49 research outputs found

    Direct conversion of methane-to-methanol: transition-metal dimer sites in small-pore zeolites: First-principles calculations and microkinetic modeling

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    Direct conversion of methane to methanol is a highly desired reaction. Partially oxidizing methane into a liquid fuel at ambient temperature and pressure would enable utilization of natural gas and biogas to a much larger extent than what is possible today. This is desirable since natural gas is the cleanest fossil energy source, and when in the form of biogas (or biomethane) has a net-zero carbon emission. The direct conversion of methane requires a catalyst; however, no material with high enough activity and selectivity towards methanol has been identified. Mimicking the enzyme methane monooxygenase (MMO), copper-exchanged zeolites are considered promising candidates. A plethora of different active sites have been suggested, but neither the detailed structure and composition of the active site, nor the mechanism for the reaction, are known.In this thesis, the catalytic properties of transition metal dimers in small-pore zeolites are studied using first-principles calculations, ab initio thermodynamics, and microkinetic modeling. As a first step, the stability of the Cu dimer structure in SSZ-13 is investigated under direct conversion conditions. The zeolite is found to be very humid, and the structure of the proposed active site is highly dependent on the temperature and partial pressure of relevant gases. The Cu2O and Cu2OH structures are found to be the energetically most preferred. The reaction over the sites is limited by a high free energy barrier of the C-H bond in methane and a slow methanol desorption rate. Adding water to the reaction facilitates desorption of the products, increasing the activity of the Cu2O site. The reaction mechanism for an entire reaction cycle over the Cu-dimer, including the formation of the active site, is investigated in dry and wet conditions. The oxidation of the Cu monomers, using molecular oxygen, is limited by the diffusion of the Cu species along the zeolite framework and the activity is increased when water is added to the reaction. To further investigate the composition of the active dimer site, transition-metal and transition-metal alloy configurations are investigated. The adsorption energy of atomic oxygen is identified as a descriptor for the activity of the dimer systems. Identified motifs showing activity towards direct methane to methanol conversion are the 2Cu, along with the AuPd and PdCu alloy dimer systems. The activity of these systems is comparable and, when excluding competing reactions, meets the high turn-over needed for a commercially viable catalyst

    Direct conversion of methane-to-methanol in Cu-exchanged small-pore zeolites

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    Fossil fuel consumption continuous to increase worldwide and of all the fossil fuels, natural gas is growing the most. The combustion of natural gas, which mainly contains methane, is more environmentally friendly than oil or coal thanks to its high specific energy. More energy gained and less CO2 released per kg fuel drives an increase in production. This in turn increases the demand on manageability, resulting in the common practice to liquefy natural gas. The gas is kept in liquid form, via high pressure or low temperature, for transport and distribution. In an effort to reduce the energy cost of managing gaseous energy resources, the conversion of methane into its liquid counterpart methanol is highly desired. The established procedure for the conversion is a large scale, multi-step, power-plant process, and there is aneed for a small scale, direct conversion alternative. Copper-exchanged zeolites are considered promising candidates for the methane-to-methanol reaction, where mono-, dimer, and trimer Cu-clusters have been suggested to be the active site. In this thesis, the catalytic properties of Cu-dimers in zeolites are studied using first-principles calculations, ab initio thermodynamics, and micro kinetic modeling. As a first step, the stability of the Cu-dimer structure in SSZ-13 is investigated under direct conversion conditions. The zeolite is found to contain water and the structure of the proposed active site highly dependent on temperature and partial pressure of relevant gases. Under reaction conditions, the Cu2O and Cu2OH structures are found to be energetically preferred. Evaluating the reaction path for direct conversion over the identified active sites, reveals a low activity for the reaction, stemming from a high activation barrier of the C-H bond in methane and an inability for methanol to desorb. The activity of the Cu2O site is, however, increased when water is added into the reaction mechanism. Presence of water enables desorption of the reaction products and results in an endergonic reaction path. The Cu2OH site responds in an opposite manner with respect to water, becoming less active. The new insights on the nature of the active site and the reaction mechanism provide a deeper understanding, which will aid the future search for new catalytic materials with high activity and selectivity

    Uttrykk av glypikanvarianter i MDCK II-celler

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    Epitelcellelinjen ”Madin-Darby canine kidney” (MDCK) er en velstudert polarisert cellelinje som danner tette cellelag med separate apikale og basolaterale membrandomener, som ved hjelp av polarisert transport av nysyntetiserte og resirkulerende proteiner og proteoglykaner (PGer) opprettholder de ulike membransammensetningene. Det er tidligere studert syntese og sortering av sekretoriske og transmembrane proteiner i forskningsgruppen, og det var derfor Ăžnskelig Ă„ se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ heparansulfatproteoglykanet (HSPGet) glypikan, som er kovalent bundet til den ekstracellulĂŠre siden av plasmamembranen (PM) via et glykosylfosfatidylinositol (GPI)-anker. Hos mennesker bestĂ„r glypikanfamilien av seks medlemmer (glypikan 1-6), og uttrykkes hovedsakelig under embryonal utvikling hvor de er involvert i cellesignalering. I denne oppgaven er det arbeidet med glypikan 1. Det ble laget tre ulike glypikanvarianter for Ă„ fĂ„ mer innsikt i syntese og sortering i den sekretoriske vei, og grĂžnt fluorescerende protein (GFP) ble satt inn i alle de tre glypikanvariantene for Ă„ kunne studere cellene levende i konfokalmikroskopet. Glypikanvariantene ble stabilt transfektert inn i MDCK II-celler for Ă„ undersĂžke membranlokaliseringen til full-lengde glypikan i tillegg til Ă„ sammenligne glykosaminoglykan (GAG)-sammensetningen og sulfateringsgraden av full-lengde glypikan med en sekretorisk glypikanvariant. For Ă„ kunne studere prosesser tidlig i den sekretoriske vei, ble en glypikanvariant med et vĂŠre-i-ER-signal lysin-asparaginsyre-glutamat-leucin (KDEL)-sekvens helt C-terminalt laget, for Ă„ se om dette pĂ„virker syntese og sortering av PGer. Membranbiotinylering av full-lengde glypikan dyrket pĂ„ filter, viste at nesten all full-lengde glypikan befant seg inne i cellen og at kun en liten fraksjon kom til celleoverflaten. Den sekretoriske glypikanvarianten ble ikke skilt ut av cellen som et sekretorisk protein, men befant seg ogsĂ„ inne i cellen, og det ble ikke funnet GAG-kjeder pĂ„ de to glypikanvariantene ved enzymatisk degradering. BĂ„de full-lengde og sekretorisk glypikanvariant lignet pĂ„ glypikanvarianten med KDEL-sekvens, som befinner seg tidlig i den sekretoriske vei, og ved enzymatisk behandling ble det bekreftet at alle tre glypikanvariantene befinner seg fĂžr medial-Golgi, i den sekretoriske vei. En full-lengde glypikanvariant uten GFP ble laget for Ă„ undersĂžke om GFP pĂ„virket sorteringen av glypikanvarianter med GFP, og dette ble bekreftet da full-lengde glypikanvariant uten GFP ble modifisert med heparansulfat (HS) GAG-kjeder, som viser at PGet har gĂ„tt gjennom Golgi-apparatet

    Erfaringsmedarbeidere i tverrfaglig spesialisert behandling av ruslidelser - et grunnlag for hÄp, gode rollemodeller og profesjonell nÊrhet.

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    I denne kvalitative studien har jeg undersÞkt hvilke erfaringer ledere og kolleger har gjort seg ved Ä arbeide sammen med erfaringsmedarbeidere i tverrfaglig spesialisert behandling av ruslidelser (TSB). TSB er den norske betegnelsen pÄ tjenester som utfÞres i rus- og avhengighetsbehandling pÄ spesialistnivÄ. Det betyr at alle informantene i denne undersÞkelsen arbeider i rusbehandling som skal fylle krav til helsetjenester pÄ spesialistnivÄ. Det har i Norge vÊrt en mÄlsetting Ä Þke bruken av erfaringskompetanse i tjenestene til spesialisthelsetjenesten og frivilligheten. Jeg har undersÞkt hvilken pedagogisk nytteverdi informantene opplever at disse erfaringsmedarbeiderne bringer med seg inn det tverrfaglige arbeidet. I denne kvalitative masteroppgaven har jeg benyttet meg av semistrukturert personlig intervju av tilsammen ti informanter og benyttet refleksiv tematisk analyse av data. Studien viser at ledere og kolleger opplever at erfaringsmedarbeiderne kan ha noen pedagogiske egenskaper som kommer ledere, kolleger og pasienter til nytte og de bidrar pÄ flere mÄter i det tverrfaglige arbeidet. Erfaringsmedarbeideren kan representere et hÄp til bÄde pasienter og kolleger. Informantene forteller at de opplever erfaringsmedarbeideren som brobygger mellom pasienten og personalet. De kan tidlig i behandlingsforlÞpet komme i posisjon til Ä etablere tillit og en Äpen dialog som kan overfÞres til Ä gjelde andre i personalgruppen. Erfaringsmedarbeideren har ifÞlge informantene vÊrt bidragsyter til Ä skape en form for profesjonell nÊrhet mellom pasienten og personalet. Erfaringsmedarbeideren bruker sin personlige livserfaring pedagogisk for Ä etablere trygghet, tillit og Äpen dialog med pasientene. Denne praksisen har informantene lÊrt mye av og flere av informantene opplevde at deres egne livserfaringer ogsÄ var viktig i arbeidet. For informantene var erfaringsmedarbeiderens kjennskap til lovverket og etiske refleksjoner over egen praksis viktig. Studien viser at informantene verdsetter kompetansekravet for fast ansettelse av erfaringsmedarbeidere i TSB. Erfaringsmedarbeideren er innehaver av en dobbelt rolle. Informantene sÄ denne dobbeltrollen som et nyttig bidrag om den forvaltes med bevissthet og balanse

    Hvordan kan markedsfĂžring og salg reguleres i et norsk cannabismarked

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    Vi har i lĂžpet av denne oppgaven gĂ„tt igjennom hvordan et norsk cannabismarked kan bli regulert, samt sett pĂ„ markedsfĂžring og salg innenfor dette markedet. Dette har vi gjort 3 gjennom Ă„ se pĂ„ ulike reguleringsmodeller i allerede eksisterende cannabismarkeder i tre ulike land, herunder Canada, Uruguay og USA. I tillegg vurderte vi nĂŠrmere noen allerede eksisterende reguleringsmodeller i Norge som vi ansĂ„ som relevante for implementering i et potensielt cannabismarked, herunder tobakk, legemidler, alkohol og pengespill. Dette ble gjort gjennom Ă„ se pĂ„ sekundĂŠrdata, samt informasjon gitt til oss av anonyme informanter. Under drĂžftingen av disse reguleringsmodellene kikket vi ogsĂ„ pĂ„ hvordan markedsfĂžring og salg foregĂ„r, samt hvilke grĂ„soner som eksisterer innenfor disse omrĂ„dene, for sĂ„ Ă„ knytte dette opp mot marihuana. Videre gjorde vi rede for vĂ„r metodedel og hvordan denne egentlig skulle gjennomfĂžres fĂžr Covid-19 inntraff, samt fortelle om de hindringer vi opplevde i forbindelse med dette. NĂ„r alt dette lĂ„ til grunne gikk vi videre til del 2 av oppgaven hvor arbeidet med Ă„ analysere og sammenligne innhentet data i del 1 begynte. FĂžrst drĂžftet vi rundt hvilke sektorer i det norske markedet et potensielt cannabismarked burde falle innenfor, basert pĂ„ hvordan dette har blitt lĂžst i de tre ulike landene vi sĂ„ pĂ„ i del 1, samt hvilke sektor de fire lignende markedene faller inn under i Norge. Videre gjorde vi utregninger og vurdering rundt stĂžrrelsen og potensialet pĂ„ det norske markedet, blant annet ved Ă„ se pĂ„ priselastisitet i det ulovlige markedet og gjennom en vurdering av dokumentet “Rusreformen - fra straff til hjelp”, for Ă„ kunne se pĂ„ hvordan salg i et norsk cannabismarked vil kunne se ut, samt trekke dette opp mot salg i de fire ulike kategoriene tobakk, legemidler, pengespill og alkohol. NĂ„r dette lĂ„ til grunne kikket vi pĂ„ hvordan markedsfĂžringen i et norsk cannabismarked vil kunne se ut, bĂ„de i offentlig, men ogsĂ„ i privat sektor. Dette for Ă„ se pĂ„ eventuelle fordeler og ulemper. Videre vil vi legge frem en konklusjon basert pĂ„ funnene vĂ„re gjort i lĂžpet av denne oppgaven

    Reaction mechanism for methane-to-methanol in CU-SSZ-13: First-principles study of the Z2[Cu2O] and Z2[Cu2oh] motifs

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    As transportation continues to increase world-wide, there is a need for more efficient utilization of fossil fuel. One possibility is direct conversion of the solution gas bi-product CH4 into an energy-rich, easily usable liquid fuel such as CH3OH. However, new catalytic materials to facilitate the methane-to-methanol reaction are needed. Using density functional calculations, the partial oxidation of methane is investigated over the small-pore copper-exchanged zeolite SSZ-13. The reaction pathway is identified and the energy landscape elucidated over the proposed motifs Z2 [Cu2O] and Z2 [Cu2OH]. It is shown that the Z2[Cu2O] motif has an exergonic reaction path, provided water is added as a solvent for the desorption step. However, a micro-kinetic model shows that neither Z2 [Cu2O] nor Z2 [Cu2OH] has any notable activity under the reaction conditions. These findings highlight the importance of the detailed structure of the active site and that the most stable motif is not necessarily the most active

    Complete Reaction Cycle for Methane-to-Methanol Conversion over Cu-SSZ-13: First-Principles Calculations and Microkinetic Modeling

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    The steadily increasing consumption of natural gas imposes a need to facilitate the handling and distribution of the fuel, which presently is compressed or condensed. Alternatively, reduced volatility and increased tractability are achieved by converting the chemical energy of the main component, methane, into liquid methanol. Previous studies have explored direct methane-to-methanol conversion, but suitable catalysts have not yet been identified. Here, the complete reaction cycle for methane-to-methanol conversion over the Cu-SSZ-13 system is studied using density functional theory. The first step in the reaction cycle is the migration of Cu species along the zeolite framework forming the Cu pair, which is necessary for the adsorption of O2. Methane conversion occurs over the CuOOCu and CuOCu sites, consecutively, after which the system is returned to its initial structure with two separate Cu ions. A density functional theory-based kinetic model shows high activity when water is included in the reaction mechanism, for example, even at very low partial pressures of water, the kinetic model results in a turnover frequency of ∌1 at 450 K. The apparent activation energy from the kinetic model (∌1.1 eV) is close to recent measurements. However, experimental studies always observe very small amounts of methanol compared to formation of more energetically preferred products, for example, CO2. This low selectivity to methanol is not described by the current reaction mechanism as it does not consider formation of other species; however, the results suggest that selectivity, rather than inherent kinetic limitations, is an important target for improving methanol yields from humid systems. Moreover, a closed reaction cycle for the partial oxidation of methane has long been sought, and in achieving this over the Cu-SSZ-13, this study contributes one more step toward identifying a suitable catalyst for direct methane-to-methanol conversion

    Coastal Upwelling Off Southwest Nova Scotia Simulated With a High-Resolution Baroclinic Ocean Model

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    A high‐resolution baroclinic coastal ocean model is applied to study seasonal circulation and upwelling off South West Nova Scotia (SWNS) based on 1 year simulations for 2010. The model reasonably reproduces tidal currents, seasonal hydrography, and circulation from multiyear observations, in consistence with the observed strong seasonal variations of these properties in the study area. The main physical processes affecting circulation are analyzed using numerical experiments, with focus on the effect of tidal and density induced currents on topographic upwelling. It is confirmed that the shoreward near‐bottom currents and associated upwelling are tidally induced and persistent throughout the year. It is revealed that these currents have seasonal variability, with cross‐isobath component being strong in summer throughout a large area, but weaker and confined to deeper regions in winter. The seasonal variability of Scotian Current is the dominant forcing affecting the variability of onshore bottom currents. Lagrangian particle tracking identifies two major pathways of source waters arriving at the SWNS upwelling region. A large proportion of particles come from the east with the Scotian Current, mostly from the surface layer; and a small portion of water parcels come from a mean depth exceeding 100 m from the Gulf of Maine and Northeast Channel