51 research outputs found

    Extratos aquosos de plantas e o comportamento do ácaro verde da mandioca

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    Extratos de plantas são uma alternativa promissora no controle de ácaros fitófagos. Neste trabalho estudou-se a bioatividade de extratos aquosos de nim, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. e cravo-da-índia, Syzigium aromaticum L., na biologia do ácaro verde da mandioca, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). Larvas recém-eclodidas foram individualizadas em discos de folhas de mandioca previamente imersos nos extratos e em água destilada, e mantidas nestas condições até atingir a fase adulta. Após a emergência, as fêmeas foram individualizadas em discos não tratados e acasaladas com machos coletados da criação estoque. As avaliações foram efetuadas a cada 12 h. As duas maiores concentrações de nim (1,0 e 0,75g do pó de sementes de nim 100 mL-1 de água) deram os melhores resultados, causando 72,5 e 37,5% de mortalidade larval, respectivamente, e até 16% para os estágios seguintes. A mortalidade em todo estágio imaturo foi de 84,6 e 55%, respectivamente. A duração da fase deutocrisálida e teliocrisálida foi levemente afetada, porém significativamente maior para o nim a 1%. Os extratos não afetaram a fecundidade, a qual variou de 6,5 a 8,6 ovos/fêmea/dia. Embora os extratos usados não tenham afetado o período de incubação, nim a 1% reduziu significativamente a viabilidade dos ovos.The use of plant extracts is a promising alternative for the control of phytophagous mites. This study was carried out to test the bio-activity of neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and clove, Syzigium aromaticum L., aqueous extracts on the behaviour of the cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). Recently hatched larvae were individualized onto cassava leaf discs previously immersed in different concentrations of the extract and in distilled water, and maintained at these conditions until reaching maturity. The females were individualized onto untreated leaf discs right after emergency and mated with males from the rearing stock. The evaluations were taken each 12 h. The two highest neem concentrations (1.0 and 0.75g of ground neem seeds 100 mL-1 water) gave the best results, causing 72.5 and 37.5% of larval mortality, respectively. Mortality of other stages was up 16%. The mortality of the combined immature stages was 84.6 and 55%, at neem concentrations of 1.0 and 0.75%, respectively. The duration of the deutochrysalis and teleiochrysalis stages was slightly but significantly longer for neem at 1.0% probability. The plant extracts did not affect female fecundity, which ranged from 6.5 to 8.6 eggs/female/day. Although the extracts used did not affect the incubation period, neem extract significantly reduced egg viability at 1% probability

    Stability of the resistance of cowpea genotypes to Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.) in successive generations

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    Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) is the most important pest of stored cowpea in tropical and subtropical conditions. This paper evaluates the stability of the resistance and the capacity of adaptation of C. maculatus to cowpea genotypes for six generations. A test without choice chance was used, in a factorial, completely randomized design, with ten treatments (n=5) in six generations of the insect. Each replication was represented by 30 grains infested by two pairs of the pest. The number of eggs/female only differed between the cowpea genotypes in the sixth generation, and between generations in BR14-Mulato, Bico de Pato, TE90-180-3E and TE87-98-8G. Viability of eggs differed between generations for BR17-Gurguéia, BR14-Mulato, IT89KD-260 and IT89KD-245, and between the genotypes in the third, fifth and sixth generations. The genotypes differed between and within generations in regard to the duration and viability of the immature phase. A reduction in the emergency, especially on IT89KD-245, IT89KD-260, CNC 0434, Bico de Pato, TE90-180-10F and BR14-Mulato, probably due to chemical substances present in the grains that affected the survival of the insects, was observed throughout generations. Genotypes IT89KD-245 and IT89KD-260 standed as moderately resistant. The adaptation of C. maculatus to the genotypes was not observed, which remained resistance throughout generations.Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) é a principal praga do caupi (Vigna unguiculata L.) armazenado em condições tropicais e subtropicais. Avaliaram-se a estabilidade da resistência e a capacidade de adaptação de C. maculatus a genótipos de caupi, durante seis gerações. Utilizou-se o teste sem chance de escolha, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial, com dez tratamentos, seis gerações do inseto e cinco repetições. Cada repetição constou de 30 grãos infestados com dois casais da praga. O número de ovos/fêmea diferiu entre os genótipos de caupi apenas na sexta geração, e entre as gerações em BR14-Mulato, Bico de Pato, TE90-180-3E e TE87-98-8G. A viabilidade de ovos diferiu entre as gerações em BR17-Gurguéia, BR14-Mulato, IT89KD-260 e IT89KD-245, e entre os genótipos nas terceira, quinta e sexta gerações. Os genótipos diferiram entre e dentro das gerações, em relação à duração e a viabilidade da fase imatura. Observou-se redução na emergência, especialmente em IT89KD-245, IT89KD-260, CNC 0434, Bico de Pato, TE90-180-10F e BR14-Mulato, provavelmente devido a substâncias químicas presentes nos grãos que afetaram a sobrevivência dos insetos, ao longo das gerações. Os genótipos IT89KD-245 e IT89KD-260 comportaram-se como moderadamente resistentes. Não se observou adaptação de C. maculatus aos genótipos, mantendo-se a resistência estável através das gerações

    Evaluation of the Expression and Protective Potential of Leptospiral Sphingomyelinases

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    Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of global distribution, which affects both animals and humans. Pathogenic leptospires, the bacteria that cause this disease, require iron for their growth, and these spirochetes probably use their hemolysins, such as the sphingomyelinases, as a way to obtain this important nutrient from host red blood cells during infection. We expressed and purified the leptospiral sphingomyelinases Sph1, Sph2, Sph4, and SphH in a heterologous system. However, the recombinant proteins were not able to lyse sheep erythrocytes, despite having regular secondary structures. Transcripts for all sphingomyelinases tested were detected by RT-PCR analyses, but only Sph2 and SphH native proteins could be detected in Western blot assays using Leptospira whole extracts as well as in renal tubules of infected hamsters. Moreover, antibodies present in the serum of a human patient with laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis recognized Sph2, indicating that this sphingomyelinase is expressed and exposed to the immune system during infection in humans. However, in an animal challenge model, none of the sphingomyelinases tested conferred protection against leptospirosis.Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecula

    Leptospiral TlyC is an extracellular matrix-binding protein and does not present hemolysin activity

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    The role of TlyA, TlyB and TlyC proteins in the biology of Leptospira is still uncertain. Although these proteins have been considered as putative hemolysins, we demonstrate that leptospiral recombinant TlyB and TlyC do not possess hemolytic activity. However, further experiments showed that TlyC is a surface-exposed protein that seems to bind to laminin, collagen IV and fibronectin. The expression of both proteins was detected both in vitro and in vivo. Our findings suggest that TlyB and TlyC are not directly involved in hemolysis, and that TlyC may contribute to Leptospira binding to extracellular matrix (ECM) during host infection.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Encefalite de Rasmussen de início tardio: relato de caso

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    A encefalite de Rasmussen é uma síndrome rara, imunomediada, que afeta principalmente a faixa pediátrica. Cursa com epilepsia focal farmacorresistente, acometimento motor e cognitivo. No relato de caso temos uma paciente que apresentou crises convulsivas focais de difícil controle mais tardiamente, aos 15 anos, com déficits motor e cognitivo discretos. A RM de crânio mostrou atrofia cortical mais significativa em hemisfério esquerdo. O diagnóstico foi difícil de ser realizado, tendo em vista ser uma doença rara e a manifestação tardia ser atípica, no entanto foi possível após realização do EEG, que foi característico da doença

    Alcohol dehydrogenase activities and ethanol tolerance in Anastrepha (Diptera, Tephritidae) fruit-fly species and their hybrids

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    The ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) system is one of the earliest known models of molecular evolution, and is still the most studied in Drosophila. Herein, we studied this model in the genus Anastrepha (Diptera, Tephritidae). Due to the remarkable advantages it presents, it is possible to cross species with different Adh genotypes and with different phenotype traits related to ethanol tolerance. The two species studied here each have a different number of Adh gene copies, whereby crosses generate polymorphisms in gene number and in composition of the genetic background. We measured certain traits related to ethanol metabolism and tolerance. ADH specific enzyme activity presented gene by environment interactions, and the larval protein content showed an additive pattern of inheritance, whilst ADH enzyme activity per larva presented a complex behavior that may be explained by epistatic effects. Regression models suggest that there are heritable factors acting on ethanol tolerance, which may be related to enzymatic activity of the ADHs and to larval mass, although a pronounced environmental effect on ethanol tolerance was also observed. By using these data, we speculated on the mechanisms of ethanol tolerance and its inheritance as well as of associated traits