121 research outputs found

    Ways; Socio-Cultural Aspects of TESL in Japan

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    The objective of this paper is to present aspects of the Japanese society and culture which may directly or indirectly affect the ESL class, specifically in a Japanese college or university. An analysis of these facts and their relevance in the ESL class and teaching techniques which have been used to meet the specific needs of the Japanese ESL students are also given

    Abuse-related Behavioral Effects of Oxycodone in the Mouse and their Modulation by HIV-1 Tat Expression

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    Abuse of prescription opioids has become epidemic and oxycodone is among the most frequently abused of these drugs. Opioid misuse is a risk factor for HIV infection and its chronic use by HIV-infected individuals can be accompanied by worsened progression to AIDS, cellular damage, and behavioral deficits collectively termed “neuroAIDS”. This toxicity is likely attributable, in part, to the interaction of opioids with the neurotoxic HIV-1 Tat protein. The ultimate objective of this dissertation was to characterize the interaction of HIV-1 Tat expression with the abuse-related effects of oxycodone. Physical dependence, drug self-administration, and sensitization are three classes of phenomena observed in laboratory animals suggested to have relevance to opioid dependency. There have been few reports of oxycodone\u27s physical dependence, self-administration, or its sensitization effects in mice; therefore, the initial objective of the present studies was to establish methodologies in the mouse to characterize these effects. Subsequently, these methodologies would be applied to examine the effects of HIV-1 Tat expression on these abuse-related phenomena. A novel escalating dosing regimen (9-33 mg/kg, s.c.) of oxycodone was developed to induce physical dependence in which naloxone dose-dependently (0.1-10 mg/kg, s.c.) increased somatic signs of withdrawal. In other mice administered a similar regimen, precipitated withdrawal effects were observed using the acoustic startle response and its related measure, habituation. These oxycodone regimens also produced evidence of locomotor sensitization. Using a novel oral operant self-administration procedure, C57BL/6J mice volitionally consumed oxycodone solutions (0.056-1.0 mg/ml) under post-prandial conditions to behaviorally-active levels (i.e., produced hyperlocomotion and Straub tail). Subsequently, HIV-1 Tat-expressing mice were examined under these behavioral conditions. HIV-1 Tat-expressing mice showed altered oxycodone abuse-related effects relative to non-expressing mice in that they: (i) increased oral oxycodone self-administration, (ii) had attenuated oxycodone physical dependence-related effects as measured by acoustic startle and habituation, and (iii) had blunted expression of oxycodone locomotor sensitization. Together, these effects are consistent with previous findings of reduced morphine efficacy and dependence in Tat-expressing mice, and suggest that opioid sensitivity is reduced by HIV-1 Tat. Further studies are needed to determine the rate at which opioid sensitivity is altered by HIV-1 Tat expression


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    Liturgy and Popular Piety flourish and growing in the life of the faithful. The relationship between them evolving and affect each other. Liturgy are in a higher level when compared with the Popular Piety. However, in the practice often equated Liturgy, and even under the domination of the Popular Piety. Different meaning, mutually influential. Therefore, the most important thing here that we know the meaning correctly, so there is no deviation. An ambiguous celebration celebrated, because it is influenced by a variety of domination popular piety. The most important thing is shown that the extent to which the Popular Piety affected also to supports the Liturgy or the Liturgy itself can develop its own without the Popular Piety. Good Friday are in two rhythm between Liturgy and popular piety. Good Friday is a part of the celebration of Easter, which is celebrated differently. Look different, but it has a deep meaning in the journey towards Easter of Christ

    Foretaksstraff - Rettslige begrensninger i adgangen til Ä ilegge foretaksstraff pÄ objektivt grunnlag og uten hensyn til skyld

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    Avhandlingen omhandler rettslige begrensninger for ileggelse av foretaksstraff pÄ objektivt grunnlag. Etter strl. § 27 kan foretak straffes for straffbare handlinger begÄtt av dets representanter, uavhengig om gjerningspersonen har utvist subjektiv skyld. Hovedproblemstillingen er hvorvidt dette er forenelig med skyldprinsippet, uskyldspresumsjonen og lovprinsippet i strafferetten. Foretaksstraffinstituttet har lenge vÊrt gjenstand for kritikk i juridisk teori, og som fÞlge av nyere EMD-praksis, er det anledning til Ä komme med klarere konklusjoner vedrÞrende hvordan foretaksstraff bÞr praktiseres


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    The study was carried out in 2 steps: Step I: fermentation of dried frying tamarind seeds meal (TSM) ) roasted and analysis of amino acid: and feeding trial for feeds intake and  energy digestibility measurement (period ( II ). Completely randomized design of 5 treatments with 3 replicates procedures were applied in the step I.The 5 treatments applied were: R0: dried frying DTSM; R1: Moistening DTSM with 30mldistilled water: 50g TSM) and incubated for 12 hours; R2: Fermenting DTSM with Saccharomyces cerevisiae solution/scs(30mlscs0.3% Saccharomyces cerevisiae:50g TSM) and incubated for 12 hours; R3: Moistening  DTSM with 30 ml distilled water:50g TSM) and incubated for 24 hours; and R4: Fermenting DTSM with Saccharomyces cerevisiae solution/scs (30mlscs0.3% Saccharomyces cerevisiae: 50g TSM) and incubated for 24 hours. Block design of 4 treatments with 3 replicates procedures were applied in the step II. There were12 sows of 1.5-2years of age with 137 – 170kg (CV = 12,22%) initial body weight.The 4 treatments offered were: R0: basal feed(formulated of 48% corn meal+ pollard 42% + concentratedt feed Hi grow KB3CP152 10%); R1: basal feed + 5% fermented DTSM; R2: basal feed + 7.5% DTSM; R3: basal feed + 10% DTSM. Descriptive analysis shows that R2 is the best treatment resulting the highest total amino acids 14.04%, essential 3.71%  and non-essential amino acids 7.22%.The effect of supplementation fermented TSM up to 10% in the basal diet was not significant (p>0,05) on energy digestibility of the sows.The  Conclusions can be defined is the process of roasting and fermentation conducted phase I descriptively on acid content amino acid from wheat seeds roasted with Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 12 hours had the average content. Supplementation of wheat seeds fermented sour 12 hours with Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5-10% in the ration sows are pregnant one month to produce the same relative energy digestibility.   ABSRTRAK  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap selama yakni: Tahap I untuk fermentasi tepung biji asam (TBA) sangrai dan analisis kandungan asam amino; dan Tahap II untuk pemberian pakan untuk  pengukuran kecernaan energi. Rancangan untuk tahap I adalah rancanganacak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Kelima perlakuan adalah: R0: TBA sangrai; R1: TBA sangrai dilembabkan dengan air dan disimpan 12 jam; R2: TBA sangrai difermentasi dengan larutan Saccharomyces cerevisiae selama 12 jam; R3: TBA sangrai dilembabkan dengan air dandisimpan 24 jam dan R4: TBA sangrai difermentasi dengan larutan Saccharomyces cerevisiaeselama 24 jam. Sedangkan untuk tahap II menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok yang terdiri dari empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Penelitian Tahap II menggunakan 12 ekor induk babi peranakan sedang bunting yang berumur 1,5-2 tahun dengan berat badan awal 137 – 170kg (KV = 12,22%). Keempat perlakuan dimaksud adalah: R0: pakan basal; R1: pakan basal + 5% tepung biji asam hasil fermentasi (TBAF); R2: pakan basal + 7,5% TBAF; R3: pakan basal + 10% TBAF. Hasil uji deskriptif terhadap kandungan asam mino: total asam amino sebesar 14,04%, asam amino esensial 3,71% dan non-esensial 7,22% menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan R2  yang terbaik. Analisis ragam terhadap kecernaan energi menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh tidak nyata (p>0.05) terhadap kecernaan energi dan uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antar rataan perlakuan dalam kecernaan energi. Kesimpulan yang dapat dirumuskan adalah proses sangrai dan fermentasi yang dilakukan tahap I secara deskriptif terhadap kandungan asam amino dari tepung biji asam sangrai dengan Saccharomyces cerevisiae selama 12 jam memiliki rataan kandungan. Suplementasi tepung biji asam hasil fermentasi 12 jam dengan Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5-10% dalam ransum induk babi yang sedang bunting satu bulan menghasilkan kecernaan energi yang relatif sama


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    Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada penggunaan panel surya adalah dikarenakan matahari yang selalu bergerak seiring berjalannya waktu, efek shading akibat tertutup debu dan dedaunan, berawan atau mendung serta suhu yang tinggi menyebabkan penyerapan energi oleh panel surya menjadi tidak stabil sehingga dibutuhkan suatu metode untuk mengatasinya. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengurangi dampak penyerapan energi yang tidak stabil adalah dengan mengubah konfigurasi hubungan atau switching beberapa panel surya secara seri maupun paralel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan memonitoring rangkaian kontrol switching panel surya secara seri dan paralel sehingga level tegangan charging baterai 9v dapat terjaga. Rangkaian kontrol ini bekerja dengan mendeteksi tegangan dan suhu pada dua panel surya dengan sensor tegangan dan kemudian Arduino akan memberikan perintah kepada relay untuk mengubah sistem baik secara seri, paralel, ataupun off sesuai dengan kondisi. Pada pengujian charging baterai, daya yang dihasilkan pada setiap hubungan switching tetap stabil pada 0,7 watt dan semakin besar state battery saat charging, maka arus yang mengalir akan semakin kecil. Sedangkan saat state kondisi baterai rendah, arus yang mengalir akan semakin besar.Kata kuci: Panel Surya, Kontrol Seri-Paralel, switching, charging, Relay

    Utfordringer ved mangfoldsledelse

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    I dagens samfunn, sÄ opplever bedrifter Ä bli mer og mer internasjonale, dette med tanke pÄ at det ansettes personal av utenlandsk opprinnelse, i tillegg til at bedrifter gjerne har samarbeidspartnere og konkurrenter som tar nytte av denne ressursen. Denne bacheloroppgaven har som formÄl Ä belyse virke utfordringer som foreligger ved prosjektgjennomfÞrelser i FrÞiland Bygg Skade AS, da med hovedfokus i mangfoldsledelse. Med bakgrunn av dette, har vi utarbeidet fÞlgende problemstilling: Hvilke utfordringer forekommer i forbindelse med mangfoldsledelse hos prosjektlederne i FrÞiland Bygg Skade AS? Vi har benyttet kvalitativ forskningsmetode for Ä besvare denne problemstillingen. Empiriske data blir hentet ved hjelp av dybdeintervju av fire prosjektledere i bedriften. Det teoretiske grunnlaget for oppgaven baserer seg hovedsakelig pÄ teori og forskning knyttet til mangfoldsledelse. Vi har i tillegg til dette sett det relevant og presentere litteratur pÄ andre omrÄder, som for eksempel samhold og rolleklarhet. Tatt hensyn til oppgavens omfang, sÄ har vi besluttet Ä gjÞre avgrensinger for Ä kunne avdekke de mest sentrale utfordringene som informantene belyser. Disse er av bÄde eksterne- og interne faktorer, som ikke er av relevans i vÄr studie. I dag kan vi se at mangfold benyttes i flere sammenhenger og er et vidt begrep. Mangfold kan omfatte bÄde kjÞnn, alder, etnisitet og funksjonshemming. Begrepet defineres i denne studien som etnisk mangfold. Deler av arbeidsstokken blant snekkerne til prosjektlederne, er av utenlandsk opprinnelse. Denne studien vil derfor belyse reelle utfordringer disse mÞter i sin arbeidshverdag med tanke pÄ mangfoldsledelse. For Ä oppnÄ bedriftens overordnende mÄl hva gjelder effektivitet og produktivitet, sÄ mÄ ledelsen se verdien av god mangfoldsledelse. Lederne burde anerkjenne ulike utfordringer som foreligger, samt forstÄ og arbeide etter kjernen i mangfoldskompetanse. SÄledes kan videre anbefalinger vinkles i en retning der de fokuserer pÄ Þkt kompetanse innen ledelse og mangfoldsledelse. Denne studien bidrar til Ä Þke kunnskapen om hvilke utfordringer som foreligger ved mangfoldsledelse i FrÞiland Bygg Skade, avd. Akershus Vest. Dette kan, om leseren finner det aktuelt, generaliseres til videre forskning
