274 research outputs found

    Retrospection in interpreting and translation: explaining the process?

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    Retrospection is one of the few research methods equally suitable for studying the processes involved in both translation and interpreting. At the first workshop on research methods in process-oriented research (Graz 2009), we presented the results of a pilot study of retrospection as a research method, published as Englund Dimitrova & Tiselius (2009). The study involved data from two groups (15 years of professional experience vs. no professional experience), each with 3+3 subjects (interpreter subjects vs. translator subjects, all with Swedish as their L1). The source text was a 10-minute plenary speech in English from the European Parliament, interpreted simultaneously into Swedish. For the translation data, the translator subjects translated the original European Parliament transcript of the speech, 1,093 words, using Translog. After the task, subjects did immediate retrospection. The first analysis of the data indicated that a challenge when using retrospection is that subjects tend to report having forgotten about some of their processes. In this paper we report an analysis of the process data in relation to the retrospective protocols. Our focus is on reported problems and the occurrences of problem indicators in the process. It was found that most reported problems are confirmed by the presence of problem indicators in the process. However, the majority of problem indicators found in the process do not correspond to any reported problem. Hence, the subjects’ problem reports can only explain a limited number of the potential problems in the process. The need for further research into retrospection as a research method in Translation Studies is pointed out.La retrospección es uno de los pocos métodos de investigación igualmente adecuados para estudiar los procesos de traducción y de interpretación. En el primer taller sobre métodos de investigación de procesos (Graz 2009), se presentaron los resultados de un estudio piloto sobre la retrospección como método de investigación, publicado como Englund Dimitrova & Tiselius ( 2009) . El estudio incluía datos de dos grupos (15 años de experiencia profesional frente a inexperiencia profesional), cada uno con 3+3 sujetos (intérpretes y traductores, todos con sueco como L1). El texto original era un discurso de 10 minutos en inglés del Parlamento Europeo, interpretado simultáneamente al sueco. Para la traducción, los sujetos traductores usaron la transcripción original del discurso, de 1.093 palabras, usando Translog. Tras la tarea, los sujetos efectuaron retrospección inmediata. El primer análisis de los datos indicó que un reto al usar la retrospección es que los sujetos tienden a informar que han olvidado algunos de sus procesos. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de los datos del proceso en relación con los protocolos retrospectivos. Nuestra atención se ha centrado en contrastar los problemas declarados con las ocurrencias de indicadores de problemas en el proceso. Encontramos que la mayoría de los problemas declarados se confirman por la presencia de indicadores de problemas en el proceso. No obstante, la mayoría de los indicadores de problemas que se encontraron en el proceso no se corresponden con ningún problema declarado. Por lo tanto, los informes de problemas de los sujetos sólo pueden explicar un número limitado de los problemas potenciales del proceso. Ello apunta a la necesidad de seguir investigando la retrospección como método de investigación en los estudios de traducción

    A Factor Analytic Approach to Symptom Patterns in Dementia

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    Previous publications have shown a high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of three short clinical rating scales for Alzheimer's disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and vascular dementia (VaD) validated against neuropathological (NP) diagnoses. In this study, the aim was to perform an exploratory factor analysis of the items in these clinical rating scales. The study included 190 patients with postmortem diagnoses of AD (n = 74), VaD (n = 33), mixed AD/VaD (n = 31), or FTD (n = 52). The factor analysis produced three strong factors. Factor 1 contained items describing cerebrovascular disease, similar to the Hachinski Ischemic Score. Factor 2 enclosed major clinical characteristics of FTD, and factor 3 showed a striking similarity to the AD scale. A fourth symptom cluster was described by perception and expression of emotions. The factor analyses strongly support the construct validity of the diagnostic rating scales

    Spatio-temporal activation of caspase-8 in myeloid cells upon ischemic stroke

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    Ischemic stroke (caused by thrombosis, embolism or vasoconstriction) lead to the recruitment and activation of immune cells including resident microglia and infiltrating peripheral macrophages, which contribute to an inflammatory response involved in regulation of the neuronal damage. We showed earlier that upon pro-inflammatory stimuli, the orderly activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3/7 regulates microglia activation through a protein kinase C-δ dependent pathway. Here, we present in vivo evidence for the activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3 in microglia/macrophages in post-mortem tissue from human ischemic stroke subjects. Indeed, CD68-positive microglia/macrophages in the ischemic peri-infarct area exhibited significant expression of the cleaved and active form of caspase-8 and caspase-3. The temporal and spatial activation of caspase-8 was further investigated in a permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion mouse model of ischemic stroke. Increasing levels of active caspase-8 was found in Iba1-positive cells over time in the peri-infarct area, at 6, 24 and 48 h after artery occlusion. Analysis of post-mortem brain tissue from human subject who suffered two stroke events, referred as recent and old stroke, revealed that expression of cleaved caspase-8 and -3 in CD68-positive cells could only be found in the recent stroke area. Analysis of cleaved caspase-8 and -3 expressions in a panel of human stroke cases arranged upon days-after stroke and age-matched controls suggested that the expression of these caspases correlated with the time of onset of stroke. Collectively, these data illustrate the temporal and spatial activation of caspase-8 and -3 in microglia/macrophages occurring upon ischemic stroke and suggest that the expression of these caspases could be used in neuropathological diagnostic wor

    Triiodothyronine modulates neuronal plasticity mechanisms to enhance functional outcome after stroke

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    The development of new therapeutic approaches for stroke patients requires a detailed understanding of the mechanisms that enhance recovery of lost neurological functions. The efficacy to enhance homeostatic mechanisms during the first weeks after stroke will influence functional outcome. Thyroid hormones (TH) are essential regulators of neuronal plasticity, however, their role in recovery related mechanisms of neuronal plasticity after stroke remains unknown. This study addresses important findings of 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) in the regulation of homeostatic mechanisms that adjust excitability - inhibition ratio in the post-ischemic brain. This is valid during the first 2 weeks after experimental stroke induced by photothrombosis (PT) and in cultured neurons subjected to an in vitro model of acute cerebral ischemia. In the human post-stroke brain, we assessed the expression pattern of TH receptors (TR) protein levels, important for mediating T3 actions.Our results show that T3 modulates several plasticity mechanisms that may operate on different temporal and spatial scales as compensatory mechanisms to assure appropriate synaptic neurotransmission. We have shown in vivo that long-term administration of T3 after PT significantly (1) enhances lost sensorimotor function; (2) increases levels of synaptotagmin 1&2 and levels of the post-synaptic GluR2 subunit in AMPA receptors in the peri-infarct area; (3) increases dendritic spine density in the peri-infarct and contralateral region and (4) decreases tonic GABAergic signaling in the peri-infarct area by a reduced number of parvalbumin+ / c-fos+ neurons and glutamic acid decarboxylase 65/67 levels. In addition, we have shown that T3 modulates in vitro neuron membrane properties with the balance of inward glutamate ligand-gated channels currents and decreases synaptotagmin levels in conditions of deprived oxygen and glucose. Interestingly, we found increased levels of TRβ1 in the infarct core of post-mortem human stroke patients, which mediate T3 actions. Summarizing, our data identify T3 as a potential key therapeutic agent to enhance recovery of lost neurological functions after ischemic stroke.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Small vessel disease in primary familial brain calcification with novel truncating PDGFB variants

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    Introduction. Primary familial brain calcification (PFBC) is a neurodegenerative disease characterised by bilateral calcification in the brain, especially in the basal ganglia, leading to neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations. White matter hyperintensities (WMH) have been described in patients with PFBC and pathogenic variants in the gene for platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide (PDGFB), suggesting a manifest cerebrovascular process. We present below the cases of two PFBC families with PDGFB variants and stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) episodes. We examine the possible correlation between PFBC and vascular events as stroke/TIA, and evaluate whether signs for vascular disease in this condition are systemic or limited to the cerebral vessels. Material and methods. Two Swedish families with novel truncating PDGFB variants, p.Gln140* and p.Arg191*, are described clinically and radiologically. Subcutaneous capillary vessels in affected and unaffected family members were examined by light and electron microscopy. Results. All mutation carriers showed WMH and bilateral brain calcifications. The clinical presentations differed, with movement disorder symptoms dominating in family A, and psychiatric symptoms in family B. However, affected members of both families had stroke, TIA, and/or asymptomatic intracerebral ischaemic lesions. Only one of the patients had classical vascular risk factors. Skin microvasculature was normal. Conclusions. Patients with these PDGFB variants develop microvascular changes in the brain, but not the skin. PDGFB-related small vessel disease can manifest radiologically as cerebral haemorrhage or ischaemia, and may explain TIA or stroke in patients without other vascular risk factors

    Quantification of microscopic diffusion anisotropy disentangles effects of orientation dispersion from microstructure: Applications in healthy volunteers and in brain tumors

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    AbstractThe anisotropy of water diffusion in brain tissue is affected by both disease and development. This change can be detected using diffusion MRI and is often quantified by the fractional anisotropy (FA) derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Although FA is sensitive to anisotropic cell structures, such as axons, it is also sensitive to their orientation dispersion. This is a major limitation to the use of FA as a biomarker for “tissue integrity”, especially in regions of complex microarchitecture. In this work, we seek to circumvent this limitation by disentangling the effects of microscopic diffusion anisotropy from the orientation dispersion.The microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA) and the order parameter (OP) were calculated from the contrast between signal prepared with directional and isotropic diffusion encoding, where the latter was achieved by magic angle spinning of the q-vector (qMAS). These parameters were quantified in healthy volunteers and in two patients; one patient with meningioma and one with glioblastoma. Finally, we used simulations to elucidate the relation between FA and μFA in various micro-architectures.Generally, μFA was high in the white matter and low in the gray matter. In the white matter, the largest differences between μFA and FA were found in crossing white matter and in interfaces between large white matter tracts, where μFA was high while FA was low. Both tumor types exhibited a low FA, in contrast to the μFA which was high in the meningioma and low in the glioblastoma, indicating that the meningioma contained disordered anisotropic structures, while the glioblastoma did not. This interpretation was confirmed by histological examination.We conclude that FA from DTI reflects both the amount of diffusion anisotropy and orientation dispersion. We suggest that the μFA and OP may complement FA by independently quantifying the microscopic anisotropy and the level of orientation coherence

    18F-AV-1451 tau PET imaging correlates strongly with tau neuropathology in MAPT mutation carriers

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    Tau positron emission tomography ligands provide the novel possibility to image tau pathology in vivo. However, little is known about how in vivo brain uptake of tau positron emission tomography ligands relates to tau aggregates observed post-mortem. We performed tau positron emission tomography imaging with 18F-AV-1451 in three patients harbouring a p.R406W mutation in the MAPT gene, encoding tau. This mutation results in 3- and 4-repeat tau aggregates similar to those in Alzheimer's disease, and many of the mutation carriers initially suffer from memory impairment and temporal lobe atrophy. Two patients with short disease duration and isolated memory impairment exhibited 18F-AV-1451 uptake mainly in the hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe regions, correlating with glucose hypometabolism in corresponding regions. One patient died after 26 years of disease duration with dementia and behavioural deficits. Pre-mortem, there was 18F-AV-1451 uptake in the temporal and frontal lobes, as well as in the basal ganglia, which strongly correlated with the regional extent and amount of tau pathology in post-mortem brain sections. Amyloid-β (18F-flutemetamol) positron emission tomography scans were negative in all cases, as were stainings of brain sections for amyloid. This provides strong evidence that 18F-AV-1451 positron emission tomography can be used to accurately quantify in vivo the regional distribution of hyperphosphorylated tau protein

    Inhibiting metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 after stroke restores brain function and connectivity

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    Stroke results in local neural disconnection and brain-wide neuronal network dysfunction leading to neurological deficits. Beyond the hyper-acute phase of ischaemic stroke, there is no clinically-approved pharmacological treatment that alleviates sensorimotor impairments. Functional recovery after stroke involves the formation of new or alternative neuronal circuits including existing neural connections. The type-5 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR5) has been shown to modulate brain plasticity and function and is a therapeutic target in neurological diseases outside of stroke. We investigated whether mGluR5 influences functional recovery and network reorganization rodent models of focal ischaemia. Using multiple behavioural tests, we observed that treatment with negative allosteric modulators (NAMs) of mGluR5 (MTEP, fenobam and AFQ056) for 12 days, starting 2 or 10 days after stroke, restored lost sensorimotor functions, without diminishing infarct size. Recovery was evident within hours after initiation of treatment and progressed over the subsequent 12 days. Recovery was prevented by activation of mGluR5 with the positive allosteric modulator VU0360172 and accelerated in mGluR5 knock-out mice compared with wild-type mice. After stroke, multisensory stimulation by enriched environments enhanced recovery, a result prevented by VU0360172, implying a role of mGluR5 in enriched environment-mediated recovery. Additionally, MTEP treatment in conjunction with enriched environment housing provided an additive recovery enhancement compared to either MTEP or enriched environment alone. Using optical intrinsic signal imaging, we observed brain-wide disruptions in resting-state functional connectivity after stroke that were prevented by mGluR5 inhibition in distinct areas of contralesional sensorimotor and bilateral visual cortices. The levels of mGluR5 protein in mice and in tissue samples of stroke patients were unchanged after stroke. We conclude that neuronal circuitry subserving sensorimotor function after stroke is depressed by a mGluR5-dependent maladaptive plasticity mechanism that can be restored by mGluR5 inhibition. Post-acute stroke treatment with mGluR5 NAMs combined with rehabilitative training may represent a novel post-acute stroke therapy

    Quantification of myelin loss in frontal lobe white matter in vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia with Lewy bodies

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    The aim of this study was to characterize myelin loss as one of the features of white matter abnormalities across three common dementing disorders. We evaluated post-mortem brain tissue from frontal and temporal lobes from 20 vascular dementia (VaD), 19 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and 31 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) cases and 12 comparable age controls. Images of sections stained with conventional luxol fast blue were analysed to estimate myelin attenuation by optical density. Serial adjacent sections were then immunostained for degraded myelin basic protein (dMBP) and the mean percentage area containing dMBP (%dMBP) was determined as an indicator of myelin degeneration. We further assessed the relationship between dMBP and glutathione S-transferase (a marker of mature oligodendrocytes) immunoreactivities. Pathological diagnosis significantly affected the frontal but not temporal lobe myelin attenuation: myelin density was most reduced in VaD compared to AD and DLB, which still significantly exhibited lower myelin density compared to ageing controls. Consistent with this, the degree of myelin loss was correlated with greater %dMBP, with the highest %dMBP in VaD compared to the other groups. The %dMBP was inversely correlated with the mean size of oligodendrocytes in VaD, whereas it was positively correlated with their density in AD. A two-tier regression model analysis confirmed that the type of disorder (VaD or AD) determines the relationship between %dMBP and the size or density of oligodendrocytes across the cases. Our findings, attested by the use of three markers, suggest that myelin loss may evolve in parallel with shrunken oligodendrocytes in VaD but their increased density in AD, highlighting partially different mechanisms are associated with myelin degeneration, which could originate from hypoxic–ischaemic damage to oligodendrocytes in VaD whereas secondary to axonal degeneration in AD