519 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Stimulasi Koh terhadap Peningkatan Laju Alir Produksi Sumur Sib 1, Sib 2 dan Sib 3

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    Penurunan laju produksi merupakan salah satu dampak yang dapat terjadi akibat adanya kerusakan formasi disekitar lubang sumur. Kerusakan formasi pada sumur yang menjadi objek penelitian pada sumur SIB 1, SIB 2 dan SIB 3 disebabkan oleh clay yang mengembang. Stimulasi KOH dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kembali produksi sumur SIB 1, SIB 2 dan SIB 3. KOH dipilih karena KOH dapat menstabilkan clay sehingga pori-pori yang terhalang oleh clay swelling dapat mengalirkan kembali fluida sehingga meningkatkan kembali laju alir produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberhasilan dan peningkatan laju alir produksi setelah pelaksanaan stimulasi KOH. Analisis keberhasilan stimulasi KOH dapat diketahui dengan membandingkan laju alir produksi minyak (Qo), productivity index (PI), dan kurva inflow performance relationship (IPR) sebelum dan sesudah stimulasi KOH. Pelaksanaan stimulasi KOH berhasil pada sumur SIB 1, SIB 2 dan SIB 3. Hal ini ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan laju alir produksi minyak dan productivity index (PI). Peningkatan laju alir produksi minyak pada sumur SIB 1 adalah 227.8 %, SIB 2 adalah 111.86 % dan SIB 3 102.9 %. Sedangkan peningkatan nilai productivity index (PI) pada sumur SIB 1 adalah 96.3%, SIB 2 40.86% dan SIB 3 24.05%. Q max sumur SIB 1 meningkat 99.1 %, SIB 2 40.68% dan SIB 3 meningkat sebesar 24.18%

    Pengelolaan Barang Milik Daerah Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara/Daerah

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      Indonesia is the Unitary State. It is understood that within a unitary state, the central government operates a high state sovereignty. In order not to be arbitrary, the activities of the central government are supervised and limited by the constitution. The government which is divided from the Central Government to the Regional Government included Regional Autonomy therein, as well as the authority of the Regional Government,  is on duty to manage the Regional Property. In carrying out its authority as an administrator of local property, there are still many abuses or omissions committed by the local government in operating its authority in managing regional property, such as the negligence of the Regional Assets, the misuse of authority in the revocation of rights already granted by the regional government on the right to use of local property, using local property for personal interest. In the management of regional property required planning, implementation, and supervision by the local government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the constitution. Keywords: Authority, Local Government, Management of Regional Propert

    Pengaruh Variasi Kepolaran Fase Gerak Aseton-diklorometana: Metanol-asam Asetat terhadap % Distribusi (+)-Katekin dari Gambir dengan Metode Kromatografi Cair Vakum

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    The research was conducted to determine the influence of mobile phase polarity of acetone-dichloromethana : methanol-acetic acid on the percent distribution of (+)-catechin from gambier by vacuum liquid chromatography and to determine the polarity mobile phase required to obtain the largest amount of (+)-catechin percent distribution. Gambier extract was fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography with several variations of polarity of acetone-dichloromethane : methanol-acetic acid mobile phase expressed by the dielectric constant value (?) of 13.74 to 17.51. Fractions were analyzed by TLC-spectrophotodensitometer to calculate the concentration and the percent distribution of (+)-catechin. To know the effect of variations in mobile phase polarity on the percent distribution of (+)-catechin performed statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA test (? = 0.05). The results show that the variation of polarity of acetone-dichloromethane : methanol-acetic acid mobile phase (? = 13.74 to 17.51) had a significant influence on percent distribution of (+)-catechin from gambier by vacuum liquid chromatography method (p <0.05). Fraction with a mobile phase of acetone-dichloromethane (4:6) 50% : methanol-acetic acid (3:4) 50%, which had a value of dielectric constant of 15.62 yield the largest amount of (+)-catechin percent distribution value (45.40%)

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Kardus pada UD. Stradus Surabaya

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    UD. Stardus Surabaya is one of the distributors of various boxes of food located on the road Simorejo No. 103 Surabaya. These distributors serve only selling wholesale or in large quantities only. Problems on the current business process is the absence of the recording process at the request of customers that are not realized. Distributors also do not know the state of the inventory in real time and does not know when to conduct the procurement process without having to wait for the inventory runs out. Judging from the payment of receivables distributor also has no system for recording receivables tersistem well.Based on the above problems, the researchers use the method of System Development Life Cycle to analyze and evaluate the system to perform system development. Application sales are made useful to keep records of sales activities as the basis for reporting sales activity in real time.Based on the above problem resolution and system testing of the research results, it can be concluded that the application of the sale of cardboard that has been made to produce information in the form of a report which contains information inventory, information requests are not fulfilled, and the information necessary sales receivables UD. Stardus Surarabaya for decision-making by the leadership

    Analysis of Authenticity of Teachers' Made Assessment and Its Contribution to Students' English Achievement (a Study in Junior High Schools in Buleleng Regency)

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    This research aimed at analyzing the authenticity of teacher's made assessment and its contribution to students' English achievement. 35 Junior High School English teachers in Buleleng Regency were used as the subjects in this research. Data collection methods employed were document study, questionnaire, and interview to answer the research questions quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings demonstrated that teachers' made assessments have sufficient authenticity level of planning, have high authenticity level of assessment implementation as perceived by teachers, have sufficient authenticity level of assessment implementation as perceived by students, and is considered as having high level on the students' English achievement after being assessed with teachers' made assessment. The findingsalso showed that only assessment implementation as perceived by studentsand simultaneous predictors gave significant contribution to students' English achievement. Assessment planning and assessment implementation as perceived by teachers did not show significant contribution because there was found inconsistent finding between what teachers planned with what teachers have implemented. This study has positive contribution to the importance of considering the authenticity of assessment in teaching English as a foreign language

    Kajian Implementasi Aturan Trading In Influence dalam Hukum Nasional

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    Modus dan operandi kejahatan korupsi selalu berganti secara cepat. Laju Perubahan Perundang-undangan selalu terlambat beberapa langkah di belakang kejahatan itu sendiri. Alhasil, banyak perbuatan yang sejatinya jahat namum tidak bisa dijerat dengan proses hukum karena ketiadaan regulasi yang memadai untuk menjerat pelaku tersebut. Salah satunya ada perdagangan pengaruh atau trading in influence. Jika berkaca kepada kasus-kasus korupsi yang ditangani oleh KPK dalam kurun lima tahun belakangan ini menunjukkan fenomena elit partai yang bekerja sebagai “pengepul” modal politik untuk partai. Jumlah yang dikumpulkan dan ditarget tidak main-main. Berbagai sumber seperti APBN, APBD hingga swasta dijadikan target modal politik. Di lain sisi, tidak jarang pula orang-orang yang berada di lingkungan kekuasaan namun bukan menjadi seorang Penyelenggara Negara memanfaatkan kedekatannya dengan kekuasaan. Kedekatannya tersebut digunakan untuk mengendalikan proyek-proyek pemerintahan. Sehingga ia memperoleh sejumlah fee dari pengurusan proyek-proyek itu sendiri. Kalaulah mereka yang melakukan hal tersebut adalah penyelenggara Negara menurut ketentuan UU No 28 Tahun 1999 tentang Penyelenggaraan Negara Yang Bebas KKN, maka mereka akan bisa dijerat dengan UU Korupsi. Namun menjadi masalah ketika mereka tersebut bukanlah penyelenggara Negara sebagaimana diatur dalam UU di atas. Maka UU Tindak pidana korupsi tidak bisa digunakan untuk menjerat pelakukan perdagangan pengaruh. Kelemahan ini karena Indonesia belum mengadopsi ketentuan perdagangan pengaruh sebagaimana yang diatur dalam pasal 18 United Nation Convention Against Corruption. Hal ini menjadi celah bagi khususnya non Penyelenggara Negara untuk mempegunakan pengaruhnya untuk memperoleh keuntungan materi atau keuntungan yang tidak semestinya (undue advantage). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengakaji pengaturan trading in influencedalam UNCAC dan perbandingannya dengan beberapa Negara, menunjukkan urgensi keberadaan aturan trading in influence dalam hukum pidana nasional dan memformulasikan delik perdagangan pengaruh sebagai rekomedasi dalam revisi UU Tindak Pidana Korupsi

    Development of a stochastic computational fluid dynamics approach for offshore wind farms

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    In this paper, a method for stochastic analysis of an offshore wind farm using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is proposed. An existing offshore wind farm is modelled using a steady-state CFD solver at several deterministic input ranges and an approximation model is trained on the CFD results. The approximation model is then used in a Monte-Carlo analysis to build joint probability distributions for values of interest within the wind farm. The results are compared with real measurements obtained from the existing wind farm to quantify the accuracy of the predictions. It is shown that this method works well for the relatively simple problem considered in this study and has potential to be used in more complex situations where an existing analytical method is either insufficient or unable to make a good prediction

    How a co-actor’s task affects monitoring of own errors: evidence from a social event-related potential study

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    Efficient flexible behavior requires continuous monitoring of performance for possible deviations from the intended goal of an action. This also holds for joint action. When jointly performing a task, one needs to not only know the other’s goals and intentions but also generate behavioral adjustments that are dependent on the other person’s task. Previous studies have shown that in joint action people not only represent their own task but also the task of their co-actor. The current study investigated whether these so-called shared representations affect error monitoring as reflected in the response-locked error-related negativity (Ne/ERN) following own errors. Sixteen pairs of participants performed a social go/no-go task, while EEG and behavioral data were obtained. Responses were compatible or incompatible relative to the go/no-go action of the co-actor. Erroneous responses on no-go stimuli were examined. The results demonstrated increased Ne/ERN amplitudes and longer reaction times following errors on compatible compared to incompatible no-go stimuli. Thus, Ne/ERNs were larger after errors on trials that did not require a response from the co-actor either compared to errors on trials that did require a response from the co-actor. As the task of the other person is the only difference between these two types of errors, these findings show that people also represent their co-actor’s task during error monitoring in joint action. An extension of existing models on performance monitoring in individual action is put forward to explain the current findings in joint action. Importantly, we propose that inclusion of a co-actor’s task in performance monitoring may facilitate adaptive behavior in social interactions enabling fast anticipatory and corrective actions

    Utilisation of Postnatal Care among Rural Women in Nepal

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    Background: Postnatal care is uncommon in Nepal, and where it is available the quality is often poor. Adequate utilisation of postnatal care can help reduce mortality and morbidity among mothers and their babies. Therefore, our study assessed the utilisation of postnatal care at a rural community level. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in two neighbouring villages in early 2006. A total of 150 women who had delivered in the previous 24 months were asked to participate in the study using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: The proportion of women who had received postnatal care after delivery was low (34%). Less than one in five women (19%) received care within 48 hours of giving birth. Women in one village had less access to postnatal care than women in the neighbouring one. Lack of awareness was the main barrier to the utilisation of postnatal care. The woman's own occupation and ethnicity, the number of pregnancies and children and the husband's socio-economic status, occupation and education were significantly associated with the utilisation of postnatal care. Multivariate analysis showed that wealth as reflected in occupation and having attended antenatal are important factors associated with the uptake of postnatal care. In addition, women experiencing health problems appear strongly motivated to seek postnatal care. Conclusion: The postnatal care has a low uptake and is often regarded as inadequate in Nepal. This is an important message to both service providers and health-policy makers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the actual quality of postnatal care provided. Also there appears to be a need for awareness-raising programmes highlighting the availability of current postnatal care where this is of sufficient quality

    Utilisation of sexual health services by female sex workers in Nepal

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    Background The Nepal Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) in 2006 showed that more than half (56%) of the women with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, in Nepal sought sexual health services. There is no such data for female sex workers (FSWs) and the limited studies on this group suggest they do not even use routine health services. This study explores FSWs use of sexual health services and the factors associated with their use and non-use of services. Methods This study aimed to explore the factors associated with utilisation of sexual health services by FSWs in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, and it used a mixed-method approach consisting of an interviewer administered questionnaire-based survey and in-depth interviews. Results The questionnaire survey, completed with 425 FSWs, showed that 90% FSWs self-reported sickness, and (30.8%) reported symptoms of STIs. A quarter (25%) of those reporting STIs had never visited any health facilities especially for sexual health services preferring to use non-governmental clinics (72%), private clinics (50%), hospital (27%) and health centres (13%). Multiple regression analysis showed that separated, married and street- based FSWs were more likely to seek health services from the clinics or hospitals. In- depth interviews with 15 FSWs revealed that FSWs perceived that personal, structural and socio-cultural barriers, such as inappropriate clinic opening hours, discrimination, the judgemental attitude of the service providers, lack of confidentiality, fear of public exposure, and higher fees for the services as barriers to their access and utilisation of sexual health services. Conclusion FSWs have limited access to information and to health services, and operate under personal, structural and socio-cultural constraints. The ‘education’ to change individual behaviour, health worker and community perceptions, as well as the training of the health workers, is necessary
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