560 research outputs found

    Interpolation and Extrapolation of Creep Rupture Data by the Minimum Commitment Method. Part 3: Analysis of Multiheats

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    The Minimum Commitment Method was applied to two sets of data for which multiple heat information was available. For one alloy, a 304 stainless steel studied in Japan, data on nine well characterized heats were used, while for a proprietary low alloy carbon steel studied in the United Kingdom data were available on seven heats - in many cases to very long rupture times. For this preliminary study no instability factors were used. It was discovered that heat-to-heat variations would be accounted for by introducing heat identifiers in the form A + B log sigma where sigma is the stress and the constants A and B depend only on the heat. With these identifiers all the data could be collapsed onto a single master curve, even though there was considerable scatter among heats. Using these identifiers together with the average behavior of all heats made possible the determination of an accurate constitutive equation for each individual heat. Two basic approaches are discussed for applying the results of the analysis

    A method for using shoreline morphology to predict suspended sediment concentration in tidal creeks

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    Improving mechanistic prediction of shoreline response to sea level rise is currently limited by 1) morphologic complexity of tidal creek shorelines that confounds application of mechanistic models, and 2) availability of suspended sediment measurements to parameterize mechanistic models. To address these challenges we developed a metric to distinguish two morphodynamic classes of tidal creek and tested whether this metric could be used to predict suspended sediment concentration. We studied three small tidal creeks in North Carolina, U.S.A. We collected suspended sediment at one non-tidal and two tidal sites in each creek and measured the wetland and channel width using a geographic information system. In each creek, tidal harmonics were measured for one year, sediment accretion on the salt marsh was measured for three years, and shoreline erosion was measured from aerial photographs spanning 50�years. Additional total suspended solids measurements from seven creeks reported in a national database supplemented our analysis. Among the three intensively studied creeks, shoreline erosion was highest in the most embayed creek (having a wider channel than the width of adjoining wetlands) and lowest in the wetland-dominated creek (having a channel narrower than the width of adjoining wetlands). Wetland sediment accretion rate in the wetland-dominated creek was four times higher than the accretion in the embayed creek. The wetland-dominated tidal creek had over twice the suspended sediment as the most embayed creek. Based on these results, we conclude that our metric of embayed and contrasting wetland-dominated creek morphology provides a guide for choosing between two types of morphodynamic models that are widely used to predict wetland shoreline change. This metric also allowed us to parse the 10 tidal creeks studied into two groups with different suspended sediment concentrations. This relationship between suspended sediment concentration and creek morphology provides a method to estimate sediment concentration for individual tidal creek shorelines from spatial data alone, enabling more accurate parameterization of shoreline change models

    Clarifying Some Remaining Questions in the Anomaly Puzzle

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    We discuss several points that may help to clarify some questions that remain about the anomaly puzzle in supersymmetric theories. In particular, we consider a general N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The anomaly puzzle concerns the question of whether there is a consistent way to put the R-current and the stress tensor in a single supercurrent, even though in the classical theory they are in the same supermultiplet. As is well known, the classically conserved supercurrent bifurcates into two supercurrents having different anomalies in the quantum regime. The most interesting result we obtain is an explicit expression for the lowest component of one of the two supercurrents in 4-dimensional spacetime, namely the supercurrent that has the energy-momentum tensor as one of its components. This expression for the lowest component is an energy-dependent linear combination of two chiral currents, which itself does not correspond to a classically conserved chiral current. The lowest component of the other supercurrent, namely, the R-current, satisfies the Adler-Bardeen theorem. The lowest component of the first supercurrent has an anomaly that we show is consistent with the anomaly of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. Therefore, we conclude that there is no consistent way to put the R-current and the stress tensor in a single supercurrent in the quantized theory. We also discuss and try to clarify some technical points in the derivations of the two-supercurrents in the literature. These latter points concern the significance of infrared contributions to the NSVZ beta-function and the role of the equations of motion in deriving the two supercurrents.Comment: 22 pages, no figure. v2: minor changes. v3: sections re-organized. new subsections (IVA, IVB) added. references adde

    On the Trace Anomaly and the Anomaly Puzzle in N=1 Pure Yang-Mills

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    The trace anomaly of the energy-momentum tensor is usually quoted in the form which is proportional to the beta function of the theory. However, there are in general many definitions of gauge couplings depending on renormalization schemes, and hence many beta functions. In particular, N=1 supersymmetric pure Yang-Mills has the holomorphic gauge coupling whose beta function is one-loop exact, and the canonical gauge coupling whose beta function is given by the Novikov-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov beta function. In this paper, we study which beta function should appear in the trace anomaly in N=1 pure Yang-Mills. We calculate the trace anomaly by employing the N=4 regularization of N=1 pure Yang-Mills. It is shown that the trace anomaly is given by one-loop exact form if the composite operator appearing in the trace anomaly is renormalized in a preferred way. This result gives the simplest resolution to the anomaly puzzle in N=1 pure Yang-Mills. The most important point is to examine in which scheme the quantum action principle is valid, which is crucial in the derivation of the trace anomaly.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v2:slight correction in sec.5, minor addition in appendi

    Pomeron in diffractive processes γ(Q2)pρ0p\gamma^*(Q^2)p\to\rho^0 p and γ(Q2)pγ(Q2)p\gamma^*(Q^2)p\to\gamma^*(Q^2) p at large Q^2: the onset of pQCD

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    We study the reactions γ(Q2)pρ0p\gamma^*(Q^2)p\to\rho^0 p and γ(Q2)pγ(Q2)p\gamma^*(Q^2)p\to\gamma^*(Q^2) p at large Q^2 and W2/Q2W^2/Q^2 and small momentum transfer, κ2\kappa^2_\perp, to the nucleon where the pomeron exchange dominates. At large Q^2 the virtual photon selects a hard qqˉq\bar q pair, thus selecting the hard pomeron component (the BFKL pomeron). The amplitudes for both transverse and longitudinal polarizations of the initial photon and outgoing ρ\rho-meson (photon) are calculated in the framework of the BFKL pomeron exchange. Our calculations show that one cannot expect the early onset of the pure perturbative regime in the discussed diffractive processes: the small interquark distances, ρqqˉ<0.2\rho_{q\bar q} <0.2 fm, start to dominate not earlier than at Q2100GeV2,W2/Q2107Q^2 \simeq 100 GeV^2, W^2/Q^2 \simeq 10^7 in γ(Q2)pρ0p\gamma^*(Q^2)p\to\rho^0 p and Q250GeV2,W2/Q2106Q^2 \simeq 50 GeV^2, W^2/Q^2 \simeq 10^6 in γ(Q2)pγ(Q2)p\gamma^*(Q^2)p\to\gamma^*(Q^2) p.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, epsfig.st

    Dominant Folding Pathways of a WW Domain

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    We investigate the folding mechanism of the WW domain Fip35 using a realistic atomistic force field by applying the Dominant Reaction Pathways (DRP) approach. We find evidence for the existence of two folding pathways, which differ by the order of formation of the two hairpins. This result is consistent with the analysis of the experimental data on the folding kinetics of WW domains and with the results obtained from large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of this system. Free-energy calculations performed in two coarse-grained models support the robustness of our results and suggest that the qualitative structure of the dominant paths are mostly shaped by the native interactions. Computing a folding trajectory in atomistic detail only required about one hour on 48 CPU's. The gain in computational efficiency opens the door to a systematic investigation of the folding pathways of a large number of globular proteins

    Why are MD simulated protein folding times wrong?

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    The question of significant deviations of protein folding times simulated using molecular dynamics from experimental values is investigated. It is shown that in the framework of Markov State Model (MSM) describing the conformational dynamics of peptides and proteins, the folding time is very sensitive to the simulation model parameters, such as forcefield and temperature. Using two peptides as examples, we show that the deviations in the folding times can reach an order of magnitude for modest variations of the molecular model. We, therefore, conclude that the folding rate values obtained in molecular dynamics simulations have to be treated with care

    Adaptive Wolf Management: The Regulated Public Harvest Component

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    Montana’s wolf (Canis lupus) conservation and management plan is based on adaptive management principles and includes regulated public harvest as a population management tool. The need and opportunity to implement public harvest in 2008, 2009, and 2010 required Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) to develop a stepped down adaptive management framework specific to harvest. For 2008 and 2009, FWP set modest objectives: implement a harvest, maintain a recovered population, and begin the learning process to inform development of future hunting regulations and quotas. In 2010, FWP used a formal Structured Decision Making Process to more clearly define priorities and challenges of setting a wolf season, outline objectives of a successful season, and evaluate consequences and trade-offs between alternative management actions. For all years, FWP used a modeling process to simulate a wide range of harvest rates across three harvest units and to predict harvest effects on the minimum number of wolves, packs and breeding pairs. Model inputs were derived from minimum wolf numbers observed in the field. Modeling allowed consideration of a range of harvest quotas, predicted outcomes, and risk that harvest could drive the population below federally-required minimums. It also facilitated explicit consideration of how well a particular quota achieved objectives and how to adapt future regulations and quotas. Legal challenges to federal delisting restricted implementation of the first fair chase hunting season to 2009. Montana’s wolf population is securely recovered, despite the dynamic political and legal environments. Regardless, FWP remains committed to a scientific, data-driven approach to adaptive management

    Residence time distributions in surface transient storage zones in streams : estimation via signal deconvolution

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Water Resources Research 47 (2011): W05509, doi:10.1029/2010WR009959.Little is known about the impact of surface transient storage (STS) zones on reach-scale transport and the fate of dissolved nutrients in streams. Exchange with these locations may influence the rates of nutrient cycling often observed in whole-stream tracer experiments, particularly because they are sites of organic matter collection and lower flow velocities than those observed in the thalweg. We performed a conservative stream tracer experiment (slug of dissolved NaCl) in the Ipswich River in northeastern Massachusetts and collected solute tracer data both in the thalweg and adjacent STS zones at three locations in a fifth-order reach. Tracer time series observed in STS zones are an aggregate of residence time distributions (RTDs) of the upstream transport to that point (RTDTHAL) and that of the temporary storage within these zones (RTDSTS). Here we demonstrate the separation of these two RTDs to determine the RTDSTS specifically. Total residence times for these individual STS zones range from 4.5 to 7.5 h, suggesting that these zones have the potential to host important biogeochemical transformations in stream systems. All of the RTDSTS show substantial deviations from the ideal prescribed by the two-state (mobile/immobile) mass transfer equations. The deviations indicate a model mismatch and that parameter estimation based on the mass transfer equations will yield misleading values.This research was funded by the National Science Foundation, grants DEB 06-14350 and EAR 07- 49035, and DOE grant DE-FG02-07ER15841