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    Audit of gynaecological laparoscopies in national hospital Abuja, Nogeria

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    Seafood trade routes for lobster obscure teleconnected vulnerabilities

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    © 2018 Stoll, Crona, Fabinyi and Farr. Reliance on international seafood markets leaves small-scale fishers and fishing economies vulnerable to distant disturbances that can negatively affect market prices and trigger social, economic, and environmental crises at local levels. This paper examines the role of seafood trade routes and re-exports in masking such market linkages. We employ a network approach to map the global trade routes of lobster (Homarus spp.) from small-scale producers in North America to terminal markets and evaluate the extent to which intermediary nations act to obscure producer-market relationships. In taking this approach, we provide a method for systematically measuring "teleconnectivity" created through seafood trade routes, and thus making explicit vulnerabilities to small-scale fisheries from this teleconnectivity. Our empirical analysis shows that the perceived trade diversification of lobster producers is masking increased dependencies on a reduced number of end-markets, particularly in Asia. These results suggest, paradoxically, that the apparent diversification of trade partnerships may actually amplify, rather than reduce, the vulnerabilities of small-scale fishers associated with international trade by making risk harder to identify and anticipate. We discuss our results in the context of local fisheries and global seafood trade and describe key impediments to being able to monitor market dependencies and exposure to potential vulnerabilities

    Tents, Chairs, Tacos, Kites, and Rods: Shapes and Plasmonic Properties of Singly Twinned Magnesium Nanoparticles

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    Nanostructures of some metals can sustain light-driven electron oscillations called localized surface plasmon resonances, or LSPRs, that give rise to absorption, scattering, and local electric field enhancement. Their resonant frequency is dictated by the nanoparticle (NP) shape and size, fueling much research geared toward discovery and control of new structures. LSPR properties also depend on composition; traditional, rare, and expensive noble metals (Ag, Au) are increasingly eclipsed by earth-abundant alternatives, with Mg being an exciting candidate capable of sustaining resonances across the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectral ranges. Here, we report numerical predictions and experimental verifications of a set of shapes based on Mg NPs displaying various twinning patterns including (101̅1), (101̅2), (101̅3), and (112̅1), that create tent-, chair-, taco-, and kite-shaped NPs, respectively. These are strikingly different from what is obtained for typical plasmonic metals because Mg crystallizes in a hexagonal close packed structure, as opposed to the cubic Al, Cu, Ag, and Au. A numerical survey of the optical response of the various structures, as well as the effect of size and aspect ratio, reveals their rich array of resonances, which are supported by single-particle optical scattering experiments. Further, corresponding numerical and experimental studies of the near-field plasmon distribution via scanning transmission electron microscopy electron-energy loss spectroscopy unravels a mode nature and distribution that are unlike those of either hexagonal plates or cylindrical rods. These NPs, made from earth-abundant Mg, provide interesting ways to control light at the nanoscale across the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectral ranges

    Hepatic retransplantation in cholestatic liver disease: Impact of the interval to retransplantation on survival and resource utilization

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    The aim of our study was to quantitatively assess the impact of hepatic retransplantation on patient and graft survival and resource utilization. We studied patients undergoing hepatic retransplantation among 447 transplant recipients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) at 3 transplantation centers. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used for survival analysis. Measures of resource utilization included the duration of hospitalization, length of stay in the intensive care unit, and the duration of transplantation surgery. Forty-six (10.3%) patients received 2 or more grafts during the follow-up period (median, 2.8 years). Patients who underwent retransplantation had a 3.8-fold increase in the risk of death compared with those without retransplantation (P < .01). Retransplantation after an interval of greater than 30 days from the primary graft was associated with a 6.7-fold increase in the risk of death (P < .01). The survival following retransplantations performed 30 days or earlier was similar to primary transplantations. Resource utilization was higher in patients who underwent multiple consecutive transplantations, even after adjustment for the number of grafts during the hospitalization. Among cholestatic liver disease patients, poor survival following hepatic retransplantation is attributed to late retransplantations, namely those performed more than 30 days after the initial transplantation. While efforts must be made to improve the outcome following retransplantation, a more critical evaluation may be warranted for late retransplantation candidates

    The influence of paternal height and weight on birth-weight

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    Analysis of 5,989 couples, for whom fathers' and mothers' heights and weights were recorded, showed that paternal height had a significant influence (p less than 0.0007) on birth-weight while paternal body mass index (Quetelets Index) had no significant effect (p greater than 0.05). Depending upon mother's height, the average effect of father's height (ranging from 165 cm to 184 cm) on birth-weight was up to 152 g, with a greater effect where the mother was taller (up to 235 g) and a lesser effect where the mother was shorter (confirming the effect of maternal constraint). The significance of these findings lies more with the need to consider this effect as an important variable in statistical analysis involving birth-weight than in its immediate obstetrical implications

    Benzolamide improves oxygenation and reduces acute mountain sickness during a high-altitude trek and has fewer side effects than acetazolamide at sea level.

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    Acetazolamide is the standard carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor used for acute mountain sickness (AMS), however some of its undesirable effects are related to intracellular penetrance into many tissues, including across the blood-brain barrier. Benzolamide is a much more hydrophilic inhibitor, which nonetheless retains a strong renal action to engender a metabolic acidosis and ventilatory stimulus that improves oxygenation at high altitude and reduces AMS. We tested the effectiveness of benzolamide versus placebo in a first field study of the drug as prophylaxis for AMS during an ascent to the Everest Base Camp (5340 m). In two other studies performed at sea level to test side effect differences between acetazolamide and benzolamide, we assessed physiological actions and psychomotor side effects of two doses of acetazolamide (250 and 1000 mg) in one group of healthy subjects and in another group compared acetazolamide (500 mg), benzolamide (200 mg) and lorazepam (2 mg) as an active comparator for central nervous system (CNS) effects. At high altitude, benzolamide-treated subjects maintained better arterial oxygenation at all altitudes (3-6% higher at all altitudes above 4200 m) than placebo-treated subjects and reduced AMS severity by roughly 50%. We found benzolamide had fewer side effects, some of which are symptoms of AMS, than any of the acetazolamide doses in Studies 1 and 2, but equal physiological effects on renal function. The psychomotor side effects of acetazolamide were dose dependent. We conclude that benzolamide is very effective for AMS prophylaxis. With its lesser CNS effects, benzolamide may be superior to acetazolamide, in part, because some of the side effects of acetazolamide may contribute to and be mistaken for AMS

    Proof of concept study of a novel pacemapping algorithm as a basis to guide ablation of ventricular arrhythmias.

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    Aims: To determine if a software algorithm can use an individualized distance-morphology difference model, built from three initial pacemaps, to prospectively locate the exit site (ES) of ventricular arrhythmias (VA). Methods and results: Consecutive patients undergoing ablation of VA from a single centre were recruited. During mapping, three initial pacing points were collected in the chamber of interest and the navigation algorithm applied to predict the ES, which was corroborated by conventional mapping techniques. Thirty-two patients underwent ES prediction over 35 procedures. Structural heart disease was present in 16 (7 ischaemic cardiomyopathy, 9 non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy), median ejection fraction 45% [Interquartile range (IQR) 26]. The remainder had normal hearts. The navigation algorithm was applied to 46 VA (24 left ventricle, 11 right ventricular outflow tract, 5 left ventricular outflow tract, 4 right ventricle, 2 epicardial) and successfully located the site of best pacemap match in 45 within a median area of 196.5 mm2 (IQR 161.3, range 46.6-1288.2 mm2). Conclusions: In a diverse population of patients with and without structural heart disease, the ES of VA can be accurately and reliably identified to within a clinically useful target area using a simple software navigation algorithm based on pacemapping

    Evolution of Wolf-Rayet stars as black hole progenitors

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    Evolved Wolf-Rayet stars form a key aspect of massive star evolution, and their strong outflows determine their final fates. In this study, we calculate grids of stellar models for a wide range of initial masses at five metallicities (ranging from solar down to just 2 per cent solar). We compare a recent hydrodynamically consistent wind prescription with two earlier frequently used wind recipes in stellar evolution and population synthesis modelling, and we present the ranges of maximum final masses at core He-exhaustion for each wind prescription and metallicity Z. Our model grids reveal qualitative differences in mass-loss behaviour of the wind prescriptions in terms of 'convergence'. Using the prescription from Nugis & Lamers the maximum stellar black hole is found to converge to a value of 20-30 M-circle dot, independent of host metallicity; however, when utilizing the new physically motivated prescription from Sander & Vink there is no convergence to a maximum black hole mass value. The final mass is simply larger for larger initial He-star mass, which implies that the upper black hole limit for He-stars below the pair-instability gap is set by prior evolution with mass loss, or the pair instability itself. Quantitatively, we find the critical Z for pair-instability (Z(PI)) to be as high as 50 per cent Z(circle dot), corresponding to the host metallicity of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Moreover, while the Nugis & Lamers prescription would not predict any black holes above the approx 130 M-circle dot pair-instability limit, with Sander & Vink winds included, we demonstrate a potential channel for very massive helium stars to form such massive black holes at similar to 2 per cent Z(circle dot) or below

    An Area‐Specific, International Community‐Led Approach to Understanding and Addressing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Issues within Supramolecular Chemistry

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    Diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI/EDI) are pressing issues in chemistry and the natural sciences. In this Essay we share how an area‐specific approach is “calling in” the community so that it can act to address EDI issues, and support those who are marginalised. Women In Supramolecular Chemistry (WISC) is an international network that aims to support equality, diversity, and inclusion within supramolecular chemistry. WISC has taken a field‐specific approach using qualitative research methods with scientists to identify the support that is needed and the problems the supramolecular community needs to address. Herein, we present survey data from the community which highlight the barriers that are faced by those who take career breaks for any reason, a common example is maternity leave, and the importance of mentoring to aid progression post‐PhD. In conclusion, we set out an interdisciplinary and creative approach to addressing EDI issues within supramolecular chemistry