43 research outputs found

    Processing Large Amounts of Images on Hadoop with OpenCV

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    Modern image collections cannot be processed efficiently on one computer due to large collection sizes and high computational costs of modern image processing algorithms. Hence, image processing often requires distributed computing. However, distributed computing is a complicated subject that demands deep technical knowledge and often cannot be used by researches who develop image processing algorithms. The framework is needed that allows the researches to concentrate on image processing tasks and hides from them the complicated details of distributed computing. In addition, the framework should provide the researches with the familiar image processing tools. The paper describes the extension to the MapReduce Image Processing (MIPr) framework that provides the ability to use OpenCV in Hadoop cluster for distributed image processing. The modified MIPr framework allows the development of image processing programs in Java using the OpenCV Java binding. The performance testing of created system on the cloud cluster demonstrated near-linear scalability

    Scroll wave with negative filament tension in a model of the left ventricle of the human heart and its overdrive pacing

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    Nonlinear waves of electrical excitation initiate cardiac contraction. Abnormal wave propagation in the heart, e.g., spiral waves, can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. This study analyzed the dynamics of spiral waves under the influence of an instability called negative filament tension, and examined how the spiral waves can be eliminated through high-frequency pacing. A generic anatomical model of the left ventricle of the human heart and the Aliev-Panfilov model for cardiac tissue were used. The study showed that the source of such arrhythmia is elongated filaments with lengths that can be 10-20 times greater than the characteristic thickness of the heart wall. In anisotropic tissue, the filament elongated before it was annihilated at the base of the heart. The spiral waves were eliminated through overdrive pacing with stimulation periods from 0.8 to 0.95 relative to the spiral wave period. The minimum time for the expulsion was about 10 s. © 2021 American Physical Society.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 17-71-20024Our work involved simulations at the “Uran” cluster of IMM UB RAS (Ekaterinburg). Our research is supported by a Russian Science Foundation grant (Project 17-71-20024)

    Induced Drift of Scroll Waves in the Aliev-Panfilov Model and in an Axisymmetric Heart Left Ventricle

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    The low-voltage cardioversion-defibrillation is a modern sparing electrotherapy method for such dangerous heart arrhythmias as paroxysmal tachycardia and fibrillation. In an excitable medium, such arrhythmias relate to appearance of spiral waves of electrical excitation, and the spiral waves are superseded to the electric boundary of the medium in the process of treatment due to high-frequency stimulation from the electrode. In this paper we consider the Aliev-Panfilov myocardial model, which provides a positive tension of three-dimensional scroll waves, and an axisymmetric model of the left ventricle of the human heart. Two relations of anisotropy are considered, namely, isotropy and physiological anisotropy. The periods of stimulation with an apical electrode are found so that the electrode successfully entrains its rhythm in the medium, the spiral wave is superseded to the base of the ventricle, and disappears. The results are compared in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. The intervals of effective stimulation periods are sufficiently close to each other in the two-dimensional case and in the anatomical model. However, the use of the anatomical model is essential in determination of the time of superseding. © 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2020.The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 17–71–20024). The work was performed with the use of the ‘URAN’ supercomputer of IMM UB RAS

    Изучение вакцины против клещевого энцефалита

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    Scientific relevance. Tick-borne encephalitis is one of the most significant anthropozoonoses   for public health in the Russian Federation. Wide vaccination coverage is required to control  this zoonotic infection. However, large-scale immunisation is not feasible without developing novel vaccines with improved safety and efficacy profiles, such as vaccines based on the continuous Vero cell line.Aim. This extended study aimed to investigate the key quality attributes of VeroKSEN, a new tick-borne encephalitis vaccine that was obtained using Vero cells.Materials and methods. The authors implemented current approaches to vaccine development, including propagation of tick-borne encephalitis strain 205 (Far Eastern subtype) in Vero cells, fine purification of the viral antigen by size-exclusion chromatography on polymeric resins, and introduction of additional quality control methods. For VeroKSEN production, the authors used the method protected by utility patent No. 2678431.  Quality control of the finished product  was performed according to the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. The laboratory study of the vaccine and its intermediates in Balb/с mice used novel control methods developed by the authors. Additional methods included polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, enzyme immunoassay, immunoblotting with total antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus  and monoclonal antibodies to glycoprotein E, reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction, and high-performance liquid chromatography. The extended potency study used test strains of different subtypes, including Absettarov (Western), Sofjin (Far Eastern), and Korzukhin (Siberian). The authors studied the infectious activity of tick-borne encephalitis virus in outbred mice using the pharmacopoeial titration method. Statistical analysis of the study results involved calculating the arithmetic mean and the root-mean-square deviation.Results. The authors studied the key quality attributes of VeroKSEN and its intermediates. Selected inactivation conditions reduced the infectious activity of the viral harvest to an undetectable level within 24 h, while its antigenic activity remained approximately 100% of the baseline. The fine purification stages and the methods and techniques developed by the authors provided a whole-virion fraction with a purity of up to 98.2% and removed process-related impurities (residual host-cell DNA, bovine serum albumin, formaldehyde, and bacterial endotoxins) to the levels required by national legislation. The stability study demonstrated    that the vaccine met the requirements for up to 36 months.Conclusions. The study showed the high potency of the new vaccine in terms of protection against the Western, Siberian, and Far Eastern subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis, with minimum immunising doses (MID50) of 0.007, 0.00125, and 0.00093 mL, respectively.Актуальность. Клещевой энцефалит — один из наиболее актуальных для здоровья населения России антропозооноз, контроль над которым требует широкого охвата вакцинопрофилактикой. Масштабная вакцинация невозможна без разработки новых вакцин, например с применением перевиваемой линии клеток Vero, обладающих улучшенным профилем безопасности и эффективности.Цель. Расширенное изучение ключевых показателей качества новой  вакцины  «ВероКСЭН» против клещевого энцефалита, полученной с использованием  перевиваемой линии клеток Vero.Материалы и методы. В технологии создания вакцины реализованы современные подходы: накопление производственного штамма вируса клещевого энцефалита № 205 (дальневосточный субтип) в клетках перевиваемой линии Vero; использование для заключительной тонкой очистки вирусного антигена эксклюзионной хроматографии на полимерных сорбентах; введение дополнительных методов контроля. Вакцину «ВероКСЭН» получали способом, описанным в  патенте  на  изобретение  №  2678431.  Контроль  готового  продукта проводили в соответствии с методиками, описанными в Государственной фармакопее Российской Федерации. Для лабораторного изучения  вакцины  и  полупродуктов  на  мышах линии Balb/с  были  разработаны  и  внедрены  оригинальные  новые  методы  контроля, а также применялись: электрофорез в полиакриламидном геле, иммуноферментный анализ, иммуноблот с суммарными антителами против вируса клещевого энцефалита и моноклональными антителами против гликопротеина E,  метод полимеразной цепной  реакции    с обратной транскрипцией, высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография. При расширенном лабораторном исследовании протективной  активности  использовали  тест-штаммы субтипов «Абсеттаров» (западный), «Софьин» (дальневосточный) и «Корзухин» (сибирский). Оценку инфекционной  активности  вируса  клещевого  энцефалита  проводили  при помощи фармакопейного метода титрования на беспородных мышах. Результаты исследований оценивали при помощи статистических методов анализа с вычислением среднего арифметического и среднеквадратичного отклонения.Результаты. Изучены ключевые показатели качества новой вакцины против клещевого энцефалита «ВероКСЭН» и ее полупродуктов. Показано, что выбранный режим инактивации снижает инфекционную активность вирусного сбора до недетектируемого уровня через 24 ч, при этом антигенная активность сохраняется на уровне около 100%  от  исходного значения.  Этапы тонкой  очистки, а  также разработанные оригинальные методики  и технологии позволили получить цельновирионную фракцию с чистотой до 98,2% и удалить технологические примеси (ДНК клеток-продуцентов, бычий сывороточный альбумин, формальдегид, бактериальные эндотоксины) до уровней, соответствующих нормативным требованиям. Изучение стабильности вакцины на сроке хранения до  36  мес. подтвердило ее соответствие нормативным показателям.Выводы. Новая вакцина обладает высокой специфической активностью в  отношении  вируса клещевого энцефалита для штаммов «Абсеттаров», «Софьин» и «Корзухин»: минимальная иммунизирующая доза (МИД50) составила 0,007, 0,00125 и 0,00093 мл соответственно

    Training in Solution of Model Professionally-Oriented Problems as a Methodfor Forming Mathematical Literacy of Students in Medical Colleges

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    В рамках реализации образовательной программы среднего профессионального образования медицинского профиля (СПО МП) в статье обсуждаются вопросы, связанные с применением модельных профессионально-ориентированных задач физико-математического, информационного, экономического, и др. содержания. Такие задачи оцениваются как средство достижения образовательного результата, выраженного в формировании и развитии профессионального интеллекта и компетенций у студентов СПО МП по специальности 31.02.04 "Медицинская оптика".As part of the implementation of the educational program of secondary professional education of a medical profile (SPE MP), the article touches on a number of issues related to the use of specially selected model professionally-oriented problems (MPOP) of physical, mathematical, informational, economic, and other contents. Such problems are assessed as a tool of achieving an educational result, expressed in the formation and development of professional intelligence and competencies among students of SPE MP in the specialty 31.02.04 "Medical Optics"

    Regulatory interplay of Cockayne syndrome B ATPase and stress-response gene ATF3 following genotoxic stress

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    Cockayne syndrome type B ATPase (CSB) belongs to the SwItch/Sucrose nonfermentable family. Its mutations are linked to Cockayne syndrome phenotypes and classically are thought to be caused by defects in transcription-coupled repair, a subtype of DNA repair. Here we show that after UV-C irradiation, immediate early genes such as activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) are overexpressed. Although the ATF3 target genes, including dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), were unable to recover RNA synthesis in CSB-deficient cells, transcription was restored rapidly in normal cells. There the synthesis of DHFR mRNA restarts on the arrival of RNA polymerase II and CSB and the subsequent release of ATF3 from its cAMP response element/ATF target site. In CSB-deficient cells ATF3 remains bound to the promoter, thereby preventing the arrival of polymerase II and the restart of transcription. Silencing of ATF3, as well as stable introduction of wild-type CSB, restores RNA synthesis in UV-irradiated CSB cells, suggesting that, in addition to its role in DNA repair, CSB activity likely is involved in the reversal of inhibitory properties on a gene-promoter region. We present strong experimental data supporting our view that the transcriptional defects observed in UV-irradiated CSB cells are largely the result of a permanent transcriptional repression of a certain set of genes in addition to some defect in DNA repair

    Prevention of Early Pregnancy by Means of Information Technologies

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    В настоящей статье рассматриваются современные подходы к профилактике ранней беременности средствами информационных технологий, в частности, визуальная новелла, определяющая новые подходы к устранению рисков полового воспитания подростков.This article discusses modern approaches to the prevention of early pregnancy by means of information technology, in particular, a visual novel defining new approaches to eliminating the risks of adolescent sex education

    Cockayne syndrome A and B proteins regulate the timing of transcription arrest upon genotoxic stress through a ubiquitin/proteasome degradation process

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    This data represent the original western blots covering the in vitro data and original ChIP assays with % to input data from the "Cockayne syndrome A and B proteins regulate the timing of transcription arrest upon genotoxic stress through a ubiquitin/proteasome degradation process" publication

    Cockayne’s syndrome A and B proteins regulate transcription arrest after genotoxic stress by promoting ATF3 degradation

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    This data represent the original western blots covering the in vitro data and original ChIP assays with % to input data from the "Cockayne syndrome A and B proteins regulate the timing of transcription arrest upon genotoxic stress through a ubiquitin/proteasome degradation process" publication