428 research outputs found

    Backtracking and exchange of information: Methods to enhance a beam search algorithm for assembly line scheduling

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Beam search (BS) is used as a heuristic to solve various combinatorial optimization problems, ranging from scheduling to assembly line balancing. In this paper, we develop a backtracking and an exchange-of-information (EOI) procedure to enhance the traditional beam search method. The backtracking enables us to return to previous solution states in the search process with the expectation of obtaining better solutions. The EOI is used to transfer information accumulated in a beam to other beams to yield improved solutions. We developed six different versions of enhanced beam algorithms to solve the mixed-model assembly line scheduling problem. The results of computational experiments indicate that the backtracking and EOI procedures that utilize problem specific information generally improve the solution quality of BS. 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Robust optimization models for the dicrete time/cost trade-off problem

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Developing models and algorithms to generate robust project schedules that are less sensitive to disturbances are essential in today’s highly competitive uncertain project environments. This paper addresses robust scheduling in project environments; specifically, we address the discrete time/cost trade-off problem (DTCTP). We formulate the robust DTCTP with three alternative optimization models in which interval uncertainty is assumed for the unknown cost parameters. We develop exact and heuristic algorithms to solve these robust optimization models. Furthermore, we compare the schedules that have been generated with these models on the basis of schedule robustness. & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Mixed-model assembly line sequencing using beam search

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    In today's manufacturing environments, companies have to produce a large variety of products in small quantities on a single assembly line. In this paper, we use a beam search (BS) approach to solve the model-sequencing problem of mixed-model assembly lines (MMALs). Specifically, we develop six BS algorithms for part-usage variation and load-leveling performance measures. The results of computational experiments indicate that the proposed BS methods are competitive with the well-known heuristics in the literature. A comprehensive bibliography is also provided

    Analysis of serial production lines: Characterisation study and a new heuristic procedure for optimal buffer allocation

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    Buffer allocation in serial production lines is one of the important design issues, and hence it has been studied extensively in the literature. In this paper, we analyse the problem to characterise the optimal buffer allocation; specifically, we study the cases with single and multiple bottleneck stations under various experimental conditions. In addition, we develop an efficient heuristic procedure to allocate buffers in serial production lines to maximise throughput. The results of the computational experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm is very efficient in terms of both solution quality and CPU time requirements. Moreover, the characterisation study yields interesting findings that may lead to important practical implications. A comprehensive bibliography is also provided in the paper

    Customer order scheduling problem: A comparative metaheuristics study

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    The customer order scheduling problem (COSP) is defined as to determine the sequence of tasks to satisfy the demand of customers who order several types of products produced on a single machine. A setup is required whenever a product type is launched. The objective of the scheduling problem is to minimize the average customer order flow time. Since the customer order scheduling problem is known to be strongly NP-hard, we solve it using four major metaheuristics and compare the performance of these heuristics, namely, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, tabu search, and ant colony optimization. These are selected to represent various characteristics of metaheuristics: nature-inspired vs. artificially created, population-based vs. local search, etc. A set of problems is generated to compare the solution quality and computational efforts of these heuristics. Results of the experimentation show that tabu search and ant colony perform better for large problems whereas simulated annealing performs best in small-size problems. Some conclusions are also drawn on the interactions between various problem parameters and the performance of the heuristics. © 2007 Springer-Verlag London Limited

    Universality Classes in Isotropic, Abelian and non-Abelian, Sandpile Models

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    Universality in isotropic, abelian and non-abelian, sandpile models is examined using extensive numerical simulations. To characterize the critical behavior we employ an extended set of critical exponents, geometric features of the avalanches, as well as scaling functions describing the time evolution of average quantities such as the area and size during the avalanche. Comparing between the abelian Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld model [P. Bak, C. Tang and K. Wiensenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987)], and the non-abelian models introduced by Manna [S. S. Manna, J. Phys. A. 24, L363 (1991)] and Zhang [Y. C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 470 (1989)] we find strong indications that each one of these models belongs to a distinct universality class.Comment: 18 pages of text, RevTeX, additional 8 figures in 12 PS file

    Oral chondroitin sulfate and prebiotics for the treatment of canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a randomized, controlled clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND Canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic enteropathy of unknown etiology, although microbiome dysbiosis, genetic susceptibility, and dietary and/or environmental factors are hypothesized to be involved in its pathogenesis. Since some of the current therapies are associated with severe side effects, novel therapeutic modalities are needed. A new oral supplement for long-term management of canine IBD containing chondroitin sulfate (CS) and prebiotics (resistant starch, β-glucans and mannaoligosaccharides) was developed to target intestinal inflammation and oxidative stress, and restore normobiosis, without exhibiting any side effects. This double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in dogs with IBD aims to evaluate the effects of 180 days administration of this supplement together with a hydrolyzed diet on clinical signs, intestinal histology, gut microbiota, and serum biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress. RESULTS Twenty-seven client-owned biopsy-confirmed IBD dogs were included in the study, switched to the same hydrolyzed diet and classified into one of two groups: supplement and placebo. Initially, there were no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05) for any of the studied parameters. Final data analysis (supplement: n = 9; placebo: n = 10) showed a significant decrease in canine IBD activity index (CIBDAI) score in both groups after treatment (p < 0.001). After treatment, a significant decrease (1.53-fold; p < 0.01) in histologic score was seen only in the supplement group. When groups were compared, the supplement group showed significantly higher serum cholesterol (p < 0.05) and paraoxonase-1 (PON1) levels after 60 days of treatment (p < 0.01), and the placebo group showed significantly reduced serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels after 120 days (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found between groups at any time point for CIBDAI, WSAVA histologic score and fecal microbiota evaluated by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). No side effects were reported in any group. CONCLUSIONS The combined administration of the supplement with hydrolyzed diet over 180 days was safe and induced improvements in selected serum biomarkers, possibly suggesting a reduction in disease activity. This study was likely underpowered, therefore larger studies are warranted in order to demonstrate a supplemental effect to dietary treatment of this supplement on intestinal histology and CIBDAI

    Transverse Plane Tendon and Median Nerve Motion in the Carpal Tunnel: Ultrasound Comparison of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients and Healthy Volunteers

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    The median nerve and flexor tendons are known to translate transversely in the carpal tunnel. The purpose of this study was to investigate these motions in differential finger motion using ultrasound, and to compare them in healthy people and carpal tunnel syndrome patients.Transverse ultrasounds clips were taken during fist, index finger, middle finger and thumb flexion in 29 healthy normal subjects and 29 CTS patients. Displacement in palmar-dorsal and radial-ulnar direction was calculated using Analyze software. Additionally, the distance between the median nerve and the tendons was calculated.We found a changed motion pattern of the median nerve in middle finger, index finger and thumb motion between normal subjects and CTS patients (p<0.05). Also, we found a changed motion direction in CTS patients of the FDS III tendon in fist and middle finger motion, and of the FDS II and flexor pollicis longus tendon in index finger and thumb motion, respectively (p<0.05). The distance between the median nerve and the FDS II or FPL tendon is significantly greater in patients than in healthy volunteers for index finger and thumb motion, respectively (p<0.05).Our results suggest a changed motion pattern of the median nerve and several tendons in carpal tunnel syndrome patients compared to normal subjects. Such motion patterns may be useful in distinguishing affected from unaffected individuals, and in studies of the pathomechanics of carpal tunnel syndrome

    Lead content and isotopic composition in submound and recent soils of the Volga upland

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    Literature data on the historical reconstructions of the atmospheric lead deposition in Europe and the isotopic composition of the ores that are potential sources of the anthropogenic lead in the atmospheric deposition in the lower Volga steppes during different time periods have been compiled. The effect of the increasing anthropogenic lead deposition recorded since the Bronze Age on the level of soil contamination has been investigated. For the first time paleosol buried under a burial mound of the Bronze Age has been used as a reference point to assess of the current contamination level. The contents and isotopic compositions of the mobile and total lead have been determined in submound paleosols of different ages and their recent remote and roadside analogues. An increase in the content and fraction of the mobile lead and a shift of its isotopic composition toward less radiogenic values (typical for lead from the recent anthropogenic sources) has been revealed when going from a Bronze-Age paleosol to a recent soil. In the Bronze-Age soil, the isotopic composition of the mobile lead is inherited from the parent rock to a greater extent than in the modern soils, where the lead is enriched with the less radiogenic component. The effect of the anthropogenic component is traced in the analysis of the mobile lead, but it is barely visible for the total lead. An exception is provided by the recent roadside soils characterized by increased contents and the significantly less radiogenic isotopic composition of the mobile and total lead
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