1,336 research outputs found

    A Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch formula for traces of differential operators

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    Let D be a holomorphic differential operator acting on sections of a holomorphic vector bundle on an n-dimensional compact complex manifold. We prove a formula, conjectured by Feigin and Shoikhet, for the Lefschetz number of D as the integral over the manifold of a differential form. The class of this differential form is obtained via formal differential geometry from the canonical generator of the Hochschild cohomology of the algebra of differential operators in a formal neighbourhood of a point. If D is the identity, the formula reduces to the Riemann--Roch--Hirzebruch formula.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure. Misprints corrected and appendix with analytical details added in v

    Taking implementation seriously in assessing success:The politics of gender equality policy

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    This article makes the case for the investigation of the post-adoption stages of gender equality policies. We develop the Gender Equality Policy in Practice Approach built on: (1) the mix of instruments for policy action, (2) the process of inclusive empowerment in practice and (3) gender transformation as ultimate outcome. For the gender and politics community, we demonstrate the importance of incorporating implementation in taking policy success seriously; for the policy studies community, we shows how engaging with gender provides a compelling critical case to test general propositions about policy success and the intersectional complexity of the policy process

    Wave optics of the solar gravity lens

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    It is well known that the solar gravitational field can be considered as a telescope with a prime focus at locations beyond 550 au. In this work we present a new derivation of the wave-optical properties of the system, by adapting the arrival-time formalism from gravitational lensing. At the diffraction limit the angular resolution is similar to that of a notional telescope with the diameter of the Sun, and the maximum light amplification is 8π4GM/(c2λ)8{\pi}4GM /(c^2{\lambda}), enough to detect a 1 W laser on Proxima Centauri b pointed in the general direction of the Sun. Extended sources, however, would be blurred by the wings of the point spread function into the geometrical-optics regime of gravitational lensing. Broad-band sources would have to further contend with the solar corona. Imaging an exoplanet surface as advocated in the literature, without attempting to reach the diffraction limit, appears achievable. For diffraction-limited imaging (sub-km scales from 100 pc) nearby neutron stars appear to be most plausible targets


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan pembelaan terpaksa (noodweer) dalam Pasal 49 ayat (1) KUHP sebagai suatu alasan penghapus pidana dan bagaimana syarat proporsionalitas dan syarat subsidaritas dalam pembelaan terpaksa. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pengaturan pembelaan terpaksa (noodweer) dalam Pasal 49 ayat (1) KUHP sebagai suatu alasan penghapus pidana merupakan pembelaan menghadapi serangan melawan hukum terhadap diri, kehormatan kesusilaan, atau harta benda sendiri maupun orang lain; dengan tidak memasukkan kehormatan dalam arti nama baik dan ketenteraman rumah (huisvrede) ke dalam kepentingan yang dapat dibela dengan pembelaan terpaksa.   2. Syarat proporsionalitas berarti kepentingan orang lain yang dikorbankan dalam pembelaan terpaksa harus seimbang dengan kepentingan yang dilindungi, dan syarat subsidaritas berarti pembelaan harus dilakukan dengan cara yang paling ringan (subsider); di mana berkenaan dengan syarat subsidaritas ada perbedaan pendapat antarahli hukum apakah melarikan diri merupakan cara yang paling ringan (subsider) atau tidak. Tetapi dalam suatu putusan Mahkamah Agung, diterima adanya pembelaan terpaksa karena terdakwa telah mencoba melarikan diri sehingga akhirnya berada dalam posisi tidak dapat melarikan diri lagi dan tindakan Terdakwa yang kemudian berhasil merebut salah satu pisau yang dipegang oleh korban dan berbalik menikam ke arah korban merupakan pembelaan terpaksa.Kata kunci: Syarat Proporsionalitas Dan Subsidaritas, Pembelaan Terpaksa, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidan

    Government Strategies for Successful Reforms in Controversial Policy Fields

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    When Doctors Shape Policy: The Impact of Self-Regulation on Governing Human Biotechnology

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    This paper investigates the development and adoption of governance modes in the field of human biotechnology. As the field of human biotechnology is relatively new, voluntary professional self-regulation constituted the initial governing mode. In the meantime, with the exception of Ireland, all Western European countries have moved towards greater state intervention. Nevertheless they have done so in contrasting ways and the resulting governance modes for assisted reproductive technology (ART) and embryonic stem-cell research vary greatly. Instead of imposing their steering capacity in a ‘top-down’ fashion, governments have taken pre-existing self-regulatory arrangements in the field into account and built up governance mechanisms in conjunction with private actors and pre-existing modes of private governance. Our analysis demonstrates that the form and content of the initial self-regulation explain why the self-steering capacity of the medical profession was largely or at least partially preserved through hybrid governance systems in Britain and in Germany, while in France the self-regulation was entirely replaced by governmental intervention

    Diverging against all odds? Regulatory Paths in Embryonic Stem Cell Research across Western Europe

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    An interest-driven account of Embryonic Stem Cell Research would, given the considerable financial and scientific concerns, likely predict regulations to converge towards permissive policies. However, across Western Europe, national regulations of embryonic stem-cell research vary considerably, from general bans to permissive policies. There is a lack of systematic accounting for the non-convergence, and the sparse attempts at explanation are contradictory. Drawing on qualitative comparative analysis and configurational causality, we assess the interaction of a number of explanatory factors. Our empirical analysis reveals the importance of one factor in particular, path-dependence, insofar as prior policies on assisted reproduction exert a strong and systematic effect on the subsequent regulation of ESCR

    Binnendifferenzierte Sachtexte als Unterstützung für den Erwerb von domänenspezifischen Wissensbeständen und Konzepten: Executive Summary

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    Les textes dans les livres d’école sont souvent trop difficiles même pour des élèves de niveau moyen. Pour des apprenants plus faibles et des enfants pour qui l’allemand est une langue seconde, ces textes sont trop exigeants sur le plan linguistique. La mise à disposition de textes de niveaux différenciés est dès lors une nécessité pour une école inclusive.Texts in the social sciences at schools are often difficult even for children with average scholastic abilities; weak learners or children who speak German as a second language are over-challenged. Consequently, internally differentiated texts – i.e. different versions of the same content – are necessary to create an inclusive learning environment.Sachtexte in Schulbüchern sind oft selbst für durchschnittlich begabte Kinder zu schwer; für schwächere Lernende und für Kinder mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache sind sie sprachlich überfordernd. Binnendifferenzierte Sachtexte sind deshalb eine Notwendigkeit für eine inklusive Schule.I testi contenuti nei libri scolastici sono spesso troppo difficili persino per gli allievi di livello medio; per gli studenti più deboli e per i bambini per i quali il tedesco è una seconda lingua, questi testi sono troppo esigenti dal punto di vista linguistico. L’offerta di testi che variano dal punto di vista della difficoltà di lettura diventa perciò una necessità per una scuola inclusiva.Il project „Texts tematics differenziads a l’intern sco med per sustegnair l’acquisiziun dal savair e da concepts da domenas specificas“ sa basa sin la constataziun che meds d’instruir e d‘emprender (ed ils texts tematics cuntegnids en quels) stattan anc adina en il center da l’instrucziun, ma na satisfan betg a las pretensiuns per in’instrucziun individualisanta. Questa constataziun stat en connex cun las exigenzas ad ina scola inclusiva ed a las consequenzas organisatoricas da la differenziaziun interna

    Beyond the Usual Suspects: New Research Themes in Comparative Public Policy

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge) via the DOI in this record.The principal paradox of comparative public policy has remained over the years: there is no clear and broadly shared definition of the field. This article engages with the debate about what comparative public policy is from a distinctive perspective. Drawing from a systematic analysis of published research articles that maps out the usual comparative suspects, it reflects on what comparative public policy does and does not do in terms of comparative scope and country range, and the extent to which the limitations in the comparative scope matter for cumulative knowledge, theory building and the consolidation of the field. The article discusses different strategies to address the challenge of extending the range of comparative analysis.Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research CouncilUniversity of Ottaw
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