107 research outputs found

    TransCent: Computational enzyme design by transferring active sites and considering constraints relevant for catalysis

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    BACKGROUND: Computational enzyme design is far from being applicable for the general case. Due to computational complexity and limited knowledge of the structure-function interplay, heuristic methods have to be used. RESULTS: We have developed TransCent, a computational enzyme design method supporting the transfer of active sites from one enzyme to an alternative scaffold. In an optimization process, it balances requirements originating from four constraints. These are 1) protein stability, 2) ligand binding, 3) pKa values of active site residues, and 4) structural features of the active site. Each constraint is handled by an individual software module. Modules processing the first three constraints are based on state-of-the-art concepts, i.e. RosettaDesign, DrugScore, and PROPKA. To account for the fourth constraint, knowledge-based potentials are utilized. The contribution of modules to the performance of TransCent was evaluated by means of a recapitulation test. The redesign of oxidoreductase cytochrome P450 was analyzed in detail. As a first application, we present and discuss models for the transfer of active sites in enzymes sharing the frequently encountered triosephosphate isomerase fold. CONCLUSION: A recapitulation test on native enzymes showed that TransCent proposes active sites that resemble the native enzyme more than those generated by RosettaDesign alone. Additional tests demonstrated that each module contributes to the overall performance in a statistically significant manner

    Tiokarbamåt-maradvånyok gåz - folyadék kromatogråfiås meghatårozåsa

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    Die Methode ist als schnelle und selektive gaschromatographische Bestimmung der RĂŒckstĂ€nden von fĂŒnf Thiokarbamat-Herbiziden (EPTC, Butilate, Pebulate, Molinate, Cycloate). Die angewandte SĂ€ulenfĂŒllung war 3% OV - 17/Gas Chrom Q 150—180 /im, die Detektion erfolgte durch einen phosphor- und stickstoffselektiven Alkaliflammenionisationsdetektor. Die PeakflĂ€che war im Beriech 0,01 — 100 ng mit guter Korrelation fĂŒr alle untersuchten Tiokarbamaten linear. Zur Bestimmung nebeneinander der fĂŒnf Verbindungen ist ein Temperaturprogramm anzuwenden. Bei Mustern pflanzlicher Herkunft ist eine Nachweisgrenee + 0,005 mg/kg fĂŒr EPTC zu erreichen. The method can be used for selective and quick GLC determination of the residues of five thiolcarbamate herbicides (EPTC, butilate, pebulate, molinate, Cycloate). Column packing: 3% OV—17 on Gas Chrom Q 150— 180 pm. The detection was carried out with phosphor and nitrogen selective alkali flame ionization detector (PN-AFID). The peak area proved to be linear with strict correlation in the range of 0.01 — 100 ng in case of all examined thiolcarbamate. For simultaneous determination of the compounds application of temperature programming is necessary. Detection limit is 0.005 mg/kg measuring EPTC in samples of plant origin. On emploie une mĂ©thode chromatographique vite et selective pour le dosage des rĂ©sidues de cinq thiocarbamates-herbicides (EPTC, butylate, pebulate, molinate, cycloate). La colonne est chargĂ©e de 3% OV— 17 sur un support Gas Chrom Q 150-180 цт. La dĂ©tection est rĂ©alisĂ©e avec un dĂ©tecteur d’ionisation Ă€ flamme alcaline sĂ©lectif pour l’azote et phosphore. L’aire au-dessous du poin de rebroussement a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e linĂ©aire avec une bonne corrĂ©lation dans la rĂ©gion de 0,01 — 100 ng pour tous les thiocarbamates analysĂ©s. On doit pratiquer un programme Ă€ temperature pour le dosage des composĂ©s les uns contre les autres. Cette mĂ©thode permet d’atteindre de sensibilitĂ© de detection de 0,005 mg/kg en cas du dosage de la teneur en EPTC des Ă©chantillons de plantes

    Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial GatFAB reveals a novel subunit assembly in tRNA-dependent amidotransferases

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    Yeast mitochondrial Gln-mtRNAGln is synthesized by the transamidation of mischarged Glu-mtRNAGln by a non-canonical heterotrimeric tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT). The GatA and GatB subunits of the yeast AdT (GatFAB) are well conserved among bacteria and eukaryota, but the GatF subunit is a fungi-specific ortholog of the GatC subunit found in all other known heterotrimeric AdTs (GatCAB). Here we report the crystal structure of yeast mitochondrial GatFAB at 2.0 Å resolution. The C-terminal region of GatF encircles the GatA-GatB interface in the same manner as GatC, but the N-terminal extension domain (NTD) of GatF forms several additional hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions with GatA. NTD-deletion mutants displayed growth defects, but retained the ability to respire. Truncation of the NTD in purified mutants reduced glutaminase and transamidase activities when glutamine was used as the ammonia donor, but increased transamidase activity relative to the full-length enzyme when the donor was ammonium chloride. Our structure-based functional analyses suggest the NTD is a trans-acting scaffolding peptide for the GatA glutaminase active site. The positive surface charge and novel fold of the GatF-GatA interface, shown in this first crystal structure of an organellar AdT, stand in contrast with the more conventional, negatively charged bacterial AdTs described previousl

    The small GTPase Arf1 regulates ATP synthesis and mitochondria homeostasis by modulating fatty acid metabolism

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    Lipid mobilization through fatty acid ÎČ-oxidation is a central process essential for energy 36 production during nutrient shortage. In yeast, this catabolic process starts in the peroxisome from where ÎČ-oxidation products enter mitochondria and fuel the TCA cycle. Little is known about the physical and metabolic cooperation between these organelles. We found that expression of fatty acid transporters and of the rate-limiting enzyme involved in ÎČ-oxidation are decreased in cells expressing a hyperactive mutant of the small GTPase Arf1, leading to an accumulation of fatty acids in lipid droplets. As a consequence, mitochondria became fragmented and ATP synthesis decreased. Genetic and pharmacological depletion of fatty acids phenocopied the arf1 mutant mitochondrial phenotype. Although ÎČ-oxidation occurs mainly in mitochondria in mammals, Arf1's role in fatty acid metabolism is conserved. Together, our results indicate that Arf1 integrates metabolism into energy production by regulating fatty acid storage and utilization, and presumably organelle contact-sites

    Nonconventional localizations of cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in yeast and human cells

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    International audienceKeywords: aaRS tRNA Yeast Human Microscopy Fractionation MTS NLS a b s t r a c t By definition, cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) should be restricted to the cytosol of eukary-otic cells where they supply translating ribosomes with their aminoacyl-tRNA substrates. However, it has been shown that other translationally-active compartments like mitochondria and plastids can simultaneously contain the cytosolic aaRS and its corresponding organellar ortholog suggesting that both forms do not share the same organellar function. In addition, a fair number of cytosolic aaRSs have also been found in the nucleus of cells from several species. Hence, these supposedly cytosolic-restricted enzymes have instead the potential to be multi-localized. As expected, in all examples that were studied so far, when the cytosolic aaRS is imported inside an organelle that already contains its bona fide corresponding organellar-restricted aaRSs, the cytosolic form was proven to exert a nonconventional and essential function. Some of these essential functions include regulating homeostasis and protecting against various stresses. It thus becomes critical to assess meticulously the subcellular localization of each of these cytosolic aaRSs to unravel their additional roles. With this objective in mind, we provide here a review on what is currently known about cytosolic aaRSs multi-compartmentalization and we describe all commonly used protocols and procedures for identifying the compartments in which cytosolic aaRSs relocal-ize in yeast and human cells
