102 research outputs found
Symbolic Explanation of Similarities in Case-based Reasoning
CBR systems solve problems by assessing their similarity with already solved problems (cases). Explanation of a CBR system prediction usually consists of showing the user the set of cases that are most similar to the current problem. Examining those retrieved cases the user can then assess whether the prediction is sensible. Using the notion of symbolic similarity, our proposal is to show the user a symbolic description that makes explicit what the new problem has in common with the retrieved cases. Specifically, we use the notion of anti-unification (least general generalization) to build symbolic similarity descriptions. We present an explanation scheme using anti-unification for CBR systems applied to classification tasks. This scheme focuses on symbolically describing what is shared between the current problem and the retrieved cases that belong to different classes. Examining these descriptions of symbolic similarities the user can assess which aspects are determining that a problem is classified one way or another. The paper exemplifies this proposal with an implemented application of the symbolic similarity scheme to the domain of predicting the carcinogenic activity of chemical compounds
Absolute type shaft encoding using LFSR sequences with prescribed length
Maximal-length binary sequences have been known for
a long time. They have many interesting properties, one of them
is that when taken in blocks of
consecutive positions they form
1 diÆerent codes in a closed circular sequence. This property
can be used for measuring absolute angular positions as the circle
can be divided in as many parts as diÆerent codes can be retrieved.
This paper describes how can a closed binary sequence with arbitrary
length be eÆectively designed with the minimal possible block-length,
linear feedback shift registers
(LFSR). Such sequences can be
used for measuring a speciØed exact number of angular positions,
using the minimal possible number of sensors that linear methods
allowPostprint (published version
Autofluorescence and diagnostic accuracy of lesions of oral mucosa: a pilot study
The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of autofluorescence techniques for diagnosing oral mucosa lesions, using as reference pattern for comparison the visual diagnosis made by a clinical specialist. A pilot study was conducted with 60 patients divided in a control group without mucosal pathology and a study group with known clinical history for mucosal pathology. Both groups were examined by an oral medicine specialist and by a general dentist who used VELscope(r) system, which applies tissue fluorescence visualization to identify oral mucosal abnormalities. Using the VELscope(r) system, the general dentist made overdiagnosis in two cases and underdiagnosis in one case. The sensitivity and specificity for the oral medicine specialist were 1 (95% CI: 0.884 to 1). For the general dentist, the sensitivity did not improve significantly with the use of VELscope(r) system [0.53 (95% CI: 0.343 to 0.717) versus 0.49 (95% CI: 0.406 to 0.773)] and the specificity was 0.80 (95% CI: 0.614 to 0.923). A limitation of the study is the small sample size, which does not fully represent a population and extrapolation of the data should be done carefully. Based on the obtained results, no clinical benefits were obtained using this VELscope(r) system
Adiciones y correcciones a la orquidoflora valenciana, V
Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones raros en la Comunidad
Valenciana; a destacar la presencia de Orchis papilionacea subsp. grandiflora en
Villena y Orchis collina en Santa Pola y Orihuela. También aportamos el
comportamiento heterotrófico de Cephalanthera longifolia como novedad para España
Absolute type shaft encoding using LFSR
Maximal-length binary sequences have been known for a long time. They have many interesting properties, one of them is that when taken in blocks of n consecutive positions they form 2ⁿ-1 different codes in a closed circular sequence. This property can be used for measuring absolute angular positions as the circle can be divided in as many parts as different codes can be retrieved. This paper describes how can a closed binary sequence with arbitrary length be effectively designed with the minimal possible block-length, using linear feedback shift registers (LFSR). Such sequences can be used for measuring a specified exact number of angular positions, using the minimal possible number of sensors that linear methods allow
Massive necrotizing fasciitis : a life threatening entity
Altres ajuts: The authors want to thank the Dr. Vilallonga Foundation for the financial support in the preparation of this article (http://www.fundacioramonvilallonga.org).Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a complicated soft tissue infection frequently associated with severe sepsis if an early medical and surgical treatment is not performed. We report two postoperative cases of severe NF after oophorectomy and colorectal resection. Because of the similarity with more benign skin infections at the early steps, clinical suspicion is crucial. Surgical exploration and resection will provide both the diagnosis confirming necrotizing infection of the fascia with vessels and treatment. Also, empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics must be initiated as soon as possible. Regardless of the presence of risk factors, NF is a condition with a high mortality rate and only an expeditious and undelayed treatment may improve the patient's outcome. Surgical focus control requires wide and repeated resections, and planned reconstructive plastic surgery might be necessary
Quantum LEAP (Learning English for Academic Purposes). Un entorn virtual amb materials multimèdia interactius per a estudiants universitaris
La Secció d’Anglès de la UPC i el Departament d’Anglès i Lingüística de la UdL han centrat els seus esforços en la millora de la qualitat i la innovació docents a les nostres universitats. En aquest sentit, estem treballant en el desenvolupament de materials docents i en la creació de noves eines pedagògiques per aconseguir que els nostres estudiants puguin comunicar-se en anglès en situacions pròpies del món acadèmic i professional de l'àmbit tècnic. El projecte presentat es va plantejar arrel de l’experiència anterior dels membres d’aquest equip de treball en l’ús de les TIC en l’aprenentatge d’anglès a través de projectes finançats en els últims cinc anys. Recentment, s’ha incorporat a l’equip un expert del Departament de Filologia Anglogermànica de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili per tractar qüestions relacionades amb la pronunciació.
La finalitat del projecte era desenvolupar un entorn virtual per l’aprenentatge d’anglès acadèmic (“Quantum LEAP: Learning English for Academic Purposes”) i alhora crear tot un seguit de materials docents que donin contingut a aquest entorn, de manera que els estudiants puguin disposar d’un accés directe a una gran varietat de materials per l’aprenentatge autònom, la consulta o la pràctica. Així, s’ha creat un entorn virtual d’aprenentatge que té una finalitat dual: servir de suport a les diferents assignatures d’anglès acadèmic a les nostres universitats i, alhora, de recurs personalitzat per a cadascun dels estudiants
Anàlisi de l’estructura dels materials multimèdia interactius per a estudiants universitaris proposats en el projecte “Quantum LEAP (Learning English for Academic Purposes)”
El projecte “Quantum LEAP (Learning English for Academic Purposes)” té per objectiu desenvolupar un entorn virtual per l’aprenentatge d’anglès acadèmic i crear els materials docents que donessin contingut a aquest entorn. L’entorn virtual d’aprenentatge resultant té la finalitat dual de servir de suport a les assignatures d’anglès acadèmic impartides a la UPC, la UdL i la URV, i de recurs personalitzat per l’aprenentatge autònom. Aquesta presentació pretén donar una visió general del projecte mitjançant l’anàlisi i la descripció d’un mòdul tipus del material dissenyat pel projecte. L’exposició mostra la varietat de temes escollits per tal d’afavorir, mitjançant la motivació pel tema escollit, tant l’adquisició com la pràctica d’anglès acadèmic. A partir
de l’anàlisi dels materials relacionats amb un d’aquest temes, s’exemplifica la pluralitat de material autèntic utilitzat així com la varietat d’activitats proposades destinades a la pràctica i l’adquisició d’anglès acadèmic. També es fa esment de l’atenció que s’ha prestat en incloure material que indueixi l’estudiantat a reflexionar sobre l’ús del llenguatge per tal d’aconseguir la consciència lingüística necessària per incrementar tant la comprensió com la precisió d'ús.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Massive necrotizing fasciitis: a life threatening entity
Fascitis necrosant; Diagnòstic; AntibiòticsNecrotizing fasciitis; Diagnostics; AntibioticsFascitis necrosante; Diagnóstico; AntibióticosNecrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a complicated soft tissue infection frequently associated with severe sepsis if an early medical and surgical treatment is not performed. We report two postoperative cases of severe NF after oophorectomy and colorectal resection. Because of the similarity with more benign skin infections at the early steps, clinical suspicion is crucial. Surgical exploration and resection will provide both the diagnosis confirming necrotizing infection of the fascia with vessels and treatment. Also, empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics must be initiated as soon as possible. Regardless of the presence of risk factors, NF is a condition with a high mortality rate and only an expeditious and undelayed treatment may improve the patient’s outcome. Surgical focus control requires wide and repeated resections, and planned reconstructive plastic surgery might be necessary
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