53 research outputs found

    Material de construcción basado en la norma técnica E-070 albañilería considerando Argopecten purpuratus para reducir la contaminación del botadero de Casma, 2021

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    La investigación tiene como objeto proponer un material de construcción basado en la Norma Técnica E-070 Albañilería considerando Argopecten purpuratus para reducir la contaminación del botadero de Casma. La metodología es no experimental descriptiva propositiva, la cual consistió en una visita a campo al botadero de Casma para diagnosticar los impactos ambientales con el apoyo de la Metodología del CONAM y Matriz de Leopold; así también, una revisión documental de diferentes investigaciones con respecto Argopecten purpuratus como material, en donde los datos se trataron en Excel y SPSS, por último y en base al análisis documental realizado, se elaboró la propuesta con el modelado realizado en LabView, el plan de acción, el prototipo del material articulando la norma técnica E-070 Albañilería con el diseño de mezcla realizado con el Método ACI 211.1. Como resultado, en base al análisis documental realizado y normas técnicas se propuso un ladrillo de concreto de tipo III con una dimensión de 13x9x20cm, con 10% de reemplazo de Argopecten purpuratus en agregados finos con un diseño de mezcla de 1:1.95:0.22:1.79/27.51 lt/saco. En conclusión, el botadero de Casma requiere valorizar sus residuos hidrobiológicos, por tal motivo se realizó una propuesta en base a Argopecten purpuratus como material de construcción articulando con la Norma Técnica E-070 de Albañilería y 10% de sustitución en agregados finos, la cual tiene un costo de producción en Casma que asciende a S/. 1,412,611 para el año 2021 y 1,544,095 para el 2025

    Impact of Rainy and Dry Seasons on Eucalypt Fuelwood Quality Logs Stored in Piles: a Case Study in Brazil

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    The natural drying of fuelwood is a common practice to improve its quality and increase the efficiency in the biomass-based energy supply chain. The objective of this work was to analyze the effect of seasons on the physical and chemical properties of wood logs stored in piles for energy purposes. The logs of Eucalyptus urophylla were stored in two periods of 160 days each throughout the year, autumn–winter (dry season) and spring–summer (rainy season). During the 320 days, the moisture content of wood and the weather parameters were measured daily. After the natural drying, the moisture content (wet basis) of wood reached 29.6%, and there was an increase of 47.6% in the low heating value (12.4 MJ kg–1 wet basis) after the storage in the autumn–winter, which is the most suitable period for air–drying of logs. The rainy storage reduced the higher heating value of wood, which suggested a biological degradation of biomass

    3D Spin Glass and 2D Ferromagnetic XY Model: a Comparison

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    We compare the probability distributions and Binder cumulants of the overlap in the 3D Ising spin glass with those of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic 2D XY model. We analyze similarities and differences. Evidence for the existence of a phase transition in the spin glass model is obtained thanks to the crossing of the Binder cumulant. We show that the behavior of the XY model is fully compatible with the Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario. Finite size effects have to be dealt with by using great care in order to discern among two very different physical pictures that can look very similar if analyzed without large attention.Comment: 14 pages and 6 figures. Also available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Numerical Simulations of the 4D Edwards-Anderson Spin Glass with Binary Couplings

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    We present numerical results that allow a precise determination of the transition point and of the critical exponents of the 4D Edwards-Anderson Spin Glass with binary quenched random couplings. We show that the low T phase undergoes Replica Symmetry Breaking. We obtain results on large lattices, up to a volume V=104V=10^4: we use finite size scaling to show the relevance of our results in the infinite volume limit.Comment: 18 pages + 17 figures, revised bibliography and minor typos. Added Journal Re

    Small Window Overlaps Are Effective Probes of Replica Symmetry Breaking in 3D Spin Glasses

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    We compute numerically small window overlaps in the three dimensional Edwards Anderson spin glass. We show that they behave in the way implied by the Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz, that they do not qualitatively differ from the full volume overlap and do not tend to a trivial function when increasing the lattice volume. On the contrary we show they are affected by small finite volume effects, and are interesting tools for the study of the features of the spin glass phase.Comment: 9 pages plus 5 figure

    Complicated acute diverticulitis: a clinical case report

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    Diverticular disease is a benign disease, with a good response to clinical treatment, based on changes in eating habits, greater fiber consumption, potent antibiotic therapy in the simplest inflammatory processes, and the use of interventional radiology in abscesses. A surgical indication is restricted to failure of clinical therapy and more severe forms of the disease, such as strictures, abscesses, and perforations. The present study aimed to present a clinical case report on acute diverticulosis of the left colon that progressed to a reconstruction of the intestinal transit

    Factor predictor de la latencia de la onda V y el umbral de disconfort de la frecuencia de 2000hz en sujetos normoyentes

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    50 p.En la presente investigación se busca determinar cual es la correlación que existe entre los niveles auditivos de disconfort (LDL) en la frecuencia de 2000 Hz y las latencia de la onda V con estímulo tonal que entrega el Potencial evocado auditivo de Troncoencéfalo (PEAT), en sujetos normoyentes de 18 a 25 años. Objetivos: Establecer la latencia de la onda V del PEAT tonal de 2000 Hz. y Relacionar la latencia de la onda V del PEAT tonal de 2000 Hz. con el umbral de disconfort de la frecuencia de 2000 Hz. Sujetos: 30 sujetos seleccionados aleatoriamente a partir de un marco muestral de estudiantes de la carrera de fonoaudiología de la Universidad de Talca. Metodología: se realizó un tamizaje auditivo que constó de otoscopia, Audiometría Tonal Liminar (ATL) y el LDL, posterior a esto se llevó a cabo el PEAT a una intensidad de estimulación supraumbral de 75 dB HL identificando la latencia de la onda V. Resultados y discusión: los resultados encontrados no son significativos, por lo que es necesario realizar nuevas investigaciones. Palabras claves: Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Troncoencéfalo, Umbral de Disconfort Auditivo y latencia./ ABSTRACT: The present investigation sought to determine which is the correlation between Loudness Discomfort Level (LDL) at frequencie of 2000 Hz and latency of wave V with tonal stimulation that delivers the Auditory Brainstem Evoked Responses (ABR) in normal hearing subjects the 18 at 25 ages. Objectives: To determine the latency of wave V and Relate latency wave V at 2000 Hz with the LDL in the frequency of 2000 Hz. Subjects: 30 subjects randomly selected from a sampling frame of speech pathology and audiology students career at the University of Talca. Methodology: Auditory screening was performed that consisted of otoscopy, audiometry Liminar (ATL) and LDL, after this was done the PEAT a suprathreshold stimulation intensity of 75 Db HL to identify the latency of wave V. Results and discussion: The findings are not significant, so further research is needed. Keyword: Loudness Discomfort Level, Brainstem Evoked Responses and Latency

    On the Phase Structure of the 3D Edwards Anderson Spin Glass

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    We characterize numerically the properties of the phase transition of the three dimensional Ising spin glass with Gaussian couplings and of the low temperature phase. We compute critical exponents on large lattices. We study in detail the overlap probability distribution and the equilibrium overlap-overlap correlation functions. We find a clear agreement with off-equilibrium results from previous work. These results strongly support the existence of a continuous spontaneous replica symmetry breaking in three dimensional spin glasses.Comment: 30 pages and 17 figures. Final version to be published in PR

    Electrospray deposition in vacuum as method to create functionally active protein immobilization on polymeric substrates

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    We demonstrate in this work the deposition of a large biological molecule (fibronectin) on polymeric substrates in a high vacuum environment using an electrospray deposition system. Fibronectin was deposited and its distribution and structure investigated and retention of function (ability to promote cell adhesion) on return to liquid environment is shown. AFM was used to monitor changes in the morphology of the surface before and after fibronectin deposition, whilst the biological activity of the deposited protein is assessed through a quantitative analysis of the biomolecular adhesion and migration of fibroblast cells to the modified surfaces. For the first time we have demonstrated that using high vacuum electrospray deposition it is possible to deposit large protein molecules on polymeric surfaces whilst maintaining the protein activity. The deposition of biological molecules such as proteins with the retention of their activity onto clean well-controlled surfaces under vacuum condition, offers the possibility for future studies utilizing high resolution vacuum based techniques at the atomic and molecular scale providing a greater understanding of protein–surface interface behaviour of relevance to a wide range of applications such as in sensors, diagnostics and tissue engineering