227 research outputs found

    High quality InAlN single layers lattice-matched to GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    We report on properties of high quality ~60 nm thick InAlN layers nearly in-plane lattice-matched to GaN, grown on c-plane GaN-on-sapphire templates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Excellent crystalline quality and low surface roughness are confirmed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. High annular dark field observations reveal a periodic in-plane indium content variation (8 nm period), whereas optical measurements evidence certain residual absorption below the band-gap. The indium fluctuation is estimated to be +/- 1.2% around the nominal 17% indium content via plasmon energy oscillations assessed by electron energy loss spectroscopy with sub-nanometric spatial resolution

    Influencia del Porcentaje de SiCp en el Comportamiento a la Corrosión de la Aleación AA6061 Obtenida por Compactación Isostática

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    Se ha estudiado el comportamiento a la corrosión de materiales compuestos A6061/SiCp obtenidos por compactación isostática y extrusión en caliente de polvos mediante ensayos de polarización cíclica. El estudio de la naturaleza de los productos de corrosión se ha llevado a cabo mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) después de la realización de los ensayos, con objeto de estudiar la influencia de la proporción de refuerzo en el comportamiento a la corrosión. El proceso de corrosión está significativamente influenciado por la adición de partículas reforzantes, debido a que las intercaras matriz/SiCp son centros preferentes de ataque localizado por picadura

    Structural properties of InAlN single layers nearly latice-matched to GaN grown by plasma assisted molecular beal epitaxy

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    The high lattice mismatch between III-nitride binaries (InN, GaN and AlN) remains a key problem to grow high quality III-nitride heterostructures. Recent interest has been focused on the growth of high-quality InAlN layers, with approximately 18% of indium incorporation, in-plane lattice-matched (LM) to GaN. While a lot of work has been done by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) by Carlin and co-workers, its growth by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is still in infanc

    Optoelectronic Properties of InAlN/GaN Distributed Bragg Reflector Heterostructure Examined by Valence

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    High-resolution monochromated electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) at subnanometric spatial resolution and <200 meV energy resolution has been used to assess the valence band properties of a distributed Bragg reflector multilayer heterostructure composed of InAlN lattice matched to GaN. This work thoroughly presents the collection of methods and computational tools put together for this task. Among these are zero-loss-peak subtraction and nonlinear fitting tools, and theoretical modeling of the electron scattering distribution. EELS analysis allows retrieval of a great amount of information: indium concentration in the InAlN layers is monitored through the local plasmon energy position and calculated using a bowing parameter version of Vegard Law. Also a dielectric characterization of the InAlN and GaN layers has been performed through Kramers-Kronig analysis of the Valence-EELS data, allowing band gap energy to be measured and an insight on the polytypism of the GaN layers

    Insight into the compositional and structural nano features of AlN/GaN DBRs by EELS-HAADF

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    : III-V nitride ~AlGa!N distributed Bragg reflector devices are characterized by combined high-angle annular dark-field ~HAADF! and electron energy loss spectroscopy ~EELS! in the scanning transmission electron microscope. Besides the complete structural characterization of the AlN and GaN layers, the formation of AlGaN transient layers is revealed using Vegard law on profiles of the position of the bulk plasmon peak maximum. This result is confirmed by comparison of experimental and simulated HAADF intensities. In addition, we present an advantageous method for the characterization of nano-feature structures using low-loss EELS spectrum image ~EEL-SI! analysis. Information from the materials in the sample is extracted from these EEL-SI at high spatial resolution.The log-ratio formula is used to calculate the relative thickness, related to the electron inelastic mean free path. Fitting of the bulk plasmon is performed using a damped plasmon model ~DPM! equation. The maximum of this peak is related to the chemical composition variation using the previous Vegard law analysis. In addition, within the context of the DPM, information regarding the structural properties of the material can be obtained from the lifetime of the oscillation. Three anomalous segregation regions are characterized, revealing formation of metallic Al islands

    Primely generated refinement monoids

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    We extend both Dobbertin's characterization of primely generated regular refinement monoids and Pierce's characterization of primitive monoids to general primely generated refinement monoids.The first-named author was partially supported by DGI MINECO MTM2011-28992-C02-01, by FEDER UNAB10-4E-378 "Una manera de hacer Europa", and by the Comissionat per Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya. The second-named author was partially supported by the DGI and European Regional Development Fund, jointly, through Project MTM2011-28992-C02-02, and by PAI III grants FQM-298 and P11-FQM-7156 of the Junta de Andalucía

    Imatinib inhibits proliferation of Ewing tumor cells mediated by the stem cell factor/KIT receptor pathway, and sensitizes cells to vincristine and doxorubicin-induced apoptosis

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    Purpose and Experimental Design: The stem cell factor/ KIT receptor loop may represent a novel target for molecular- based therapies of Ewing tumor. We analyzed the in vitro impact of KIT blockade by imatinib in Ewing tumor cell lines. Results: KIT expression was detected in 4 of 4 Ewing tumor cell lines and in 49 of 110 patient samples (44.5%) by immunohistochemistry and/or Western blot analysis. KIT expression was stronger in Ewing tumors showing EWSFLI1 nontype 1 fusions. Despite absence of c-kit mutations, constitutive and ligand-inducible phosphorylation of KIT was found in all tumor cell lines, indicating an active receptor. Treatment with KIT tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib (0.5–20 M) induced down-regulation of KIT phosphorylation and dose response inhibition of cell proliferation (IC50, 12–15 M). However, imatinib administered alone at doses close to IC50 for growth inhibition (10 M) did not induce a significant increase in apoptosis. We then analyzed if blockade of KIT loop through imatinib (10 M) was able to increase the antitumor in vitro effect of doxorubicin (DXR)and vincristine (VCR), drugs usually used in Ewing tumor treatment. Addition of imatinib decreased in 15–20 and 15–36% of the proliferative rate of Ewing tumor cells exposed to DXR and VCR, respectively, and increased in 15 and 30% of the apoptotic rate of Ewing tumor cells exposed to the same drugs. Conclusions: Inhibition of Ewing tumor cell proliferation by imatinib is mediated through blockade of KIT receptor signaling. Inhibition of KIT increases sensitivity of these cells to DXR and VCR. This study supports a potential role for imatinib in the treatment of Ewing tumor

    Selective area growth of a- and c-plane GaN nanocolumns by molecular beam epitaxy using colloidal nanolithography

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    Selective area growth of a-plane GaN nanocolumns by molecular beam epitaxy was performed for the first time on a-plane GaN templates. Ti masks with 150 nm diameter nanoholes were fabricated by colloidal lithography, an easy, fast and cheap process capable to handle large areas. Even though colloidal lithography does not provide a perfect geometrical arrangement like e-beam lithography, it produces a very homogeneous mask in terms of nanohole diameter and density, and is used here for the first time for the selective area growth of GaN. Selective area growth of a-plane GaN nanocolumns is compared, in terms of anisotropic lateral and vertical growth rates, with GaN nanocolumns grown selectively on the c-plan

    Optical and structural properties of InAlN/GaN Bragg reflectors examined by transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    Molecular beam epitaxy growth of ten-period lattice-matched InAlN/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) with peak reflectivity centered around 400nm is reported including optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements [1]. Good periodicity heterostructures with crack-free surfaces were confirmed, but, also a significant residual optical absorption below the bandgap was measured. The TEM characterization ascribes the origin of this problem to polymorfism and planar defects in the GaN layers and to the existence of an In-rich layer at the InAlN/GaN interfaces. In this work, several TEM based techniques have been combined

    Plan de negocios para la creaci?n de una empresa distribuidora de huevos frescos enfocada a los sectores panadero y pastelero en la ciudad de Arequipa

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    El objetivo general de esta tesis es elaborar un plan de negocios para la implementaci?n de una empresa dedicada a la distribuci?n de huevos frescos de granja dirigida a los sectores panadero, pastelero y de catering en la ciudad de Arequipa, determinando su viabilidad t?cnica y econ?mica, cuyo p?blico objetivo pertenezca a los NSE?s A y B. El mercado re?ne las condiciones adecuadas para que la empresa pueda operar, considerando la situaci?n econ?mica actual y las normas adecuadas vigentes; adem?s del impulso a la inversi?n privada. Los h?bitos y actitudes de compra de los principales clientes muestran caracter?sticas esperadas y la segmentaci?n de los niveles socioecon?micos ratifican un mercado potencial atractivo. De igual modo, el an?lisis de los competidores ratifica la existencia de un mercado con operadores formales e informales, enfocando a la empresa en el grupo de los operadores formales. El proceso metodol?gico para el desarrollo de la investigaci?n empleada en la aplicaci?n del estudio de mercado, se han empleado las t?cnicas de investigaci?n exploratoria y luego descriptiva, con el prop?sito de determinar aspectos como la calidad del servicio de entrega de los huevos de parte de los proveedores actuales, la calidad y nivel de estandarizaci?n de los huevos