362 research outputs found

    Spacetime Slices and Surfaces of Revolution

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    Under certain conditions, a (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional slice g^\hat{g} of a spherically symmetric black hole spacetime can be equivariantly embedded in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional Minkowski space. The embedding depends on a real parameter that corresponds physically to the surface gravity κ\kappa of the black hole horizon. Under conditions that turn out to be closely related, a real surface that possesses rotational symmetry can be equivariantly embedded in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. The embedding does not obviously depend on a parameter. However, the Gaussian curvature is given by a simple formula: If the metric is written g=ϕ(r)−1dr2+ϕ(r)dθ2g = \phi(r)^{-1} dr^2 + \phi(r) d\theta^2, then \K_g=-{1/2}\phi''(r). This note shows that metrics gg and g^\hat{g} occur in dual pairs, and that the embeddings described above are orthogonal facets of a single phenomenon. In particular, the metrics and their respective embeddings differ by a Wick rotation that preserves the ambient symmetry. Consequently, the embedding of gg depends on a real parameter. The ambient space is not smooth, and κ\kappa is inversely proportional to the cone angle at the axis of rotation. Further, the Gaussian curvature of g^\hat{g} is given by a simple formula that seems not to be widely known.Comment: 15 pages, added reference

    Use of NOAA-N satellites for land/water discrimination and flood monitoring

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    A tool for monitoring the extent of major floods was developed using data collected by the NOAA-6 advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR). A basic understanding of the spectral returns in AVHRR channels 1 and 2 for water, soil, and vegetation was reached using a large number of NOAA-6 scenes from different seasons and geographic locations. A look-up table classifier was developed based on analysis of the reflective channel relationships for each surface feature. The classifier automatically separated land from water and produced classification maps which were registered for a number of acquisitions, including coverage of a major flood on the Parana River of Argentina

    Assessment of NASA's Physiographic and Meteorological Datasets as Input to HSPF and SWAT Hydrological Models

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    This paper documents the use of simulated Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer land use/land cover (MODIS-LULC), NASA-LIS generated precipitation and evapo-transpiration (ET), and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) datasets (in conjunction with standard land use, topographical and meteorological datasets) as input to hydrological models routinely used by the watershed hydrology modeling community. The study is focused in coastal watersheds in the Mississippi Gulf Coast although one of the test cases focuses in an inland watershed located in northeastern State of Mississippi, USA. The decision support tools (DSTs) into which the NASA datasets were assimilated were the Soil Water & Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF). These DSTs are endorsed by several US government agencies (EPA, FEMA, USGS) for water resources management strategies. These models use physiographic and meteorological data extensively. Precipitation gages and USGS gage stations in the region were used to calibrate several HSPF and SWAT model applications. Land use and topographical datasets were swapped to assess model output sensitivities. NASA-LIS meteorological data were introduced in the calibrated model applications for simulation of watershed hydrology for a time period in which no weather data were available (1997-2006). The performance of the NASA datasets in the context of hydrological modeling was assessed through comparison of measured and model-simulated hydrographs. Overall, NASA datasets were as useful as standard land use, topographical , and meteorological datasets. Moreover, NASA datasets were used for performing analyses that the standard datasets could not made possible, e.g., introduction of land use dynamics into hydrological simulation

    Total angular momentum from Dirac eigenspinors

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    The eigenvalue problem for Dirac operators, constructed from two connections on the spinor bundle over closed spacelike 2-surfaces, is investigated. A class of divergence free vector fields, built from the eigenspinors, are found, which, for the lowest eigenvalue, reproduce the rotation Killing vectors of metric spheres, and provide rotation BMS vector fields at future null infinity. This makes it possible to introduce a well defined, gauge invariant spatial angular momentum at null infinity, which reduces to the standard expression in stationary spacetimes. The general formula for the angular momentum flux carried away be the gravitational radiation is also derived.Comment: 34 pages, typos corrected, four references added, appearing in Class. Quantum Gra

    Natural killer cells attenuate cytomegalovirus-induced hearing loss in mice

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    <div><p>Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most common non-hereditary cause of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) yet the mechanisms of hearing loss remain obscure. Natural Killer (NK) cells play a critical role in regulating murine CMV infection via NK cell recognition of the Ly49H cell surface receptor of the viral-encoded m157 ligand expressed at the infected cell surface. This Ly49H NK receptor/m157 ligand interaction has been found to mediate host resistance to CMV in the spleen, and lung, but is much less effective in the liver, so it is not known if this interaction is important in the context of SNHL. Using a murine model for CMV-induced labyrinthitis, we have demonstrated that the Ly49H/m157 interaction mediates host resistance in the temporal bone. BALB/c mice, which lack functional Ly49H, inoculated with mCMV at post-natal day 3 developed profound hearing loss and significant outer hair cell loss by 28 days of life. In contrast, C57BL/6 mice, competent for the Ly49H/m157 interaction, had minimal hearing loss and attenuated outer hair cell loss with the same mCMV dose. Administration of Ly49H blocking antibody or inoculation with a mCMV viral strain deleted for the m157 gene rendered the previously resistant C57BL/6 mouse strain susceptible to hearing loss to a similar extent as the BALB/c mouse strain indicating a direct role of the Ly49H/m157 interaction in mCMV-dependent hearing loss. Additionally, NK cell recruitment to sites of infection was evident in the temporal bone of inoculated susceptible mouse strains. These results demonstrate participation of NK cells in protection from CMV-induced labyrinthitis and SNHL in mice.</p></div

    Global distribution of a wild alga revealed by targeted metagenomics

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    Eukaryotic phytoplankton play key roles in atmospheric CO2 uptake and sequestration in marine environments 1, 2. Community shifts attributed to climate change have already been reported in the Arctic ocean, where tiny, photosynthetic picoeukaryotes (≤3 μm diameter) have increased, while larger taxa have decreased [3]. Unfortunately, for vast regions of the world's oceans, little is known about distributions of different genera and levels of genetic variation between ocean basins. This lack of baseline information makes it impossible to assess the impacts of environmental change on phytoplankton diversity, and global carbon cycling. A major knowledge impediment is that these organisms are highly diverse, and most remain uncultured [2]. Metagenomics avoids the culturing step and provides insights into genes present in the environment without some of the biases associated with conventional molecular survey methods. However, connecting metagenomic sequences to the organisms containing them is challenging. For many unicellular eukaryotes the reference genomes needed to make this connection are not available. We circumvented this problem using at-sea fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) to separate abundant natural populations of photosynthetic eukaryotes and sequence their DNA, generating reference genome information while eliminating the need for culturing [2]. Here, we present the complete chloroplast genome from an Atlantic picoeukaryote population and discoveries it enabled on the evolution, distribution, and potential carbon sequestration role of a tiny, wild alg
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