re-conceptualization of reproductive health as a development question, especially at this time when the world is seeking to put in place a post 2015 development agenda.  This paper is focused on seeking a legal framework that will promote women’s reproductive health in Nigeria. In this paper, there will be a chronicle of laws and policies as well as practices which determines and impacts on women’s reproductive health and rights in Nigeria.  Legal and policy reforms required to improve women’s reproductive rights will also be suggested. Keywords: Women, Reproductive Health, Sustainable Developmen