13 research outputs found

    Micro controller and computer based reactive power compensation

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    Metode za kompenzaciju jalove snage su među najučinkovitijim metodama za povećanje učinkovitosti energetskih sustava. Stoga su projektiranje i primjene tih sustava vrlo važni. Cilj ovog istraživanje je projektirati i primijeniti sustave za kompenzaciju jalove snage koji najviše odgovaraju elektroenergetskim sustavima. Kompenzacija jalove snage može se realizirati primjenom električnih kompenzatora ili sinkronih motora. U ovom radu, kompenzacije pomoću mikroregulatora i računala izvršene su primjenom električnih kompenzatora i sinkronih motora pod istim uvjetima opterećenja. Pomoću takvog sustava pokušalo se odrediti koja je vrsta kompenzacije jalove snage pogodna u postojećem sustavu. U tu su se svrhu pokušala izbjeći nepotrebna ulaganja u postojeći sustav i stvoriti kvalitetan kompenzacijski sustav. Uz to, projektirani se sustav može lako prilagoditi svim vrstama promjena opterećenja te ne zahtijeva dodatnu opremu.Reactive power compensation methods are one of the most effective methods to improve the efficiency of energy systems. Therefore, the designs and implementations of these systems are important. The aim of this study is to design and implement the most appropriate reactive power compensation systems in electrical power systems. Reactive power compensation can be realized using capacitors or the synchronous motors. In this study, a microcontroller and computer-controlled compensation applications are done by capacitors and synchronous motors under the same load conditions has been performed. By means of this designed system, it has been tried to determine what type of reactive power compensation is suitable in the existing system. In this respect, it is aimed to avoid unnecessary investments for existing systems and to establish a quality compensation system. In addition, the designed system is easy to update against all kinds of load changes and does not require additional equipment

    Design and Implementation of Real Time Monitoring and Control System for Distributed Robotic Systems Supported with IOS/Android Application

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    In this study, a real time monitoring and control of the working parameters of distributed robotic systems used in manufacturing processes is presented. Additionally, a fault diagnosis and protection system is developed in the control and monitoring system to prevent possible errors during the working process. Unlike the conventional monitoring and control systems, Android/IOS based smart phones and tablets are used besides SCADA and the process is supported by cameras. 3 different robotic systems are used in the study and electrical, electronic and mechanical prototypes are designed for each of them. Thus, a complete robotic system being able to perform real time monitoring and control for industrial manufacturing processes that is supported by smart phone applications and fault diagnosis and protection system is developed successfully

    Real-Time Cyber Attack Detection Over HoneyPi Using Machine Learning

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    The rapid transition of all areas of our lives to the digital environment has kept people away from their intertwined social lives and made them dependent on the isolated cyber environment. This dependency has led to increased cyber threats and, subsequently, cyber-attacks nationally or internationally. Due to the high cost of cybersecurity systems and the expert nature of these systems\u27 management, the cybersecurity component has been mostly ignored, especially in small and medium-sized organizations. In this context, a holistic cybersecurity architecture is designed in which fully open source and free software and hardware-based Raspberry Pi devices with low-cost embedded operating systems are used as a honeypot. In addition, the architectural structure has an integrated, flexible, and easily configurable end-to-end security approach. It is suitable for different platforms by creating end-user screens with personalized software for network security guards and system administrators

    Design and Implementation of Real Time Monitoring and Control System for Distributed Robotic Systems Supported with IOS/Android Application

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    In this study, a real time monitoring and control of the working parameters of distributed robotic systems used in manufacturing processes is presented. Additionally, a fault diagnosis and protection system is developed in the control and monitoring system to prevent possible errors during the working process. Unlike the conventional monitoring and control systems, Android/IOS based smart phones and tablets are used besides SCADA and the process is supported by cameras. 3 different robotic systems are used in the study and electrical, electronic and mechanical prototypes are designed for each of them. Thus, a complete robotic system being able to perform real time monitoring and control for industrial manufacturing processes that is supported by smart phone applications and fault diagnosis and protection system is developed successfully

    Precision Irrigation System (PIS) Using Sensor Network Technology Integrated with IOS/Android Application

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    One of the most important factors for successful agricultural production is the irrigation system in place. In this study, a precision irrigation system, which takes advantage of the various phases of plant growth, was developed and implemented using the sensor network technology integrated with IOS/Android. The amount of water in the soil was measured via sensors that were placed on certain points of the area to be irrigated. These sensors were placed near the root of the product. Data from sensors was transmitted via Wi-Fi in real-time to a mobile phone based on IOS/Android. In the light of obtained data, the seasonal precision irrigation system was created depending on the amount of water required by the plants at each stage of their growth stage. The required energy of the system was provided by solar energy. The system can be controlled by smart phones, which increases the usability of the system. When design performance was analyzed, it was observed that some important advantages such as obtaining high efficiency with water, time and energy saving and reducing the workforce were ensured. Five separate laterals were used for the irrigation system. There were valves on each lateral, which realized the opening and closing process depending on the water need. A total of 16 humidity sensors were used in the irrigation system and the data from these sensors was transferred to the IOS/Android server via the programmable controller (PLC). The basic electrical equipment in the irrigation system was monitored and controlled via mobile devices. Control parameters were obtained by comparing the real values and reference values by a closed-loop system and determine the new working status of the irrigation system

    The prevalence of childhood psychopathology in Turkey: a cross-sectional multicenter nationwide study (EPICPAT-T)

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    Conclusion: This is the largest and most comprehensive epidemiological study to determine the prevalence of psychopathologies in children and adolescents in Turkey. Our results partly higher than, and partly comparable to previous national and international studies. It also contributes to the literature by determining the independent predictors of psychopathologies in this age group