56 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intensitas Cahaya, Mikorisa Dan Serbuk Arang Pada Pertumbuhan Awal Dryobalanops Sp

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    ABSTRACT This research was conducted to observe the effect of light intensity, mycorrhiza and dust charcoal. on the initial growth of Dryobalanops sp. Light intensity treatment was done by shading 60% of full light intensity (in Screen-house), whereas in Greenhouse light intensity is 100%. Mycorrhiza treatment was done by inoculating the seedlings with mycorrhiza spore suspension and dust charcoal treatment was done by mixing it to the soil media at 5%, 10% and 15% v/v while control soil media was only sterilized soil and sand with the ratio 3 : 1. After 6 months, it was concluded that subtraction of light intensity had significant effect to height dan diameter . growth of Dryobalanops seedlings, whereas mycorrhiza inoculation had significant effect to diameter growth only. Dust charcoal treatment had significant effect only to height growth with the best effect at 10% volume ratio. The result of soil analysis showed that soil media in Screenhouse (with lower light intensity) had higher Phosphate and Nitrogen contents than those in Greenhouse

    Expression Patterns of Phosphate Transporter Gene Ecgpt Associated with the Salt Stress Response in Perennial Eucalypt Tree Hybrid Clones

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    Salinity effects on plant can often be related to mineral ion content alteration, including phosphate. Under saline conditions, phosphate levels were reported to decrease in plants. Such effects could indirectly affect intracellular phosphate levels, leading to phosphate deficiency, which in turn leads to increased activities of phosphate uptake mechanisms. This research was aimed to investigate the effects of salinity on the expression changes of phosphate transporter genes isolated from E. camaldulensis x E. globulus hybrid clones subjected to salt concentrations of 0 (control), 50, 100, and 150 mMNaCl. Fragments of genes (1164bp long and encodes 304 amino acid polypeptides) known to be involved in phosphate uptake were identified and isolated by RACE from these hybrids, encoding a Phosphate Transporter (Ecg PT). Expression studies using Northern-Blot analysis revealed that the expression of EcgPT was found to be affected by salt, suggesting a direct effect of salinity on phosphate uptake. EcgPT was expressed differently in different clones, indicating different degrees of phosphate transporter activation in order to tolerate salt stress. Molecular data are discussed in relation to measurements of ion levels in different organs of different clones and under various salt regimes during the course of the hydroponic experiment

    Effect Of Shading, Fertilizer And Mulching With Alang-Alang To The Early Growth And Mychorriza Formation On Shorea academia at Bukit Suharto

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    ABSTRACT This objectives of this research were to observe the effect of light intensity, mulching by using alang-alang and phosphat fertilizer to the growth and mycorrhiza formation of Shorea academia in the field. High light intensity had better effect in term of height parameter however low light intensity had better effect also in term of diameter growth, number of leaves and percent of mycorrhiza. Low light intensity affect better to the structure of soil and more activity of microorganism in the soil and could reduce the alang-alang competition to S. academia growth. Alang-slang is not appropriate for mulching material of S. academia. There is no effect of posfat fertilizer to the height, diameter number of leaves and also percent of mycorrhiza in Bukit Suharto due to the very acidic soil so make bigger possibility P fixation of soil

    Penentuan Kondisi Operasi Optimum Ekstraksi Pewarna Alami Dari Limbah Serbuk Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) Menggunakan Response Surface Method

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    The use of natural dyes is an alternative to replace synthetic dyes. One of the natural resources in Indonesia that can be used as a natural dye is wood sawdust of Ulin wood. Phytochemical analysis results showed that the extract of Ulin wood sawdust contains tannin compound, as the chemical of these sawdust is potential as a source of natural dyes. This research is to find the optimum condition of natural dye extraction from Ulin wood sawdust.  Variables observed in this research are temperature, the weight ratio of sawdust to the solvent volume, and mixer rotation speed. The extraction process with a third necked flask with a stirrer, condenser, heat mantle, and with water as solvents. Natural dye content on the extract was analyzed by gravimetry. The optimization of operating variables extraction using Response Surface Method (RSM) with Box-Behnken model. The results that the optimum temperature was 90oC, the weight ratio of Ulin wood sawdust to the solvent volume was 0,25 g/mL, and the optimum mixer rotation speed was 250 rpm. In this optimum condition, the natural dye content in the extracts was 1,2054

    Penentuan Kondisi Operasi Optimum Ekstraksi Pewarna Alami Dari Limbah Serbuk Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) Menggunakan Response Surface Method

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    The use of natural dyes is an alternative to replace synthetic dyes. One of the natural resources in Indonesia that can be used as a natural dye is wood sawdust of Ulin wood. Phytochemical analysis results showed that the extract of Ulin wood sawdust contains tannin compound, as the chemical of these sawdust is potential as a source of natural dyes. This research is to find the optimum condition of natural dye extraction from Ulin wood sawdust.  Variables observed in this research are temperature, the weight ratio of sawdust to the solvent volume, and mixer rotation speed. The extraction process with a third necked flask with a stirrer, condenser, heat mantle, and with water as solvents. Natural dye content on the extract was analyzed by gravimetry. The optimization of operating variables extraction using Response Surface Method (RSM) with Box-Behnken model. The results that the optimum temperature was 90oC, the weight ratio of Ulin wood sawdust to the solvent volume was 0,25 g/mL, and the optimum mixer rotation speed was 250 rpm. In this optimum condition, the natural dye content in the extracts was 1,2054

    The effects of population size on genetic parameters and mating system of sandalwood in Gunung Sewu, Indonesia

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    We combined feld observations with isoenzyme analysis to compare population demographic and its effects on genetic diversity and mating systems, among six populations of sandalwood in Gunung Sewu, Indonesia, during March to August 2015. This endangered economic-important species was originated from the southeastern parts of Indonesia, but is recently occured as new landraces in Gunung Sewu, Java island. The observed heterozygosity varied from Ho 0.184 to 0.385 in parents, and from Ho 0.083 to 0.348 in offspring levels, based on the degree of clonality and genetic base. Most of genetic variation is distributed within populations, and only 2.7% were presented among populations, that was indicated by the low DST and FST value (HT 0.30; HS 0.276; DST 2.4%; FST 7.98%). A dendrogram indicated a grouping of populations into three clusters. However, there were seemed to be no association between geographical and genetic distance. Genetic depletion occured due to (i) clonality events as result of heavy-exploitation and/or natural disturbance which induced root suckering, (ii) genetic drifts and bottleneck effects, (iii) the founder effects due to parental low diversity, and (iv) the alteration on mating systems to be more inbreeders. Some of the results confrmed a “reproductive assurance prediction” while some others were contradicting this. It seemed that genetic diversity and mating systems are not much affected by population size, but more by the parental heterozygosity and the degree of clonality. Our results emphasized the importance of populations’ genetic base or parental genetic diversity to naturally maintain the genetic and evolutionary processes under equilibrium conditions


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    This study aims to determine the genetic correlation of resin yield to growth (height, diameter and branch-free height) in three sub-lines of the progeny test Pinus merkusii. The research was conducted on the 11-year-old P. merkusii with high resin yield half-sib, using an Incomplete Block with a Row Column Design sub-line system, namely sub-lines (KBS Sumedang, KBS Jember, and East Java). The genetic correlation between resin yield with height, diameter and free-branch height generally has a relatively small value. The resin yield with diameter growth in the sub-line of KBS Jember has a positive correlation and is moderate (0.526), but this is different in the genetic correlation of resin yield with moderate branch-free height but negative (-0.498). In the sub-line of East Java, the correlation of resin yield characteristic with diameter growth was moderate but negative (-0.434). Further selection in the Jember KBS sub-line could be aimed at wood and resin yield, however for the Sumedang and East Java KBS sub-lines, further selection was only intended for resin yield. Key words: Genetic correlation, resin yield, Pinus merkusii, sub-line, progeny tes

    Pengaruh Cekaman Kekeringan terhadap Perilaku Fisiologis dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)

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    Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) merupakan tanaman asli Amerika Utara dan telah tersebar ke Eropa dan Asia serta menjadi salah satu spesies yang digunakan untuk rehabilitasi lahan semiarid dan arid. Walau demikian, kemampuan adaptasi black locust pada daerah persebarannya cukup meresahkan disebabkan jenis ini memiliki potensi invasif yang cenderung menekan pertumbuhan tanaman asli setempat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh cekaman kekeringan berupa volume penyiraman dan interval penyiraman terhadap perilaku fisiologis dan pertumbuhan bibit black locust, serta untuk menganalisis tingkat toleransi black locust terhadap kekeringan melalui karakter efisiensi penggunaan air (WUE) dan kandungan klorofil. Perlakuan volume penyiraman berupa kapasitas lapang 30-40 % mewakili kondisi kekeringan dan kapasitas lapang 70-80 % mewakili kondisi air yang memadai, sementara periode interval penyiraman adalah 1 hari, 3 hari dan 7 hari. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis tren. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah semakin rendah volume penyiraman (KL 30-40 %) dan semakin lama interval penyiraman (ke 7 hari) maka fotosintesis, transpirasi, konduktansi stomata, serta pertumbuhan (tinggi, diameter, berat kering tajuk dan akar) akan semakin rendah, sementara untuk WUE dan kandungan klorofil semakin tinggi. Peningkatan WUE dan kandungan klorofil merupakan dua indikator bahwa black locust mampu beradaptasi (toleran) pada kondisi cekaman kekeringan. Dengan begitu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan black locust dalam upaya reklamasi lahan kering perlu didahului studi khusus dan pertimbangan yang matang agar tidak membawa dampak invasif pada kehidupan mendatang.Kata kunci: black locust, cekaman kekeringan, jenis invasif, water use efficiency, kandungan klorofil. Effect of drought stress on physiological behavior and growth ofblack locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) seedlingsAbstractBlack locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is a native species from North America and it has spread to Europe and Asia. Black locust is also one species used for land rehabilitation in semiarid and arid areas. However, adaptability of black locust on their distribution area is quite disturbing due to its invasive potential that tends to suppress the growth of native plants. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of drought stress through watering volume and watering intervals treatments on physiological behavior and growth of black locust seedlings, and to analyze the level of black locust on drought tolerance through water use efficiency (WUE) character and chlorophyll content. The watering volumes are 30-40 % of field capacity representing drought conditions and 70-80 % of field capacity representing good water conditions, while the watering intervals are 1, 3 and 7 days. Trend analysis is used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the lower watering volume (30-40 %) and the longer the watering interval (for 7 days), the lower the photosynthesis and transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and growth (height, diameter, shoot dry weight and root) of plants, but the higher the WUE and chlorophyll content. Increasing WUE and chlorophyll content are two indicators indicating that black locust is able to adapt (tolerant) to drought stress situations. Therefore, the use of black locust for dry land reclamation requires special attention and careful strategy to avoid its invasive impact in the future
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