436 research outputs found

    Vom Straßenmädchen bis hin zur römischen Göttin: Entstehung zahlreicher visueller Alice-Gestalten im Zeitraum von 1858 bis 1872

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    Victorian representations of childhood are found in a wide variety of cultural texts, from literary descriptions to visual images. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865) is no different in this sense. However, Alice’s character is one of the first of its kind to behave as a cross-media figure, thus becoming a fantasy literature heroine as well as a popular cultural icon. This paper focuses on Alice’s artistic representations in three forms: (a) Lewis Carroll’s verbal art; (b) the photographic prints of the “real” Alice Liddell taken in 1858 and 1872 by Carroll and Julia Margaret Cameron respectively; and (c) the visual illustrations by Carroll and by John Tenniel (1864 and 1865, respectively). The aim of the paper is to discuss whether Alice was ever a “real” Victorian girl, by examining her multiple representations in the given corpus. It also aims at analysing Alice’s visual characteristics in order to reveal Alice as a visual concept of her times.Viktorijanske prikaze djetinjstva nalazimo u raznolikim kulturnim tekstovima, i to u različitim verbalnim i vizualnim oblicima – od književnih opisa do samostalnih slika. Aličine pustolovine u Čudozemskoj Lewisa Carrolla (1865.) u tome smislu ne predstavljaju iznimku. Međutim, Aličin lik jedan je od prvih koji se prometnuo u intermedijsku figuru, pri čemu je Alica postala junakinjom fantastične književnosti kao i ikonom popularne kulture. Ovaj se rad usmjerava na tri oblika Aličina umjetničkoga prikaza: (a) verbalni Lewisa Carrolla, (b) fotografske otiske „prave“ Alice, Alice Liddell, koje su načinili Carroll, 1858. godine, i Julia Margaret Cameron, 1872. godine, kao i na (c) ilustracije Lewisa Carrolla (1864.) i Johna Tenniela (1865.). Istražujući višestruke Aličine prikaze u odabranome korpusu, cilj je rada utvrditi je li Carrollova junakinja ikada bila „prava“ viktorijanska djevojčica. Nadalje, u radu se analiziraju Aličine vizualne karakteristike u svrhu razotkrivanja Alice kao onodobnoga vizualnoga koncepta.Viktorianische Kindheitsdarstellungen sind in diversen kulturellen Texten vorzufinden, und zwar im Rahmen unterschiedlicher verbaler und visueller Darstellungsformen – von literarischen Beschreibungen bis hin zu autonomen Bildern. Das Werk von Lewis Carroll Alice im Wunderland (1865) stellt in diesem Sinne keine Ausnahme dar. Dennoch ist Alice eine der ersten Gestalten, die sich zu einer intermedialen Figur entwickelte, um dabei sowohl zur Heldin der fantastischen Literatur als auch zur Ikone der Popkultur zu werden. Im Beitrag werden drei Formen der künstlerischen Darstellung von Alice besprochen: (a) die verbale Form von Lewis Carroll, (b) die fotografischen Abbildungen der ‚wahren‘ Alice, Alice Liddell, die Carroll 1858 und Julia Margaret Cameron 1872 hergestellt haben, sowie (c) die Illustrationen von Lewis Carroll (1864) und John Tenniel (1865). Anhand der Auseinandersetzung mit der mehrfachen Darstellung von Alice im Rahmen des oben angeführten Korpus möchte man feststellen, ob Carrolls Heldin jemals ein ‚echtes‘ viktorianisches Mädchen war. Darüber hinaus werden im Beitrag auch die visuellen Merkmale der Alice-Gestalt analysiert, um Alice als ein aus jener Zeit stammendes visuelles Konzept darzustellen

    The Ethical Character from Plato to James: Strict and Stable to Flexible

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    In this paper I examine the historical direction taken in ethics in relation to one’s personality and character, from a stable and static view to one that incorporates movement and flexibility. I begin by examining Plato and Aristotle’s understandings of character, using such concepts as Virtue and the Good as abstract and static ideals towards which development should lead. I then briefly examine Augustine, Kant, and Mill’s theories of what defines an ethical character, showing that the strict view was applied to varied and even opposing views of the ethical. Finally, I examine three very different views, those of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and James, which view character development and ethics not as a process aiming towards a set goal, but defined and expressed moment to moment. The ethical character is flexibly determined, through choice and decision making, the expression of the will to power, and the focus on the concrete and existent

    Affordable water treatment solutions for domestic use: a community dugout in the Tolon district, Ghana

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    This study was conducted in the Northern Region of Ghana, an area renowned for its lack of improved drinking water sources. A dugout in the Kukpehi community in the Tolon district, near the regional capital, Tamale, was chosen for an in-depth analysis. The field study period was from the 7th of February until the 28th of March. Data collection consisted of two parts: field studies, including focus group discussions and observations, and laboratory analysis of the drinking water quality. Preliminary results show concerning numbers of total coliforms present, in addition to high turbidity levels in the water. Volume reduction and water quality deterioration during the dry season leave the residents with a coliform-infiltrated and limited drinking water source. The research revealed a lack of treatment practices among the users collecting water for domestic purposes. Together with socio-economic conditions and inadequate drinking water quality, this is leading to severe concerns regarding the dugout users’ health. Household water treatment solutions are therefore necessary to secure potable drinking water for the inhabitants depending on this water source. Considering the area’s lack of water distribution systems, a household water treatment solution was suggested. Recommendations from this study include a bio-sand filter paired with Moringa seeds as a coagulant, or water evaporation with plastic covers. These were the most affordable and user-friendly methods to purify the collected water from the dugout

    Structure and evolution of central and south Hadeland, the Oslo Region

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    The Oslo Region has been influenced by at least two major tectonic events: Contraction and formation of the Caledonian orogeny as a result of plate convergence and, later, extension and formation of the Oslo Graben in Permian. Hadeland, situated in the northern part of the region, has been of particular interest for geologist to understand the geological evolution of the Oslo Region. However, until recently, the folded and thrusted 425 Ma old sedimentary sequence which exhibits typical thin-skinned foreland structures has been difficult to map out in a desired quality due to poorly exposed outcrops. Also, the structural timing and evolution is not fully understood. Relatively new LiDAR data allow for diagnostic structural patterns to be exposed, and to review both LiDAR’s potential in bedrock mapping and Hadeland’s structural geology in a new light. Calcite samples have been obtained and dated utilizing their U-Pb relations in an attempt to uncover the structural evolution of the area as well as pinpointing exact dates for deformational events in the Oslo Region. Results from this thesis have produced a new 1:50 000 bedrock map covering central and south Hadeland. The map shows significant improvements to the existing map, clearly displaying the advantage provided by LiDAR data. Based on the new delineations, a geologic cross-section has been constructed, and new calculations of Caledonian shortening indicates a minimum of 30 % shortening of the affected strata by folding and thrusting. Seven out of 34 mounts sent for U-Pb dating proved datable but produced relatively inconclusive results with high uncertainties. Only one sample with an estimated age of 236 ± 39 Ma correlated with the Permian rifting. In summary, this thesis has shown the efficiencies and strengths of LiDAR data as a tool in bedrock mapping, but also some of the shortcomings. The new and improved bedrock map points toward a larger displacement caused by thrusting than previously thought, a finding which is likely due to the improved delineations introduced by LiDAR data in mapping. In addition, total shortening of the area is postulated to be in the range of 38-45 %, indicating that differences in shortening in the mid-Ordovician to Silurian successions might be larger from north to south than previously estimated in the region. While the majority of dated calcite samples are interpreted to be from reactivation of faults and fractures in the latest 35 Ma, successful dating of the Permian Rift indicates that the method may still have validity in the Oslo Region, but it requires a larger and more comprehensive field campaign.Masteroppgave i geovitenskapGEOV399MAMN-GEO


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    This study argued that violation on maxim of cooperative principle occurs in various type of communication such as in the slogan. This study uses theory from Grice about cooperative principle as main theory and theory about pragmatic context from Cipollone as supporting theory to analyze the data. Based on Grice, violation on maxim of cooperative principle divides into four; violation one maxim, two, three, and four. Cipollone divides pragmatics context into physical context, linguistic, social, and epistemic. In this study, descriptive analysis method is used in analyzing the data. This study is expected can help to understand the strategy of creating slogan that uses violation on maxim of cooperative principle. The result of this study shows that each violation causes other violation as occurs in the violation on maxim of relevance, which is triggered by violation on maxim of quantity

    Seleksi Fitur pada Pengelompokan Posisi Pemain Basket menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means

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    Olahraga bola basket merupakan olahraga terkenal dalam dunia olahraga, baik di tingkat internasional maupun nasional. Satya Wacana Saint Salatiga merupakan salah satu tim bola basket di Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu kontestan Indonesia Basketball League (IBL). Dalam olahraga bola basket, pemain dibedakan menjadi tiga posisi utama, yaitu center, forward, dan guard, yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisiknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyeleksi fitur kondisi fisik yang paling mempengaruhi posisi pemain. Data yang diambil berupa data tinggi badan, berat badan, umur, dan body mass index (BMI) dari 23 pemain. Pengelompokan dengan fuzzy c-means (FCM) digunakan untuk mengelompokkan posisi para pemain berdasarkan fitur-fitur kondisi fisiknya. Untuk mengetahui fitur mana yang paling berpengaruh dalam menentukan posisi pemain, dalam penelitian ini digunakan seleksi fitur pada algoritma FCM. Hasil pengelompokan dengan FCM dibandingkan dengan posisi mereka sebenarnya. Dari empat fitur kondisi fisik tersebut, didapatkan bahwa fitur tinggi badan dan BMI merupakan dua fitur yang paling berpengaruh untuk menentukan posisi pemain. Jika keempat fitur digunakan dalam pengelmpokan didapatkan akurasi sebesar 0.8696, sedangkan jika hanya digunakan fitur tinggi badan dan BMI didapatkan akurasi yang lebih tinggi, yaitu sebesar 0.9565


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    Dalam konstruksi, permintaan beton semakin meningkat dan semen merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam campuran beton. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin meningkatkan variasi komposisi semen sebagai campuran beton. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi perbandingan kekuatan tekan antara beton normal dengan beton yang mengandung lebih banyak semen untuk menentukan kekuatan tekan beton yang dihasilkan. Beton dengan kekuatan tekan 20 MPa dirancang untuk penelitian ini. Empat perbandingan komposisi semen yang berbeda diuji yaitu dengan perbandingan (1:2:3), (2:2:3), (3:2:3), dan (4:2:3). Pengujian meliputi slump test dan uji kuat tekan pada umur beton 7 dan 28 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan semen sebagai komponen dominan dalam beton menghasilkan kekuatan tekan yang lebih tinggi. Kekuatan tekan tertinggi dicapai pada komposisi beton dengan perbandingan (4:2:3) pada usia beton 28 hari mencapai 21,78 MPa. Sedangkan komposisi beton normal dengan perbandingan (1:2:3) menghasilkan kekuatan tekan terendah, yaitu 17,78 MPa

    Is there an increase in duration of long-term sickness absence in Norway from 1994 to 2007? A registry based study

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    Background: Sickness absence in Norway is high despite improvements in key indicators of public health. The pull and the push models attribute the high levels of sickness absence to choice vs. coercion, respectively. Approximately 80% of assessments regarding patients' work ability are performed by GPs, and this involves balancing the role as a gatekeeper with the role as the patients' advocate. GPs report being uncomfortable with this gatekeeping role, partly due to the ambiguousness associated with work ability assessments. These assessments are assumed to be dependent on the threshold for being sick" or healthy, whether determined at a GP, patient, or societal level. We suggest that this threshold may be subject to changes in the population's attitudes over time. The aim of this study is to investigate if there is an increase in the duration of long-term sickness absence in Norway from 1994 to 2007. Methods: FD-insurance is an administratively generated registry, containing longitudinal data on the entire Norwegian population from 1992 and onwards. We first tested a hypothesis on four a- priori selected diagnostic categories from ICPC-2, characterized by an abrupt and overt onset. Secondly, we explored the development of the duration of long-term sickness absence for all ICPC-2 diagnostic chapters. Results: There is an increase in mean duration of long-term sickness absence from 1994 to 2007. The findings are robust, being observed in our selected diagnoses, the majority of all ICPC-2 diagnostic chapters, for both genders, in all educational groups, and in almost every age group. On average, the duration of sickness absence is prolonged by 1.5 calendar days per year from 1994 to 2007. There is also an increase in prevalence of sickness absence episodes. The general increase in sickness absence can be attributed to an increase in both duration and prevalence of sickness absence episodes. Is there an increase in duration of long-term sickness absence in 3 Norway from 1994 to 2007? A registry based study Conclusion: The strong and consistent increase in duration of sickness absence might be a result of changes in the threshold for initiating and terminating a sickness absence episode. This threshold is presumed to be dependent on, and subject to, gradual changes in attitudes in the population. We suggest that the observed development in duration of sickness absence is affected by an increase in the threshold for terminating a sickness absence episode, and a lowering of the threshold for initiating a sickness absence episode